BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyItalyLeninLeninismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT May 15, 1929 May 15, 1929 THE MILITANT Page The Draft Program of the Comintern The Stalin Rykov Wage Policy sion.
approach resolution. Let uw tha mothis from CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUE 5. SOVIETS AND REVOLUTION.
features of a Soviet of deputies. Between the first Criticism of In the February resolution of the I, the experiment of setting up a Soviet of deputies and representative of the Comintern, Comrade Fundamentals the gigantic experiment of setting up a Soviet Gov. and others. are made responsible for the ab ernment, more than 12 years rolled by. Of course, sence of an ELECTED Soviet in Canton as an or By Trotsky countries, including China. But to think that the gan of insurrection. Emphasis in the original. This charge is in our opinion a surprising admis.
Lenin explained to the Mensheviks in his time Chinese workers are capable of organizing Soviets that the main task hitherto of the Soviets is to or on the basis of short prescription which substie tutes Lenin broad generalization means the subganize or to help to organize the capture of power In the report of Pravda written on the basis of stitution of an impotent and imp so that on the morrow after the victory it may first hand documents (No. 31) it was stated that importunate pedantry stionary action. Soviets must be for dialectic revolutionary there was a Soviet government established in Can become the machinery of that power. The epi ton. But it said nothing about the fact that the gones not disciples, but epigones draw from this set up not on the eve of uprisings, not under the Canton Soviet was NOT an elected organ, that is, the conclusion that Soviets may be organized only watchword of immediate capture of power for the matter has reached the point of the capture when the 12th hour has struck. On the basis of that it was not a SOVIET for how can there be of power, if the masses are prepared for an armed 1905 and other years without to insurrection WITHOUT SOVIET it means a Soviet which has not been elected? We learn While this tremendously important document by com that there have been other organizational forms the Let us reflect for rade Trotsky is running serially in the Militant it has ment. The tells and methods which made possible the performance now that Soviet is already been published by us in full in pamphlet and book form. The paper bound copy is for sale at our of the necessary in an armed insurrection, but by no e preparatory work to ensure the success of office at 35 cents in bundle orders. The cloth bound means before that. But when the date for the inlimited edition is for sale at 00 a copy. Send for it!
secondaisining the question of Soviets becomes of surrection is set there is no Soviet. To set up an tion of organizational technique or still less to a elected Soviet is not at all an easy matter. It is question of name. The task of the Soviets is not Lenin broad generalization they wrote post necessary that the masses should know from ex: merely to issue the call for the insurrection or perience what a Soviet is, that they understand factum a short prescription which does not serve its form, that they should have learned something the interests of the revolution but to its detriment, to carry that insurrection out, but TO LEAD INSUR THE MASSES TOWARD THE Of in the past about the election of Soviets. Before the Bolshevik Soviets in October 1917 this there was no sign in as the slogan of Soviets RECTION THROUGH THE NECESSARY captured power the and Menshevik Soviets PHASES.
was declared to be a Trotskyist slogan precisely in had existed for nine inonths. Twelve years prior At first the Soviet rallies the that the first masses not to the slogan of an armed insurrection, center of the entire movement. When, however, Petersbure sodied of 1905 embraced the factories and Moscow hary Soviets existed in and many other towns.
but to partial slogans, so that only later, step by later, a date was fixed step, they are brought towards the insurrection bers had to APPOINT a Soviet. If we were not to Soviet in Moscow during the printers strike, the class.
a few months prior to that, in May 1905, a mass expose this error to the very end, the slogan of Soviets might be turned into a strangling noose of strike in Ivanovo Voznesensk set up a leading com the revolution.
mittee which already contained all the principal policy.
tot ekipa odete their own defeats, they simultaneously and plants of the capital there was a printerid allowing the vanguard to become isolated from removal.
TO BE CONTINUED CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE the working class looks like. The Supreme Trade Union Council has done nothing on its part to im prove the position of the workers. The attempts of the Opposition to correct the line of the SuA Leaflet of the Russian Leninist Bolsheviks preme Trade Union Council, remained without results. The Bolshevik Leninists in the trade unions COMRADES! WORKERS!
July 1, 1926, the number of unemployed memare thrown out of work and sent into exile. Just as the best factory with a first class bers of the unions increased by 653, 300 men and The fate of the proletarian dictatorship depends motor and first elass machines is at a stand amounted to 1, 812, 000 men on July 1, 1928 and on the victory of the Leninists. Objectively, the still when the mechanism that connects the without the unions with seasonal workers the in present leaders of the are leading to the motor with the machines is damaged, so also crease amounts to 81. percent. Seasonal workers abyss. The working class of the must is a catastrophe to our socialist construction in the sugar industry, agriculture, building trades, find the strength to straighten out the line of the inevitable when the connecting mechanism and son on. In the union composed only of in leadership of the Party.
between the Communist Party and the masses, dustrial workers, unemployment increased 228, 600 December 1928.
the trade unions, is badly constructed. From and presented an army of 551, 000 on July 1, 1928.
