BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCominternCommunismLeninLeninismLiberalismOpportunismRadekStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers Movement

THE MILITANT June 1, 1929 The Party is United Again. Latest Open Address of the factional The organization and the new war.
has vor to themselves will insane left. questi ali its own means.
Party and will cing them now in order to save their own skins.
it is quite obvious that the unanimous endorsements of the decision are a cover for a diplomatic factional game on the part of others.
Juliet Poyntz, who always discovers the shortpower, explains this in a special letter to The latest decision of the Executive Com credited and vulnerable persons and putting Letter to the Party members and to mittee of the Communist International, which figureheads in their places. This is the role ascharacterizes the leadership which it had im signed to foster; that of bond salesman so plains that Pat Toohey, the National Secretaposed on the Party as representative of petty to speak of the old regime under a new name.
bourgeois politiciandom who practice rotten The second consideration for the pious disty of the Union, is still working in behalf of and who are infected with Opportunism and veloping factional struggle menthes Russian Serurile against the c1.
The latest liquidation of factionalproceeding with ledgement of truths established long ago. The Earty between the Stalin Centrists and the Bucharin Rykof Right Wing. The ruling fac. ism and unification of the Party, like the of the Russian Party and the since the others, will only result in a fiercer factional anyone could have learned from reading The death of Lenin has been bloc between the Míltant, or from the most casual study of the Right and Center against the Left. The natparty in recent years, no inor Deprived of further support of the Stalin importance in itself than a new discovery of America by Platform of the Russian Opposition and its col. machine and thus freed from the necessity of a Twentieth Century Columbus. The signifi lapse was foretold. The break up of the Right adapting themselves to its left manoeuvres, carrce of the decision of the Centrist apparatus Center bloc is proceeding now with break neck Lovestone and Co. will undoubtedly develop of the Comintern lies rather in the reasons as everybody but the Party member who their struggle on a Right Platform and endea: which motivated it. It is there that the Amer relies on the Party press for information connect with the Right ican Communists must look for an understand knows. Lovestone and Pepper were caught on a International scale. They ing of its meaning. Otherwise they will not in this quicksand. Their closest relations had ckly take issue with the in proyet see the way out of the morass of factional been with Bucharin and, being much closer gram of the Party on the trade union deception and unprincipled manoeuvering of in their ideology to progressive liberalism than and will wage war on the new line on which the miserable Lovestones and Peppers to Leninism, their instincts were to support fronts.
The question whether this fight will were only the American agents.
break out into the open in the immediate fupreParty was an artificial and unnatural one and prospects of the American mo. Sixth Congress. indications are that it will break into the open The Lovestone Pepper leadership of the opportunist view of the world situation and the movement officially paration depends merely on tactical considerations.
Bucharin at the The struggle is already beginning and expounded by it never could have controlled the Party by The Stalin regime in the ComThis is not to say that Lovestone and Pepper in the near future. It will result in a new split were bound by any scruples of loyalty to intern was directly and fully responsible for in the Party.
The object of these the principles or this factional excresence which para working political hi jackers above all was to keep Party or persons.
dishonored it before the The Duty of the Opposition clas Its whole career has been that of petty power on any basis right, left or center, or bourgeois adventurism and its character has been thoroughly and completely exposed time Their mistake consisted in their failure questions, which are rending the International, and time again before the to guess quickly enough the way the wind of the Communist International. But each was blowing in the Russian Party and they clarify the issues between the Right Wing, Sialin Centrism and the Leninist Opposition.
The new exposure, accompanied For did not repudiate Bucharin in time.
by indisputable proof of the incalculable harm it was bringing this they got the axe and the American proParty will be shaken to its foundation again.
letariat was notificd by cablegram of a change and seeking to solve everything by shutting forced support for these shoddy fakers from in its leadership. Their sad fate is a warning the Stalinist appartus which saw in them its leading positions under the fferit factionalista mnoge rampant than before.
American replica. Why, then, do these twoStalin regime to guess quickly and guess right. Many of them will begin to think seriously by four charlatans att of a sudden get the boot?
