AnarchismBolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyLeninMarxStalinStalinismWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, December 14, 1929 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS Constitution of the Communist League devil 3rd PERIOD HITS DAILY WORKER leaflets are doing the Communist movement position nor the official Communist Party to investigate the fake charges that were New York, untold harm and the workers class the is leading anywhere in South America, We made against us after we were expelled, Dear Comrades: members of the Party as a bunch of crazy do our best, of course, but that all. Lenin and promise to publish an open statement The third period has hit the Dally people. It will take years to live down these taught that the truth is the best way to on the truth of our expulsion both to the Worker. In line with the Stallnesque ukase blunders.
win the magses, but nowadays all the press membership and in the labor press.
on the Bolshevization of the Party apYours for Communism, that inspired by Stalin and the Is The continues to slip down paratus, Magli and Pollack were CARL SKOGLUND nothing but words, words, a tissue of hill to complete bankruptcy. Mass expulsremoved from the staff over a month ago misrepresentations and hot air.
fons are again taking place and more and and Harrison George and General Paul DAILY WORKER EXPERT Comradely yours, more to come; after years of compromise Crouch shoehorned into their places. ShortBuenos Aires, Argentine, with the Right wing leaders of the Finnish ly before that happened, Sender Garlin ob Dear Comrades: organizatons. The whole conflict was contained a leave of absence which has since Who is this Albert Moreau who writes THE SPORTS MOVEMENT IN CANADA tinually suppressed from the rank and file.
become permanent; he is now in Pitt in the Rally Workeri His articles are terToronto, Canada. The membership is unable to figure out sburgh, ostensibly as editor of the Coal rible for lles, exaggeration and ignorance. Dear Comrades: what it all about. What confidence can the Digger.
In the Dally Worker of September 12, he The Toronto group is now getting into rank and file have in a leadership that was More recently the new leadership decid says: Radowitski. within the four walls shape for action. am quite hopeful that steamrollered to the top, with less than ed that the hour for taking over the last of Usubala prison, Buenos Aires. Now, the new year will bring stability back into of the membership supporting them.
stronghold of non Fosterism had struck, Usuhala is a convict settlement in Tierra our ranks. We plan a couple of public The Ukrainian membership are next to and consequently Whittaker Chambers who del Fuego, more than 2, 000 kilometers from meetings with comrade Spector, beginning be expelled. After that there will remain the despite taints of Lovestoneltis has hand Buenos Aires. It like saying Manila prison with January.
100 Bolshevik leadership and a handful ed the copy desk for five months. Miller in the State of New York.
The whole workers sport movement of faithfuls if they too don get the royal and young Jacob Burke, the cartoonist, Then again Workers. are demanding looks as though it has slipped out of the toe. The former father of the Stalinist line who has been doing the make up, were in huge demonstrations the release of Ra hands of Stalinists. Following the com on the trade union field, Salzberg, has also notifled early this week that the axe had dowitzki. Is a meeting of about 400 persons plete bankruptcy of the Canadian Stalin been given the boot after he had come to tallen a huge demonstration for a city of over ists in the organization, a number of Fin the conclusion that the Canadian Industrial They go tomorrow to make room for two millon population? For Sacco and Van nish worker sportsmen are now trying to Needle Trade Union was bankrupt. At the Harry Gannes, Nat Kaplan and Bill Dunne. zetti we had somo big meetings 50, 000 at reorganize the national executive.
last trade union meeting they told the The first named is to be the Daily financ the lowest estimate but never for Ra In an open letter to the Labor Sports stupefied rank and file that Salzberg was a 1al expert. Kaplan replaces Chambers on Howitzkl. Besides the affair of Radowitzki Union of America, the secretary of the traitor, social democrat, etc. Due to the the desk.
Is claimed entirely by the anarchists, and Workers Sports Alliance (Canada) con backward ideological level and lack of The stout hearted Harry Wicks Is no Communists have very little to say in it. demned the factional splitting methods of Bolshevik understanding of the Third longer with us; he has been gone for As for The Communists. are the leading the Young Communist League which has Period, the proceedings became quite hot several weeks and since his departure elements in this almost general upheaval brought chaos into the organization. The for a while. Not all the workers gulped in most of the editorial boller plate has been that so much rot. Neither the Op has already appointed a committee the hot air.
