AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

March 1, 1922.
THE MILITANT Page Page THE MILITANT March 1, 1929.
97 Who TH Supports Trotsky. The Communists and the Progressives a move sector only Wing in racy, the day week, ner at question plainly seen.
made secretary in of the Kaiser imperialism; in the New York World. Minor called Lenin and Trotsky counterrevolutionaries because they put a few petty THE liars who got their training in the five years And here is what the Forward reports on the Olgin combine to call Trotsky a counter devolycampaign of falsifying and misrepresenting the lecture Chernov, the counter revolutionary Social tionary once more. They know that Stalin is viewpoint of the Russian Opposition are now ex Revolutionary, gave in New York on Trotsky: writing against Trotsky for the bourgeois press celling themselves. The paid scribblers of the Stal So far as Trotsky is concerned the lecturer believes in Europe in London Daily News, for instance. inist press are seeking to cover up the shame of that he also has finished his role. He has no chance They know that their own Party constantly emthe regime that illegally exiled (in cahoots with of again becoming a part of the Russian power. Febploy publicity agents in important campaigns Kemal Pasha, the Turkish Mussolini) the Sword Here is what Alexander Berkman, the petty whose sole duty is to get the Party viewpoint into a most revolting lies that ever disgraced a working, to Freedom king bourgeois anarchist, writes in the paper, The Road the bourgeois press. But they remain silent about this. They are earning the right to the Brass class press. In the United States, the leadership In reality the Trotsky element is more reactionary Check.
in the campaign is being taken by the Daily than the present regime and therefore less dangerous to Many years have passed, and there has been a Worker and the Daily Freiheit. The editors of Stalinthan the Rights.
change, but not in Trotsky, not in Minor, not in Let the Daily Worker and the Freiheit, and all Olgin. In 1917, Trotsky was writing and fighting hands at slandering and defaming Bolsheviks. They the other little Stalinites explain why it is that the for Bolshevism, Minor and Olgin were writing did it for years after the Russian Revolution of counter revolutionary Trotsky has been refused and fighting against the Bolsheviks in the bourg1917 hefore they found a comfortable place in the admission into the centers of reaction and coun geois and yellow socialist press. In 1929, Trotsky Central Committee of the Communist Party.
ter revolution throughout the world. Why he has is still writing and fighting for Bolshevism. Minor The Daily Worker of February 27, 1929, writes been rejected in Berlin, in Rome, in Vienna, in and Olgin are still fighting against Bolsheviks. The or New York. difference is that they speak in the name of Stalin Trotsky, has openly espoused the same slogans of Why have not the counter revolutionary statesmen now, and write in the Stalinite press. It is the march of events.
struggle against the Soviet power that are characteristic Hoover extended an urgent invitation to Trotsky of the entire school of agents of capitalist reaction the to stay and work with them? Why does Strese mensheviks.
mann threaten to resign if Trotsky is invited to a single sentence of Trotsky writings or the who is the symbol of the proletarian revolution.
authoritative viewpoint of the bourgeois and so cial democratic press on, Trotsky. To do either The Berliner Boerszenzeitung, which is the Ger would be to shatter the whole edifice of lies of man Wall Street Journal, writes as follows: Great travail marks the Party convention now the Stalinites. Since Minor will not quote, we will, Germany has enough to do in these difficult times with the maintenance of its own internal equilibrium, and in session. The mountain is groaning in labor, and it will very easily be demonstrated that every we consider it superfluous to create new burdens artificial and may give forth a mouse at any moment.
genuinely reactionary element in the world is in ly by a hospitality that will give the strongest propagand As we predicted months ago, the minority is bued with an ineradicable hatred of Trotsky and ist of Bolshevism Trotsky) the opportunity of exercis seeking a convenient formula for capitulation and all he stands for.
ing his propaganda powers in a country which in his Stalin has offered them one by which they may Says Duranty, the Stalinized Moscow correopinion can be most swiftly ripened for a Bolshevik harv.
