BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THB LITAT October 15, 1923 Holland Bars Trotsky Vote Communist!
MacDonald Party Plenum Opens The press carries the news that the Dutch government has added its name to the list of those who refuse the request for political asylum and medical treatment to comrade Trotsky, at present a virtual prisoner under the reactionary regime of Kemal Pasha in Constantinople. Holland finds asylum and a castie for the German ex Kaiser at Doorn, but it does not The municipal clections to be held next month in Mr. James Ramsay MacDonald, prime minister of grant entry for the proletarian revolutionist Trotsky.
New York City confront every worker with the necesHis Royal Majesty Christian government of Great Briand, we suggest, now has a fine common basis sity of expressing his opinions at the polls and voting for the formation of a United States of Europe. The Britain, has arrived in the United States to confer with in the interests of his class. Under capitalism, all the President Hoover on how to establish peace and good government that have rejected comrade Trotsky apelection machinery is in the hands of the workers plication form a very broad united front. Against will among the English speaking peoples of the world.
enemies and cannot be utilized to free labor from the Since his socialist comrades in the United States have the counter revolutionary Trotsky, there have lined rule of the capitalist class. Before the revolutionary announced his arrival here with messianic enthusiasm up the socialist government of Germany, a bloc of working class could obtain a legal majority by means and hailed him as the pecrless leader of the British reactionaries and Communists in Norway, the demoof the ballot, the ruling class would resort to every cratic Labor government of England and leading them working class, it will not be without value to sketch conceivable instrument of force to prevent its slaves MacDonald record briefly, to outline his magnificent all, the bureaucratic Stalinist regime in the Soviet from coming to power. Working class candidates are services to the cause of the oppressed, so that the Union. Russia is now safe, and the Daily Worker systematically counted out at the polls. Their camAmerican workers may know how to welcome him should announce that. Stalin, Kemal Pasha, Baldwin, paigns are frequently interfered with and they are MacDonald, Thomas, Stresemann, Mueller, Hilferding, properly.
handicapped from the start by overwhelming superBriand, King Haakon VII, and Queen Wilhelmina are MacDonald was born with an opportunist spoon iority of the agitational machinery of the masters. In in How in an unbreakble revolutionary united front from mouth. For years during his pre war memberthe very least critical moment, their legislative repreabove to protect Soviet Russia from the danger of ship in the Independent Labor Party of England, his sentative are unseated, and in many cases their Parties counter revolution, from Trotsky.
opportunist strivings had to be constantly curbed by are simply made illegal and a reactionary armed dicKier Hardie. He dragged the further and furtatorship takes the place of the democratic system ther along the road of revisionism, and was the chief which is permitted to function in ordinary times in A. A E representative in England of Eduard Bernstein.
order to deceive the workers about the class nature In the word war, his position was that of a purely of government. That the workers will achieve their For the Benefit of the Weekly Militant bourgeois pacifist, and he achieved thereby a cheap liberation only by organized power and not by on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929, at p.
martyrdom at the hands of British chauvinism akin the ballot alone is shown by scores of examples throughthe to that suffered by Victor Berger and William out the world: the Fascist governments in Italy, Spain, HUNGARIAN HALL, 323 East 79th Street Kruse in the United States. But that did not prevent Jugo Slavia, etc. the unseating of socialist legislators Excellent Musical Program Dancing. Entertainment him from giving support to the war, by his notorious in Albany, in Washington, and Toledo, Ohio, during Admission: 50 cents in advance, or 60 cents at door.
letter of endorsement to a recruiting seargent, much in the war.
AUSPICES: Communist League of America (Oppothe same way as Morris Hillguit did here.
