Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, December 21, 1929 Lovestone and the Russian Revolution Hail the Weekly Militant!
same Browder who, on orders from Stalin, belabored Bucharin most mercilessly, denounced him as a Right winger seeking a united front with the Trotskyists, must now maintain a discreet and humiliating silence The attitude of the Lovestone group, Co. failed in 1917 and 1919, is applied, tending groups in the Bolshevik party, not on the subject. bare 48 hours after he as well as tho Right wing in the Interna under changed circumstances, in the Com quite as plainly as between the Bolsheviks proclaimed the united front of Bucharin tional Communist movement, towards the munist movement itself. This time it is the and Mensheviks in 1917 but just as surely. and Trotsky, Bucharin actually united with present position of the Russian revolution International Right wing that is failnig it The political monopoly of the Communist Stalin. The big struggle by Stalln and his as one of the most accurate tests of the is Lovestone who is traversing the well Party inevitably transfers the struggles of chief lieutenant Browder against the Rus.
distance they have put between themselves worn path of his social democratic prede the classes in Russia (proletariat, peasant sian Right wing is now over. Bucharin is and Communism in a brief period of time. cessors.
ry, Nepmen, Kulak, etc. into the Party no longer a renegade.
Why is the Russian revolution still That Lovestone protests a thousand itself, The groups that have been formed How does Browder know that he will the best touchstone for the revolutionary times his praise for the Soviet Union and represent various class interests: The Len not get an order tomorrow to quit scolding movement? Its place in the history of the Its socialist progress, that he announces a inist Opposition (Trotsky. the most con Lovestone and Co. To take them back into epoch makes it that, thousand times his opposition to imperialist scious sections of the proletariat; the the party? Anything is possible under the The Bolshevik revolution in 1917 came intervention, does not mean very much in Right (Bucharin Rykov. the interests of swift tempo of the third period. All Stalin at the end of three years of war and social the case. Oswald Garrison Villard, the the Kulak and Thermidorian elements (cap has to do is to make the decision, send democratic betrayal. It cut the first big prince of liberals, says the same thing. He italist restoration. and the Centre (Stalin) the cable, and Browder will have to turn breach in the hitherto solid walls of world is also pleasantly astonished at the social which founders in between When the out an article justifying the new rightimperialism. In one country, at least, the 1st progress of the Soviet Union; he also Right wing washes its hands of this about face. That will not be a very enjoyrevolutionary movement had become the opposes intervention. That is not the es. struggle by refusing to participate active able task, even for so willing an artisan as revolutionary state against which the rest sential test of the revolutionary.
ly against the forces reprosented by the Browder. The way for Browder to avoid of the world tore with venomous hatred. The test appears in Lovestone state Bucharin faction, it is washing its hands the the consequent humiliation is not to So far as the class conscious workers were ment on the capitulation of Bucharin of the fate of the Russian revolution. And write his nonsense now in order to be able Its existenc was a command to hich is entirely accord with the position that irrespective of all its good wishes.
to write his nonsense later with choose: either the side of the Soviet repub tion of the Brandler and other Right wing But one does not wash one handa qualms of conscience.
Hic and world revolution, or the side of the groups in Europe: Our struggle has never of a Russian revolution so easily! It exists, Our advice is given without malice or national bourgeoisie and world imperialism, been nor can it be an appendix to any indi it fights, it commands a choice. Lovestone, enmity. It is, as we said, intended only to The years that followed the Bolshevik re vidual or group in the victorious who formally repudiates all Russian fac preserve Browder for the future. As to Nolution sifted the ranks of the proletariat or defeated. Indeed, the Russian questions tions, does so in order to be able more what carthly use a Browder can be in the and its representatives into black and red. never Secame issues in our struggle. Never easily to build a national Communist future, there is a point, we ll admit. But it The intermediate color of Centrism was at any time was any attempt made to pro movement like Stalin and Bucharin build needn be made an issue of now: that wiped out in the course of struggle. There vide trustworthy official information on the socialism in one country alone. But Lovebridge can be cressed when we get to it.
remained as the two main streams in the Russian question nor were the Parties ever stone repudiation is one of convenience working class: Communism, the fighters requested to take a stand on these ques and formality only. Every line he writes for Russia as the first fortress of the world tions on the basis of actual information. on the Russian situation breathes the viewTrevolution, and social democracy, the Lorestone Wants Information point of the Bucharin group about which The first appearance of the Weekly agency utilized by imperialism in the ranks It may be said, in passing, that this we have so little information, Militant, after months of sacrifice, tho of labor against the world revolution. These lack of actual information never worried The Choice Hust Be Made canvass of hundreds of Left wing and retwo main currents still exist and struggle.
