BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniSovietStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT January 15, 1929.
Letters from the Militants THE EXPELLED me; am used to them, but his expeclsion doesn bother OurN. Mass Meeting LETTER FROM MINERS LEADER REVOLUTIONIST AGAINST GANGSTERISM Springfield, III. Dec. 19, 1928. This letter, was written to an expelled Opposition comDear Comrade: rade by comrade Pippan, an active revolutionary worker Your letter of the 15th received today. am very in Italy where he was a Provincial Secretary of the miners glad to note your attitude in regards to the reactions of union, and was violently persecuted by the fascisti. He some comrades towards the Party as a Party. pointed The bureaucrats are continuing with their expulsion is one of the leading Communists among the Italian worout this wrong point of view at our last unit meeting kers in the United States, active in the anti fascist movepolicy, and wherever a worker in the Party raises his when two comrades attacked the Party because the Pol.
voice in defense of the platform of the Russian Oppo ment, and is al present Paterson organizer of the National com has expelled Cannon and others.
sition, or against the expulsion course, he is forthwith Textile Workers Union. Publication of the letter is authorYou remember that at the last unit meeting made a expelled or suspended from the Party himself. The ized in its concluding paragraphs. motion that the unit protests against the expulsion of ideological campaign against the Opposition is more Comrade Cannon, etc. and demanded the reinstatement Paterson, Dec. 19, 1928.
truly a campaign of ideological terrorization. Neverthe of all these comrades. The whole unit was in favor exDear Refugee: less, true to their convictions, we continue to hear of adcept Shimkus who spoke against, yet this motion never Only today did hear the news of the serious fight ditional workers who have taken a stand for our position came to a vote, because Plott realizing the position he which took place last Saturday in front of the New York even though it involved the temporary loss of their mem.
was in prolonged the discussion for so long and words bership card. The latest expulsions and suspensions in Workers Party district headquarters, between the Trotsky flew back and forth so fast that nothing was done ex clude the following: ist faction to which you belong, and several members of cept to have another discussion meeting the following our Party, in which fight you had some disagreeable ex CANADA Sunday. But for some reason there was no Party meeting POPPER QUARTER periences.
the following Sunday. HURWITZ KRAMER In deploring profoundly the actions of my Party com As you probably already know have been suspended CLAREMONT SHAINAK rades, feel it my duty to deny any part in the responsi from the Party for three months for holding the Trotsky bility of those who cultivate the vain illusion that the STARKMAN MAURICE QUARTER position at the last unit meeting. Now at the last unit In addition to these comrades suspended by the Party triumph of a given tactical viewpoint in the Party can meeting from which Plott gathered his so called evidence, in Toronto, 20 others, members of the Young Commun ever succeed through personal violence practiced on the my position was solely a protest against expulsions, ask dissenting elements.
ist League, have received the same fate. Their names ing for more information, protesting that both sides be will appear in future issues. Most of the suspended wor It is my personal opinion that in the conflict of politiheard on this question. The kers are active in the needle trades union.
cal principles and ideas, one must maintain oneself strict on the new mem NEW YORK ly within the sphere of personal respect, a respect which bers is going to react very bad and not to the best in PHILIP SHULMAN, member Left Wing must coincide with a strict observance of liberty of opin terests of the Party.
ion among comrades.
Local 35.
George Maurer came down to see me last week and BERNARD LUECK, Organizer Unit F, expelled which the Trotskyist question was discussed, and after, Sometime ago, during the Italian district meeting in spent a whole day in Springfield. First proposal he made August 1928.
to me was that vote for the minority resolution and ap.
PHILADELPHIA openly expressed my disapproval of the unfortunate re.
peal my case to the This refused to do be mark made by comrade Markoff to the effect that the JOE LESACK, member Carpenters Union.
cause disagree with the resolution on the question of Trotskyist faction is destined to outdo Mussolini.
NATHAN SHANKER, Financial Secretary Sheet Trotsky. Second, that should refrain from voting on Metal Workers Union.
