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Page THE MILITANT August 1st, 1929.
The Secret Resolution Against Bucharin cona DOPTED BY THE LAST PLENUM OF THE FOREWORD The unheard of gossip about the Party sliding OF Below we reprint the secret resolution adopted down to the Trotskyist position, the slanderous rele Central Control Commission of the Communist Tomsky group at the recent Plenum of the Russian taken from the arsenal of Miliukov Party, the acThe Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and by the Stalin faction against the Bucharin Rykov proach against the Party on the policy of the military feudai explotation of the peasantry which is arty of the Soviet Union approves the resolution of Party Central Committee. The excerpts published be cusation of the Party that it is spreading bureaucrane joint session of the Political Bureau of the Central low compose the most important parts of the resolu cy and disintegrating the Comintern. all this is ommittee and the Presidium of the Central Control, tion and were translated from Gegen den Strom, cent without doubt indicative of the factional character ommission on inner Party affairs of February 9, ral organ of the Brandlerite Right wing in Germany, of the Bucharin group and the departure of this 929.
where it was made public for the first time. The re. group from the goneral line of the Party. Thereby In view of the fact that the joint session of the solution is characteristic of Stalin method of fight the Bucharin group violates in the grossest manner Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the ing the Thermidorian Right wing in the Russian Par the Leninist unity of the Party, shatters Bolshevist residium of the Central Control Commission did not ty. It is the method of the Centrist apparatus, of the discipline and undermines the collective leadership Save the opportunity of estimating the declaratin of bureaucrat whose faith lies entirely in the all power in the Central Committee.
wacharin, Tomsky and Rykov of February 9, 1929, fulness of the Party machine, who is mortally afraid Fortified by the will of all the Party organizathich presents a factional platform; that comrades of arousing the masses of the workers and the Com tions, which unanimously support the line of the sucharin, Rykov, Tomsky continue in their speeches munists againt the Thermidorian Right wing. To Central Committee and have energetically the joint Plerum of the Central Committee and the arouse the masses for a genuine and not a pitiful demned the attitude as well as the viewpoints of comentral Control Commission of the to de pparatus struggle against the Right would invove rade Bucharin, Rykov and Tomsky, the viewpoints elop and defend their views in contradiction to the the setting in motion of such a foree as would sweep which, considered basically, reflect Right deviation; arty line: that Comrades Bucharin and Tomsky over the restorationist Right, and over the Centrist in view of the fact that comrades Bucharin, Rykoy me refused to submit to the decisions of the joint swamp as well, and clear the ground for the reinstitu and Tomsky have not admitted their mistakes; finalession of the Political Bureau of the Central Comtion of the Bolshevik principles fought for by the Op ly, proceeding from the interests of the unity of the altte and the Presidium of the Central Control Composition. Stalinist Centrism fears action of the mas. Party which is especially necessary under present ission on withdrawing their resignations, the joint ses far more than it does the Right wing. It is ready circumstances, the Plenum of the and the tenum of the Central Committee and the Central to unite with the latter against the revolutionary cur of the decides: Jontrol Commission of the considers it than five years in the struggle to decimate the Lerents in the working class. Stalin did this for more THE ORGANIZATION REMOVALS ecessary to make the following decision: ninist Opposition led by Trotsky. He thereby only a) to condemn the views presented in the decla1. The growth and development of the Right de played the miserable role history assigns to Centrism. ration of comrade Bucharin of January 30, in the viation in the are most closely bound toStalin can not lead a real fight against the Ther declaration of comrades Bucharin, Rykov and Tomether with the peculiarities of the present stage in midorian Right. To conduct such a struggle would sky of February and in the speeches of these comhe development of the proletarian world revolution lead to the annihilation of Centrism itself, since the rades at the Plenum of the and the The 15th Congress of the and the 6th Right wing can be eliminated only if it is attacked as views that are incompatible with the general Vorld Congress of the Comintern already established from a principle viewpoint. But the basic principle of line of the Party and which, basically considered, Che symptoms of a serious change in the position of the Right wing. the theory of socialism in one conform with the position with the Right deviation, world capital as well as in the international revolu: country, the Menshevik betrayal of the Chinese re. and to obligate these comrades to carry out unconionary movement. The characteristic, essential volution the theory of two class parties, the capitu litionally the decisions of the Party and the comeatures of this change are a sharpening of the inner lation to Purcellism in the British General strike, the mittees; contradictions in the camp of capitalism which con false internal line in the Soviet Union, etc. etc.
