BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, December 7, 1929 DISARMAMENT and the UNITED 2. Disarmament a la American is understood perfectly by all the serious Browder Dazzling «Logic»
Continued from Page breakfasts will be enough for the economic of the International situation? It means not directed against America, that is, that technico military preponderance in order unification of all the nations of Europe. the establishment of a great Inequality to balance off to a certain extent the incomthe relation of forces does not change to between them in America favor. And that parable technical and economic preponderIts disadvantage ance of the United States. The equalizaThe semi official organ of MacDonparticipants in this game, above all by the tion of the two fleets before the war means ald, the Daily Herald, wrote on SeptemAlongside the problem of unifying Admiralities of London and Washington. that from the very first months of the war, ber 10 that the idea of the United States Europe, that of the reduction of arma If they preserve silence on these matters, America will have an incontestable advanof Europe was grotesque and even a proments has just been put on the order of it is only out of diplomatic timidity. But tage. Not for nothing did America threatvocation. If this fantasy were realizable, the day. MacDonald has declared that the we have no reason to Imitate them.
Europe would erect an enorous customs en a few years ago to turn out cruisers in road of gradual disarmament is the surest After the experience of the last war.
wall against America and the result would an emergency like so many pancakes.
way of guaranteeing eternal peace. That there is no one who does not understand be that Great Britain would find itselt is how a pacidst confutes us. It all the In the negotiations of Hoover and Macthat the next war to set the titang of the between the vice chaps of the two continents.
Donald, it is not a question of disarmament countries disarmed, it would obviously be world by the ears will be at once long in That is how the Daily Herald argued, askor even the limitation naval armaments: a serious guarantee for peace. But such preparation and in duration and not lighting, in addition, how it would be possible disarmament is excluded in the same way ning like. The issue will be determined by preparation of war. The type of ships 18 It is solely a question of rationalising the to obtain aid from America under such as the voluntary destruction of the cusconditions. To act in this way would be the respectve powers of production of the becoming obsolete. At present, when the toms walls.
two camps. This means that the war fleets insanity or worse.
At the present time, there That is frank enough.
great experience of the war and the flood of is only one great power in Europe that is Practically, no one knows just what of the powers will not only be supplemeninventions it let loose are improved only really disarmed. But its disarmament was ted and renewed, but in great measure, the United States of Europe means exactfor military needs and usage, the delay in ly. For Stresemann, it is reduced to a accomplished only as a result of a war by created in the very course of the wir. eliminating various kinds of arms of millwhich Germany also tried to unify Euunification of money.
We have seen the extraordinary place and postage tary technique will be infinitely briefer than rope under its domination.
Occupied by the German submarines in the stamps. That a bit thin, Briand probefore 1914. Consequently, the main part The question of gradual disarmaposes to study the problem, though what military operations during the third year of of the feet can be revealed to be obsolete ment, If it is examined closely, assumes It consists of no one knows exactly.
the war. We have seen how England and even before it has beer put into action.
the aspect of a tragic farce. În place of America, in the very course of the war, Under such conditions, is there any sense in The fundamental program of unifica disarmament, the cessation of armaments created gigantic new armies and armation must have an economic character, not accumulating ships in advance? Rationalis first substituted, in order to end fin ments, infinitely superior to the old armies only commercial but also involving proization in this matter requires having such ally in parity of the fleets of the United of the European continent. It follows that a fleet as is necessary in the first period of duction. It would be necessary so that States and England. At present, this the soldiers, sailors, cruisers, cannons, artificial barriers no longer separate Iron the war and which, up to that point, can aim seems bound to be the great guar tanks and airplanes existing at the out serve as a laboratory for testing and experfrom coal; the system of electrification antee of peace. That amounts to saying break of hostilities only constitute a point imenting with new inventions and discoverneeds to be given the possibility of develthat the regulating of revolvers 18 the of departure. The decisive problem will ies, in view of the fact that in the period of oping in conformity with natural and econ surest way to suppress dueling. To de depend upon the measure in which the omic conditions and not within the fronwar it would be necessary to pass over to cide the matter, It would rather be neces given country will be able to create, under tiers of the Versailles treaty; all the railstandardized construction and production sary to view it in the opposite sense. The the enemy fire, cruisers, cannons, soldiers in series. All the great powers feel more way lines of Europe must be united into fact that the two greatest naval powers hag and sailors. Even the czarist government single system, etc. All this would be or less interested in the regulation of gle so furiously for a few thousand tons, was able to prepare, at the beginning of unthinkable without the previous suppresarmaments, especially the very costly naval clearly shows that each of them is trying the war, a certain reserve. But what was sion of customs frontiers within Europe armaments. But destiny has transformed to assure itself in advance, by diplomatic above its power was to create a new one in and that would mean further a European this regulation into the greatest prerogar means, the most advantageous position the battle.
customs union against America.
tive of the economically strongest counin the coming military conflict.
