BujarinCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

Saturday, December 7, 1929 THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor German Right Wing The Conference of the diplomatic way of evading a question: ian Arab told me, words don mean any selves: a) anihilate Bucharin and his high If one wishes to give a concrete reply thing any more.
ly placed friends; b) pump the maximum to these practical questions, one must be It seems that the Arabian united front of grain by extraordinary measures in the in possession of exact data. The Russian is indeed realized. My young speaker, all country. Both are necessary so as to be comrades have exact data. Wwe have not. a throb with faith, said: We are 100, 000, it able to straddle the Bucharinist horse, On October 20, the Right wing opposi That is why we cannot say conculsively is as though we were one. In any case, the that is, leave elbow room to the posses tionin Germany (Brandler group) held its whether Stalin or Bucharin is right in these working class is marching with the others sors of grain and try to regulate the grain Second national conference at Weimar.
decisive practical questions. and not in the rear: On November 2, there market with the funds created by the exAccording to the organization report, the So far as the theoretical discussions was a general protest strike against the traordinary measures. But none of this group had gathered in one year of work with Bucharin are concerned, we point out Balfour declaration (it was the day of its plan can be executed: the pressure of 5, 112 members divided into 169 groups. The elsewhere the criticism emanating from anniversary. It was no less general than the possessors of grain, the Kulaks, will number of readers of its weekly papers the Stalinist camp itself. Two young adappearing all over Germany is about 25, that of October 16, when the French steamer outstrip the development of the Stalinist herents of Stalin, Sten and Schatzkin, have Angkor, arriving that morning at Jaffa, maneuvers. Thence the hysteria, the 000.
criticized in an extremely energetic manner could find neſther a docker nor a boatman cramps and the impotence that characterLaunched in spite of and against the al the methods of struggle employed against and had to take off for Beirut as had ized the measures taken against Bucharways powerful Party apparatus, it is quite the Right in Russia.
come, with its cargo and its passenges. In faction. It is not for nothing that the a success so far as the figures go. The Alas, two minds live in the same body. This strike took place, errors except July Plenum did not take place. The Stalpolitical estimates of the national confer One does not yet want to burn all the brid ed, to protest against the condemnations inists themselves are afraid of the instaence, however, reflect the impossibility of ges that lead to Stalin, the other is in an that followed the disturbances: three to bility of the situation they have created.
squaring the circle the utopia of showing enthusiastic glow the Right wing fac hanging and many to hard labor.
The November Plenum can have a great a section of the international proletarian tion in the the realistic politi Generally speaking, those who are in importance. One cannot fail to note in pasarmy the concrete road to victory while cians. There was a time when Brandler, business are uneasy; not everyone can sing that although the interval of two having an entirely restricted national theo Thalheimer, Frohlich, Walcher, Sievert, have the fine impetuousness of my young years since the Fifteenth Congress is comretical basis.
Boettcher, Beck and the sympathizer Christain Arab: How now, he said, they ing to a close, no one up to now whispers Is it just a reaction against the exag Klara Zetkin took an entirely concrete posi have created an uproar throughout the a word about the Sixteenth Congress, This gerated internationalism of the that tion towards the Russian question, and it world over three hundred Jews killed. But interval of two years still seems to be too the first accounts and articles on the nat was at a moment when Stalin suppressed what are three hundred Jews? In the first brief. In any case, the Sixteenth Congress ionla conference triumphantly announce all the material of the Russian Left Oppos place we have had just as many dead, and (Gegen den Strom, No. 43, October 26, 1929)
will not be convoked until it can be placed ition so that the Party would know nothing then, during the war, when there were all before accomplished facts.
that real Leninism has only just been found about it. At the time they voted on and those vetms, and boats with 1, 600 people If the annihilation of the Right is not at Weimar, through the discovery that approved the expulsion of Trotsky and the Lenin pointed out to all the Communists Russian Opposition and had no scruples in on board were sunk, they said: It nothaccomplished before the necessity matures ing. Well. the duty of taking into consideration the acting that way, without pleading the lack for a retreat by the apparatus before the To be sure, those who are owners do concrete peculiarities of each country? of concrete data at that time.