gracefully retire from the fight with feeble shouts špondent of the big bourgeois New York Times: Its colleagues in the reactionary Preussische Zei of victory. The caycuses are now feverishly dis Before going further it must be understood that the cussing the demand of Stalin that Wm. Foster, tung write: Right Opposition differs greatly from the opposition of We need hardly emphasize that we would consider a the leader without followers, the Trotskyists in being conducted upon legal party lengthy stay of Trotsky, alias Bronstein, on German soil of the Party. Picture to yourself the touching lines; that is, it represents criticism of current policies of as highly undesirable and disagreeable.
scene that may ensue: The Right which the Kremlin by a majority group which remains willing danger The Neukoellner Tageblatt writes: each faction claimed the other personified will be to accept the maj ruling even should that be ad verse. Trotsky, who was never a real Bolshevist, made the In political circles in Berlin the opinion prevails that completely liquidated and the hitherto estranged fatal error of continuing his opposition, despite majority the presence of Trotsky would create a highly unpleas. factions will fall on each other neck in a blubber ant incident. The possibility must be reckoned with that decisions, by underground and illegal methods. Feb. Trotsky might undertake something against the govern of as they look upon the new born, while Tuary 27, 1929. its fond parents, Lovestone and Bittelman, make Duranty Stalin Minor Olgin sing in chorus that bring extremely bad consequences for German Russian preparations for the Long Journey to Moscow or Trotsky was never a real Bolshevik. The Times relations. Germany would finally be forced into the un the Caucasus to rest for a year from their labors.
writes editorially on the series of articles by Trot pleasant position of exiling Trotsky again!
The fact that, only yesterday during the Party sky which it printed: The Hamburger Nachrichten, an arch reaction discussion the Lovestoneites have strongly implied He makes no attack upon the Soviet system, which he ary sheet with Bismarckian tendencies, demands that Foster is a social democrat, labor faker and believes will endure in some form or another, but he is that Stalin assassinate Trotsky, even as Minor was a bitter enough and explicit enough in condemning the social patriot during the war, and that the men now at the head of affairs in Russia, who are, to his ernment: urges that the Opposition be executed by the gove Bittelmanites have formally read him out of the mind, betrayers of the pure doctrine preached by Lenin, barren vineyard because he liquidates every and really at heart enemies of the true cause of the It is possible that this element still sticking to the thing connected with Communism. surely makes Trotsky cause is not numerically powerful when com Soviets. February 24, 1929. 19 Stalinism.
for Nevertheless the wenom uit te leely apostles of Says the organ of Al Smith liberalism, the pared with others.
ejects against Stalin and his crowd has its stinging effect.
New York World: Stalin is getting the consequence of his blunder in not The Trotsky belongs at the farthest extremity of the left having sent Trotsky and the Trotsky crowd into the Great meaning of this ten cent maneuver is obwing; he stands for the most radical interpretation of vious. The shuffling of offices is the Stalinist Beyond by methods as usual as they are familiar. The method of solving political difficulties. The Marxian principles. At any rate, there is no Thermi crowd now in power did not feel strong enough to venture ap dor now in sight. All Russian reports agree upon the so far. January 25, 1929. pointment from above of Foster as secretary of the strength of Stalin and his policy. February 27, 1929. But if Stalin was not sure enough of himself to Pembership although ninety nine percent.
of the Party And Brisbane, the arch jingo, writes in Hearst do away with Trotsky entirely, perhaps the fascisti has him, is entirely devoid New York American: will help him out. Illustrierte Beobachter, the or of principle and settles of the principle Trotsky statement that Stalin and other Russian lead of ers that exiled him and his friends are leaning to the gan else Adolph Hitler, the German ånti semite and questions raised by the Opposition or any one right. that is toward conservatism and capitalism, will lowing comment: prints a picture of Trotsky with the fol in the Party. This maneuver is two birds, with one stone: to established to kill unity in interest America conservative government. Stalin, intelligent Russian, knows that power without money is a Trotsky, the Soviet Jewish bloodhound, wants the Party and to head off the Oppoalloster is to shadow, so he leans in the direction of money.
It will accomplish neither.
side in Berlin during his exile. We will have to keep a. Suary 27, 1929. vigilant eye on this Jewish assassin and criminal. Febbe surrounded by the old gang of opportunists and The yellow socialist Jewish Daily Forward ruary 9, 1929. by them, while the writes in the same manner as Olgin does in the Hitler is not entirely alone. If you pick up a minority is made to subordinate itself.