For England, in case of war with There can be no doubt that it the custry.
What, however, does the creation of America, there is but one theoretical contoms barriers were battered down, capitalDuring these last years, the war and equality between the American and Eng. dition of success: That it be capable of 1st Europe, after a period of crises of renavy departments of the United States lish fleets represent from the point of view assuring, before the outbreak of war, a grouping and adaptation, would attain a have applied themselves to adapting the higher level on a new basis of the redlentire American Industry to the needs of vision of productive forces, just as big enthe coming war. Schwab, one of the magterprises, thanks to certain economic connates of maritime war industry, concluded ditions, have the advantage over smaller his speech to the War College a short time ones. But what we have yet to see 18 ago with the following words: It must the small entrepreneur giving up his place be made clear to you that war in the presvoluntarily. To make himself master of The specialist, par excellence, of the that distinguishes us from the Right wing, ent period must be compared with a great the market, the big capitalist must first Daily Worker in the exposure of all devia although that too, despite Browder thin big industrial enterprise.
of all ruin the small one. It is the same tions and the campaign against renegades. sarcasm, plays its part. The difference The French imperialist press, naturally, thing with states. Customs barriers are is Earl Browder. That Browder has lles more deeply rooted than that. The is doing all It can to incite America raised only because they are advantageous other aims in mind than merely lying about Marxist learns to brush aside all superagainst England. In an article devoted to and necessary for one national bourgeoisie the Opposition in his articles is something ficial and apparent phenomena and to seek the naval accord, Le Temps writes that to the detriment of another, regardless of that we will leave for another occasion. for explanation and analysis in class relaparity of the fleets by no means signifies the fact that the development of industry As the unfortunate readers of the Dally tions, in class composition of a movement, the equalization of sea power, since Ameras a whole is retarded.
Worker already know, the Stalinists have Its class aims and program, its origin and ica cannot even dream of securing naval Since the time of the convocation by been making the most grotesque efforts to Its deeds. All this doesn exist for Brow hases comparable to those which England the League of Nations of an economic con prove that the Lovestone Right wing and der. His dialectic is of that over simplified has held for centuries. The British naval ference that was to have established the the Communist Opposition are one and the high school type which argues: Lovestone bases give it an incontestable advantage.
reign of free trade in Europe, customs same thing, have an identical program, is for Party democracy: Trotsky says he is But the accord on the parity of the two tariffs have been steadily raised. Today, similar aims, and are merely a couple of for Party democracy: Tammany Hall fleets, in case it is concluded, will not be the the English government proposes a two trenches in the big imperialist front, rang appears on the ballot as the Democratic last word of the United States. Its first year customs vacation. that is for the ing from Hoover to Trotsky, to crush the Party; therefore, there is no difference bedemand 18 freedom of the seas. that 18, next two years the existing tariffs may mighty ever growing Communist Party of tween Lovestone, Trotsky and Jimmie Walk a regime that will appreciably limit Great not be increased. Such would be the modthe United States. The labored arguments er. Quod erat demonstratum.
Britain utilization of its naval bases.
est guarantees of the United States of made to prove this contention, if laid end Since purity of intentions have nothThe second: The open door. is of no Europe. But even that is still only a to end, or even side by side, would reach ing to do with the question, we will apply less importance; under this slogan, Amerproject.
from Union Square to the Kremlin.
Browder penetrating logic to other fields.
ica will raise not only China but also InTo defend these constantly heightened We will consider here only one exam Mussolini runs a dictatorship in Italy; dia and Egypt against British domination.
custome walls, there stand ready national ple of the dazzling brilliance of Browder the Communists run one in Russia; thereAmerica will conduct its expedition against armies that have also been increased in analyses and the profundity of his Marxfore, there is no difference between Fagcthe British bases not on sea but on comparison with the pre war level.
