CominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Page March 15, 1929.
Letters from the Militants certain FROM MINNESOTA RENEGADE against the endorsement of Shipstead by that same are being expelled for the sole offense of holding Minneapolis, Minn. March 7, 1929 Convention. spoke in Halls and on the opinions which are contrary to the personal interest Dear Comrades: Street corners for Watkins in the Primaries and of an incompetent and bureaucratic leadership.
The writer, together with ten other comrades, was for Dunne, in the general election of 1928, and It was a hard blow for an honest, sincere and reexpelled from the Worker (Communist Party on openly and notoriously fought Shipstead in both volutionary worker, which believe am, to receive November 18th, last year, for signing a Statement campaigns as every Party member in the Twin Ci notice that had been expelled, in my absence at protesting against an expulsion policy, which we ties knows.
work, from the Communist Party. Yes, it was a hard contended, was sponsored by bureaucrats who feared have been a continuous subscriber of The Work blow alright, when consider the many hard earned discussion and, therefore, feared the masses. er, The Daily Worker, The Labor Herald, The Work dollars have donated, the thousands of steps have Since that time the party press has been steadily ers Monthly, The Communist, The United Farmer taken, the many meetings have attended until late utilized by the Lovestone bureaucracy to brand me, and The Railroad Amalgamation Advocate ever at night, the many thousands of pieces of Comtogether with the other expelled comrades, as a coun: since they started to come out in print. Subscribed munist literature which have sold and peddled dur.
ter revolutionary, pessimist, right winger, oppor for stock to get the Daily Worker started. Up until ing my five years membership in the Party. And tunist, non proletarian and a renegade. In order the first of this year had never destroyed one what have said here about myself applies even in words, according to the Lovestone group, could single copy of the Daily Worker, but every copy that an added degree, to such sterling revolutionaries as hardly gravitate much lower in the gutter of work did not file was either mailed or delivered to some Dunne, Skoglund, Coover, Votaw, Roseland and ingclass betrayal.
industrial worker. obtained a number of sub others.
There is nothing that know of, that speaks scriptions by this method besides the spreading of But far from being crushed, can assure our comclearer than facts. will cite a few of those facts communism.
rades and friends, both inside aud outside the Party, concerning myself, from which the readers of this have never disobeyed nor knowingly violated that the kick in the face we as proletarian workers article may draw their own conclusions as to what one single official instruction of the Party nor party received from Lovestone, only served to close our am and what am not.
discipline, yet in spite of this and in spite of the aid jaws that much tighter in the grim determination As the oldest of seven children was forced to and support have tried to render the Communist to rid the revolutionary movement of the working leave the little farm, on which had worked so hard, Movement was unceremoniously and contemptu class of self seekers and cheap politicians of the in 1899, at the age of twenty, to seek work else ously pushed out of the Party for casting my vote Lovestone type. The Minnesota comrades of the opwhere. walked to the nearest railroad station (13 against the expulsion of comrades.
position group are taking energetic steps, on a growmiles) and got a job in a Great Northern extra have written these lines, not for the purpose ing scale, with this end in view.
gang, afterwards as section hand, then as Round of trying to make anyone believe that have rendC. HEDLUND.
House laborer on the Soo Line, then as machinist ered some unusual service, or made any unusual THE ORGANIZERS WHO DISORGANIZE helper in the general shops of the St. Ry, sacrifices to the Party, but merely to show, in a which place left in July 1901, to get a job as LoSt. Louis, Mo.
concrete way, the kind and type of workers which comotive fireman on the St. Ry, and Dear Comrades: In the past few weeks, St. Louis has had a lot of for the last 27 years have earned my living in a locomotive cab as fireman and engineer, a calling paid organizaers Leon Plott, Wm. Kruse, Harry NEW EXPULSIONS in which neither rest nor meals are regular and Brown, Fisher (South Slav Org. Joe Plotkin and where the dead and mangled bodies of fellow work Now that the convention is over and unity has been Billy Matheson running pell smell about town try.