pounded out by the grantte monument to MAURICE QUARTER brilliance, with an occasional bull thrown in by Minor or the Polcom or Cohen himself. Once the springs of editorial inspiration ran so dry, what with Minor gadding Tardieu about blatherskiting with the new illuminati, that old Vern Smith was pressed into ARTICLE I: NAME SEC. The branch executive commit(Continued from Page 3)
service to write a chapter of the Stalin SEC. The name of this organization tee is elected by the membership meeting gospel shall be the THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE of the branch and is subordinate to it.
the party thinks that the strengthening of repression is a reply to the broadening of Those who remain on the staff are OF AMERRICA (OPPOSITION. ARTICLE VI: DUES INITIATION labor struggles. But on the contrary, the Smith, the indispensable (national labor ARTICLE II: PURPOSE SEC. Each applicant for membership less violent these struggles are and the news. Barbara Rand, a former Graphic SEC. The purpose of the organization shall pay an initiation fee of fifty cents more the party separates itself from the sob sister, at present out in the Illinois is to organize the Communists in the which shall be receipted for by an initiation masses, the more the government hastens mine fields writing up gawdelpus! the United States and Canada, Inside and out stamp furnished by the National Committo ransack the revolutionary organizations, the struggle of the miners (now we know side the official Communist Parties, for tee. The entire initiation fee goes to the Nato corrupt and weaken them.
who 1s leading the Daily struggle the struggle to preserve the fundamental tional Committee.
The most pressing need of the Comagainst Watt and the Trotskyists! Ed. teachings of Marx and Lenin in the Com SEC. Each member shall pay fifty munist party is to find normal relations Martin Moriarty, young comrade; and munist movement and to apply them in cents per month dues which shall be rewith the working class again, so as to be Honig, warker correspondence editor and the daily activities of the workers in the ceipted for by dues stamps furnished by able to establish a front against the governhandy man around the office. Crouch. He class struggle and to reunite the Commu the National Committee. Of this amount 35 mental attack. But it is clear that the has been entrusted with what is called nist International on that basis.
cents is remitted to the National Commitparty of Cachin or Semard, bound to its national political news. For a while ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP tee and 15 cents remains in the branch or international bureaucracy and entirely corhe was hanging between the local treasury.
rupted in its cadres, is incapable of it. The and the deep blue sea the League SEC. Everyone who subscribes to SEC. Members unable to pay dues on preasure of the conscious workers is needwanted to ease him out and the the principles and tactics laid down in the account of unemployment or strikes shall, ed, devotion and patient work are needed Party had no place available for one of his first four Congresses of the Communist Inupon application to the branch secretary, to create cadres anew, nuclei with clear astounding parts, The General fought Hike ternational, who accepts the platform of the ideas. In a word, to recreate a Communist sixty to retain his hold on his League conCommunist League and who agrees to abide be furnished exempt stamps by its discipline and engage actively in SEC. Members who are three months party.
nections, but in the end they put the skids its work shall be eligible to membership in arrears in payment of dues shall cease NAVILLE under him and, quite naturally, he landed in the Communist League.
to be members in good standing. Memin the Daily chancel with a dull and sickParis, November 15, 1929.
ening thump.
SEC. Every member must join a duly bers six months in arrears shall be stricken The Daily? Ask any rank and file workconstituted branch of the League in the from the rolls.
er what he thinks of it, especially in its locality where he resides. Groups of memARTICLE VII: DISCIPLINE present Bolshevized, Fosterized, politicalized bers shall be organized in places of emSEC. All decisions of the governing form. Did you know that the central organ ployment under the supervision of the bodies of the League are binding upon the LOS ANGELES, Calif. Belmont News Co. Branch. Where no branch existe applicants now actually goes to press yithout benefit members and subordinate units of the or 101 East 5th St. Western News Stand, of United Pregg ticker service, or even the shall be admitted as members at large. ganization Box 604, Arcade Station.
capitalist newspapers? The ticker was shut SEC. Pending formation of a separate BEC. Any member or organization SAN FRANSISCO, Calll. McDonald Book off a week ago because of failure to foot national organization of the Canadian Comviolating the decisions of the League or Shop, 65 Sixth Street the bill, and a few days later the newemuntsts adhering to the Platform and any of its authoritative bodies shall be WASHINGTON, Gale Book Shop, 805 dealer stopped leaving the papers for the principles of the Communist League of subject to disciplinary action up to ex Tenth St, same reason. But then, the Dally always did America, branches in Canada shall be afpulsion by the organization having jurisdic CHICAGO, ILL. Cheshinsky Book Store, manufacture its news out of the thin air, filiated directly with full rights.