Kulak, then it seems to me that a reconnot view matters so philosophically. What Or should we not rather attribute a greater ciliation between the Stalinists and the No doubt the concrete data contained Will Tel Aviv (the Right is not excluded.
importance to the fact that they passed over is going to happen?
in the pamphlet of Klara Zetkin were Stalin can very most important of the Jewish cities built easily take a step towards Bucharin by in silence the necessity, for Lenin and his enough for them to approve the political by the Zionists) soon look like the Greek It school, of taking the international point of disavowing one of his subordinates.
necessity of expelling Trotsky from the view without neglecting the concrete pec Soviet Union.
quarter Smyrna (razed by the Turks is quite possible, One can imagine the in 1921 when they drove the Greek army uliarities of each country. We will continue as in the past to take enthusiasm it would arouse among the back to the sea. a vast field of cinders What can be the international basis of the Thermidorians in and out of the Party, an objective position towards the problems platform of the Right wing opposition of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and crumbled walls, while ancient Jaffa, and how the confusion among the funclike the Turkish quarter of Mount Pagus (which will be published in the coming and not a factional point of view.
tionaries would increase further. These at Smyrna, continues to be based on the number of Gegen den Strom and which we That is how the last phrase of the penlatter, who are already sufficiently worn mountain, satisfied with its enormous; picwill examine a little closer later on. ultimate paragraph in out, would like very much to take a rest.
the article Just Thalheimer, the theoretician of the Brand quoted, is worded.
turesque, squalld, gracious and eterna? There are even some among them who walls? Yes, it is more durable in the high ler group, says in his report that the gen The proof of It is given in the last pardream of seeing Kamenev and Zinoviev discity where the boatmen live with its laeral program of the is the point of de agraph, in which was in the past a posi byrinths of streets, blind alleys, half arches posed to make peace with the Right wing.
parture for the national program. But tion is taken in a subjective manner and conThe significant silence of these two supports and loop holes than in the wholly modern Thalheimer and his friends have disapproved trary to the truth: their hope.
of the essential parts of this program. Can. The annihilation of Trotskyism and not unseemly really! buildings of Tel Aviv where they engage in esthetics, The point of departure taken by the a correct national program then be drawn in Russia has determined Trotsky and his Thirteenth Congress (1928) in economic from a wrong international program? few believers to capitulate before Stalin, in hygiene and other trifles. The capitalquestions was entirely correct. Il develThalheimer himself, who already dared ists are certainly idiots: They form leaeven though it was done provisionally, with opments had followed this line, we would gues against tuberculosis. and condemn a lot, will not succeed in that.
certain reservations. Thus Trotskyism, not have the present monstrous economic Then what are the other bases of the which fought mainly in the unprincipled people to toil and in a country rebelling contradictions which hit the working class platform, which was the central axis of bloc with Zinoviev, ends with an unprinagainst imperialism, whose first action will hardest, arousing its discontent. But the the Weimar conference? Thalheimer tells cipled capitulation before Stalin.
be to raze all imperialist reminders, they position of 1923 was followed by the zigus: After these preliminary labors, the natgive lots of attention to seeing that the zag of 1925 and of the brutal turn of the houses have enough openings, and are The platform is the result not only of fonal platform was accepted as a basis at bureaucracy in 1928 29. As a result we this year of our work, but of 6 years of the conference and presented for discussion.
separated and aired on all four sides!
find ourselves without the slightest solid Does the comparison with the events in work and struggle of our tendency, of 10 In a coming issue we will examine this political position to solve our economic years of revolutionary experience on Ger double bottomed platform more closely. We Asia Minor astonish you? Not at all. In task. The bare formulae of the five year man and international soil. The discus will have no trouble in bringing the revoluboth cases, England tried to achieve the plan give no solution. It is necessary to sion on the platform was as lively as it tionary elements of the Brandler group colonization of people in a politically highhave good relations between the Party and ly developed Asiatic nation. In the first was rich in content. It indicates the great proof that Thalheimer, the theoretician of instance it acted through an intermediary the class, between the proletariat and the theoretical interest and the maturity of the pure defensive in 1929, is the antipode (the Greeks. this time it is doing the poor and middle peasants. new political our movement.
of Thalheimer, the theoretican of the pure orientation is indispensable; for that the The results of 10 years of revolutionary offensive in 1921.
thing by itself. The difference is very small. What may be asked is why on this Party must be delivered from the fetters experience on German and international Berlin, October 1929 ST.
Under the around its hands and feet.
