BujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyInvasionLeninSovietStalinViolenceWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

Saturday, December 21, 1929 THE MILITANT Page America Record in Haiti. there are any in Jall at this moment, but law had been in disuse for some time. Now know there have been some in all the last while there is a difference of opinion as to few months. The blame for the killing the extent of the abuses committed under of between 2, 000 and 3, 000 Haitians in five the law of Corves, it is clearly proved, adyears by methods that were nothing but mitted and shown in the Senatorial report Extracts from Dr. Ernest Gruening Senate Testimony on Haiti in 1925 massacre rests right here in the adminis that the Haitians were taken from their trative offices in Washington. On Nov homes, transported to different parts of Haltl trouble dates from 1905 when erignty, but no explanation was ever given ember 18, Admiral Caperton sent the fol the island, compelled to work under guard a group of American financiers closely as and the money was kept in the vaults of lowing report: Fort Riviere captured by for weeks, herded in compounds at night, Bociated with the National City Bank of the National City Bank of New York until forces under Major Butler. All avenues subjected to physical violence if they resisNew York, Secured a concession to build some years later when the transfer of the of escape had been previously closed so ted, and shot it they attempted to escape a railroad. Mr. Joseph Grace, president island to the National City Bank had pro that none escaped. Fifty one were kill The Navy Department testiinony admits of Grace Co. and a director of the gressed somewhat further.
ed. no casualties our forces.
that many were thus killed. The exact National City Bank, invested two and a Two days later (after the election to That was not warfare, that was mur number is not known. It is also definitely quarter million dollars, and the National president of the American bought Philip der! little later they began using air proved that this system of violence was City Bank of New York advanced a further Rartiguenave) a draft of a treaty was preplanes to drop bombs an Haitian villages. continued in certain sections after it had halt million, using the bonds of the railsented to the newly elected Haitian presThey didn to this very long, however, for been ordered discontinued by brigade headroad as collateral. The president of this ident. It contained all the clauses which the this reason, as testified to by Major Tur quarters.
railroad, a very important figure in the al Haitians had rejected during peaceable ner. We never got enough Haitians to The bandits developed after we went fairs to follow, was Mr. Roger Farnham, previous negotiations, clauses which the gether to make it worth while to drop down there, and they were precisely the another vice president of the National City United States had subsequentely and vobombs. Think of it. How many people in same kind of bandits General Washington Bank.
luntarily abandoned, and further drastic this country knew during this time when commanded at Valley Forge (continues to How influential Mr. Farnham was in conditions. It provided for complete cu.
we were fighting to make the world safe read from Senatorial white washing reour Department of State may be judged stoms control and financial receivership. It for democracy, we were dropping bombs port. from the fact that in October 1914, Secreprovided that an arrangement should be on Haitian villages? Yet, subsequent to our The inhabitants are leaving the mountary of State Bryan wrote to President entered into by which all the claims of entry into the world war over 2, 000 Hait tain forests to cultivate the central plain Wilson of the urgent need of increasing individuals and corporations against Haiti ians were killed. They were killed because less disturbed than they have been within our force in Haitian waters at this time should be settled. It provided for military they opposed the invasion of their country. the memory of living man. It is impossible when a renewal of negotiations seems prob and police control, in the shape of a conBecause peaceable by nature though they to determine in exact figures the number able, not only for the purpose of protecting stabulary officered by Americans, which were they rebelled against the treatment of Haitians kllled in this 18 months guerilforeign interests, but also as an evidence was to have supervision and control of accorded them.
la campaign. fair estimate is about 1, 500.
of the earnest intention of this Government arms, ammunition, military supplies and Slave Laws by Marines The figure includes many reports based on to settle the unsatisfactory state of affairs traffic therein, throughout the country.
In 1918, the American military forces guesses made during combat and not on which exists.