2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, BO where is the difficulty?
ARTICLE IV: ORGANIZATION SEC. Charges against any member 1623 Madison St. and on varlous newsThe Active Press is in sad straits, and SEC. The highest governing body of shall be made in writing. Charges fled stands.
It is bruited about that the Daily itself may Communist League shall be the branch betore branches shall be considered by SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Joe Angelo, 431 No.
go under at any moment; 1t that happens, made up of not less than five members the branch executive committee at a meet Wesley St.
it will probably reappear as a weekly. One When the branch attains a membership of ing to which the accused member is in BOSTON, MASS. Shapiro Book Store, more fruit of the new line.
75, It shall be subdivided into two branch vited. The recommendation of the Branch Beach St. near Washington.
Yours in comradeship, es.
Executive Committee is acted on by the ROXBURY, MASS. Goldberg Store, 536 K, WILKES SEC. Wherever two or more branches membership of the branch. Charges con Warren St. exist in the same locality, a Local Execu sidered by higher units of the organization DETROT, MICH. Aidas Book Shop, 1713MOVING AHEAD IN MINNEAPOLIS tive Committee shall be formed by dele are also acted on by them.
24th St. and on various newsstands.
Minneapolis, Minn, gates from the respective branches elected SEC. Any member subjected to discl MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News on the basis of proportional representation. plinary action has the right of appeal to Dear Comrades: Co. 234 2nd Ave. So.
ARTICLE Y: ADMINISTRATION the next higher body, up to and includThe League in Minneapolis is carrying KANSAS CITY, MO. Buehler Book Store, SEC. The highest governing body of ing the National Conference. Pending acon real good work, which will bring in many 220 West 12th St.
tion on the appeal the decision of the par ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster Book Store, 410 new members from among the American the Communist League is the National Conty organization having jurisdiction remains Washington Ave.
workers. We are about to start a campaign ference.
SEC. Between National Conferences in full force and effect.
to organize the general drivers into unions, PHILADELPHIA, PA. On various newsstands.
We have very good connections in this this authority is vested in the National ARTICLE VIII: CONFERENCES particular industry. We are also carying on Committee elected by the National Con SEC. The National Conference of the SEATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book ference.
work among the cab drivers with good League is held once year. Special ConStore, 905 Third Ave.
results. Left wing has been developed in SEC. The National Committee con ferences shall be called by the National CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News the Amalgamated which meets regularly sists of seven members. The National Con Committee upon the demand of branches or Co. 109 8th Ave. West and has excellent connections.
ference also elects five alternates who be local executive committees representing TORONTO, ONT. CANADA. On various The defense movement is going on fair come members of the National Committee newsstands.
one half of the membership.
ly good with prospects of more mase supNEW YORK, :On various newsstands in in case of vacancies in the order of their SEC. The Call for the Conference port in the future.
New York and Brooklyn; Biederman Bookvote.
together with an agenda shall be issued at Two classes have been organized by the SEC. The National Committee directe least sixty days before for the discussion of store, 2d Ave and 12th St. Rand Bookstore, League one in the of Communism all the work of the national organization, the Local organizations and in the official East 15th St. The Militant, 25 Third Ave.
and the other on American labor history. decides questions of policy and elects the organ.
In addition to the stores listed above, The Party is back in its underground national secretary, editor and other neces SEC. Representation to the ConferThe Militant also can be obtained through days and 18 Issuing manifestos and leaf sary officers.
ence shall be based upon the dues paying members and Branches of the Communist lets like then, only this time they are not SEC. V: The local governing body of membership in good standing for a period League of America.
numbered. The last one was about us splitt the League is the Local Executive Com of three months prior to the issuance of the Workingmen and women who wish to ing the labor defense when we tried to mittee consisting of delegates from the get in touch with Branches of the Communwork with them and were expelled. am branches elected on the basis of proportion SEC. The manner in which the cost ist League of America (Opposition) or to called traſtor, renegade and accused of mak al representation. Where only one branch of the erence shall be detrayed shall obtain The Militant are requested to write ing alliances with City Hall prose exists this authority 18 Vested in the by the National Committee in THE MILITANT, 25 THIRD AVENUE. utors, and of labor fakers. These bership of the branch the Conference.
Room 4, New York, Where to Buy The Militant Call