CominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers Party

Page THE MILITANT January 1, 1929.
Letters from the Militants THE EXPELLED Secretary NEW HAVEN is a party functionary. There is not a single worker from will continue to take this open stand also in the fuNew Haven, Conn. the shops among them. All of this is completely in line ture as have a full right and duty to do as a communist.
November, 23, 1928. with the bureaucratic methods of the party leadership am absolutely opposed to the expulsion of comrades Dear Comrade: and its disregard of the principle of strong representation Cannon, Abern and Schachtman, of comrade Spector received your bundle of 25 copies of the No. of workers from the shops in all committees. This pro in Canada, of the three members of the in Phil.
of The Militant and it was just in time. Everyone of our ceeding is another act in the campaign of the party bu adelphia, Morgerstern, Lankin and Goodman, of the two comrades was anxious to find out what you comrades reaucrats to expel the best proletarian fighters behind the members of the in Kansas City, Buehler and Kashave to say about the Trotsky Opposition. The sen back of the party members, giving them no opportunity sen, and of the other comrades now under charges in timent is prevalent that no matter what their attitude to know the facts.
connection with this issue. consider all these com toward Trotsky and his followers in is, it was My position on the question under consideration is no rades as good and loyal communists and place myself a great blunder to expel you three comrades here in this secret as have taken an open stand since it first arose. in full solidarity with them.
country have been asked during the course of the proceedWelí, have done my duty. distributed The Mili ings against me whether also consider the present leadtant among the comrades. have been waiting for just such a turn in our Party life since the expulsion of Com This is proven particularly by the whole expulsion cam rade Trotsky from the Communist Party. was sure paign to silence the opinions of the communist workers that sooner or later some of our leading comrades would awake to the realization what such a policy of ruthless NEW EXPULSIONS in the ranks. In this disruptive course they are only suppression of the most militant comrades in In the last issue we published the names 50 comrades it the duty of every communist militant to fight against it.
copying the methods used by Lewis and Sigman and it means and where it leads to. am sure that many com who have been expelled from the Party directly for their agree in the main with the document on The Right rades had the same attitude as had. We were power support of the platform of the Opposition or as in the less to do anything lacking leadership. Now with your case of the Cleveland Comrades on trumped up charges leadership of the party as a right wing leadership and Danger in the American Party which brands the present declaration in favor of the Trotsky Opposition all the arising out of their opposition to the Lovestone Pepper calls on the Comintern to lay the basis for its removal.
supporters within the Party will be able to unite demand leadership. We print herewith the names of 12 more agree with the statement to the Polcom presented by ing the reinstatement of the expelled comrades of the comrades all of whom have taken an open stand for the Opposition in as well as in other countries. Opposition. Many other comrades have also been exCannon, Abern and Shachtman on October 27 in which pelled or suspended who are omitted from the list for they declare their support of the Russian Opposition. good loyal of District No. 15 comrade George lack of necessary specific info mation.
consider this a good communist document which should Additional names Siskind distinguished himself by expelling me from the will be published in the next issue.
be printed in the party press. Since the statement deals Party two days after showed up at the Labor Lyceum with the principle questions, the refusal to print it in the CANADA with the bundle of the Militant. was on probation all party press fully justified these comrades in circulating it JIM BLUGERMAN themselves and am proud to say that took part in disthe time since last year after failed to endorse the NEW YORK tributing it to the party members. of our Party after the expulsion of Trotsky. But he went further it is not enough for him to expel me FLAHERTY, well known Party journalist. have taken an active part in the Communist work in ANTHONY REFUGEE, member National Italian he is trying to give me a lack eye expel me for the Furriers Union and am now under sentence of 22 Bureau.
not taking enough interest in the Party activities.
to five years in the Mineola case for this activity. stood JOHN MENELLA, member unit executive committee First they removed me from the District Polcom, up as an avowed communist in my trial and will continue ANTHONY MILLETTI, Harlem Italian Unit Organ to take a communist attitude toward my case in court and all responsible Party. positions and then they have izer.
the audacity to complain that am not active enough in Party life. But this is their high diplomacy. They BERNARDO GODINA, Harlem Italian Workers Club regardless of the action taken by the To cover up the move to expel me from the party, the bureaucrats cannot deceive anybody here. The comrades here know are whispering the slander that want to evade my com NONVENUTO, member Italian District Bureau.
me and my record since 1918 when was the first to munist responsibility in the Mineola case. Those who PROTI, Harlem Italian Workers Club Organizer.
organize the original group of the left wing of the have something to conceal in their records in such ques. ZADRA, West Side Italian Fraction secretary.
being the secretary in the Party for many years and in tions should be the last to spread slanders against those the CLARA FABIANI, member left wing ladies garment who fought like communists.
workers union.