This clause, as well as several others to resurrected the old Haitian law of Corves. actual count. The casualties, whatever Wants Haitian Customs follow, was written into the draft of the This was an old law requiring Haitians to they were, undoubtedly includes somo nonThe unsatisfactory state of affairs earliest convention, presented to the Haitwork for a few days each year on the roads combatants. The bandits were found roste which Mr. Bryan alleged to exist was a ian Government over a year previously, in their immediate community to keep ing in settlements where they were surstato of affairs unsatisfactory to the direcnamely in July 1914, and rejected by it them in repair. This was precisely the same rounded by their women and children, or torate of the National City Bank. In an then, and was now sent by wireless from kind of a law as one might find in the form in villages where they camped and were attompt to render these conditions more the Department of State to Admiral Caperof a municipal ordinance, here in the Unit tolerated by the inhabitans through fear satisfactory, several commissions went ton, on August 14. In other words, when ed States, requiring one, let us say, to or friendship. When encountered they had from the United States to Haiti in 1914 they had the Haitians in the grip of the keep the snow shoveled off one side to be instantly attacked. These conditions for the purpose of obtaining economic con military machine, they were proceeding no walk. But the military occupation deter largely account for the deaths of the bytrol of that island. These negotiations had longer to negotiate, but to dictate.
mined to build a military highway running standers.
been carried on informally for some from north to south through the island Now you understand why won. ca and Haltian Revenues Seized between months. tentative convention by forced labor. Even the moderate Haltian children had to be killed in Haiti, Haiti and the United States was presented By September 2, two weeks later, the to the Haitian government on December 10 principal custom houses had been taken 10, 1914, by the American minister. Its over, thus controlling the entire revenue essential provision was the appointment by of the Haitian Republic. The Haitian Gothe United States of a receiver of customs vernment protested in the strongest terms But Bucharin has committed, in com a permanent maneuver against the party.
for Haiti, In the Latin American Republics in a series of notes, but in vain.
parison, only an insignificant mistake, and We have witnessed the maneuvers und the chief source of revenue comes from the At the end of this mesage Secretary he has not violated a single decision of the duplicity of the Trotskyist opposition in its customs. He who controls them, controls Daniels has the following confidential Central Committee. How to explain that, in day, for example, the hyprocritical renunthe island revenues. In this agreement, injunction. spite of this, they still continue to hunt ciation of factional work. Nevertheless it a tentative reference was also made to a Confidential: It is expected that you Bucharin? What do you want of Bucharin? must be said that the Trotskylsts conduct financial advisor, should one be appoint will be able to make this sufficiently clear They demand Bucharin blood! That ed the struggle against the general line of ed. They not only wanted to get hold of to remove all opposition and to secure what Zinoviev demands, sharpening the the party more or less openly. But the the money, but they wanted to say how it immediate ratification.
question in his concluding speech.
conduct of the Right opposition is alrcady should be spent.
The admiral did as he was told. He You demand Bucharin blood. We 100 duplicity The five year plan is recoOn December 13, without warning to delivered the message which said in effect: shall not give it to you, know that well! gnized but at the same time documents the Haitian government, American marines If you do not sign, you starve. If you do (Applause. Cries of Very good. diametrically opposed to this plan are also landed in the Haitian capital of Port au not sign we are going to stay right here We are against the policy of expuls recognized, such as Notes of an Econom.
Prince from the gunboat Machias; until you do sign. After resisting over three ion; it is an abomination to us.
ist or The Political Heritage (by Bucha.
they marched to the vaults of the National months, they signed. From the speech of Stalin at the 14th rin. It is only those who cynically disres.
Bank of Haiti and carried away 500, 000 in Now, in the 10 years, almost 10 years, Congress of the Russian Communist Party, pect the party, its politically educated gold, the property of the Haitian govern that have intervened since that time, Haiti December 1925.
cadres, as well as the whole working class ment on deposit for the redemption of has been under martial law and newssupporting the general line of the Party paper money.
papers have been suppressed for the slight This double political bookkeeping is who that can adopt such an equivocal post The Haitian Government protested to est criticism of the occupation. Editors have a characteristic feature of the Right op tion.
Washington against the violation of its sov been put in jail. don know whether position; its policy constitutes, so to speak. Stalin, in Pravda, November 10, 1923 How Time Does Fly in the Russian Party!
COMMESIMISME нін ісініНИЯТеннисіннішнірів іншінііііііінісі MSIKITINICHIUNINCS 6T u more tion Details aboven condirector Here the reporter drinks a bit of water and immediate remarks; they added a few details, so to speak.
ly continues his remarks. He reports how many railroad Detail No. 1: The district committee sold the houses stations, how deep the rivers were in 1909 and so forth. inhabited by the workers to private persons, and drove UNANIMOUS! The conference grows more restless. Still, it is clear the workers into the streets in Winter.
to all the delegates that the chairman has worked out an Detail No. 2: The district committee received 7, 000 Meeting of a Party Conference elaborate report and that the geographical section is only boards for the construction of railway bridges. Since the the introduction, boards were left without any supervision, they were deBy MICHAEL KOLZOV Here in the woods, bellows the reporter, we came stroyed by a violent fire.
across various animals, as for example, ermine, fox, squir Detail No. 3: militiaman has a railway line of 250 rels, and so on, not to speak of the innumerable birds. kilometers to supervise. For the purpose of supervision ICARICHIESTACATANINMNIH You re a pretty bird yourself, the delegates were think he gets into the train and rides as a blind passenger, since ing; till you get to the actual subject we ll all kick off no ticket is put at his disposal. But at the very next staclared. Comrade Bolotnov has the floor to report figures come flying along from the speaker stand.