Bolshevik Leninists (Opposition. Lenin resolution on the trade union at the 11th Party Congress. Trade Union Council, Kradal, member of the pre More about the In connection with the concluded labor of the sidium of the Supreme Economic Council, declared that the further increase of productivity by 17. Our Minneapolis comrades have just pointed Eighth Trade Union Congress of every percent will involve the decrease of the number of out that the case of comrade Arne Swabeck worker must ask himself the question: Fias tras conecting mechanism worked properly: The false workers by 90, 000; this line must call forth the arbitrary removal without charges or notifi.
cation from the executive committee of the greatest uneasiness as to the fate of the working the leadership has brought the country to class of the Trade Union Educational an extremely difficult economic condition. The ational League is not an material level of the life of the working class has The insignificant aid rendered the unemploy isolated one. Anbierence of the ed in the state budget is constantly cut down: the signers of the call for the Cleveland fallen, the position of the classes antagonistic to the dictatorship has been strengthened.
In 1926 1927 million rubles were utilized for we do not find the names of comrades The Bolshevik Leninists have exposed the mis this purpose, in 1928 1929 7, 200, 000 rubles are Hedlund or Carl Skoglund, both of whom are takes of the leadership of the Communist Party of being assigned for it, that is, with a substantial on the national committee of the Railroad Sec.
the Soviet Union on more than one occasion, and increase in the number of unemployed the allo oith, to which they had been unanimously pointed out their disastrous consequences. The cated sum has decreased even in relation to 1926 elected at the last National Conference. Both are Central Committee of the replied to these 1927. In the final analysis the support of the unparts of Siberia and Middle Asia. But the Leninist part of the family, and the worker Ludgety which and progressive movement in the railroad unions, Hedlund in the Locomotive Engineers truth cannot be killed by exile and imprisonment.
even without this is heavily taxed, is constantly and Skoglund in the Railway Carmen. They This truth appears in every nook and cranny of diminished. The position of the young workers were not notified of any erime they comour economic and political life.
is worsened by various measures, by decreasing the mitted, no charges were presented against The real wage of the workers we are assured number of schools of the factory youth, and so on.
them, and they were not even informed of their by the Supreme Trade Union Council has risen Wage agreements have actually ceased to exist. percent in the last year. This is delusion. The workers are robbed of the possibility of attendWho removed them? Not the committee of In its offices, the Supreme Trade Union Council ing conferences on wage questions. The bureauwhich cratic agreement between the heads of the Supreme the matter. The removal was decided on by he proceeded from the price list in the calculations of they are members, for it has not met on real wages. But every worker knows from his own experience that the goods in the government and tees of the unions with the Supreme Economic Stalinite Political Bureau of the Party, and was carried out readily by Otto Wangerin, sec.
cooperative stores are not sufficient and that. Council has replaced the wage agreement.
willy nilly one must pay three times as dearly for The new system of normalizing labor makes the retary of the Railroad Committee, an ostensigoods at the private tradesman.
unlawful position of the workers legal; from now non Party roon. The bureaucrats are determined to on the standard of work is no longer connected The Supreme Trade Union Council does not any movement rather reckon with this over payment. In October 1927, with the wage agreements; the pressure on the than permit a supporter of the Communist when the Supreme Trade Union Council fought muscle power of the workers will be strengthened Opposition to participate in its work. They inagainst the demands of the Bolshevik Leninists for in the course of the whole year.
tend to make every left wing and non Party an increase in wages, they assured us that thanks to The living conditions of the workers are growing movement a hopeless sect, a tail to the Stalinite factional kite.
The consumption of alcohol grows in a government measures the price of goods would be worse.
lowered and the cost of living would thereby be frightful degree. All the assurances that the proThis is the sure road to ruin! We are sure decreased. In reality, however, the contrary oc duction of alcohol will be decreased are lies. In that the high standing enjoyed by comrades curred: the budget index of the Soviet Union has 1927 1928 there were 52, 890, 000 dekaliters, more Skoglund and Hedlund will not be impaired in risen percent according to official figures.
then were estimated in the program, namely 49. the eyes of the progressive railroad workers (Economitscheskoye Obozrenie, No. 8) In the last 200, 000 dekaliters. And for 1928 1929 an ad by the Stalinite ukase. But the Fosters, Love eight months a further change for the worse set in ditional and some odd million dekaliters are fore stones, Gitlows and Wangerins will have to when prices became higher. The second industrial seen. See Briuchanov report at the session of answer to the left wing workers for their crim.