b) to condemn the negotations behind the scenes ulse and undermine ever more its temporary and were worked out jointly by the Bucharin Rykov Right by comrade Bucharin with comrade Kamenev as the wavering stabilization, and the growth of the elements and Stalinist Centrism in the five years of struggle a crassest expression of the factional character of the of a new revolutionary rise (the strike wave in a series of European countries, the leftward march of the present crisis in the Right Center bloc can gainst the Opposition. Only by such an approach to group of comrade Bucharin; c) to condemn the policy of resignations of comhe working class and the successes of the Commun Marxist result be attained.
rades Bucharin and Tomsky as a gross violation of ists at the parliamentary elections, the serious vieParty discipline: ories in the factory councils elections in Germany, a new swing to the Right. It is a zig zag for which the from the posts occupied by them (Pravda, CominStalin present left zig zag is the forerunner of d) to remove comrades Bucharin and Tomsky the spread of the revolutionary crisis in India and the Center will pay dearly and the working class most tern and Central Council of the Trade Unions of the uninterrupted ferment in the other colonies, the accumulation of contradictions and the war danger in heavily of all.
Soviet Union. and to warn them that in the event the camp of the imperialists as well as between the concealed contempt with which the Stalinist bureau the Central Committee and its organs they will be It is worth mentioning, in conclusion, the un of the slightest attempt to violate the decisions of capitalist world and the Under these circumstances, the most important cracy regards the foreign Communist Parties. Buch immediately removed from the Political Bureau a asks of the Communist Parties are the following: arin who was unanimously chosen chairman of the Co destroyers of Party discipline; he further bolshevization of the Communist Parties, out even the formality of an ordinary or special meet sures to prevent the occurrence of any deviations mintern at the 6th Congress is removed by Stalin with e) that the Political Bureau shall adopt meaCheir purging from social democratic traditions, the assurance of the leading role of the Party in the ing of the Comintern or its executive. Stalin knows from the line of the Party and the decisions of the zrowing revolutionary movement and the preparation that the Thaelmanns, Semards, Bells and Fosters will leading Party committees in the speeches of indivje of the broad masses for the coming decisive class vote with both hands for any decision of the Stalin dueal members and candidates of the Political Bus faction. He aso knows that these international puppets reau; struggles.
of the Centrist apparatus willl see to it that the mem f) to adopt all the necessary measures for a STABILIZATION AND THE RIGHT WING bership of the Internatinal does not ask questions but thorough execution of the line of the Party and the In the questions of international policy, the Right does not even bother to inform the Russian Party the Party as well as the Soviet press, and in all padoes as it is told, whether it knows why or not. Stalin decisions of the Central Committee in the press of teviation glides down toward the side of the social of his decisions against the Right; the resolution is pers and journals; democratic estimation of the stabilization of capital given only to the functionaries, the apparatus men om (the theory of the recovery of capitalism) As for the foreign Communist press, they have long pulsion from the Central Committee and the Party g) to establish special measures. up to exwhich finds expression in an obliteration of the ever ago been transformed into language bulletins for for guaranteeing the preservation of privacy of rore sharpening crisis of capitalism, in the denial of Stalin paid scribblers. We have arrived in the Com the decisions of the Central Committee and its Pohe fact of the wavering of capitalist stabilization munist movement today to the shameful stage where litical Bureau and to exclude the possibility of inand in the veiling of the essential revolutionary the yellow socialist rags, like the Forward in New forming the Trotskysts on the affairs in the Central catures of the third period. In this manner the York, give its readers more detailed information on Committee and the Political Bureau; Rights, and the Conciliators they have taken in tow, the events in the Communist movement than the Daily rrive directly at a revision of the Leninist estimation Worker and the Freiheit combined. The readers of organizations of the Party and members of the 16th h) to send the present resolution to all the local of the present epoch as the period of the crisis of ca the latter two papers don know yet that Bucharin is Party Confevence and not to publish it in the press.
xitalism, as the epoch of wars and proletarian world out!
evolution. They underestimate, in connection with Stalin drags the Communist hat, the mobilization of working masses (especially swamp of Centrism, to splits; he covers Remember Comrade Malkin the unorganized) to independent struggle against the credit and shame. Ed.
it with disOne of the surest tests of the vitality and inteeformist trade union bureaucracy.
grity of any section of the workers movement is its The connection between the Right deviation in attitude toward the vanguard fighters who have fallen the with this opportunist tendency in the THE RIGHT AND THE PARTY REGIME. into the hands of the enemy and languish in their anks of the Comintern is absolutely obvious. Comade Bucharin has really solidarized himself in this tus and of the inner Party regime, however, the at.
