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Page THE MILITANT April 15, 1929 April 19, 1929 THE MILITANT Page The Labor Revolt in the South Philadelphia in Campaign for Weekly The Coming Elections in Great Britain labor process 200 by the bed wave of cap IN gence; be have not not acted and in in some are benefit toon our by a On 15 to when a carcass.
of the in bacthe advance of having further July rapidly is no that there and reaction icited by The revolt of the Southern textile workers, rect approach to the developing new situation embracing mills in thtée states, lifts the lid by the Communists and left wing. In this content generated by the working class dis period which offers the prospect of the Comon a seething cauldron of intensification of the munists playing an iniluential part in the Athe multiplied exploitation merican labor movement it is necessary that which has been taking place under the formula we take nothing for gřanted, that we put aside of rationalization. The capitalist dreams all preconceived prejudices and closely examine of the hammer blows of the being shattered and re examine our tatics at every stage of the strikeless America are the class struggle in struggles.
Persistency and determination ate the Tennessee and the Carolinas. These strikes Communists have appeared in this hitherto characteristics of the Opposition support.
are symptoms of the ers in the campaign for a Weekly Miliwhich will arise inevitably out of the whole undiscovered country as the organizers of tant.
condition of labor in the trustified industries, the strikes or of some of them and in some cases have got the jump on the moribund A!
Philadelphia and St. Louis have swung Besides that, they have a number of featurės sharply into the campaign. Leon Good which give them a special significance in them Fi of unions. And this is testimony to the man, secretary of the Philadelphia group, writes, the Communists who are its driving force. The its fiery test in these battles and, if the correct We had a group meeting in Philatactics are employed, its foundations will be strikes are by no means a revolution nor even delphia last Saturday and we set our a conscious political demonstration, but the actconsolidated ivity of revolutionaries in them is The strikers in the Carolinas are the answer quota in the drive for a Weekly is a perfectly of the Militant at 200. 00. We have worked of the cotton milt workers to the stretch natural phenomena. The complaint out the details to raise that amourit.
a great opportunity has been over. system of speed up introduced recently under the direction of efficiency experts and missed because of representatives selves to a definite amount each which promptly is on the one hand calculated to inere was week. We are planning a cases to double the ritimber of looms a sour expression of wonderment and regret operated that Communists do not die when they are exa worker for approximately the same pay.
gether with the local American The April The miserable wage and long hours pelled, and on the other hand it is a confession Negro Labor Cilitant is the best 1st issue of imposed on these inorganized workers had al solute fighters for reforms for the immediate ever! Great. Morgy will speak ready provided the fuel for this fire. The report and pressing niečets of the workers.
next week before the Liberal League of the Forum on The Youth and the ing the average annual wage of all workers in Tactics of the Communists Labor Movement.
North Carolina manufacturing plants to be The growing St. Louis group 774. 20 about one half the average wage in through secretary Martin Payer writes: the North tells its own story: Communists are a small part of the labor The full time At our last meeting we pledged movement; from a numerical standpoint a very weekly wage of women mill workers is is 12. 32 small part. Nevertheless, they can play an 100. 00 in the campaign for the in South Carolina and For men it is 15. 46 294. 02 in North Carolina. influential, and to a certain extent a leading Weekly Militant.
in the former and 17. 41 St. Louis has also undertaken a subin part in the latter. fifty five hour week is the rule many of the strike battles of the proxscription drive for The Militant. numimate future, and in the shaping of new union in South Carolina and fifty six hour week in ber of subs have already been obtained North Carolina. Such conditions are the soil movement, if they succeed in correlating Tea there.
for a radical development of which these stri realities of the situation and the workers act: volutionary aims and consciusness with the The drive in New York is taking on kes représent only the beginning.
ual needs of the moment impetus and the group has just turned The present strike wave helps to demolish tactics.