SAMUEL GENDELMAN In the party fraction of the Furriers and of the Needle PHILADELPHIA Trades as a whole have been a consistent fighter against REACTION TO GANGSTERISM MAURICE GOMBERG, Secretary nucleus B, Sec. the opportunist leaders. Shapiro, Gold, Zimmerman, tion New York, Dec. 20, 1928.
Wortis and Company. My expulsion from the party will CLEVELAND Dear Comrades: bring joy and added strength to these right wingers just While standing in front of the Workers Center on JOS. KELLER, leader in Czecho Slovak fraction.
as the expulsion of the other comrades referred to CHICAGO Saturday, December 15, saw a group of girl League strengthens the right wing throughout the party. The members, followed by a larger group of men party mem JOHN EDWARDS, brick makers union.
party leadership supports these opportunists in the Needle bers descend from the Center and begin attacking those SPRINGFIELD, ILL.
Trades. It does not expel proven grafters like selling The Militant.
JOE ANGELO, leader of National Miners Union.
but begins the expulsion against the proletarian left wing.
They began tearing The Militant from the comrades demand the reinstatement of the expelled comrades, selling it. While girl comrades were provoking the Op.
WHO ARE THE EXPELLED COMMUNISTS Cannon, Abern, Shachtman, Spector, Morgenstern, Lan position comrades by calling them renegades. counter. We begin publishing here the revolutionary and party ken, Goodman, Buehler and Kassen and the restoration revolutionaries and similar names, pushing, slapping and records of the expelled communists. We had received of their right to express their views in the party during tearing their papers, the men attacked the Opposition this information from a large number of expelled comthe party discussion from behind. who of course resisted and fought back. rades in the various districts and had prepared if for pub. am in favor of the return from exile of Trotsky and group surrounded Shachtman, threatening him. Ilication in this issue of The Militant when the robbery the other comrades of the Russian Opposition and their saw one Opposition comrade knocked down with a black of our home took place and the material was stolen reinstatement into the party.
jack and saw Abern struck from behind.
We have asked the comrades for new copies and expect MALKEN would become very serious. I, with the help of a few issue. very large crowd gathered and it seemed as if this to be able to print a large number of them in the next THE AFFAIR ON UNION SQUARE more thinking comrades tried to get in between the two JAMES CANNON. Member of the Central ExecuNew York, December 14, 1928 groups and intercede. tried to show them how harm tive Committee and Political Committee. Toined Socialist Dear Comrade: ful this was for the party and sought to prevent the fight Party at Kansas City in 1908. Joined in 1911.
For Monday evenings, another woman comrade, Maria from going any further. The police arrived and this took part in the organization of Left Wing group in brought the fight to an end.
Reinl, and myself volunteered to sell The Militant at the Kansas City in 1918. Editor of local Left Wing weekly Workers Center. Last Monday we came there at I then went up to the District office where Fannie paper. The Workers World, in 1919. Delegate to Na o clock. We took a stand on the sidewalk in front of Gordon, director of the Young Pioneers of New York tional Left Wing Conference, New York City in June the building and offered The Militant to the passersby.
district, called me over and said: 1919 and was elected member of Labor Committee of Presently a crowd of people gathered around us and we am surprised at you, comrade Justin, for your be National Left Wing. Foundation member of Communist havior downstairs. You are defending traitors.
were soon encircled and pushed from the sidewalk to Labor Party First District Organizer St. Louis Kansas ward the curb. am not defending the platform of the Trotsky Op. City District 1919 1920. Organized first underground position, said, thought this to be a personal fight Communist groups in mine field of Kansas and Southern Why, comrade, said to a pushing fellow, are and tried to stop it.
