AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT January 1, 1929.
January 1, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page general.
present war.
Us this will guarantee the at with inimums for are declared to extent, but tourist. the poor peas The shown by mean simply revolution towards the was CRITICISM OF FUNDAMENTALS CONTINUED FROM LAST ISSUE possession of its own national prerequisites for THE FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BEfrom intervention, this betrays such blindness as tern the following arguments, The theory of defense would have its relative historical justificTWEEN NATIONAL REFORMISM AND Having inherited and restored these productive for the complete construction of socialism.
the entire ramification of the principal mistake in socialism in one country of course, is unfounded, ation. But as a matter of fact it is not conceivable.
Unfortunately, Britain does not possess this ad REVOLUTIONARY INTERNATIONforces the workers government is COMPELLED but it gives the Russian workers a perspective in To fight for the preservation of a national basis of ALISM.
vantage in view of the EXCESSIVE development It is absolutely incontrovertible that after the the difficult conditions under which they labor revolution by such methods which break up the into import and export.
ternational ties of the proletariat, actually means to The trouble is that the draft program drives whole world to be able to secure the necessary of the world revolution. The new doctrine says productive forces which require almost the The question can be solved only on the arena Social Democrats had disrupted the post war in and thus gives them courage. It is difficult to undermine the basis of revolution which can begin surrections of the European proletariat against the measure the depth of the theoretical fall of those on a national basis but which cannot be completed mechanically into its text the thesis of the incom bourgeoisie, the active sympathy of the working who seek in the program, not a scientific basis on that basis under the present economic and milpatibility of modern productive forces with the raw material and to dispose of her itary interdependence of the European states which moral consolation.
national boundaries, arguing as if there were the the productive forces of Great Britain would be that socialism can be built on the basis of a nation masses saved the Soviet Republic. The European for their class orientation, but al state it only there would be no intervention.
has never been revealed so forcefully as during the moderate and maintain a relative equili from here can and must follow (notwithstanding bourgeoisie proved, this incompatibility: Essentially brium between industry and agriculture, then the all during these years, powerless Consoling theories which do not tally with facts This interdependence which will dirquestion at all in waging war against the Worker State on a belong to the sphere of religion and not science, ectly cause concerted action on the part of the Ewo the whole draft is a combination of ready made British proletariat would apparently be able to all pompous declarations in the dratt program) an pean proletariat in the revolution is expressed by the slogan of a United States of Europe. Trotsky, and of opportunist and centrist conclusions which build up complete socialism on its own island pro opportunist policy in regard to the foreign bour XC 3003396 farge scale. But to think that this correlation of and religion is an opiate for the people.
Volume 3, Part 1, 90 91. geoişie.
Our Party has passed through its heroic period are absolutely incompatible with these revolution, tected from foreign intervention by the navy.
until the final establishment of socialism in the with a program which was entirely orientated on construction of socialism, ary theses. That is why it is necessary WITTI means to display the utmost short sighted the international revolution and not on socialism The draft program divides in its fourth chapter which is the main historical question to be solved.
Proceeding from a misinterpretation of the po OUT BECOMING ALLURED BY THE RE the capitalist states into three groups: 1) countries The task of the parties in the Comintern becomes, ness and a judgment of the progress of a long in one country. On its programmatic banners it lemics of 1915, Stalin has many times endeavored OLUTIONARY FORMULA CONTAINED IN of highly developed capitalism (United States, therefore, of an auxiliary character, namely their FOREW ORD period by the immediate development. Such an was written that backward Russia with her own to show that by national narrowness Lenin was THE DRAFT to watch closely WHITHER ITS Germany, Great Britain, etc. 2) countries of mission is to protect the from interven unstable position in which the proletariat cannot MAIN TENDENCIES LEAD.