Anyone Freiheit: copy of the official comic paper of the Finnish who wants such unity is We are the last ones to regret. Trotsky fate, We section of the Workers Party, Punikki, you will the Opposition we are told welcome to it. As to told that a big drive is to find its cover decorated with an anti Trotsky car know very well that he is, perhaps more than anyone the after convention to back win for the seas of innocent blood that were shed there. We of the Finnish Stalinites here, which is else except Lenin, responsible for Russia calamities and toon drawn by Suvanto, of the leaders the Oppositionists. Foster is to be the permeated the Communist workers who have revolted. The also know that if Trotsky should get the opportunity to with vicious anti semitism. Anything goes in the Lovestoneites will crusade up and down the land, carry out his present program it would be new calami. ideological ty for Russia as well as for the entire world (February struggle with the image of St. William pasted on their 15, 1929. Indeed, everything goes. Lies, distortion, inventions. The official Party press tries to whip up a Bittelmanites hoarsely echoing their shibbaleths in the New York Times. Trotsky has very corhysteria over the appearance of Trotsky articles and urging the errant to follow the new leader.
The crusaders will fail. The workers who have Face the ho (of of the year to explain its political meaning to course and fate the revolutionary movement will millions of workers who read the Station, New NY Address all mail to: Box 120, Madison Square just as Lenin and Trotsky mac bourgeois press, not be deceived by this cheap stratagem so charac.
use of the bourteristic of the Stalin regime. Fake unity, unprinciat 3:40. East 193h Street, New York. which the membership and a corrupt Lovestone regime which pled combinations arrived at behind the backs of Telephone: Gramercy 3411. were first published in the reactionary Subscription rate: 00 per year. Foreign, 50 Evening Post and the yellow York Call. Scores covered with 5c per copy Bundle rates, 3c per copy of Bolshevik documents first saw light of day out substitute for the settiement of principle disEditor Associate Editars side of Soviet Russia in the hourgeois press. Lenin putes on a Leninist basis. This maneuver will Martin Abern even made use fizzle like a penny firecracker, the fight for prin James Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector ment in 1917 to travel in a sealed train through ciple will go on.
Germany in order to participate actively in the It is a matter af little concern whether Foster VOLT. MARCH 1, 1929 No. Russian revolution. In those days, Olgin, writing Lovestone is the new secretary of the Party.
in the Forward hailed the forged Sisson documents The regime and its line remain the same, and we Verenler 21238, that proved that Lenin and Trotsky were agents won buy any bonds from either of them.
Did we get our influence among the miners and.
By James Cannon American Federation of Labor which outdid eventually gain the leadership of a great mass all others in reaction there have ber of manifestations of a new progressive hum of the American labor movement exists in any of movement in 1928 by having nothing to do with ment which call for the most serious consideration the European countries. The fight there is be progressives. Quite the contrary. At the be.
of the Communist and Left Wing workers. tween the Communists and the Social Democrats ginning of 1926 the Left wing in the for the leadership of the masses. This is so in The most important of these manifestations is America only in the needle trades, a small Union was demoralized and the Party was Miners It was the block with Brophy and other sives which gave us access to the masses of progres the Manifesto printed in the February number of the Labor Age. This manifesto outlines a platform the struggle here is for the creation of a class miners who at that time were not revolutionary miners of 16 points which is a slightly modified rewho have nothing but contempt for such spineless movement of the workers and the expansion of statement of the practical platform of the Left Communist influence within it.
but And this, of of quitters, admirers of these same Brophys. It was the prestige of Brophy and others, and the the organization of the workers in the course, is also a struggle against reformism of all basic confidence the miners had in them primarily, that dustries into industrial unions, trade union democ social insurance and most of the other stanson, tactical line, modified in the light of experience, our direct influence grew and the independent altered this basic perspective. Our fundamental gave the movement its wide basis at the start. It political was only later, as the struggle grew sharper, that demands.
dard with the errors and distortions corrected, still holds Sort has accompanied this attempt to formulate the good. Contrary opinions ontyo substitutes Wishes of the Brophys was reveated to the miners and they between the Brookwood Labor College and flice sives. On the contrary the question of our parentes ticularly oth failure to criticize Brophy and others, A: of Executive Council, which has opened fire on it, is one phase. On March 2nd, these a ten fold greater significance in the coming united front yielded rich results and proved its apostles of trade union reform unfurted their ban period of mass struggles than in the period behind of the united front tactic: it mobilizes the workers us.
políte luncheon in New York City under for struggle and strengthens the Communists as the auspices of the League for Industrial Democ.