in an additional 30. 25. Subscribers to The Slogans must correspond to the sitMilitant and sympathizers are being soluation. It is worth while to repat this truism lion dollars worth of advertisements a myth because it is not always remembered, and sitnot without influeće even in the ranks of the uations are lost because of slogans and de The New Haven group sends in 13. 00 left wing of the labor movement about the mands which appear too remote, and consethrough Gendelman, secretary, in opening its to put over a Weekly.
of the South and their inmunity from strifes quently fail to rall, the workers in a given situVarying amounts are coming in from ation. What applies to slogans and demands and labor unionism.
numerous individual supporters and the holds good for all practical activities and congroups. All recognize the decisive importduct in connection with a concrete action or Native Americans in Revolt Militant to combat the struggle.
The workers involved in the strikes for the growing.
These workers who are now entering the the official most part are natives, without previous experi path of class struggle many of them for the At Chicago, Detroit, Bethlehem, o enostown, Los ly recruited from the country side by the rapid backwardness and passivity, from capitalistAngeles and many points supportindustrialization of the South. special writer mindness, to communism at one bound. Neiers are doing their share.
in the New York Times says: The boast of ther will their natural leaders, who spring out The groups are exerting themselves in manufacturers of the Carolinas is the the Weekly Militant Drive in an endeavor supply of both actual and potential laborers of the mass and express the mass, be full to make the National Conference of the fledged Leninsts. Far from it. is more Opposition to be held in Chicago beginhave been successfully organized into unions never likely that the typical man of influence will be ning Coming without warning, the strikers have a church member, a Moose or ly. This. 17th, the touchoff for the Weekconsistent vobeen a distinct shock. More of these shocks ter for the Democratic ticket.
is an aspiring aim. Let each It is with such comrade phenomena as this, which will arise in a thouenergetically into the Camare in store.
The native American workers in the indur sand instances, that the Communists will have loans. Reach the sympathizers and workto how to deal as the strialized South (and not only in the South) ing the Unorganized is translated into deeds. It slogan of organiz: ers who want a genuine expression of revolutionary communism.
will prove to be valiant fighters in the coming is only by degrees, through patient and systemThe results to date are: establishment of the New Unionism. Indeed, Amount necessary to start the class struggle that these workers and their as the movement gains strength and scope natural leaders will develop their class conWeekly. 2, 000. 00 and becomes firmly fixed in the conditions of sciousness and political understanding and inPreviously acknowledged 562. 70 Received since last issue American life they will be the leaders of it. The dividual exceptions will be found. But we can71. 75 ability to see and understand this fact, in Tot. contributions to date 634. 45 all its implications, is a sine qua non for a cornot go by them if we are thinking in terms of Balance needed.
1, 365. 55 mass organizations.
Send Contributions to Just in proportion as success crowns the work for the new unions, as substantial organTHE MILITANT THE Box 120, Madison Square Station, izations take shape, so will the question of the MILITANT united front, of Party relations with non Party Published twice a month by the Opposition Group in the elements, of relations with progressives. etc. become more insistent. The current theories Address all mail to: Box 120, Madison Square Station, about the monopolistic control of the Party of the workers or futile, sectarian, paper uNew York, NY.
over these unions will break on these rocks; nions.
Publishers address at 340 East 19th Street, New York, or else the new unions will break, Telephone: Gramercy 3411.
Another question of great importance in conSubscription rate: 00 per year. Foreign. 50 Every honest militant will support the stri nection with the new strike wave, under the per copy.
Bundle rates, 3c per copy.
kers and the new unions of the Southern textile Asſociate Editors workers with all his power.
auspices of different organizatiolis in different At the same he Martin Abern sections of the same industry, is that of the will watch their development from the standJames Cannon Mat Shcachemin Maurice Spector point of the questions mentioned above. They program for the unification of the struggles.
APRIL 15. 1929 NO: are decisive for the future. Upon the answer The Communists must give a clear and correct Enteref as second clás3 matter november 28, 1928, at the to them hinges the question whether we are answer also to this question. It is a ject post office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
driving ahead toward mass organization for a separate article.