With this issue The Mili take an average level of capitalist development (Russia tion and not to fight for the capture of power. tant prints the fourth in feel firm but in which the bourgeoisie does not forces will not build up socialism. The YCL alluded to. It is hard to imagine any bigger nonWe have already quoted that part of the first prior to 1917, Poland, etc. 3) colonial and It is of course not a question of the subjective stallment of thing the Draft home, must a year sooner or later, be definitely day ings, epidemics. studies on a hunger diet, num cal considerations. In the given case Lenin was not enough that it is the master of its own war, hunger, cold, hard Saturday ings and Sun so openly because was guided only by ideologi owh bias, Xperienced the most strenuous years of civil senseenWhen polemized with Lenin always did chapter which speaks of the possibility of the semi colonial countries (China, India, etc. intentions but of the objecive logic of political Programter of the common decided in one way or another, either in favor of berless sacrifices, paying dearly for every step for involved in the least. The article mentioned the victory of socialism in one capitalist country.
Notwithstanding the fact that Russia prior to thought.
action fundamentalethe proletarian dictatorship or in favor of capitalist ward that has been made. The members of the people against whom these accusations were hurled This idea is still more roughly and sharply form 1917 was much closer to present day China than ulated in the 4th chapter, saying that the: to the United States, one could refrain from any that the Party considers that these internal) conMarxist Leninist literature was our bones.
The difference here lies in the fact we says Stabin; document, a masterpiece of bones of the colonial peoples and. perhaps on ried logs to the stations, not that national social must remember that the year of 1915 was a year tradictions and possible conflicts CAN BE ENTIRE submitted by comrade Trot Dictatorship. of the world proletariat. can serious objection to this schematic division were it be realized only as a result of the victory of socialism not for the fact that it serves as a source of wrong LY OVERCOME on the basis of the inner forces sky to the Sixth World Con.
in connection with other parts of the There is no absolute hopelessness! The Eu they may be builts out of those logs, but because of social patriotic bacchanalia and of vul hexed of our revolution whereas Comrade Trotsky and gress of the Communist In ropean bourgeoisie can find a way out of its grave y served the cause of international revolution battles against it. Every question was centered on letarian republics establish a federation with those draft. Inasmuch as the cou for which it is essential that the Soviet stronghold this.
the Opposition think that these contradictions and ternational an average which which have been in existence before.
level sufficient industrial conflicts can be overcome only on an international adopted the draf program letariat and the mistakes of the revolutionary leadfinally contradictions only through the defeats of the pro holds out and for the Soviet stronghold every log The principle question raised in the quoted pasindependent is important.
socialist That is how we approached the If we are to interpret the words victory of minimums sage, namely, THE CONCEPTION OF THE construction, revolution. Pravda, Nov. 12, 1926. rin and Stalin, without any ership. But it would be correct to say also the question. The conception of time has changed BUILDING UP OF SOCIALISM IN ONE socialism as another name for the proletarian dic this is particularly true concerning countries of important changes The en reverse. tatorship then we will arrive at the general state high capitalist development; it is ONLY the colYes, this is precisely the difference. One could tire validity of this timely course with new boom of world capitalism (of and shifted so that God himself does not know the COUNTRY AS SOCIAL PATRIOTIC CONgreat has remained CEPTION was undoubtedly formulated correctly.
would be necessary to formulate les dubiously. ance. That is precisely. as we shall see later, how ence between national reformism and revolutionary in profile the be able to find a way out of the present unstable ant. the partisan and the you Communists, have began as a patriotism of the German social democrats But this is not what the authors of the draft mean.
their heir own party, the most conduct up to 1925 when the new powerful party By a victory of socialism, they do not If, however, we approach the question of so stacles and contradictions, which are in the main by the delegates. The sole the capture of power and the nationalization of cialist construction only with this criterion, ab, a reflection of world contradictions, can be settled attention accorded it was its It is necessary to prove now by the practice of langelium was for the first time proclaimed that basis of high of the II. International. On the they ghly developed German technique and the revolutionary parties, said Lenin on July 19, who looks down deed of it. But it is the official the high organizational abilities of the German the means of production but the building up of stracting from other conditions such as the material merely by the inner forces of the were not in. the Program Commission the masses, the a socialist society in one country. If we were to resources of the country, the correlation between without entering the arena of the world wide and a report on the docuad1920 at the Second Congress, that they are suffic. ministrator who does not want to be disturbed, the on Ple, the German social democrats were bent iently conscious and organized and that they have officer who seeks to command under cover of an ciety. If we leave aside the die hard bureaucrats, on the construction of their own socialist so accept this interpretation then we would receive industry and agriculture within it, its place in the proletarian revolution then the International partly a subsidiary and partly a useless institution, vent of the Congress which determination and ability to make use of the crisis all saving and consoling formula, that need it.
