BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, December 7, 1929 The Capitulation of Bucharin Imperialists. Things will get too hot for and the Party has now been transformed Stalin. He will hardly know which way Into a legal battle of lawyers before the to turn. Then we will be right there in the Very honorable and respected courts of Political Bureau with our program which Massachusetts.
tewill have no choice but to accept. Then WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTS OF THE RIGHT WING NOW? we will see.
In the meantime, the elements previously in the leadership of the order, formed a New Right Center Bloc Committee for Non Partisanism in the InBy Max Shachtman What can be expected, therefore, is a dependent Workmen Circle. Among the week after the Daily Worker an the Opposition, representing the elements reconstitution, on a new basis, of the old leaders of this group are to be found Left nounced the action of the November Plen continuing the line of the October revolu Right Center bloc, shattered by proletarian Wingers, socalled Centrists, and some who um of the Communist Party of the Soviet tion, was beaten in the Party. It was a blows and the whip of the Opposition. This are undoubtly connected with the Right Union in removing Bucharin from the Po sacrifice offered to reaction.
foreshadows, a veering to the Right by the wing in one way or another. But the movelitical Bureau, and two days after the The passivity of the workers during leadership of the Russian party, and there ment has passed beyond its leaders, and Revolutionary Age triumphantly informed fore the Comintern. There is no doubt represents far more than they speak for.
this period of the blows of reaction is now its readers of the disintegration. of swiftly disappearing. Out of this resurg that Bucharin, as a vanquished ally, will The members suporting this movement are Trotskyism. the press carried the Moscow ence of proletarian strength, aided by the have a far greater influence in the councils not against the Left wing, but against the dispatch on the capitulation of the internapersistent fight of the Opposition, came of the Party than the Bucharin who has for arbitrary, narrow, mechanical, bureaucratic tional leaders of the Right wing. Buchar the struggle by Stalin against the Right the last few months been the public tar methods employed by the present Party in, Rykov and Tomsky.
get for all the official theoreticians and leaders.
wing, which has led to the latters capitulaIt is quite true that if the ParThe exact wording of the capitulation tion.
bootblacks of the Centrist apparatus. That ty persists stubbornly in its present course, is not yet, of course at hand. The Assohe will use this influence against the Left, the Right wing will be able to play clevWhy was it so easy, comparatively ciated Press dispatch, however, quotes the e. against the Leninist Opposition led erly upon the sentiments of the Left wing statement of Bucharin in part: speaking, to deliver a defeat to the Right by Trotsky, a hundred times more than workers, pull them away from the Com For nearly two years we opposed wing in the Party? Precisely because its against the Right, should be clear to any munist movement, and strengthen the hand the Central Committee in a series of politistrength lies not so much in the basic eleone except the hoplessly gullible who swal of reaction in the Independent.
the Communist Party as ents Against does cal problems. We consider it our duty to low Bucharin declaration of War this tendency, it is the duty of every class in the allen class elements outside the declare that in this dispute the Communagainst the Right wingers.
conscious militant to fight. The welfare Party ist Party and its Central Committee proved Therein lies the peculiar nature of the Right wing.
of the Independent as a fighting arm of Stalin can mobilize the Another consequence will be a smartto be right and we were wrong.
ing blow at the international Right wing.
the labor movement, calls not for a fight proletarian forces in the Party against the Bucharin Wm Fight the Right!
Right wing not because the workers are so few formal cracks at them from Buch against Communism and the Left wing but a fight for the Left wing, for the strengtharin himself will be more than many of Admitting our mistakes, we promise enthusiastic over the bureaucratic Indeening of the Communist movement, against thêm can stand. The Stalinites will use together with the Communist Party to cisiveness of Centrism, but because they Bucharin capitulation to the maximum the reawakened Right wing, and against fight decisively against deviations from are stubbornly hostile to the Right wing and very clumsily and stupidly, if the the adventurist policy of the Stalinites.
the Party general line, particularly against and the enemy clas behind it. The Right The fact that the Right wing will try to Daily Worker is any criterion in order Right wingers, in order to overcome all wing cannot mobilize its strength inside to drive a knife through the various Right make as much capital as possible out of difficulties and assure full victory for go the Party to any sufficient strength to challenge Stalin. That was proved in the Moswing groups.
cialist construction.
the present situation, requires the utmost The capitulation is therefore apparently vigilance and resistance on the part of the cow and Leningrad Party organizations, Deprived now of an international base. complete. Not only to the Right wing class conscious workers who built the both controlled by the Right wing, and both which has become, particularly since the leaders beat their own breasts in humill of the cleared of the outstanding BucharRussian revolution, the most essential preIndependent into a source of strength and requisite for orientating oneself in the reypride for the Left wing.
ty and confession, but they announce them inites in less time than it takes to tell.
selves prepared to beat the heads of all How the Right Can Fight olutionary movement, the Right wing will Left Wing Workers vs. Right wingers in addition. The picture go through a process of differentiation.