Let us look back at our established tactics on this against the reformists. However, to say that the racy, an auxiliary of the Socialist Party headed by Numerous resolutions, unanimously tens of thousands of miners even now are reve Norman Thomas. Also should be mentioned the adopted by the Party, as well as resolutions of the olutionary is somewhat of an exaggeration. crusade which the Socialist on the American question, could be quoted.
New Leader has been The Communists must learn from the experie conducting against the Civic Federation policies of all of these resolutions emphasized the tactic of ences in the miners struggle and draw the conclutrend toward a crystallibalithese developments the the united front with progressive elements and life sions, not to reject the tactic of the united front, respectable body practice we followed this line.
but to correct the errors in its application and em of progressive opinion within the labot move.
move ment can be were attempts to liquidate them, but these attempts to much of our progress in the trade unions there ploy it widely in the future in all fields.
Another stronghold of the new sectarianism reThe sponsors of this movement are the group mains. It is the theory that the shifting of the were defeated by a sharp Party struggle in 1925 around the Labor Age and the Brookwood Labor center gravity in our trade union work to the College Muste, Budenz, and others, including and by the intervention of the Comintern.
formation of new unions an absolutely necessary quite a few such as Brophy and Hapgood who In applying this tactic of the united front the shift does away with the troublesome problems have had relations with the Communists in United Partý made many errors. The block with Bren of the progressives.
Front movements in the past; a considerable num nan the anthracite, for example, was formed We are entering upon a new course says ber of trade union offtials around the country under conditions which actually rehabilitated this Browder, the course of independent stragete, inand the Socialists who have fought side by side discredited faker and failed to build the Communist dependent leadership, independent organization, with the of bureaucrats against us. Hill influence. The non critical attitude toward Bro inside and outside the existing trade unions. But quit, Thomas. Oneal and Co. are devoting much phy, Hapgood, etc. worked against the militancy are all the influential leaders we encounter in this attention to the movement and are aiming the of the fight in the miners union and the firmness new field to be pure Communists and Left wingers hegemony of it. It it. It would be erroneous, however, and cohesion of the Left wing. Some of the man who will not disappoint us? Anybody who to regard the movement as simply the creation of euvers in the needle trades were more disgraceful thinks so is working to build another socialist the Socialist Party. Its basis appears to be much back room bargains with fakers than Communist Trades and Labor Alliance and not a mass labor broader and, if it continues to develop, will very actions to mobilize the masses. But to react against acao movement reflecting the probably include a much wider circle.
united front tactic is like cutting of one head to of the workers. And it is just this theory that is These events are not accidental. They reflect progressive sections such distortions, with the abandonment of the and class development of stage of radicalization in the first place the unmistakable growth of discure a toothache. This, it seems, is what is now beginning to confront the new unión movement content of wide sections of the workers and their being proposed, if we are to judge by the Party as a real metrol of the new unions in a The current practise of monopolimpulse to struggle against the present state of comment on the izing the new progressive manifestations in a mechanical The old tactic of united front with criticism and way, of regarding affairs. They are a reaction to the position of the worker who is not a Party officialdom which grows ever more brazenly tactic of an ind straight ou policy is to replaced by the member as a of arbitrarily excluding rela: reactionary, smothering these sentiments of the denunciation and completely tions and compromises with influential leaders who independent virtual abandonment of the old unions by the Com the new progressives which has appeared in the. this practise will be fatal for the movement. It munists. who have stood at the head of most of Labor Unity and the Daily Worker. This looks disregards the stage of development, the relation the opposition movements in the past five years, simpler and easier, but how will it work out? It is of forces, and all the realities of the situation.
and affords the Socialists an opportunity to regain who wanted to pull the Party onto this track eina Where to Buy THE MILITANT challenge to the Communists for the leader new revelation. Now, as then, they see the pro The following is a partial list of newstands, bookstores of the gressive leaders only as individuals and roundly and Agents from whom The Militant can be purchased.