Lovestone for the five years during which The international revolutionary move volutionary workers, of scraping together The Revolution and the International he was in the front ranks of those who ment has again been called upon by the and collecting our ponnies, signally marks The command to choose between red heaped the mud of vileness and slander Russian revolution to make its choice. To to us the triumph of a fearless, honest and black was made additionally Imperat on the heads of Trotsky and the Russian attempt to have a correct policy nationally Leninist determination in face of the reacive by the foundation of the Third InterOpposition. In the struggle against them, without a correct international basis is the tionary forces at present in American labor national. It may be said that it came out Lovestone was quite willing to be an ap very essence of social democracy and the movement.
of the ruins of the Second International or pendix first to Zinoviev, then to Stalin and antithesis of Communist internationalism. To us, the Weekly Militant is the living the carnage of imperialist war. But withfinally to Bucharin. The Russian ques. Wash your hands of the Russian issues concrete, incontestable vndication of our out the Bolshevik revolution, which inaug tions were exceedingly important issues upon which the fate of the revolution de unshaking confidence that here in the aratod a new era in world history, the forin Lovestone struggle then! So important, pends, and you wash your hands of the In Unted States, the citadel of world imperialmation of the Communist International in fact, that at the last Party convention ternational Communist movement which ism, there can be founded and built a would have been highly improbable, if not he was able to turn from suporting Bucha. would be smashed simultaneously with the movement based on the revolutionary exactually inconceivable. The proof of this rin to introducing a motion to denounce collapse of victorious Bolshevism in Russia, perience of history as taught by Marx and can be found, inversely, if one will imagine him; then go to Moscow and acclaim him; That is Lovestone path. We go the other Lenin and at the same time sending its the overthrow of the Soviet Union. The then to turn back to the United States and, way. The Stalinists have a foot walking roots deep into the soil of the American Communist International at least in its today, renounce him! But more on this in each direction.
class struggle.
present form. would be smashed, even as some other time.
Let the philistines and national Bola After our expulsions from the Commuthe First International after the fall of the What is the signifigance of Love sheviks make the proud announcements of nist Party it seemed at first that the Stalin Paris Commune, In brief, the broadest and stone (and Brandler s) refusal to be an their liberation from the control of a Rus course would be completely victorious. The most substantial foundation of the Comappendix to any group in the Russian sian faction. as Hillquit did not so many entire prestige and moral authority of the munist International, which brought new Communist Party? It is a renunciation years ago. As for us, we are an inseparComintern was wielded in a concentrated Dife, bope and spirit of struggle into the not only of the right, but of the fundament able part of an international faction, led attack upon us. But in time, our analysig cranks of labor, has been and remains the al duty of every Communist in every per by the Russian Opposition. In our supthat Centrism has no conastent principle or Soviet Union. Their fates are inextricably iod. Why? Simply because the class port to this opposition we express our policy, but staggers between Communism combined.
struggle raging in the Soviet Union today struggle for the heritage of Bolshevism and and reformism, became strikingly clear.
The main argument in 1919 21 of the is reflected and expressed through the con the October Revolution.
Each new zig zag brings forth more social democratic leaders, particularly of damage and shame to the cause of Comthe semi Left type, against afiliation to the munism. The most recent new line of the Comintern was based on the ingenious Party is towards the Left. After the extheory of the separability of the Internapulsion of the Left Communists, however, tlonal and the Soviet republic. From Hill We refer, of course, to this man Brow first Communist minister of agriculture this maneuver does not deceive us. It is quit to Bauer they argued in this manner: der, who has become theoretician, pract in the Hankow government. At the Plenums merely the preparation for a drift of the We are and will be supporters of the ician and general master of ceremonies in of the Comintern he would proudly boast ruling faction back to the Right and that Russian revolution. It is an event of tre the great ideological war against Trotsky of how severely the first manifestations of in the near future.
mendous historical import. But Marx said ism in the United States. And our friendly Chinese Trotskyism had been defeated by By throwing overboard the precious How they could quote Marx. that the advice to him is to quite writing on a sub him. One day he quit cold. The Trotsky teachings of Lenin and the Comintern on struggle of the proletariat is a national ject that requires stronger heads, and turn killer became the leader of a Kuo Min Tang the united front, democratic centralism, the struggle, that is, it must deal with its na to fields that are less dangerous, require Left wing, a foe of Communism. His fight role of the party, etc. the present leadertional bourgeoisle first, The Bolsheviks are less falsification and less understanding. against Trotskyism was a mask for his ship flounders without landmarks, without excellent fellows and the Mensheviks have We hasten to assure Browder, lest he suc fight against the Chinese revolution. a clear course, from one extreme policy to undoubtedly made many blunders. But that cumb to a baseless vanity at his own prow Take Pepper. Was there a more fe another, sinking still further into the bog is a Russian question. How can we in New egg which would be ignoble in such a rocius or consistent exposer of Trotsky of factionalism generated by this lack of York or Chicago thousands of miles away leader, that his heavy assaults cause us ism than he? Do not all his old writings principle. This is demonstrated in a multiresume to take a final, decisive position no sleepless nights. Our advice is moti against the Opposition read word for word plying host of abuses perpetrated by the ion issues that have been moot problems vated only by an anxiety to preserve him like Browdder s? Of course they do. And party, from Cleveland and the needle for more than a decade in the Russian and his reputation for the future.