ers are quite often dragged from wrecks and over established between the two Stalinite factions, they have ing to save the membership from becoming acqu.
turned locomotives. Have myself had several hair joined in rolling up their sleeves to expel more comrades ainted with and understanding the entire Trotsky breadth escapes from death and in 1921 was infor supporting the Leninist Opposition or for opposing question. Thus far six spies from Constantinjured in a collision which laid me up for exactly their expulsion. Below we give the names of a new batch ople have been suspended and expelled. They include of comrades who have had the axe of internal consolida six months.
tion and the ideological campaign applied to them.
the party candidate for mayor, the organizer of the NEW YORK CITY City and the following League membersHave held continuous membership in one or the other of the two Enginemen Brotherhoods for 27 IRVING SPREIREGEN, vice president, American As subdistrict organizer, sub district publicity director, sociation of Plumbers Helpers.
sub dist agit prop, and South Side Industrial oryears, the sole exception being when was expelled MAC KUDLER, member of Executive Board, Amerifrom the of E: in 1919, by order of Grand can Association of Plumbers Helpers.
ganizer. Besides these frantic removals, suspensions Chief Stone because advocated amalgamation JOE BURTON, member of Executive Board, Ameri and expulsions, they have passed various resolutions of the Railroad Crafts and wrote a pamphlet and a can Association of Plumber Helpers.
condemning us and made other idiotic decisions that JOSEPH FOX, League unit Industrial Committee. no one shall see us or talk with us. And slander!
leaflet on that subject. appealed my case to the JEAN TISHMAN, Young Workers League.
Ye Gods, we have done everything but murder! We rank and file and was reinstated, whilst Stone the PAUL GREEN, Young Workers League.
have been even sent out ILLEGAL letters!
bureaucrat has passed into oblivion, the natural land BEN GROSS, Bath Beach Party unit.
Money and time that could have been used in building place of all bureaucrats.
GEORGE VOYZEY, President, Illinois Miners Union. ing up the League and Party, in building up the Whilst temporarily out of the of joined CLEVELAND National Miners Union, has been spent in calling the railroad Out Law Movement in 1920, where JOHN BRAHTIN.
we tried to organize a new Industrial Union of railgeneral membership meetings for the purpose of WHO ARE THE EXPELLED COMMUNISTS road workers over the heads of the Brotherhood ARNE SWABECK Joined Painters Union in Denslandering, expelling active comrades and creating officials. wrote a good part of the of mark, 1909. Joined Social Democratic Party of Germany a typical lynching atmosphere.
Constitution and many of the leaflets and pamphlets in 1912. Helped organize building trades union in Bucha The bureaucratic leadership, the ORGANIZERS rest, Roumania, in 1914. Arrested by police, receiving 20 WHO DISORGANIZE, are now preparing an ideoissued by that organization.
lashes. Joined Socialist Party immediately on arriving in logical campaign against Geo Voyzey, President of As delegate to the Firemen Convention at Wash United States in 1916. Joined in 1918, remainthe Illinois District, National Miners Union, because ington, in 1913 fought almost single handed ing till 1920. Delegate to Seattle Central Labor Council against salary increases of officials and delegates.
from December 1918 to April 1920. Delegate to General he has. as a matter of fact, the entire Springfield am a pioneer in the movement for amalgamation, Strike Committee in 1919. Member Executive Committee nucleus has) protested against this blind, expulsion of Seattle Workers and Soldiers Council, and associate policy. They are intent upon removing Voyzey even reduction of labor official salaries, abolition of gag editor of its official organ The Forge. Organizer for laws in labor constituions, free discussion by mem Seattle Central Labor Council in Pacific Coast territory tha it means the break up of the National Miners bers in the Labor Journals, a Labor Party instead of for Mooney general strike in 1919. Editor of Social Union. And it will mean that, if they go ahead a Labor Lobby and many other proposals of a milDemocraten (1920 21. organ of independent Scandinavian with their present removal and expulsion policy. The itant and left wing character.
