BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismDemocracyOpportunismProfinternSocialismSovietStalinStalinismUnited FrontWorkers Movement

Page THE MILITANT June 1, 1929 What the Conference Should Do the organization must trade a new ther The national conference of the Trade Union condition for building and strengthening the Educational League scheduled for Cleveland trade union movement is the defeat and over being held or notification given the victimout as much as charges being preferred, a trial on June 1st has been postponed for three throw of the present ultra reactionary control solely because of political differences in the months to August 31st. The reason for the ling bureaucracy and the establishment of a Party. The call appeals for demopostponement issä сablem of insecretary on the militante fighting headership: annua cracy in the trade unions, and correctly so.
is by united front moveRed International of Labor Unions (ProfinBut it will not have a scrap of well organized left wing value and arouse ments between a aith in the masses if it begins this fight by tern) which says in substance :and the progressive group, carrying with them abolishing democracy in the The The preparations and response to the conferthe confes the masses of the anized workers and must remorials of comrades Swabeck, Hedlund and ence thus far are unsatisfactory.
ting such fintern is tired of fake journalistic successes of the unorganized, the forms Skoglund from the and the attempt and achievements which have no genuine con ation of party, etc. In such combi io twangle George Voyzey out of his position in the National Miners Union of Illinois tent. Either the conference is to represent nations the broad inasses of workers that can form a real fail, and it Progressives will often waver and be condemned out of hand. This kind of work always fall to the left wing to only delivers weapons to the basis for a new center of the left wing which be the determined driving force, but these union fakers who seek to justify their expuls is not the case thus far or else no new center should be built at all.
this stage of the American labor movement. to the Stalinites who expel Communist OppoThis is a timely warning to which others William Foster, Misleaders of Labor, sitionists from left wing organizations. These of equal and greater importance must be ad pages 311 312. Our emphasis. are not the methods of the class conscious left ded. The delay gives the Communists and This was correct 18 months ago when it was wing movement. They are the methods of the left wing militants additional time to re written and remains correct today. Here also, petty bourgeois politiciandom existing in the flect upon the tasks confronting the move its validity remains unchanged despite the fact Party. The left wing has had enough of Lewiment and act with sober consideration. What that the Progressive group just organized has sism and Sigmanism.
ever action is taken at Cleveland must be taken number of fakers in it, despite the fact The intolerance of the Stalinites to all criwithout self delusion or deception of the work that Foster is singing in a different tone today ticism except that which they are forced to ers who follow the left wing.
Mistakes made because of the change in his factional relation swallow by force pump in Moscow only at so critical period as the present will sure ships with the Comintern and Profintern, dely have such serious consequences as may re spite the invention of the Bucharinist third workers in the movement to turn their attentard the development of the left wing for a (or is it now the fourth. period.
long time to come.
tion to these problems. In coming issues of The conference must sharply condemn the the Militant we will yet return to the question The conference must state definitely that it actions of the Stalinites in control of the of the conference and deal with other is a center of the left wing whose aim is to who have expelled members of the Com phases that have not been thoroughly treated.
unite the whole labor movement on the basis munist Opposition from the organization with of a militant class policy, a center of the unions formed up to now with the left wing minorities in old BITTELMAN ON THE CROSS not be set up as a national trade union federation that parallels the of and the conA Hard Luck Story servative independent unions. The implications contained in all the articles of the Stalin Before he set out wbox his great expedition, American Party tried more earnestly or with ite leaders in this country are that Cleveland Alexander settled the effeirs of Macedon, over greater devotion to become a little Stalin than kibeb be appointed Antipoler viceroy, with will see the formation of another De Leonist twelve thousand fool, and near the same ninhe. He read the speeches and articles of the Socialist Trades and Labor Alliance under ber of horse. He also enquired into the do Master in Pravda and Izvestia with the fasCommunist control. It is true that none of mestic affairs of his friends, giving to one on cination of a rabbit snared When these writers state this precisely and avoid the estate in land, to village, to third the revenues of lown, to fourth the toll of cu question as to precisely what is to happen at a right danger, Stalin called Trotskvice by a cobra.