For the Tory government the recent series of and By Maurice Spector not necessarily through the Communist of reverses in agricultural no less than in inParty, a revisionist conception against which dustrial constituencies, spell the handwriting on like Germany, or pioneering like the United Trotsky protested in his Lessons of October the wall. premonition of their political fate States. British pre war prosperity was rooted (1924. prompts one of their noted publicists to remark in primacy and monopoly in the world market, It was continued under Bucharin who comthat the ministerial dullness is like a process and these advantages have since disappeared pared the proposal to withdraw from the Anglo Russian. Committee after the betrayal of ional dead march in anticipation of one own in these circumstances, rationalization can as funeral. Mr. Baldwin still sucks his pipe little avail as free trade or protection: it can the General Strike with the enormity of WITHDRAWING FROM THE SOVIETS someone like the British Premier in mind, when only accentuate the dilemma of Britisht 1917. Stalin on July 1926 before the his own life having been wrecked by intellina italism in a world of increased productive market, faith 19 iciently dull power, intensified competition, and a diminish Plenum of the Russian Central Committee deand seriously enhance to qualifying barett or cabinet internet the danger world war.
mittee to organize working class minister. It may be doubted if a bushel of the The Anglo American antagonism has reory lately raided in Berlin, could steam up the placed the Anglo, German in the fateful role it icularly against intervention in our country Great British Electorate to drown the mem plays in world politics. We may as well face that acute the international position grows, to that ories of the last four and a hali years of Con the fact, writes the London Economist, the United States in the 20th century is likely extent the Anglo Russian Committee will beservative futility.
come an instrument of British and internaOn the hustings Baldwin continues to reittional imperialism.
erate that socialism is an economic dance of petitor than Germany was in the latter part of the 19th century. reft part The Anglo Russian Committee adjustment The Anglo Russian Committee became the out that there are just a quarter of a million would court political and economic disaster. Holy of Holies, which it was sacrilege to attack of how majority, barring one, in British parliamentary made, the Economist is not explicit but pointsed to renew the agitation for a revival of the to the pacific note struck by Hoover in his in Anglo Russian Committee after it it had already history. Other achievements augural address. covet for In a confidential. comare the lengthening of the miners hours, inters tration a adminis ution to the Presidi urther contribueis China, rupture with the Soviet vention peace. 1926) the British PROTEST Union, suppression of the General Strike, and ED AGAINST THE CHARACTERIZAenactment of repressive legislation against pacifists generally hope for the elimination of the competitive causes of war through bigger TION OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL AS trade unionism.
and better production and sales agreements of LACKEYS OF CAPITALISM. In the artiThe Loyal Oppositions international cartels. It was this same Hoovercle of Dutt already referred to, he diplomaticof commerce formu ally reaveals that there is doubt lated American economic policy in these terms: signs point to government in the form of a more or less veiled Lib The establishment of international price fix the united front as a Was some misunderstandige personal supporthy Communists of building up of the prestige of these donald precepts of continuity. That is to people of the United States. United ates is treacherous pseudo Left leaders, and their exsay, his present indictment of the Baldwi vill other nation in the world. Daily, Feb phys and Gallachers had drunk deeply at the Ad more pledged to open competition than any posure only after the event. The Bells, Murministration for its inaction fully apply to his own. There will be no Marx ruary 31, 1927. The United States Senate well of the Stalin faction.
ian and Bolshevik despotic inroads into pro will sign the Kellogg Pact and pass. the Cruiser DID NOT TOMSKY PROPOSE AT THE perty.
nized Russia grudgingly, carried out the Locarno. Agreement and arrange the Anglo TY THAT THE SOVIET TRADE UNIONS cruiser their Conservative predec French naval compromise. The Geneva con SHOULD ENTER THE AMSTERDAM IN the natives of Irak ferences will go up in smoke.