The New Leadership over the situation and to search for a prin Does it mean a new course and a new regime in the Party. Only the most credulous politiDoes the decision mean that the Party is now racks the party.
ciple explanation of the factional fever that cal infants can cherish this illusion. The deto be handed over to the Foster Bittelman cision itself is a factional manoeuvre to defaction? Nothing of the sort. The banish The extent to which the situation is clariceive the awakening proletarian wing of the inent of Bittelman (Alas! Poor Aleck. should fied and a new proletarian nucleus in the party Parelhes and find a temporary way out of diffibe sufficient to dispel this idea. The object is educated and consolidated on principle lines is to graft Foster and similars onto the pre depends a very large extent upon the actcharacterize the present leadership of the Inter sent ruling faction, getting rid of a few of the ivity of the Opposition which has been exciunag onal.
cess baggage and squeezing out those with Campaign announced by the Party apparatus, The Motive of the Decision any strength to maintain a position of their which preaches salvation by simple mechacreated will nical ineasures backed by administrative pow.
Its ostensible removal of the leadership of be without a trace of independence or ability to er and subsidy, must be countered by a real petty bourgeois politiciandom was motivat stand on its own feet. The collapse of this campaign of education on ediy internal factional considerations. It was synthetic on Leninist fundamenleadership is inevitable.
tals, explaining the inter relation of the the exigencies of the struggle against Trotsky Leadership cannot be made to order. This Blems of the American Party, the crisis in its ism in the first place which made necessary is written in the ghastly experience of our leadership and its degenerated factionalism a new front and a make believe change own party and that of others since Stalinist with great world issues at stake in the strugAmerica. The rise of the American section brought ance and direction in the linternacionais. BeradEentrists and then right owing pahicho is the fight against the petty bourgeois the Party out of the factional underworld ers who get their hedabidegharity leader appointment ready leaving the proletarian parking worth the price of where it had been smothered for years into the The Opposition, having stood up and deveopen before the whole party and the simpathiz artificial combinations, patched together arhi struggle, having consolidated its forces at the All these loped under the first seven months of its open ing workers, and exposed its inter relation with trarily and imposed from above only serve to National Conference and having established the ruling faction in the Russian Party and the discredit the party before the workers and un closer bonds with the world movement of the dermine faith in Communist leadership in genPepper regime, the product of intrigue and Bolshevik vanguard has been given a eral.
manipulation and mechanical intervention from opportunity for further development and exabove, could not stand up Servility and hypocrisy are the by products pansion by the new exhibition of Centrist bankin such a of bureaucratism. These odious traits, alien ruptcy.
characterless adventurers could survive only to a proletarian movement, are glaringly reIntransigeant struggle for Lenin.
ist principle is our watchword.
in the inside game of degenerated factional vealed in the flood of endorsements of the ism. In the open struggle involving principle fident that every Oppositionist will do his duty. decision by the very functionaries who are questions they were merely targets which drew denounced by the concentrated fire of the Opposition to the it. Those who were closest to International regime which they represented in all their Pepper and bound up with and symbolized.
practices guilty to which merit expulsion from the workers THE CAPITULATORS The proletarian revolt against them grew movement and then try ism as a virtue of setto pass The ComA letter written from Constantinople.
steadily in this open struggle and took two criticism.
to a Russian Oppositionist comrade, dealforms: first, the open adhesion to the Opposi munist worker who puts confidence in them ing with the news of the capitulation of tion on the part of the most advanced and con is doomed to more disappointments. Proletar Preobrazhensky, Radek and others, writscious elements: second, the consolidation of ian leadership must have moral as well as po ten by comrade a legal Opposition within the Party destined, litical prerequisites.
by the logic of the struggle, to move toward TROTSKY Another Factional War us. The decision of the Stalin Executive was designed to counteract these processes byy setWhile many of the former lackeys of Love.
Will Appear in the Next Issue ting up a new front, discarding the most dis stone and Pepper are quite sincere in renounpre in have none.
fight. These We are conLovestone and crimes casually plead off this cynic