Illinois. Electeed to the Central Executive Committee at you not ashamed of yourself to treat another comrade You know quite well that this was not a perosnal like this? You are not my comrade, he shouted, you first underground convention at Bridgman, Michigan, May fight, she said, you should know that they were sent 1920 and re elected at every subsequent convention are a prostitute.
down by the office.
toward of the Party. Editor of Party legal paper. The Toiler, 1920. But comrade. said, this is a grave was astounded that our Workers Party should resort Delegate to Fourth and Sixth World Congresses of the a fellow worker. We can prove it to you that we are to the tactics of the arch reactionaries to stifle the voice Communist International and also to a number of the not prostitutes but workers at an honest trade, workers and of the Opposition in our Party and League. then sent Sessions of the Enlarged Executive Committee of the good comrades and always considered as such and treated a letter to the District Committee of the Young Workers Communist International. National Secretary of Inter as such by fellow workers. But you comrade, are act League, resigning from the League, as well as Director national Labor Defense from foundation, June 1925 to ing like the white terrorists acted in Hungary after the of the Harlem Section of Young Pioneers. Of course October 1928.
Revolution. They too, pushed the workers off the side realize that this was a mistake and have recalled my Organizer in Akron Rubber Strike in 1913, Peoria walks in Budapest and called the proletarian workers pros resignation, but this was my reaction to the things Metal Workers Strike, Duluth and Superior Ore Dock titutes.
saw. Such fascist methods are a disgrace for commu Strike, and many others. Indicted for conspiracy in the While was thus arguing saw my young comrade nists.
Your for Communism, Peoria metal workers strike in 1913 and also indicted by in danger. She was in the midst of a turmoil. Someone Federal Government for activity in strike of the Kansas tore her newspapers away from her and called her vile JOHN JUSTIN Coal miners in 1919. No conviction in either case. names. When she remonstrated, she was hit in the face. WORKER TALKS TO THE BUREAUCRATS Numerous arrests and short jail terms. was afraid that she would be thrown down and trampled Dear Comrades: The following is a copy of my statement to the District MARTIN ABERN Member of Central Executive upon, so took her by the arm and pulled her out of the Committee. Joined Young Peoples Socialist League at crowd. We were then walking away from the Workers Executive Council of the New York District in reply Minneapolis in 1912 and Socialist Party in 1915. Joined Center toward 15th Street. The crowd surging after to charges: in 1916. Served as Local Secretary Socialist and pushing us further. We again took a stand at 15th November 12, 1928.
Comrades: Party, Minneapolis. Took part in organization of Left Street, half a block away. We saw two policemen com ing towards us.
Wing of in Minnesota Foundation member of Com. And you do this! called out to a In the first place wish to protest against the irregu. munist Party. District Organizer Communist Party of fellow. You do this against working women, against lar procedure of denying my unit the right to try the Minnesota, 1919 1920. Organizer speaker for Friends of comrades? You are not comrades, you are prostitutes. charges against me. Instead of this the takes he shouted again.
over the whole question, puts the unit aside altogether, Soviet Russia. Elected to Central Executive Committee at and conducts a star chamber proceeding. Every mem.
first underground convention, Bridgeman, Mich. May, Suppose we were prostitutes as you say, we are only 1920 and member of almost continuously since two women, armed with no other weapons but a few news ber of the District Executive Council conducting the trial and various times served on Political Committee First papers under our arms. What fear must possess your National Secretary, Young Workers League of America, minds that you are so terror stricken at the sight of The This was comrade Refugee, a fighter against the Fa. till 1923. District Organizer and Organization Secretary, Militant. We are going home now; not out of any fear scisti in Italy and in America. In 1922 he was a Com munist member of the Municipal Council of Trieste, Italy.
Workers (Communist Party. Chicago District, 1924. but because we do not want to see you disgracing your 1925 1926. Assistant National Secretary, International self by having us arrested.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Labor Defense, 1928. Delegate to Third Congress of But we will come back again and again until we find Anti Fascisti Alliance of North America and is financial secretary of the Italian Workers Club of Harlem. He Young Communist International and Fourth Congress out who is injecting the poison of fascism into the body of Communist International. Indicted twice by Federal of the party. We want to find out who is the author was a member of the Italian Bureau of the Workers (Communist Party until his expulsion a short time ago Government during War. Served prison tertn, in Min of this organized terrorism against proletarian workers nesota for refusal to register for war.
Also minor jail and comrades.
for his support of the Opposition. Ed.