This statement is, in my opinion, completely wrong, and all resolutions and make a speech on discipline, right of it made a very bad impression when it was launched in ST. LOUIS the to expel, etc. This too refused to do the midst of many of us who suffered the consequences SAM CURTIS, Sub hecause it means lulling the membership to sleep and of fascist reaction in Italy. This general impression shows not taking a Communist stand at all. told him that to what absurdities the factional struggle has been car WHO ARE THE EXPELLED COMMUNISTS would fight for reinstatement of the expelled comrades.
ried, and how the spirit of many comrades has become But now after reading the Program of Trotsky from MAURICE SPECTOR Entered Toronto Young So. imbued with this poison; and all this is painful to see, the book that you sent me feel that must take ancialist League in 1914. Removed as editor of student personally do not believe in the definition of Trotsky other step forward and fight for the Trotsky position paper in 1916 for anti war activity in University of Tor ism given by comrade Markoff.
and program. had some doubts, because of lack of onto. As national executive committee member of So Returning to the deplorable actions of the Communist facts, now am convinced after giving some time to the cial Democratic Party in 1918 he introduced resolution comrades last Saturday, believe that they are really poor writings of not only Trotsky, but Lenin and Stalin and for affiliation to Third International. Helped liquidate Communists, who, instead of honoring their party, disothers.
Social Democratic Party and form underground groups. credit it before the very masses that we have won after At the meeting Sunday will of course fight for the Delegate to the first underground convention of Com many struggles and sacrifices.
motion of protest and reinstatement but also am going Canada which established Workers Party. Elected to munist Party and Workers Communist Party group in In assuring you of my personal solidarity, am fully to take up the program of Trotsky and fight for it too.
conscious of the seriousness of writing a letter of this Best regards to Glotzer and Zalisko. and appointed editor of Canadian Worker, offi. kind. believe my conscience will have nothing to re Fraternally cial organ, in 1921. Constantly a member of of proach me for, if, by authorizing you to make any use JOE ANGELO Communist Party of Canada since then. Delegate to you may wish of it, we may bring to the factional strug.
Fourth World Congress of Comintern in 1922. 23. Elected gle a spirit more worthy of the cause we are all fighting chairman of Party following the Third and Fourth Con. for.
ventions. Editor of Canadian Labor Monthly, Party theoretical monthly, from inception. Delegate to Sixth World Congress of and elected member of Executive Committee of Comintern.
An audience of five hundred workers filled the Prince: That ever this fellow should have fewer large hall of the Labor Temple on Tuesday night, MAX SHACHTMAN Joined Workers Council in words than a parrot, and yet the son of a woman!
January 8, and listened with absorbed attention to 1921 prior to its merger into Workers Party at Decem Hlis industry is up stairs and down stairs; his eloa more than two hour speech delivered by comrade ber 1921 convention Elected member of National Execquence the parcel of a reckoning. am not yet of Jame Cannon, editor of The Militant and leader utive Committee of Young Workers League in 1923, Percy mind, the Hotspur of the North; he that kills Th member of National Bureau and Secretariat until 1927 me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, Truth About Trotsky and the Russian Opposition.
when entire work transferred to the Party. Editor of washes his hands, and says to his wife, Fie on this official organs of League, Young Worker and Young quiet life! want work. my sweet Harry, This splendid turn out, far exceeding the most Comrade, in 1923 5. Director League anti militarist says she, how many hast thou killed today? Give optimistic expectations, was achieved in the face work 1923 League delegate to Plenum of Young com my roan horse a drench, says he, and answers, Some of an official boycott by the Party apparatus and munist International in 1925. Editor of Labor Defender, fourteen, an hour after, a trifle, a trifle.
organ of International Labor Defense, 1926 1928. Mem. King Henry the Fourth, Part I, Act I, Sc. IV.
with almost no advertising of the meeting.
ber of National Executive Committee of since Comes now our bloodthirsty friend Harrison George, The workers manifested the keenest interest dur November 1927. Delegate to Second Congress of In. draws his sword for the fray and in one swift charge kills ternational Red Aid in 1927. Elected alternate to Central off the entire Trotsky movement in the United States, ing the course of the speech in the array of facts, Committee at 1927 convention of Party.