The Militant is also obtainable from our Opposition denounce them as fakers. They fail now, as These progressives are weather cocks who reGroup Secretaries: flect certain winds blowing in the labor movement.
fore, to see the movement of workers they express Boston, Mass. Shapiro Bookstore, Leverett St.
and, to a certain extent, represent. And that is Their emergence now with demands which con note militancy is an indicator of the radicalization Communists.
the most important and decisive thing for the Malden, Mass. Comrade Dublin, 15 Semmett St.
Roxbury, Mass. Charles Goldberg Store, 536 Warren of the workers growing within the old unions as Earl Browder, back from the Far East in a very Chelsea, Mass. Charles Kleinfield, at Labor Lyceum.
well as in the ranks of the unorganized masses.
New York City and Brooklyn: Their role, objectively speaking, is to express this revolutionary mood, makes short shrift of these radicalization in words, to harness it in action and new progressives in the Daily Worker of Feb. Borious new stands around Union Square th St ruary 25, 26 and 27, 1929. He recites their past stards in the Bronx, and other stands in New York City capitalists and the of machine. And their treacheries, vacillations and cowardice with such and various stands in Brooklyn. Also, at The Militarak to the old unions. strongly organized block pected of them. Such conduct is the inevitable Troy, Allen Bookstore, Hendrick Hudson Hovet of these elements in the of can also exer result of reformist policy. That is why the revolu New Haven, Conn. Gendelman. 393 Sherman Ave.
great influence on the struggles of the un organized question is not what the reformists will do Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Keller, 304 Vega Ave. Bryaw when the fight grows hot that should be known 2211 East 55th St.
The question whether they will succeed in in advance but how can the Communists best de Youngstown, Ohio, Denis Plarinos, 387 East Federal stultifying the promising movements of the prox velop the struggles of the workers and expand their Detroit. Mich. Barney Mass. 8720 12th St. Apt. as imate future or whether the very movements of influence? is from this standpoint that we must Aidas Book Shop, 1713 24th St.
the workers they express and, to a certain extent, evaluate our past experience with the progres. Chicago, Ill. Cheshinsky Community Store, 2720 help to create are developed in the direction of sives and draw conclusions for the future.
St battles, depends very much upon the Ave. Albert Glotzer 2610 Thomas Ave.
Proceeding in this way we have to take issue activities and tactics of the Communists. Com with Browder deductions. He says: Springfield, III. Joe Angelo, 431 No. Wesley St.
munist tactics will have a tremendous bearing on We will no longer waste our energies and time in die San Francisco, Calif. McDonald Bookstore, 76 Sixte the outcome of the impending struggles of the sastrous attempts to work with these fake progressives workers. And one of the most decisive aspects. We will never again put forward such a progres. Richmond, Calif. Rosa Powell. McDonald Ave.
of these tactics is the question of our attitude to sive as Brophy as leader for the tens of thousands of Kansas City, Mo. Buehler Book Store, 220 12th ward the progressives and the movement which revolutionary miners who have nothing but coritempt St. Louis, Mo. Foster Book Store, 410 Washington they indubitably express.
for such spineless quitters. Our emphasis. Avenue.
What pompous no ense! What disregard of International experience will be uesful to us in the facts of the protracted struggle to build the Goodman; News Vendor, Queen St.
Toronto, Ont. Maurice Spector, 231 Palmerston this question but it cannot provide us with a Left wing among the miners! What a ridiculous Edmonton, Alta. Labor News Stand, 9796 Jasper Ave ready made formula. Nothing approximating an attempt to punish the Party for his own illusions Hamilton, Ont. Altman, 109 So. Catharine St.
analogy to the situation and stage of development and disappointments about the progressives. Winnipeg, Man. National Book Store, Selkirk Ave. ruling repudiated HONE some is fascist. ship coming fights. unists growth.
steady (Feb.
be made the decoy for against the Opposition cise Published spice a month by the opposition Group in the value of his exile the greatest palitical sensation basis of a principle fight that involves the entire It Street.
a 61 ENRISAN lerat New York,