barbour. As all the revenues of his demesnes Cleveland like a cat avoids a bowl of hot porBittelman shouted in chorus that it was an ridge. But the militants must reject this pernations, Perdicca Paid to think the bord en ultra right menace.
and called it a left danger, Bittelmani (who was nicious custom of confronting its supporters Alexander reis it you reserve for yourself. with accomplished facts without discussion or plied, Hope. DR. GOLDSMITH, GREthe first one in the States to get a copy of enlightment FROM THE EARLIEST Pravda)
The conference must resist the growing tenWhen Stalin found that there was a growing differentiation among the Rusdency to up the reactionary unions as a bad job, to withdraw the militants from them The difference between Alexander the Great sian peasantry, Bittelman immediately dison the and Alexander the Bittleman is simple. The class unions which are perfection itself and former, who wept because he had no more posed the establishment of Collective farms for all Minnesota farmers having only two have only the slight defect that they are sects without mass following. is no abstract the then known world lay at his feet. The form tractors and Soviet Farms for the expatriated er not only assed farmers in camps controlled by the Party, with warning. Meetings and conventions of the reactionary unions in the last year or two have beyond reached his Apex but even into decline before he had congue the hope that socialism might be built in Camp an almost absolute minimum of left wingi is the conclusion single Nitgidaigera And when Stalin signed the Kellogg Pact as The conference must put the banner of Unifate doled out to Bittelman by the latest, brand a piece of realistic Bolshevik diplomacy ty of the Trade Union Movement in the front new Open Address of the Executive ComBittelman thought that he too would become a ranks of the left wing. The movement has mittee of the Comintern. And every impart high powered statesman and at least demand been shifted off the rails of correct class poial observer will perforce admit that the treat from the Ameircan government that it build licy to such an extent in recent times that it.
ment meted out to Bittelman is decidely shab no more cruisers. Poor Bittelman thought very virtuously refuses to have anything to by and more than a little insincere.
that this slogan was the genuine McCoy and ac We have come upon sad days indeed when came straight from the horse mouth. Hadn cept every tenet of the Communist or left wing the read: Stalin) presumes to de the German Party carried on a big national program. The left wing mnification of the bourgeois politiciandom; nounce anyone the Comintern for petty campaign against the building of the German Cruiser Has not the whole to propose and ranks of the trade union movement on a min course and career of Stalin and company in Why, then, in the face of all these obvious The fact that the imum program of action.
the recent history of the International been facts should Bittelman get such a raw deal?
corrupt union bureaucrats do not want such that of unprincipled combination, chicane, in It is true that he was somewhat factional, but a unification does not invalidate this plan in trique and back stairs diplomacy? Why who among his colleagues is ready to cast the the least; it merely helps to increase the num should the same dish be called sauce for the ber of workers who turn away from the influence of the fakers and follow the leadership can gander? And we can hardly believe our Spariesmom a bit of factional fighting in his The answer to this puzzle eyes when we read that Stalin, the hero of the does not lie in an examination of the Third The conference must reject the spurious Menshevik adventures with Chiang Kaishek Period, or the relations between Inner and Out leftism and er Contradictions.
sectarianism characterized Yu Hsiang, the companion in arms It is much more simple.
Stalin is putting the various Parties of the The es developement of such broad progressive ner for years of Bucharin Tomsky Rykov, the Comintern through the process of dumping the most obviously discredited fakers who no longe gle against the labor reactionaries and the em Thaelmanns, the Rafeses, the Murphys, the Lovestones and the er have even an inch of standing in the move rest of the riff raft and bobtail of the movesy: should be utilized to organize, temporar ment for the past years that this same Stalin world; and he is trying to put in their place illy or permanently, such opposition moveshould dare to speak indignantly about Bittelscraped man opportunism!
off. In the United States his choice is the left wing, organized in and William Win the war Bill. Foster with around the make joint movements What right has the Master to scold his pupil Wobbling Will Weistone to furnish the heavy with the progressive wrots unon the 1a: nf for trving to tow 112 in his image? We will theoretical guns. With such a newly manuclementary ang burning issues say in Bittelman defense that no one in the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE CIAN HISTORY THE GREAT, VOL. II.
give This seen an first stone?
the and of the Peppards, the Smerals, the ployers.
every difference in the remakes surging current, ments. Sasir