documents and including the Cannon, Lore, Eastman, and and arguments presented by comrade Trotsky himself, as deluders of the American workers Cannon, much of which they had heard for the and their most insidious enemies. All this in one article first time. Strong applause greeted the name of combeen broken up by the police after the official. The Moves Backward. in the current issue rade Trotsky, particularly when the speaker de party rowdies had tried to create a riot. This time of Labor Unity. Then he sitteth down, picking his clared that a Leninist line would be carried through more than sixty workers listened to comrade Can.
teeth with his lance, and murmurs deprecatingly: trifle, a trifle. Fie on this quiet life. want work. Then and when Trotsky and his colleagues would be reour modern Hotspur Harry goes on to say: ance. When a dozen of the Party squad, who had We must here insert a remark on another char.
gitimate leaders of world Bolshev. announced a rival meeting, on the same night, acteristic of the in which it approximates ism.
the character of the of The reactionary e speaker took up point by point which flopped, entered the hall they began to try the record of falsification, distortion and slander to bureaucracy of the of expels Communist workers from its ranks, so does the supposed to be out such expulsions without disguise when they even compelled the director of the Russian film learned nothing about workers Un judged it possible to do so. Both, when the back Ten Days that Shook the World to omit the fortunately for Kling, however, he and his row. fire of the rank and file began against such expulpicture of Trotsky from every scene, the audience, dies were quickly put into their place along the sions, as harmful to working class unity, have conmany of whom had seen the film and the petty wall where they remained for ten minutes and tinued such expulsions under subterfuge charges.
trick, again applauded vigorously.
then left the meeting.
The writer was suspended without a hearing by the General Executive Board in 1926 on After the lecture many questions were asked Comrade James Cannon, is now out on a short the charge of circulating literature outside the regular channels or words to that effect.
and all of them were answered by the speaker. To tour of the main cities. He will visit Cleveland, the May we timidly ask this stalwart warrior why it is that great satisfaction of the audience, comrade Chicago and Minneapolis. In Cleveland and Min Cannon tore to shreds the big exposure of the neapolis public meetings have been arranged. In not only the and the of expel Com munist workers; that others, when the backfire of the Daily Worker in response to questions on the all cities, comrade Cannon will hold special meet rank and file began against such expulsions have matter.
ings with the Opposition forces. more extended continued such expulsions under subterfuge charges. As is reported elsewhere in this issue, com tour is being planned following the national con that he has himself endorsed the expulsion of these com munist workers from his own organization, the Workers rade Maurice Malkin, now in Sing Sing prison, vention of the Party if our demand for reinstate (Communist Party of America? We say timidly be spoke before Comrade Cannon and was given a ment is rejected.
cause our teeth rattle with fear at the awful wrath of warm welcome and ovation. Numbers of his this mighty swordsman who can fight on two fronts, friends and comrades from the Furriers and needle or three or three hundred with equal vigor. Mayhap OPPOSITION MEETING IN BOSTON trades workers were on hand throughout the meet we will be completely annihilated by him in the next ing. Comrade Martin Abern acted as chairman mass meeting on the subject, The Truth About issue of the non Party Labor Unity; or mayhap, just Trotsky and the Platform of the Russian Opposition because we have asked him he will reply like Falstaff: for the meeting will be held in Boston on Friday, February 15th, 1929, What, upon compulsion? Zounds! an were at In New Haven, January 4, comrade Cannon P. at the Credit Union Hall, 62 Cham sers St. Bos the strappado, or all the racks in the world, would ton, Mass. Comrade James Cannon will be the speak. not tell you on compulsion. Give you a reason on spoke for the second time on the Russian Opposier. Tickets in advance at 25 cents can be obtained at compulsion! If reasons were as plenty as blackberries tion at the Labor Temple. The first meeting had Shapiro Book Store, Leverett St. would give no man a reason upon compulsion, HotSpur Harry George instated as against Trotsky, bringing it down to recent day They were led by Robert Kling, who, although he democracy