loan lowered the nominal wage another perthe inal work of disruption.
cent. The industrialization of the country is being Stalin, Tomsky and other leaders of the Party placed completely on the shoulders of the workers. were forced to conduct a struggle against alcohol in Form Opposition Group in China This can be best demonstrated when the sources The Militant has just received the first information about for the funds allocated for industry are established. from alcohol production increased in the 19281929 budget by 200, 000, 000 rubles, or 30 percent the Communist Opposition that has been roganized in the Out of the billion rubles, 800, 000, 000 rubles Chinese Communist Party. letter from China states we come out of the profit made by lowering the cost higher than in the 1927 1928 budget. Words say quote it as it was written in English. Chinese Oppositionits, Bolshevik Leninists, have begun to fight with the opportunprice by percent, which is, however, under the one thing and deeds another.
conditions of our technique and rationalization, The socalled wage reforms have led to a decline ism. We are deeply believed that with continuing achievement, Chinese revolution will going again according the way combined with the greatest pressure on the muscle in the nominal wage in a series of industries. In of Leninism. But we are youngest in the world. We want energy of the workers.
the entire textile industry per cent of the work the moral and material assitances from the international OpThe second half of the funds allocated by the ers were bit by these measures, in the wool industry positionists. We shall tell you about the present conditions as much as can, when received the letter from you.
budget for industry consists of inner industrial percent, in the leather industry 11 to 20 perThe appearance of the first organized movement in the the working class. To this belong the 350, 000, 000 Trade Union Council to the Eighth Congress of Chinese Party basing itself on the platform of the International Opposition led by comrade Trotsky will be joyfully greeted rubles collected among the working masses in the the Trade Unions, page 329. Housing conditions of the workers remain as by every revolutionary fighter. Especially in China did the revisionist line of Stalin Bucharin Martinov cause the greatest Industrial Loan, the deductions from the profits of industry, and so on and so forth. Thus nine tenths unsatisfactory as before. Less money was collected damage to the revolutionary movement by enslaving the proof all funds allocated for large capital investments for the building of houses in 1928 1929 than in letariat and the peasantry under the yoke of the bourgeoisie are raised at the cost of the working class.
1927 1928; instead of 90 million rubles, only 70 under Chiang Kai Shek, Wang Chin Wei and Co. The struggle million rubles, or a fall of 22 per cent. However, ary elements with every new blow of persecution dealt it Productivity increased 28 percent in the last two of the Opposition gains new strength, among the revolutionyears according to the figures of the Supreme the budget provides a greater expenditure for the by the Stalinite apparatus!
Trade Union Council. For 1928 1929 a further the apparatus.
increase of 17 percent is foreseen.
In a few words, that is what the conditions of TWO FABLES The Leninist Opposition always pointed out the FABLE BY KRYLOV: toil worn ox was returning from necessity of raising productivity but it has fought a heavy day of plowing in the field. Its hide was covered with grime and sweat. Its eyes were dry with earth. Its feet dragged along heavily. And on its back stood a tiny flea.
cost of the intensification of labor to the point of In the Next Issue: Passers by, seeing the flea on the ox, asked the flea: What have physical exhaustion of the workers. The number you been doing, where do you come from? The flea said: of illnesses, of accidents, grows from year to year.
The next issue of the Militant will contain: Akb! Mi pakbali. Oh we were plowing. Even the Supreme Trade Union Council must ack New and hitherto unpublished material from FABLE BY MOISSAYE. OLGIN: We toil.
nowledge in its report that the rationalization car comrade Trotsky far flung brocherhood of toilers. We bend our backs in the ried through by industry is often not accompanied detailed review of the conference of the black coal caverns of Pennsylvania and Winois. We wound at all by the necessary safety measures. This con Opposition.
our fingers with the cotton threads of the North Carolina textile mills. We scorch our faces in the lurid fires of the Ruhr dition, for example, is to be noticed in the naptha, The Situation in the Canadian Party by comsteel crucibles. We poison our breath with jangle vapors of anthracite, chemical and to a certain extent in the rade Maurice Spector.
tropical rubber plantation. We freeze the soul out of our metal industries, and we might add, in all other First hand information on the Russian Party hungry bodies in the sullen wastes of Alaska. We toil.
branches of industry.
conference just concluded and what actually (May Day article, Daily Workers, May 1, 1929. Unemployment grows from year to year. Since happened behind the scenes.
Akh, Moisseye, mi pakhali!
man could sidered time ership. Stalin has done this, relying upon the Letter to the Russian Workers bureaucracy, upon new petty bourgeois circles, upon the State apparatus, upon the that the agency should deliver at my direction and upon the financial resources of the State.