In spite of this, the workers conscious of their in sition) New York Branch and the Proletar terests must utilize every opening existing under the (Hungarian Opposition)
After the war, this pacifist and socialist came out for indemnities to be paid by Germany, and his present system to mobilize their opposition to capitalMOTO criticism of the Versailles Treaty instead of being a ism, to test their strength, to weaken the political denunciation of this murderous peace, was indistinParties of capitalism, to get their representatives beguishable from that of an advanced liberal. He was fore the legislative tribunes where they can reach the already grooming himself for a cabinet position, if not ears of hundreds of thousands of other workers. The for the premiership itself.
elections, even on a municipal scale, offer such an As we go to press, the Plenary session of the Cen To make his way towards a Labor ministry, he foreopening.
tral Executive Committee of the Communist Party has swore every elementary principle of socialism acknowlTo vote, in the coming New York elections, for the opened. The sessions are being held in unprecedentedly edged by its founders for scores of years. He pledged twin Parties of capitalism, the Democratic and the strict secrecy. that is, practically every one but the himself to continuity of policy. that is, of the policy Republican, is to vote for the rival representatives of Party membership knows about it. The first flurry of the Tories and the Liberale. He swore fealty to the capitalist exploitation, of imperialist war, of pirati of the Plenum was the arbitrary refusal to admit to monarchy and prevented an anti monarchical resolucal colonial oppression, of strike breaking and political the meeting Ben Lifschitz, a member of the tion from being adopted by his Party. His record in corruption. Walker, LaGuardia and their Parties car Although not removed from that body, the rejection office during the first Labor government was so ry the banner of the bosses who employ them. Neither was based upon the fact that he is accused of being a strong that it turned the stomachs of many of his can the worker vote for the Socialist Party and its conciliator towards Lovestone. Previous to the Plenum, own Party members. It was only by a narrow margin candidate Thomas for whom the question of the gam all dissenters were neatly removed from the that he averted a condemnation of his record at an bler Rothstein murder has been raised to the height In brief, every possible precaution was taken to have annual conference of the of a working class issue: The Socialist Party is today the Plenum meeting in idyllic unanimity. Neverthe The first Labor government under MacDonald was the Party. capitalist reform and not of working class less, it assembles under the menacing pall of a Stalinblack enough to delight the heart of the most ruthless revolution. Its aim is to make capitalism more tol ist commission (as usual nowadays, composed of bare Tory die hard. His attitude towards the Soviet Governerable for the working class, to cover up some of the ly known tenth raters learned their Bolshevism ment could hardly have been worse under Lord Curzon.
more hideous scores of system, to restrain the develop yesterday and vent it today with the greatest pro Under his regime, British battle ships were sent to ment of militancy in the workers. The American So fundity. No one at the Plenum dares to speak with China to mow down the Chinese workers and peasants cialist Party is a meinber of the Second International. out first finding out what is the opinion of these re who were beginning their battle national liberaIt is blood brother to the strike breaking government ceivers. In order to intrench himself, a mem tion. The workers and peasants of India and Egypt of MacDonald which serves its imperialist masters in ber must try to outdo his neighbor in proposals as far were given to understand that a new government had India, China, Egypt and Palestine as well as Baldwin to the Left as possible. By some accident, Weisbord come into power in Enland only by the fact the buland Chamberlain; of the French Socialist Party of sneaked into the Plenum and astounded the elders by lets and whiplashes used against them were this time Boncour and Co. which is grooming the French work a terrible heresy a Labor Party slogan for the stamped with the legend: Made by the Labor Governing class for imperialist war; of the German Social South. We will endeavor to have a fuller report in ment. The workers of England found that their Democracy of Mueller and Zoergiebel, which mowed the next issue. In the meantime, the reader of the government intervened in every struggle, not on their down the Berlin proletariat on the First of May; of the Daily Worker will soon find a new set of Party theses behalf, but as a mediator between the workers and Russian Mensheviks who are the allies of capitalism printed there in which the condition of the Party is bosses. The workers of Germany had the bitter conagainst the First Workers Republic.
set forth as having never been so splendid as today, solation of knowing that the chains of the Dawes Plan There is only one Party in the New York elections with the added solemn assurance that from now on were welded and sealed by Owen Young, Pierfor whom the worker can cast his vote: the Commuthere will not only be no more factionalism but that pont Morgan and Ramsay MacDonald.
nist Party. Despite our differences with the leadership the Party (for the twentieth time in four years) is MacDonald was one of those who helped drag the of the Party and the course it has adopted, it remains at last on the verge or the road to becoming a genuine British miners strike to an ignominious defeat and to today the only revolutionary Party the elections.
ly Bolshevised Mass Party. All this by grace of Stalin, strangle the British general strike in 1926. Quite in We criticized sharply the illating policies of his special infallible emissaries, the new Party leader keeping with his entire political role, sold the revothe Party leadership, and we will continue to fight ship, plus liberal applications of the Third Period and lutionary aspirations and interests of the working class stubbornly against them and the Stalinist regime New Line.
he presumes to represent for mess of parliamentary throughout the world. But we remain as before fightpottage.
ers for Communism and the Communist Party, for STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR.