Federation till it joined Workers Party; it later became miners in this locality will fight bitterly against Voy.
English organ of Party under name of New Age, then zey removal. They have expressed themselves: Have been active as member and officer of the Min Voice of Labor, in Chicago. Left Wing delegate from No louse from St. Louis or Chicago is going to nesota Farmer Labor novement since in cattle to Socialist Party convention in 1919; expelled by ception in 1919, and since became a member of the police, and helped found the Communist Labor Party, beremove Voyzey if we have something to say about it.
Workers Party in 1923 have carried out the ing elected on its national trade union committee. Party organizer from April 1921 to October 1927, chiefly as Wires from Chicago turned the recent League Party policy and instructions in the Farmer Labor District Organizer in Chicago. Member of Executive membership campaign into an expulsion campaign, political movement as well as its Trade Union policy Committee of Red International of Labor Unions in 1922. the effects of which are now apparent. The wreckwithout one single exception.
Since joined the Workers (Communist Party Comintern. Delegate from Painters Union to Chicago age of wreckers, of the organizers who disorganize Federation of Labor since 1921, Icader of left wing and (and get paid for it. is everywhere: in 1923, have taken a most active part in promotCommunist forces there. Twice delegate to Illinois State The newly organized South Side League, which ing the growth, development and influence of the Federation of Labor convention. Delegate to Chicago Communist Movement amongst the proletarian work Building Trades Publicity Committee which led the fight had good prospects 14 enthusiastic young workers.
against notorious Landis Award in 1921. One of leaders ers, has been completely smashed.
in huge mass demonstration of 150, 000 Chicago workers The carefully planned Anti War demonstration During the Party political campaign of last against this award in April 1921. Member of of around the Federal Bldg. does not materialize.
fall personally sold 72 copies of the Party Plat Workers (Communist Party practically continuously since There is no distribution of the already mimeoform, 25 copies of the acceptance speeches of Foster its formation. Arrested four times for working class graphed Anti Militarist leaflets to the soldiers and Gitlow. had sold hundreds of pam activities in this country. Expelled November 24, 1928 and national guardsmen. Last distribtution was phlets to railroad workers and others. Have sent from the Party.
ALBERT GLOTZER Joined Young Workers by a Trotskyist a few days before suspension, in at least 25 subscriptions to the Amalgamation who had his leaflets taken away, and was given Member Chicago District Executive League in 1923.
Advocate and about the same number of subscrip Committee 1924. Delegate first Chicago district conven a beating by three of the national guardsmen. tions to the Daily Worker, many of them yearly. tion at Springfield in 1925. Member of Bu. The Open Youth Forum is dead.
I, with the rest of the expelled comrades, have reau, and Secretariat in Chicago. Delegate League Na.
been accused regularly in the party press by the tional Convention in New York, 1927. Member of Na The Northside League which had exceptional promises of doing Negro work, relegates it to Lovestone outfit of refusing to fight Shipstead and tional Exgcutive Committee from 1927 until expulsion.
holding Labor Party discipline over that of the Party and League organizer in Illinois coal fields during Pioneer committee. They also postpone their miners strike. Director of League school in New Eng. Anti War, Lincoln and Washington Day mass.
Party discipline. Every friend and foe of the Far land in 1928, and instructor in Chicago Workers School meetings.
mer Labor and Communist Movement, or any prom in same year, District Pioneer director, 1925 6; antiinnence, in the State of Minnesota knows this is not The City Election campaign has been formilitarist work director, 1926; agit prop work director, gotten about because the chosen candidate for true. personally submitted the minority report 1926 7; industrial work director, 1927 Secretary of asking for the endorsement mayor, Elmer McMillan, is a Trotskyist.
Wm. tkins at the Chicago Youth Relief Committee, 1928. In charge of factory and shop nucleus work prior to expulsion, issuing St. Paul Convention in March, 1928, and fought first printed youth shop bulletin in United States MARTIN PAYER.
Sec y. Local Oppostion.