BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Saturday, November 30, 1929 THE MILITANT Page Throughout the World of Labor a this bourgeoisie can dispose of an abund. The Chinese Communists and The Czecho Slovakian The repression that the bourgeois coal torship without any resistance worth men Communists, like Pouliopoulos, petty bourition has not ceased to exercise is now be tioning, as they did with the entry into geois intellectual, ethically an egoist, alElections coming strengthened. Military expendi office of the Schober Vaugoin clique of the ways desirous of being the leader. As for tures are increasing. It can nevertheless counter revolution.
another, the ex Communist deputy, Maxbe expected that on the morrow of the To call upon the of Austria in such imos, he declared from the tribune of the BULLETIN The latest Information on the Czech elections the social democrats will form an a situation to make the organizational Chamber: We, the Communists are against open coalition with the bourgeoisie. The preparations for the establshment of the elections bears out the letter of comrade all violence. and, from the other side the Czecho Slovak proletariat (out of 7, 000, 000 proletarian dictatorship is a disgraceful Lenorovice. The Communist Party suffered bourgeois deputies, weeping with laughter, voters a good half of proletarians can be play of the worst and most consciencea crushing defeat, the Agrarians and the cried out to him: And Marxism, have counted) wants socialism, but the Party less adventurers. It is not the establishSocial Democrats made huge strides forward you forgotten it. Now the two cronies, Poullcapable of guiding It is wanting.
ment of the proletarian dictatorship that The Czecho Slovakian Social Democratic opoulos and Maximos form a socalled The bourgeoisie in power has created stands immediately on the agenda but the Party increased its vote from 631, 000 to Opposition to the Party which is just as 963, 000 (more than 50 per cent. and its strengthened regime of dictatorship, prevention of the stabilization of the coun harmful to the Greek workers as the Party remarkably organized in every field. It is ter revolutionary regime!
mandates from 29 to 39. The German Socby this means that it can hold the workers It is the task now of the Communist ial Democratic Party of Czecho Slovakia The fault crammed tactic of the Party in check, for it thus succeeds in retaining Party of Austria not to dream of the upincreased about 25 per cent, from 411, 000 obliged the sincere and revolutionary elethe mask of democracy.
rising, for which all the social, political and to 506, 000 and its mandates from 17 to 21.
ments to seek remedy for this state of The task of the Opposition consists in military assuinptions are lacking at presThe Communist Party dropped from 933, affairs. That happened in 1922 23. To set showing the workers that the lack of suc ent, but to concentrate all forces upon 000 to 752, 000 and its mandates from 41 to the degenerated Party on the revolutionary cess of the Communist Party has not its combining the political defensive strug29. The Czech Agrarians rose from 970, 000 track again, a struggle was begun; but in cause in Communism itself but in the bad gle against the planned state of dictatorto 1, 100, 000 and are now the strongest Party, spite of the readiness of the militants the leadership of the Party. The present ship with the broadest mobilization of the The C, P, lost its postion as the strongest effort remained temporarily in vain. divmasses in the factories and the unemploychiefs of the Communist International have of the workers Parties. The Czech ision was necessary, or rather the redemped for economic minimum demands.
not known how to broaden the bases of is now the 2nd strongest Party in the countion of a minority insignificant in numbers the revolution, either in Europe or in China, Only in this manner can the try instead of the 4th. The German but significant enough from the point of and the result of it is a new rise of reformsucceed in winning influence upon broadbecomes the strongest German Party in ism, successes for the bourgeoisie, the vicer masses and in creating the pre condiview of revolutionary quality. The work Czecho Slovakia. The bourgeois bloc govthat had to be done was enormous: to pretory of opportunism in the Communist tions for a sucessful resistance to the ernment, consisting of Czech and Gerpare the Communists in Greece was the first Partles and the persecution of the Left Schober regime. There can be no doubt man Parties, which ruled for over three task, for in the Party, as well as in all the Opposition that such a struggle has the tendency to years with 157 mandates out of 300, now Parties of the. Marxist Leninist eduIt is certainly very difficult for revolubecome directiy a struggle for power. Onhas between 143 and 144, or a minority, cation was virtually dead. review was tionary workers to vote for bureaucrats ly hopeless adventurism, however, is capand as comrade Lenorovics points out, will who are the leaders of the moment. But able of deceiving itself that these pre concreated where much of the Marxist Leninist probably have to call into the coalition literature was translated, as well as bookthe votes that will go to the Communists ditions already exist.
other parties, the Social Democrats most lets to facilitate the adhesion to Commneed not be brought to the credit of these KURT LANDAU likely. Ed.
unism of still uneducated workers.