His record in the second Labor Government is more CULATION, ETC. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONthere lies the cause of every revolutionary worker and GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, pitiful than in the first. The infamous Trade Union Act not of their accidental and temporary leaders. This NOT. TOTODA LI TANT, published twice a month, at New York, of the Baldwin government has not been and will not Party is today the target of reaction, in Gastonia, in State of New York be repealed. Under MacDonald, Snowden took a posiNew York and elsewhere. Let every worker deliver a County of New York tion at the Hague conference that earned him the blow at reaction and cast his vote for the ticket of bons personally appeared Martin Aber, who, having been enthusiastic cheers of every British reactionary, a dethe Communist Party. Demonstrate your opposition to duly swori according to law, deposes and says that he is the mand for an increased share of the reparations at the business inanager of the Militant and that the following is to the the Parties of capitalist oppression and corruption, expense of the German working class (and, it may be and their socialist train bearers. VOTE COMMUNIST!
ship, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation. etc. of added, of the British as well. MacDonald attitude the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above capNational Committee towards the Soviet Union has not differed an essential tion, required by the Act. of August 24, 1912, embodied in sec.
tion Communist League of America (Opposition) 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse particle from that of any other imperialist government.
of this form, to wit: That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, Under his regime, the bloody heel of the British lion managing editor, and business managers are: remains ground in the faces of the Egyptian, Arabian, Psihiskerne Componis. League of America (Opposition) 332 East Irish and Indian masses. At this very moment, a trial THE MILITANT Editor: James Cannon, 332 East 18th St. New York, is taking place in Meerut, India, in which Indian reManaging Editor: Max Shachtman, 332 East 18th St. New York, Published twice a month by the Communist League bels are being prosecuted by the representatives of the Business Manager: Martin Abern, 332 East 18th St. New York, Crown and loyal government of MacDonald. Under of America (Opposition) That the owner is: Communist League of America (Op the cloak of Labor, in his own way, he is a bulwark of Address all mail to: Box 120, Madison Square 242 332 imperialism and foe of working class progress.
Station, New York, 18th Sa Yo New York, NY. Martin Abern, 18th, St. New York, Max Shachiman, 332 East 18th St. MacDonald comes to these shores on no working Publisher address: 332 18th Street, New York, New York, class mission. He comes to bargain with the great, reSubscription rate: 00 per year. Foreign 50 ty holders owning or holdingi per cent or more to star secuni: spect commanding Dollar for a let up in armaments Бc per copy Bundle rates, 3c per copy.
of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None.
competition not so as to end war. but to permit That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the British capitalism to divert some of the golden life owners, stockholders and security holders if any, EDITORIAL BOARD they appear on stream from battleships and cruisers into its own sick the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder Martin Abern, James Cannon, Max Shachtman, Holder appears upon the booksne te person or corps economic body. The militant workers will not greet him. When he sees Hoover, there will be a meeting Maurice Spector, Arne Swabeck.
oration for whom such trustee is acting, is given also that the said two paragraplis contain statements embracing afriant full of the representatives of two different social orders, knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under or two different social classes, but which stockholders and security holders wllo do not appear upon two competing VOL. II OCTOBER 15, 1929. No. 16 imperialist powers. Hoover does not yet need to take a an that that of a bona fide owner. the protective coloring provided by the magic cloak of affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, Entered as second class mail matter November 28, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said a Labor Party. he serves his class openly and frankstock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him.
ly. But MacDonald uses that cloak to work in the in1928, at the Post Office at New York, under the MARTIN ABERN, Business Manager.
Sworn to and subscribed Enky ja Freedman, Notary bliga terests of the British empire and against the proletaract of March 8, 1870 commission March ist. And they also serve who only deceive and betray.
or the bookeily other of the contpany as trustees, hold stock and securhis