where is the noble knight today? That trades scandals to the miners union and movement Itselt and about which we have If Browder will only reflect for a mo gruesome fate overtook him too. He was the cooperatives on the Range. The present BO little information? Why should we be ment he will see that our advice is sound sunk without a trace.
course, completely eliminated the party as bome the tall to the kite of one of the fac and free from all questionable motives. There were Jilek and Hais in Czecho a constructive factor, and, if persisted in, tions in the Russian social democracy? Let There have been Trotsky killers galore in Slovakia. No more unyielding opponents will call for merciless exposure and revoluthe Russian comrades solve their own prob the past, veritable armies of them, and of the Opposition could be found. Came tionary struggle from the Bolshevik LeninHems. We will solve ours. We will affiliate one by one they have disappeared from the a test. Now they are moving towards social ists.
melther to the Third nor to the Second. In scene or gone to that side of the barricades democracy so fast you can see them for The Daily Worker, once a promising fact, to avoid being tied either to the Bolwhere they accused Trotsky of being. It dust.
spokesman of American Communism, has shevik or Menshevik faction, we may (and is quite clear that a gruesome fate ac And Lovestone. And Wolfe. They are now degenerated into a faction paper of they did) form an intermediate Internationcompanies the path of all these anti Trotsky living lesson for Browder. Only a year ago, the Stalin clique. On the other hand, the el which will suport. the Russian revoheroes.
when they expelled us from the party with straightorward, critical, revolutionary tone lution and even endorse the Soviet form Remember Mr. Bessedovsky Browder enthusiastic support, they freeand content of the Militant appeals to our of government and the dictatorship of the Take Bessedovsky. He expelled Trotsky ly predicted that we would travel with shopmates and is winning ever wider suppro. atariat.
and Rakovsky from the Party. He took camp of the renegades, that we would soon port. We must resolutely assume the treWA Tail to a Russian Kite over some of the work Rakovsky had been express train speed to the international mendous task in spite of all difficultThe refusal to become tail to the kite doing as Soviet Ambassador to France. He camp of the renegades, That we would ies, of winning over to the side of Comof one of the factions in the Russian social denounced Trotsky as a counter revolube in one united front with Brandler and munism the many millions of the American democracy. whatever the good reasons tionary and an ally of the Wrangel of Co. etc. One year passed. We were not and working class.
given was in actuality, as later events ficer. Then one dark night he slipped out are not with Brandler. But Lovestone, that In the words of Trotsky: We stand demonstrated, a refusal to take the side of of the window of the Soviet embassy into wholesale consumer of Trotskyiste, he IS at the helm of Bolshevism. You will not the Russian working class and its leaders, the hands of the Millukovs and Kerenskys.
with Brandler!
tear us from the working class. We will the Bolshevik Party, in order, in the end, Take Paul Marion, another great warWere space to permit, and if these were not surrender the October revolution to the to fall into the arms of the Mansheviks, rior against Trotskyism. He was head of not already enough, additional instances politics of Stalin. The proletariat thinks who represented another class and another the agitation and propoganda department could be adduced by the score.
slowly, but it thinks strong. Our Platform order of society.
of the French Communist Party. All the Yes, Browder should quit writing on will hasten this process.
The Russian revolution and the issues theses and denunciations against the Opthe subject, for who knows what tomorrow And our Weekly Militant will hasten It raised 80 sharply in the movement were position emanated from hs office. Even as will bring? The same comrade who today this process. It is a great step towards the the knives that cat between the Hillquits, Browder does today, he used to prove rashly announces that we have a united victory of the revolutionary unity of our Bauers, MacDonalds, Longuets, Welses, the united front of the renegades. Then front with Lovestone and Co. with the party and of the Communist International.
and later the Frossards, Levis and New one bright day, he skipped out of Russia Right wing, may have to eat crow a most Minneapolis branch of the bolds on the one hand, and the Com and joined the reformist enemies of the unwholesome disha week from now. The Communist League of America munists on the other. That knife has be revolution as an expose of Bolshevism come a huge steel wall dividing them per and its brutality and utoplanism. ffil manently.
Or Tang Pin San. He was the leader Today, the test in which Hillquit and of the Chinese Communist Party and the Friendly Advice to an Unfriendly Critic subscribe 00