leaders who, for a long time now, are no The election comes this time in an At the moment of the withdrawal of the longer considered as the leaders of the unexpected manner. By a combination of most active elements of the Party, this Opproletariat. The real leaders, such as The Labor Movement technical maneuvers the bourgeoiste is posilon seemed the result of the special The milTrotsky and many others, are persecuted, endeavoring to make a guccess.
conditions in Greece, but today, we ascertain imprisoned and deported. The votes given in Greece itary festival of SA Wenceslas and the cosimilar phenomena in all the Parties. The the candidates of the Party should be incidence of the election day with that of regrouping, which works under the name considered as a protest against bourgeois Capitalism has reached the zenith of the birthday ox the Republic are to contribof the review Archives of Marxism, and domination, against social peace, as a demits power. In the West and in the East, in which has gathered numerous elements ute to strengthening of national Illusions onstration in favor of Communism.
the countries where industry was almost and to make them servo for the elections.
around the small minority from the outset, LENOROVICS unknown, we see it assuming gigantic proFor the bourgeoisie, the great chronic crihas just declared that it shares the ideas Prague, October 20, 1929.
portions, as in Greece for example, of the rest of the Left Oppositions. We can sis of the proletarian Party is also a cirA political maneuver has brought into cumstance that has its importance.
only rejoice at this declaration: an organGreece about two million refugees from Finance capital has worked wellections The Plays with the ization like the Archives is most qualAsia Minor and has thereby strengthened ifled to lengthen the chain of the Left of the petty bourgeoiste (smali peasante Life of the Austrian Party the elements of the progressive bourgeoisie Oppositions.
who, since the 1909 revolution, have advanM. KLADOS ced the industrialization of Greece. That is ployees) have been proletarianized, and As the Berlin Rote Fahne reports, the one part of its program accomplished, since increased exploitation of the working Plenary Session of the Communist Party of casses is being carried out. The disconGermany met on October 24 and 25. Under it tent of the workers is still restrained, but the point International Report. Remmele may be said that this mags, since its earliit is constantly rising. The objective conreported and remarked among other things est youth, has been lulled by the priests the Sino Russian Conflict ditions are favorablo to Communism.
as follows: on the grandeur of Greece which fight In 1925, the Communist Party got close The Austrian comrades must put on the for the delivery of its sons from Turkey, On October 22, 1929, comrade Trosky to a million votes. At that time, seven agenda the demand for the formation of despoiler of the Byzantine empire. But received a letter from a Chinese Opposition million voters went to the bellot box.
Workers Soviets, organize the armed strugonce they quitted Turkey, and returned to Communist, of which the following is the This time there will be about 300, 000 more gle against fascism, that is, immediately, the country of their origin, these opinions last part: voters. But if the Communist Party gets not only theoretically or propagandisticalon Christain and beneficent Greece swiftly What is your position in the question the same rumber of votez as in 1925, it will ly, but practically and organizationally, raise vanished among the refugees, for now, be a setback for it, for in that case the of the Chinese Eastern Railway? Here the problem of the proletarian dictatorformed into compact masses of workers in (in China)
Communist Party would not have an inthree slogans have been ship.
all branches of Industry, notably in the crcase to register to correspond to the launched, one for each Communist tenWere this only the counsel of a Remspinning industry of Naoussa, as well as growth of the voters and the radicalizamele to the Communist Party of Austria, the tobacco factories of new and old Greece, tion of the masses. It is also proper to it would really not be worth while to waste working in common has given them new Our own (that is, the Left Communist point out that the number of votes in 1tsolt even a single word on the matter, but it is power and a penetratng ideology: the ideo Opposition. Against the usurpation of the is not a decisive sign of the strength of the not a matter of a Remmele here! At this logy of wages.
Chinese Eastern Railway by the Kuo Min Party it is only criterion. At tho end session of the Central Committee of the With this plethora of a new contingent Tang. Defense of the in the Interof 1938, for example, the Communist Party there participated representatives of exploited, what has been the role of the est of the world revolution.
went through a profound crisis; It was inof the of Austria. It becomes ever Communist Party? Almost nil. It let this That of the Central Committee of the capable of any action: it received nevermore clear that it is the Itselt theless more than 800, 000 votes.
mass of producers serve as an electoral Communist Party of China. Against interthat is issuing the slogan Form Workclientele to the Venizelist or Liberal Party, vention. For the defense of the The Left Opposition has no illusions: ers Soviets in the present situation: the and it is with their voice that Venizelos That of the Tchen Du Siu tendency. The elections will be a dofeat for the Party, of Austria accepts this slogan, even if was able to defeat feudalism with the petty in spite of the favorable objective conAgainst the traitorous policy of the Kuo in a somewhat more cautious form, in the bourgeois elements he was able to rally ditions for Communism. The socialist parMin Tang.