The Right wing will be able to measSome parts of it will go over to the soThe Non Partisan Committee moveof Bucharin, Tomsky and Rykov fighting ure swords with Stalin when it gets ready al democracy. Others will capitulate ment cannot be ignored. It is not a Right against the danger of the Right wing is to mobilize the class forces that support wing movement.
indeed rare one, to the Stalin apparatus, a process that will It has the support alcomparable only to it outside the Party. But to set these for that of the Catholic Church fighting intolnot be halted by the fervid avowals that ready of the majority of the membership, ces actively into the motion means civil erance or Tammany Hall fighting politithe Right wing does not support any fac and the largest branches in the order.
war no less and the first step towards tion in Russia (see Lovestone in the cur Branch 7, Worcester, the largest in the cal corruption. And the Daily Worker can counter revolution. This, and nothing else, hardly contain its joy at the fact that the rent Revolutionary Age. Still another sec country, Branch 75, Pittsburgh, the second is the concrete meaning of what Stalin Right Center Bloc in the Russian Party (only last year) called the capitalist retion will conclude the process of disillu largest, Branch 18, 19 and 27 of Dorchesand the Comintern is about to be reestabter, Branch 24 of Chelsea, 29 of Revere, storationist elements represented by the sionment with the Right wing and the CenIshed for strengthened struggle against trist swamp by a reversal of its position 40 of Peabody and many, many others that Right wing, and what Trotsky calls the the Right danger and Trotskyism.
and adherence to the Left Opposition. The were always supporters of the Left wing, danger of Thermidor.
Why did Bucharin capitulate? Does Lovestone group in the United States which and prominently known as Left wing Bucharin has capitulated for the time of all the Right wing groups in the Inter Committee. More than 50 branches are afthe capitulation mean the liquidation of being only. That 18 plain from the social the Right danger in the Soviet Union?
national has the weakest ground in princi branches are now with the Non Partisan Will Bucharin, Rykoy and Tomsky reroots of the Right wing, which are such ple or tradition beneath it, will pass through filiated with the Committee. If these work, as will prese, at a more favorable moment, this main in their present, newly adopted posidifferentiation more rapidly than ers who always cherished the Left wing for a renewed offensive by the Right, Buch others. Its leadership stands condemned are steadily won over to the Right in the ion for a long period to come? The anarin and especially Rykoy calculate: No by its entire past. Its ranks, which con course of this fight, the cause for it will wer requires a word on the nature of the need of being cut to pieces now by this tain many Communist workers whom the lle chiefly in the stupid, unpardonable tight wing in the Soviet Union.
ignoramus. We will walt. Next year will The workers state is today experiencfear strickon Stalinite idiots were unable blunders of the Stalinite pupils in this be a hard one him. The five year plan ng the accumulated effects of the contrato retain, and whom Lovestone will not country, who are incapable of winning will begin to meet its real difficulties. The dictions of a proletarian revolution in a keep forever with his fairy tales about workers for Communism and constantly Kulak wil begin to press bard. We may backward predominantly agriculture counthe disintegration of Trotskyism, belong create splendid opportunities for the rebe harrassed on the East or West by the to the Leninist Opposition.
formists in every field, try, an island isolated in a capitalist sea, seeking to maintain itself in a period of the The comrades of the Communist Learetarded world revolution. Since the gue (Opposition) in Boston and in Chelheight of the revolutionary wave in Eusea in particular are actively engaged in rope had reached with the opportunity mispreventing a drift to the Right or away sed by the leaders of the Germany Comfrom Communism and the Left wing in munist Party in 1923, the Soviet republic BOSTON The collapse of the mechanithe Without giving any endorseing faction in the Party were considered fit has gone through six years of reaction, a cal control established over the Independ tor anything, everyone else was denounced ments to the leaders of the Impartial Comreaction based upon a proletarian state. ent Workmen Circle by the Communist 8 yellow social fascist. Workers who mittee, they are conducting a struggle for in this period, national tendencies grew Party bureaucrats, foretold by us many had been heart and soul with the Left the retention of the nonpartisan, all inat the expense of internationalism, opmonths ago, is now proceeding at full wing for years were alienated and abused clusive and Left wing character of the portunism at the expense of a revolution speed. At the last convention of this Jew simply because they refused to go along Circle. They oppose the wrong policy of ary line. In this period occurred the Men ish fraternal labor order in Chicago, the with the ruinous policy of the Party.
the Communist Party and the efforts of the shevik enormities of Stalin and Bucharin Stalinists packed the sessions with deleRight wing to establish its control over the in the Chinese revolution, the British genThe strategy of the Party was to 18gates from small, newly formed branches eral strike, the Pilsudski coup Etat, and sue from its debacle in the Workmen organization, as well as the inexcusable, and captured the organization with a anti working class action of the Board in the general back sliding into capitalist Circle by a coup Etat in the Independent of Appeals in procuring a court injunction, vengeance. All opposition was ridden down channels in the Soviet Union. This period First, capture the Independent, then split roug shod, and a series of resolutions which gives the capitailst class an open marked the organizational defeat of the adopted which stamped the Independent off the Left wing for the affiliate band in deciding working class disputes.
Opposition and its expulsion from the Parit to the and thereby come into Workmen Circle as purely Communist ty, its imprisonment and exile.
possession of a larger, perfectly controlled Party from beginning to end. The Daily That is, get rid of the tirsome The Roots of the Right Wing Worker was endorsed. The Freiheit was struggle against the Right wing bureauThis period marked the rise of the given the same The Left wing unions crats in the Workmen Circle, and lead Right wing danger in the Soviet Union pri were officially adopted. The Communist LOS ANGELES, Calif. Belmont News Co. a life of Left wing peace in the Independmarily. The social economic roots of this Party was approved. All this was done 101 East 5th St. Western News Stand, ent.
tendency are always latent in the situation, with ruthless gusto and disregard for any Box 604, Arcade Station.
since, as Lenin pointed out, capitalism con of the consequences.
This bit of Napoleonic strategy, how SAN FRANSISCO, Callt. McDonald Book tinues to grow out of the very soil of the Reaction Sets In ever, failed to reckon with the host, e. Shop, 65 Sixth Street Soviet Republic in Russia. But the policy with the Right wing in the Independent, WASHINGTON, Gale Book Shop, 805 of yielding to the elements of capitalism, So completely did the Party take over dormant for years, uninfluential, but al Tenth St, followed by Stalin and Bucharin, created a the organization that a reaction set in ways on the lookout for a chance to CHICAGO, ILL, Cheshinsky Book Store, basis for an enormous growth and conft among the members. It must be borne strengthen itselt. The purely arbitrary, 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, dence of the Right wing. Behind it stood in mind that the from its leadership rough riding measures taken by the Party 1623 Madison St. and on various news the Kulak, the Nepman, the bureaucrat, to its membership, has always been consid after its capture of the gave the stands.
the concessionaire and world imperialism. ered an anti Forward and pro Left wing or Right wing its long looked for chance to SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Joe Angelo, 431 No.
And since these elements canont legally ganization. It has always supported every make a frontal attack on the Communists Wesley St.
express themselves politically in the Soviet Left wing institution and campaign. The directly, and indirectly against the whole BOSTON, MASS. Shapiro Book Store, Union, because of the monopoly of the membership was definitely sympathetic to Left wing. Its control of the Board of Beach St. near Washington.
Communist Party, they found another way the Communist movement. The Appeals gave It the formal opportunity for ROXBURY, MASS. Goldberg Store, 536 they exerted such a pressure as built and was one of the most fertile recruiting removing the Party controlled National Ex Warren St.
strengthened a Right wing inside the Comgrounds for the Communist Party, parti ecutive Committee, allegedly for its ne DETROT, MICH. Aidas Book Shop, 1713munist Party. In other words, the Right cularly its Jewish section, and the latter gotiations with the Left wing of the 24th St. and on various newsstands.
wing was the political expression of the was gradually establishing its ideological Workmen Circle, held for the purpose of MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News new possessing classes in the Soviet Union, and organizational influence in the ranks. working out the ways and means of effect Co. 234 2nd Ave. So. the restorationist elements, of Ther Not satisfied with this steady progress, ing the affiliation of the latter. The KANSAS CITY, MO. Buehler Book Store, nidor, that is, of the carrying out of the and anxious to grab every possible position refused to recognize this decision, and, 220 West 12th St.
bourgeois counter revolution still under the and keep it under absolute, alr tight Par on October 30 it occupied the offices of ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster Book Store, 410 outward forms of the proletarian state. ty control, the Stalinites prepared their the organization, put new locks on the Washington Ave.
For years the policy of yielding to the little adventure which the Communist door, met, removed the chairman and gen PHILADELPHIA, PA. On various newsThermidorlan elements in the country was movement is going to pay for heavily. No eral secretary of the organization and the stands.
practised by the bloc the Right wing sooner had the Party installed itself in power whole Board of Appeals! The latter an SEATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book and the Center (Bucharin and Stalin. a in the organization, than it proceeded to run iswered with an injunction against the Store, 905 Third Ave.
bloc in which the policies of the Right the like a Prussian drill master. usurpatory. National Executive, and the CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News wing prevailed. Precisely because of that. Only those officially approved by the rul whole struggle between the Right wing Co. 109 8th Ave. West The Party Adventure in the Where to Buy The Militant