Detail No. 4: Primitive conditions prevall in the pub would like to touch briefly on the various branches lic school system.
on the activity of the fraction in the provincial commitof industry along the Jalinde, Urkan and Olde rivers. The Detail No. 5: The district compittee, in the last year tee.
The Party conference becomes attentive. Someone at Arst were founded in 1866 on the initiative of the engineer covered by the report, took no interest in the activity of the were eager for the remarks of the chairman. Interesting 319, 210 rubels, which is equal to 14 per cent of the total The peasants don go to the Soviets because they re afraid how he ll put the thing over, they whispered in the hall. swine. With this, Bolotnov passed over directly to tackWe have 79 sheep and nanny goats and 625 of being beaten up.
Detail No. 6: The most violent class struggle is being Sh sh sh.
ling the Soviet administration. The apparatus of our ex conducted on the land, wild exploitation of the land workThe reporter: The area of our district in its estab. ccutive is alvided into three departments: the general, ers taking place, and the district committee hadn a word lished boundaries is equal to 50, 105 square kilometers which embraces the work of the presidium, political edu to say about this, either. And so forth and so on, or 5, 010, 000 hectares or 4, 586, 500 desjatines. According to cation, public education, war questions, agriculture and area, our district takes second place in the province and public health. Besides that, the taxation, financial and ad HE discussion is closed. The reporter gets the floor forms 33. percent of the total area of the province. The ministrative department. Then the chairman listed the for concluding remarks. He establishes with satisfactemperature in Winter is degrees below, in Summer, 16 various sections and remarked that many women are active tion that the various comrades really had nothing to pro degrees above.
in the village Soviets.
ent against the content of the report, and that the cor (You see, his hearers whispered knowingly to each rectness of the line is thereby demonstrated.
other, he begins with figures too. With re ERE the reporter suddenly broke off his arguments, gard to the detalls reported, it is self understood that the The temperature in the vegetation period can be fig wiped the sweat from his brow and packed his papers into work has many shortcomings to show and that is quit ured at 13 degrees on the average, its duration. 135 days. his thick bag. hardly perceptible disagreement followed natural, since the work cannot produce successes only. It On the basis of rainfall, which is reported at 400 milli: in the hall. Someone took the floor: Comrades, pro conclusion, he observes that he who never does anything meters, our district belongs to the dry belt. Considered pose to have comrade Bolotnoy continue the report with never makes mistakes. He was probably basing himsel generally, the largest part of our district belongs to the out taking an adjournment for lunch. Then we ll be on Lenin. Northern latitude and is counted among the regions that through with the report today so that we can begin the dis two page resolution was adopted. In it, the politica lle high above sea level.
cussion early tomorrow morning.
and economic position of the district were approved, the ac (Now he getting more specific they whisper in the From the presidium rings the answer: Oh! You didn tive participation of the workers in the enterprises of the presidium he undoubtedly indicating something, only understand the reporter, Comrade Bolotnov has already Party and the Soviet power was established. And so fortb we don know what he means by It. finished his remarks. request the comrades to take the in the same spirit. The Southern part of our district is counted among floor. sigh of relief in the hall. Are there any remarks on the resolution? No! A!
the regions that do not lie so high above sea level. The No one challenged the figures of the chairman on the in favor? Opposed? Abstentions? None! Adopted unan workers are amazed, they don understand what all this is distances between the various railroad stations, nor did mously! declare the conference closed and propose t: for. but the incorrigible reporter continues further anyone get indignant over the fact that only squirrels and the delegates to sing the International. We have postal departments in the district and radio not ostriches can live in the woods of the district.
The workers stood up and cautiously moving thci stations; 486 kilometers of waterways and 1, 198 kilometere that point they were in accord. The workers who partici freezing legs gingerity at first low, then even louder the of highways.
pated in the discussion, however, only supplemented the sang the International.