In the question of the role of the Party appara. prison. special regard for the class war prisoners, a constant remembrance of their heroic sacrifices and question with the opportunist stand of the Concilia titude of the group of comrade Bucharin completely an unremitting struggle for their liberation is the ors, Harobert Droz, Eweht, Gerhardt and others. represents a repetition of the most malicious accusamark of every revolutionary body worthy of the name.
Comrades Bucharin, Rykov and Tomɛky are res tions raised by the Trotskyst Opposition against our Support of class war prisoners cannot have any sectvaining the struggle of the Comintern against the Party.
arian or partisan limits. Every worker in prison for Right deviation and Conciliationism in the Comintern The Right deviation is rooted in the petty bur. his class is entitled to loyal support and help regardthe declaration of these three comrades that the po geois mass elements that surround the working class less of his political views and without any conditions.
licy of our Party is disintegrating the weaken Inside the Party, the the bases of the Right deviation This will always be our principle.
ng its ranks and is leading to division as well as to are the least steadfast elements in the non proletarian There is a special need for the readers of the plits in the foreign Communist Parties signifies not sector of the Party who are most exposed to petty Militant and for members and supporters of the only ignorant opportunist lack of understanding of bourgeois influences and the danger of degeneration, Communist Opposition, to remember comrade Maurice he tasks of the purging of the Communist Parties as well as the backward sections of the workers who Malkin who is serving time at Comstock Prison, from the elements of social democracy but also a real have not gone long enough through the shool of New York. This special remembrance should be given support of the Right renegades. That is why comrades shop and factory and are connected with the village to him because he was one of the first American Bucharin, Rykov and Tomsky are objectively more and as well as the city petty burgevisie. The platform of Communists to fight under our banner and was one nore the center of attraction for all the opportunist the group of comrade Bucharin of February as the most active and militant workers up to the moand conciliatory groups in the sections of the well as the viewpoint represented by the members of ment of his imprisonment. We should remember him The slanderous statement of the group of com this group at the Plenum of the and the also because the faction mongers of the Party, of cade Bacharin that the Party is spreading bureau form an appeal to these unstable elements and the International Labor Defense and of the Needle cracy signifies a discrediting of that tremendous contribute objectively to the creation of the Right Trades Industrial Union (for which he went to work which the Party has developed in the struggle deviation in the Party.
prison) have mistreated and neglected him, supgainst bureaucracy. The philistine slander of self The joint Plenum of the and the pressed his name and publicity about his case, withcriticism by this group can have no other meaning declares that the Bucharin group has already be held the material support that is his due and failed that that of direct struggle against the slogan of gun the factional struggle against the Party leader to send him the books he asked for out of funds self criticism. In the question of the trade unions, ship. It has recourse to quite impermissible violation generously provided by workers for this purpose.
comrades Bucharin, Rykov and Tomsky are proceed of Party discipline (resistance of comrades Bucharin Time drags heavily in prison and doubly so for ng on the highly dangerous road of playing the trade and Tomsky to the repeated decisions of the Politi class conscious and intelligent men such as comrade unions against the Party, of really adopting a course cal Bureau on their method of resignation. It in. Malkin whose thoughts are concerned with the worldthat leads to the weakening of the trade union move spired the factional work against the Central Com wide workers struggle. Letters from the outside nent by the Party, glossing over the shortcomings mittee in the Moscow organization, endeavored to do much to make life endurable for the class war of the trade union work and cloaking the trade play the fraction at the 6th Trade Union Congress prisoners and sustain them with the knowledge that unionist tendencies as well as the appearance of a against the Central Committee, made the attempt to they are not forgotten by their comrades in the treaucratic hardening of a part of the trade union form an unprincipled bloc of leaders against the struggle. We therefore remind all comrades of the imthey picture the strugple of the Central Committee (proposal of Amanda Ruokarin portance of writing to comrads Malkin. Address Malkin. No. 10061, Box 51 movement to the