Vienna Rote Fahne. against sm. In order to know the ties will gain votes in a high proportion. letter from one of our comrades in The moment is also approaching when Party better, we must go back a few years.
This fact is all the more grave because one Moscow informs us that It is said that you the working class, in order to conduct its Socialism was introduced around 1912of the Socialist Parties of Czecho Slovakia, have declared yourself a supporter of restorstruggle, will have to go over to creating 13 by some bourgeois intellectuals who the Social Democratic Party, was near to Workers Soviets.
studied in Germany. These professed a sort ing the Railway to China. That apppears to crumbling a few years ago. Now, signifime absolutely unbelievable. Couldn you Against this, Remmele polemized indiof pulpit socialism, clearly bourgeois, and cantly enough, this game Party has just rectly, turned against the slogan as only their Marxism was in reality only degenwrite on this question?
held its election meeting in the largest hall theoretical or propagandist and demanded erated. They are not even worth naming, These few lines are weighty arguments in Prague, the Lucerna. At this meeting its immediate realization by corresponding in the discussion on the Sino Russian conand merit only disgust, for today they are the former king minister, Vandervelde, practical measures!
overwhelmed with responsible positions in flict. In China, as we see by this letter, delivered a long speech, and, naturally, it In an article The Austrian Counter Rev the Greek state. And, since the birth of not a single Communist tendency occepts was nothing but a lengthy, disgraceful diaolution is preparing the Dictatorship we that Socialist Party, at present Communist, support of the slogan of reenforcing the tribe against Communism and the Soviet considered the present situation in Austria those who aspire to establish themselves Chinese counter revolution on the back of Union. The social democrats who forin detail. The events since the writing of this make use of this party. Thus, in 1922, the Soviet Republic, merly held their meetings in the small halls article showed that we were right: The while on the Asia Minor front the soldiers The Moscow Press, like that of the Comon the outskirts can now speak to large Socialist Party is letting the stirring of abandoned their posts with the cry Long munist International, 18 endeavoring to masses, while the Communists must be the masses fade away through numberless live Lenin. and, returning home refused pass of the viewpoint of the Korschlsts, content with a small hall in the Smichov safety valves conferences, meetings, pre to fight any longer for reasons that did not of Urbahns and others for that of the Left quarter. This at a time when favorable paredness of the Schutzbund (Defense concrn them, the Party did not know how Opposition. That is what accounts for the conditions exist for Communist agitation League) and confers with the counter to profit by the occasion. It gave a free letter from Moscow to Shanghai which reand propaganda revolution in the constitution committee hand to a military camarilla which diverted peats that it is said that Comrade TrotReformist illusions are reviving. This on the concrete form for legalizing the the spirit of the rebellious soldiers and led fact is all the more humiliating because it sky is a supporter of restoring the Rallway dictatorship. The Arbeiterzeitung. cen it only against King Constantine, or rather, must be noted at a moment when the leadto the Kuo Min Tang generals. Also, it is tral organ of the of Austria, writes on against Greek feudalism.
ership of the Communist Party is pursuing October 26: sigificant that a Chinese comrade, separThe slogan of the in 1925 was. self styled Left policy. But the essenated from him by thousands upon thousands The population must be prepared for Demoracy of the Left. that is, coopertially Centrist character of the leadership of miles (his letter took 42 days to get to the negotiations to take their time. It ation with the liberal bourgeoisie. The funcan only compromise any real Left policy, will therefore be necessary in the first ctionaries at the head of the Party, are men Trotsky. and in spite of the categorie inbecause many workers who take the halfformation from Moscow, declares. That place to wait cool headedly until the nego without principles, wihout ideology (It is inmeasures and the zig zags for a Left tiations in the sub comission and in the eresting to attend an election which resemappears to me absolutely unbelievable.
policy are disconcerted by the inevitable Rathaus lead to an understanding or to bles a bourgeois election from every viewopportunist effects and become distrustful. the break.
point; all the means employed by the bour We are informed that the Tchen DuTo unmask the Centrist Gottwald Rel That is where the main danger lies now: geoisie are made use of, such as jugs of Siu group, which the Comintern made the ann leadership is the most pressing task that the still existing disposition to battle wine, distribution of alcohol, promises of scapegoat for the policy of Stalin Bucharinor us, for these Centrists are barring the will collapse during the weeks long negotia positions in the Party and the trade unions, Martinov, has developer remarkable oad to impelling the masses toward tions in parliament to such a point that etc. If they are to lose their positions they manner towe tu om minism dency: