BolshevismCominternCommunismLeninLeninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers Party

TVRTANY June 1, 1929 Conference of the the Opposition Communists Here a op; hierarchontify the signs of extreme.
quotaarious delegafor the e supconfidence to The with the which the ranks seven CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Perspective of a Labor Party was adopted by and restoration elements in the Union.
interest was manifested in the report on this a majority after a thorough discussion The regime in the Russian Party decides the question and an earnest discussion followed it.
Following a discussion of the disputed sec. regime in the International and the present The great progress was reflected.
tion of the Platform on the Slogan of the Right crisis in the Comintern is due to the fact that tendencies toward organization fetishism in re; of Self Determination for the Negroes it was opportunism and bureaucratism have entered ilude toward the rules of the usurping bura haustive material on the subgect can be as ed in the general demoralization of the sections and the expulsion of the Left Wing. The ginning, had been completely overcome. Not a single voice was raised in favor of holding of this question and the nianifest insufficienee position refuses to It is the of informative material and discussion pertainback our necessary organization development which in reality line on this score. On the other hand, there were ing to it, this decision to defer final action was N001 of the Third Internationalents, the reaction to the other The undoubtedly correct.
which it will struggle both inside and outside for the leadership of unbounded provocations of the subsidized cor General Summary the party.
The victorious outcome of ruptionists had led some coinrades, who incorrectly identified them with the Party, to The National Conference, held under such struggle depends not only on the sharpening adverse conditions and with such gratifying restruggle in the in the capitalist think a complete break with the latter.
The discussion clarified this question and re who took part in it. Quiet and matter. com fact, organized intervention of the Left Communist sulted in the unanimous decision to organize in glaring contrast to the bombast and bally Opposition.
hoo of so many Conferences which have The Conference turned a corner in the strugcaining our position as a faction of the Party made a noise and left no trace, our gathering shevism and opened up a new stage of its de have gle of the American regiment of World Bol.
and strenthening our bonds with its proletarian generated an enthusiasm which was real and clements. This latter is necessary in order to genuine. The pledging of quo ties and its prospects realistically and showed collective will to battle onward to victory: path of the Opposition which is the only pose tiaris, which preceded the singing of the Inter: This victory will come all the sooner the in the olevationssent. must have sign of that kind of enthusiasm which express my carry out the decisions of the National con in such a and work es itself in deeds. Such enthsiasm and conference to organize their forces more cohesive for it. That means to keep contact viction are our capital for the future.
We were the first to grasp the ranks.
ly, develop a firmer and more conscious disThe Conference was a picture of the best re cipline and work with increased energy to en.
significance of the world issues shaking the presentatives of American Communism. Side Comintern and to raise the banner of the Inlist new recruits under our banner, which is at the beginning of their revolutionary activity the banner of International Communism.
Tesnational Opposition, but we will not be the the consolidation of a and attending a National gathering for the new grouping in the party on our Platform first time, were not a few veterans of the moveHelp the Imprisoned must go hand in hand with the developinent ment whose faces have been familiar at all imof our organization and the recruitment of new portant meetings of the party since its found Bolshevik Leninists!
revolutionary workers outside the Party ranks. ation. We saw there the forces of the ComThe Conference decided unanimously for this munist vanguard again assembling and taking campaign of struggle to improve the conditions We must start a systematic and unremitting policy.
shape on a National scale, ening sight The Opposition and its Plat of the exiled and arrested Bolshevik Leninists. large percentage of the delegates were reform are on the march in America. That presentatives of the Communist Youth. This was a proper reflection of the composition of was merely on idea advocated by a few They are confined in prison under foul condiindividuals in the Central Committee a brief tions: no light (the blinds on the windows are the Opposition movement, as a mon ago has become whole. The Youth are the most free from burNational almost tight shut. damp rooms in which they movement taking on organization form and crowd the prisoners to the extreme limit, bad eaucratic cynicisin and corruption and the functions. It has its own momentum. It will food, extraordinary brutal treatment. It is most responsive to revolutionary ideas. go forward in spite of all.
still worse in the Tobolsk hard labor prison the foremost young Commun(Poltical Solitary. The characterless bureaucrats who cannot ists of the United States and Canada have alIt is the same as it was in the time of Dostoievsky House of the understand how anyone can or should swim ready rallied to our banner far more proporparty against the stream talked a great deal about In this prison there are only Bolshevik Leninists.
comrade Trotsky which this process is only be one he letter from the greatest emand, no doubt, really expected a flood of cap: sheviks and Social Revolutionaries. They have The cells are phasis on the struggle for the proletarian delegations were the answer to them. tsThey locked. No interviews are allowed.
The Mensheviks had showed our ranks unshaken and more closely Conference mon dining table, a coinunited than ever.
kitchen, free interviews, etc.
Disputed Questions slowly, but steadily, since the beginnig of the rades are deprived of all this. Unquestion Conflicting opinions were revealed in the dis fight.
cussions mainly on the Labor Party and on the sical extermination of the Bolshevik Leninists. significant aspect of the Conference was Slogan of the Right of Self Deterinination for Relations have the appearance of a true collective leadership, the Negroes. The delegates who opposed the very tense.
ment you can expect not only physical concapable of harmonious collaboration and divi flicts, hunger strikes (which have no end)
but formulation of the Platform on the Labor sion of labor and bound together by a common and standpoint on all important questions.
shadings ranging from a virtual opposition in close unity of the leadership with the Opposi Solitary refused to apply repressive measures The the prison personnel of the Tobolsk Political principle to the position that it tion movement as a whole was illustrated by rect for us to participate in a a mass labor party the to Bolsheviks; they were replaced by guards if it should be formed, but wrong to work for conscious and all its proposals by the Conference delegates mong the families of the arrested is enormous, deliberate support given to specially sent from Moscow.
its formation. The gross errors of the Party and the Comintern on this question, which and by the unanimous election of the National simply montrous. The families of the prisonhave never been properly corrected or explain by these processes in nucleus of leadership evolving ers and exiled remaining at liberty are literally ed, have undoubtedly produced a con have an organic character. It will have a real it has a real establir Sciense haver de museo con internationa. fusion and skepticism about the labor party authority and will be able to exert a unifying broad. We must fight for the right to have throughout the ranks of the American Com influence on the movement. It needs no ap our legal International Workers Defense. We than in the Party as a whole. Such as exists ed that way must pillory the contemporary agents of the among us was brought out more clearly and Soviet for these crimes.
power, the Party leaders, who are resfully only because the dscussion was open and The political and organization tasks of the froe at our Conference and there was no reaOpposition are determined basically by the sitCorrespondence from Tomsk, Sterdlovsk tells son for anyone to conceal his opinions or uation of the Russian revolution and the Com crowds driven into the hard labor prison, Nardoubts.
Representing the stream of genuine ym, where they are sending Oppositionists, though it certainly is not a pressing question opposition qually rejects the bureaucratic among the exiled and iniprizohede stehere sale caricature of internationalism by the subsidized heroes of the October Revolution and Civil of the moment, the labor party question has a great importance for the future when the radStalin consulates, and the reaction to social War decorated with the Order of the Red Ban.
icalization of the workers will begin to seek Wing Brandier groups.
democratic national narrowness of the Right ner (Dreitzer, Gaievsky, Kavtaradze, Enukid.
political expression. Therefore it is imperative Russian revolution, which has The course of the to have a clear and definite stand on it. misreached ed in a hard labor prison is Budu Mdivani, the international line of development turning point, is fateful for the old Bolshevik who served time under the czar, judgment of the probas or a sectarian docof the American was president of the Soviet of People Coinin the Soviet Union, in the economic as issars of Georgia under Lenin and head of the trine which would prevent us from approach. military sense, can only be assured by the ining and influencing new upward movements Soviet Trade Delegation in Paris, fifty three ternational revolution.
might have the most serious consuences later the platform of the Russian Opposition can In the interval only years old.
on. The formulation of the Platform on the strengthen the socialist as against the capitalist Moscow, March 20. 1929.
the eart mion Our comadopted a policy of phy Any miogrown Party showed Party The need a Committee.
eat vast intern.
now as as