ism and dialectic. In the Dally Worker of ism and Communism. The logic of Kaut land, that is, across the colonies and domNovember 27, 1929, he concludes his withThe general expenditures of militarsky and Browder. The German fascists inions of Great Britain. America will put ism (land, naval and aerial) by the five eringly fronical article on The Renegade oppose Trotsky admission to Germany; so its war fleet into action when the situation greatest powers have grown in the last United Front Against the Revolutionary do the German Stalinites; therefore, there is ripe enough for it. Of course all this is three years from 2, 170, 000, 000 to 2, 292. Unions with the following crushing is no difference between Thaelmann and music of the future. But this future is 000, 000. These figures suffice to show comment: Hitler (The logic of Hilferding and not separated from us by centuries, nor what value each national bourgeoisie of Lovestone does not yet admit the idenBrowder. At a recent meeting of the Pareven by decades. Le Temps need not be the thirty countries of Europe sets by tity of his program with that of the other ty Secretariat, Browder, Johnstone and uneasy. The United States will take over its customs wall, if a big capitalist must renegades, but still keeps on his camouflage Dunne demanded that the Party and Left piece meal all that can be taken in morruin a smaller one, then a nation must Cannon admits it, but explains that he wing policy of staying at work If Schlessels, changing the relation of forces in all stands for the same thing for different crush a weaker one in order to tear down fields technical, inger calls his strike be reversed; the Mil.
commercial, financial, the tariff wall that protects it.
motives. One of the rarest gems of Trotitant also demanded a reversal of this stumilitary to the disadvantage of its prinBy comparing present day Europe with skylst casuitry yet produced in America is pid policy, and Browder, Johnstone and cipal rival, and it will not lose sight of the old Germany where dozens of prin the result. Through the pen of Shar itman Dunne were accused by Foster and Bedacht the latter exceptional Daval bases for cipalities had their customs frontiers he writes: of using the same arguments as the Mila single instant Stresemann endeavored to find in the uni His (Lovestone s) demand may appear itant (weren you, Browder. therefore, The American press has spoken scornfication of Germany the symbol of the superficially to be similar to ours. But. Browder is a counter revolutionary Trot fully of the British acclaim of Snowden economic federation of Europe and the when we demand Party democracy or a skyist. The logic of Lovestone, Foster when he wrested twenty million dollars at world It is not a bad analogy. But correct trade union policy it is for the pur. and Browder. Browder voted (we hope) the Hague Conference to England profit, Stresemann only forgot to add that in or pose of strengthening the working class against Jimmie Walker for Mayor; Thomas that is, a sum that the American tourists der to be unified on a national basis, Ger Bolshevik elements in the movement. When voted against him; La Gaurdia voted again. spend for their cigars. Is Snowden the many was compelled to go through a revo It is demanded by Lovestone, it is for the st him; Enright voted against him; Love victor? asked the New York Times? No!
lution (1848) and three wars (1864, 1866 purpose of gaining free play for interests stone voted against him; so did we; there The real victor is the Young Plan.
and 1870. without counting the wars of alien to the working class.
fore, says James Browder Walker, there is that is, American finance capital. Thanks the Reformation. In addition, even now, Accepting the complete correctness of a conspiracy and a united front against to the Bank of International Settlements, after the republican revolution of 1918, the description of Lovestone aim as that me ranging from Enright Thomas LaGaurdia the Young Plan gives America the possiGerman Austria remains outside of Ger of gaining free play for interests alien to through to Browder Lovestone Trotsky. bility of holding its hand firmly on the many. Under such circumstances, it is the working class, we leave it to the meta For, does not that tombstone to Marx golden pulse of Europe. From the finanhard to believe that a few diplomatic physicians and mystics to explain how the ism, Browder, inform us that It is true cial irons forged on Germany feet, there purity of the intentions. of the Trot that the renegades all have the same pro extend strong chains which fetter the skyists make their common program with gram in essenttals, especially on the practi hands of France, the feet of Italy, and the Before the war, Great Britain spent that same Lovestone any less injurious to cal questions. This reflects an underlying neck of Britain. MacDonald, who is now 237, 000, 000 on its fleet. Today It spends the workers.
unity of theory?
fulfilling the duties of keeper to the Bri 270, 000, 000. The fleet of the United It is not metaphysics or mysticism that The mechanical empiricism of Lester tish lion, points with pride to the collar States cost 130, 000, 000 in 1913. Today: explains this, but simply Marxism. That Ward is hard to unlearn. We will grant and calls it the best instrument of peace. 364, 000, 000. For Japan, the same expendiBrowder cannot fathom it at all or does he that to Browder. But should not the Party Just think: To attain this aim, it was ture has risen from 48, 000, 000 to 127, not want to? Is because his training, like see to it that Marxism is taught its spokes enough for America to give its magnani000, 000, that is, almost trebled. It is un that of Foster, consisted in the study of men instead of Inflicting upon us the views mous aid to Europe so that it might 11derstandable that the Ministers of Finance Lester Ward nstead of Marx.
of an unregenerate Wardite who argues and quidate the war and to consent to equalize begin to feel seasick in this flood, No, it is not our purity of intentions makes analyses like a befoozled liberal? Its fleet with that of the weaker Britain.