essors, bombe TERNATIONAL? Does the British Raj in India, avoided e membership of Weakness of Communist Party the Comintern know of Tomsky famous teleanything savoring of nationalization, and helpIn this changed position of British capital Bureau proposing that the Communist Russian PolitSince then the British masses have tended ism, the British working class has ceased to be of Great Britain Should submit to the strecision of the General Council to break off the strike the experiences of Red Friday and the General scription of Engel letter to Kautsky in 1882. which in his view was to be considered as a Strike, but the reformist bureaucracy has sucpolitics has been pratoundly undermined. But, and Liberal Labor partial MORAL VICTORY OF THE PROceeded in transforming the Labor Party, structLETARIAT. The socalled new line of urals democratic party, worshipping more and the capitalist offensive, of the great strikes action and candidates) is too far at the tail the British Communists (independent political the more zealously at the shrine of the Constitution and the Empire. Not only are the Com reformiral election finds the influences of the end of events again to influence this election.
strengthened and that of the revolutionaries weakened.
Trotsky on England munists excluded by chapter and verse but local labor parties suspected of red Towards the development of the British rehe and are also excluded. Nationaathies Communists lost even their three seats in forward with supreme confidence. The entire In the municipal elections of last year, the volution, we of the Communist Opposition look and the capital devy have been dropped Philip Dutt, who is quite free from the taint of riait in production and in society assure it of from.
Snowden, who may be presumed to know the intentions of his Party, goes so far as to cora ant admission. At the same time as the left the victory provided its leadership be truly mit himself to the thunderous iconoclasm of ward advance of this working classe is going munist Party will prepare itself for the funcmore certain than that the second MacDonald actually going 00028. At the last convention masking of the conservative, anti proletarian, York World, March 23, 1923. Nothing is Communist Party is not only stationtäry, blue dism of leadership only by a merciless tritiInterna lish lab labor movement, only by a government will prove as helpless in the face tional, March 15, a constant un of the stern realities as the parties of Capital of the British Communist Party, its member imperialist functionaries in all the fields of 50It has been truly observed that you cannot ship was actually down to 3, 500. It is no make a revolution with rosewater.
pleasure to record this rout of British Com that these left elements of the Old School are monstrous illusion munism but we are under no obligations to capable of heading the revolutionary moveEngland Economic Position send Stalin war communiques from The chronic depression for the past six years of Peter Pan trumpeting forth the heavy masin the British basic industries, coal, iron, steel, sacre of the enemy and our own trifling losses.
for power. These words were written by comrade Trotsky textiles, shipbuilding, is no pre war cyclical fluctuation of bad trade. That is why, dur Party is the punishment history has meted out becay of in his Whither committee and The impotence of the British Communist in the the General Strike, and they are a golden the Anglo Russian ing this whole period, successive British. cab; for the whole opportunist and centrist line of text for inets have achieved the impressive results of the Comintern since the Fifth Congress. At slition will collapse miserably under the strategy today the members of the old German Club who sat no point of its analysis has the Opposition led coeur bor government or Liberal Labor arou a tahle over the center of which was byli Trotsky been vindicated with greater weight of the contradictions of British impeSerbie Es mus was geschehen. Something subordination of the interests of the revolutione rialism, mataring still further the conditions for a mass Communist Party, capable of leadmust be done about it. ing towards a revolutionary socialist workers England experienced a profound economic Anglo Russian Committee (the bloc of the dietatorship.
crisis and sharp class struggle following the Soviet trade unions with the reformists of Napoleonic wars, but that proved an crisis in some heroinecol? This policy was initiated in The Lost Leader! The Strange Cas the dustrial expansion in a world where other with Stalin, developd, the idea that the avenue countries were still in the grip of feudalism to the proletarian dictatorship in England like Japan, struggling for national unification might lie through the Purcells, Hickses et al. In Our Next Issue ance of a AUTY and degeneracy of more in a a and the Eng.
ment of Communist Party of America socona Lamborking classe Editor of the Disappearance of John Pepper