This has been carried through not only in the a half of its income from my articles, and that bureaucratic caste bound togethe: by a soliU. but also in Germany, in France, with this money will publish in the Rusian darity of privilege. In order to defend the in Italy, in Belgium, in the United States, in October Revolution, the Soviet Republic and language and in foreign languages a whole the Scandinavian countries in a word, in althe revolutionary name of the Bolshevik series of Lenin writings (his speeches, artmost every country in the world. Only a blind fail to understand the meaning of about Stalin and the Stalinists. reminded Soviet Republic by the Stalinist censorship. will also publish with this money a whoic the fact that the closest colleagues and comloyal. That word is understood in all the lan of conferences, congresses, letters, articles. Testament described Stalin as dis series of important Party documents (reports rades in arms of Lenin in the Russian Communist Party and the whole Comintern, all the leaders of the Communist Parties in the guages of the world. It means an untrust etc. which are concealed from the Party only worthy or dishonest man who is guided in his becand political bankruptcy first hard years, all the par participants and leaders of Stalin. This is of the first four Congresses, almost to a man, cannot trust. That is how Lenin characterized that counter revolutionary (according to Stalin and Yaroslavsky) literature which inhave been removed from their posts, slandered Stalin, and we see again how correct Lenin and expelled. This mad struggle with the warning was. There is no worse crime for Leninist leadership was necesary to the Stalina revolutionist than to deceive his Party, to sums expended in this way will be published ists in order to carry through an anti Leninist when the comes.
poison with lies the mind of the working class.
Every worker will say policy And that is at present Stalin chief occupation ings of Lenin with money received in the form When they were pounding the BolshevikLeninists, they reassured the Party by saying national working class, attributing to the opi geoisie than to propagate slanders against the that it would now be monolithic. You know and that the Party is now more split up than ever.
Pectivities in relation to Soviet power. Exactly Bolshevik Leninists with money collected from And this is not the end either. There is no the Russian workers and because of his inward inclination to that kind salvation on the Stalinist road. You can aof activity, Lenin called Stalin disloyal. Exact The War against the Leninists. dopt either an Ustrialovist that is a consisly for that reason Lenin proposed to the Party Do not forget, comrades; The Testament tently Thermidorian policy or a Leninist polthat Stalin should be removed from his post.
of Lenin remains as before in Russia a countSo much the more necessary now, after aller revolutionary document, for the circulation leads to an accumulation of enormous econo that has happened, to explain to the whole of which you are arrested and exiled. And mic and political difficulties and to the conworld in what consists Stalin disloyaltytinual decimation and destruction of the Party.
It is still not too late to alter the course.
that is, his perfidy and dishonesty in relation struggle against Leninism on an international to the Opposition scale. There remains hardly one country in is necessary abruptly to change the policy and the world where at the head of the Communist the Party regime in the spirit of the OpposiThe American Dollars Party to day stand those revolutionists who tion Platform. It is necessary to put an end led the The slanderers (Yaroslavsky and the other Party in the of Lenin. They are to the shameful persecution of the best revolagents of Stalin) are raising a great noise on almost all sted from the Communist Inutionary Leninists in the Communist Party of the subject of American dollars. Otherwise ernational. guided the first four Con the Soviet Union and in the whole world. It it would hardly be worth while to stoop to this message of Uber Comintern. Together with Len: is necessary to restore the Leninist leadership.
rubbish. But the most vicious bourgeois the comintern. That the fourth Congress, in disloyal, that is, untrustworthy and dishonest, newspapers take satisfaction in spreading Yarto help the proclear will therefore tell you about nihte dollars: amental report on the New Economic Policy Sition is ready with all its letarian kernel of the Party to fulfill this vital gave my articles to an American press volution. After the death of Lenin, almost task. Rabid persecution, dishonest slanders agency in Paris. Lenin and I, dozens of times, all the participants, at any rate all without ex and government repressions cannot dim our have given interviews and written expositions ception of the influential participants of the loyalty to the October Revolution or to the inof our views on one question or another to first four Congresses, have been expelled from true to them both to the end in the Stalinist the mysterious circumstances of it, the interest the heads of the Communist Parties stand new, prisons, in exile and in banishment.
in this matter throughout the world was col accidental people, who arrived yesterday from With Bolshevik greetings, ossal. The agency counted on a good profit. the camp of our opponents and enemies. In TROTSKY It offered me half of the income. answered order to adopt an anti Leninist policy, it was Constantinople.
that personally would not take a cr it, but necesary first to overthrow the Leninist lead March 27th 1929 peasants.
It We are a