Northern side of the Suez Canal it has soil. viewed with a critical eye, means present conditions, the Right wing is authis: recourse to the formula of colonizing peotomatically reinforced in the obective proOn German soil there was the March ple. Is it because of the very bad politicess. We can strengthen ourselves only Action in 1921, the result belng the theses The Aftermath in cal results produced on the Southern side on the basis of a correct and public estimaof Thalheimer Bela Kun on the theory of izing exploitation? It is probably the most tion of the whole process with all its conthe offensive. It is above all thanks to Palestine by the opposite fornfula of colontradictions.
serious reason, for it is obviously necessary comrades Lenin and Trotsky that these to a theses couldn see the light at the Third create The Palestine situation Jewish homeland critical appreciation must be givhas by no World Congress. Had this result been and that of means calmed down. Feeling has run very releiving oneselt en of the present political situation, with all its new of one Jews. But whatever the reason atures: It is a task that hardaccepted it would have destroyed the Com high, Very serious violence exists in a intern beneath its ruins. On German soil may be, the result will very probably be ly brooks delay, above all for the mobilipotential state.
zation of the worker Communists, small there was also the year 1923. Brandler and pitiful: The people of Palestine are under The Arab Executive Committee met a Thalhemer were then the leaders of the little while ago and decided upon: the impression that the Egyptians will soon part of the Oppositionists who signed the of Germany. May we assume that the declaration of distrust in the be entirely liberated, and they have no declaration of comrade Rakovsky are perlesson given us by the attitude of the Party English government, hankering to replace them as guarians of haps disposed to await passively after this in an acute revolutionary situation finds the Canal.
declaration, the subsequent development of Repudiation of the Balfour declaraIts results in the platform. Thalheimer In any case, these facts about Palestine the struggle in order, afterwards, in sition has for years been announcing the appear Intensification of the boycott are very interesting for us: Since the an lence or by renunciation of their ideas with ance of a pamphlet on the lessons of 1923.
ti imperialist movement broke out in the deference. to be inserted into the This boycott, lasting since the distur world, it is the first time that, without an Party. We cannot, and The national conference also asked for a we will never bances, seems to have been in the beginconcrete attitude towards 1923, for we read official war, it affected dolonized people. be able to march along with these elening, a total non cooperation. now, it is Palestine, October 30, 1929.
in the report: Ruhnau (Hamburg) takes ments. There is a movement to the Left only half of that. The Arabs consent to sell PERA.
a position in detail towards the reports in the Party and in the class. But it is presented and mentions above all the prop.
to Jews (happily for the latter; without possible to enter into this movement only it would die of hunger. but not to osal to publish the pamphlet on 1923.
over the heads of the present leaders of Does the leadership of the Brandler It is the Party. In order that the proletarian group really think that it can forever evade masses should not transform their loss the question of the political attitude money long enough, now you won see it of confidence in the present leaders into leaders in a revolutionary situation, a any more and it is for us to take yours! of Bucharin a loss of confidence in the revolution itquestion so decisive for the revolutionary Apparently this slogan is extremely selt, a public estimation before the whole workers? To chant the same rosary all popular. Thus, a few days ago, an Arab You have acted correctly in signing Party of the past work of the present leadtradesman secretly bought two hogsheads the declaration of the Saratov comrades the time on the ultra Left Trotskyist ership is necessary.
legend in 1923 cannot make one forget the of oil from a Jew. The matter became (Rakovsky and others. But this declara October 19, 1929.
fact that they are avoiding the taking of a known. Immediately, an army of dockers tion must become a point of departure for pursued the collaborationist and made him concrete attitude.
the struggle and does not signify marking throw the hogsheads into the sea. Force is So far as the results of the lessons of time or decamping. The formula of the The Sixteenth Congress is not spoken the Russian Revolution is concerned, we the only thing that counts, a young Christ Kerenskyism upside down is now apThe purging of the Party is no can already foretell a part of it by reading plied more than ever. The situation aplonger dwelt upon very much, for at its an editorial article in Gegen den Strom (No. The writer refers to the nauseating pears to me as follows: The present poli conclusion affairs were uncovered in 42, October 19, 1929) under the heading pamphlet written at the behest of Stalin cy will not keep up for long. Here 18 Leningrad, Ivanovo, Tver and in many Russian Questions. In this article we and Bucharin to justify the criminal act how its immediate tasks present themother places. It is still another prootget, instead of a concrete attitude towards against comrade Trotsky before the eyes of perhaps the most striking and the most the questions raised there, the following the workingclass by using the former pres This letter was addressed to comrade convincing that all the measures of Cenreply. which is a classic example of the tige attached to Klara Zetkin name.
Continued on Page secular situation. Jew, you have taken our Before the Capitulation of yet.