national division of labor but a federation of self no less gross, mistakes and contradictions. We the Congresses of which can be held once in four immediately settled the is. for a successful and victorious revolution. Lenin, It is they who think that the ignorant people need crooks in general, the social of the rank. sufficing socialist communes in the spirit of bliss. have just spoken about Great Britain. Being no years, once in ten years or perhaps not at all. If sue without discussion.
result ful anarchism with the only difference that these doubt a highly developed capitalist country. it, we were to add that the proletariat of the other rigid control on this stablished with without consoling doctrines. It is they who the belief in the building up of German socialism Our internal contradictions, however, which de, cling to the false words about the nine tenths of One communes would be enlarged to the size of the PRECISELY BECAUSE OF THAT, has no countries must protect our construction from mil document forthwith and the few present national states.
chance for successful socialist construction within itary interventions, then the This idea is still more definitely and, if this is the limits of its own island. Great Britain if ing to this scheme, must ernational accord copies of the document which pend directly on the trend of the European and socialism as this formula sanctions their privileged of cannot think that the hundreds and thousands play the role of a were distributed were bied world struggle, may be reasonably regulated and position, their right to command, their right to millions of rank and file workers wanted to de of rank and file social democrats let alone the at all possible, more grossly expressed in the fifth blockaded would simply choke in the course of a po celerisme instrumenti Teto main role, elle role biele by the Sean lachelie dabat e recente probe integrado pobe libasid overcome order, their need to be free from criticisms from fend Hohenzollern and the bourgeoisie. tesco. They wanted to defend German industry, the German of Lenin distorted article published after his The draft program forgets the main thesis that connection inevitably to a backward position. And copy which are baterijust the only when the class contradictions will be rovere death, the authors of the draft declare that the the present productive forces are incompatible with this, we repeat, is not a result of anyone deliber the role of American Im come, which is out of the question without a vic the denial of the possibility of building up social culture, and especially the organizations of the Complaints and accusations to the effect that railways and highways, German technique and national boundaries, from which it follows that ate intentions, on the contrary, many points in perialism and the rospect of torious revolution in Europe. Stalin is right. The thusiasm are theoretically and psychologically ficient national prerequisites.
prerequisites in the country not only for the over means a lesser obstacle in the construction of so authors but as a result of the inherent logic of the revisionist theo y of Soamental diferrence between national reformism and closely related to the accusation which the reform throunder the Pleility and the bourgeoisie out sloo cialism in one country than low productive forces, the new theoretical position which is a thousand the Chinese outlet ons with revolutionary internationalism. similar process took place also in France.
for the COMPLETÉ CONSTRUCTION OF SO its lessons, and with the for the same line against Guesde, Vaillant and thousands of the best rank ists have always hurled CIALISM.
latter are insufficient to serve as their. if the amesore dangerous than the worst subjective mation of workers and peas. THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE onditions under which they come. You are tell of thousands of rank and file workers in general, basis, for intentions.
The draft program expresses an in COUNTRY AS SOURCE OF INEVIT.
Owing to what circumstances have we secured the former the basis will prove inadequate. The controvertible idea when it says that the economic ants parties which Trotsky, ABLE SOCIAL PATRIOTIC BLUNDERS.
ing the workers that they cannot improve sub; believed that precisely Frar point we find a reply in the second chapter of the at the point where it is most needed and most But the political danger of the new theory lies in Alliance with Follette, ably leads to the underestimatid no of the difficulties incentive to fight. This is what the reformists promised land of socialism. Old Guesde and the such extraordinary historical conditions? On this law of uneven development is forgotten precisely success of the constitutes an inseparable in principle. Lerro kondoms with her revolutionThe theory of socialism in one country inexor stantially their conditions within the framework ary traditions, her heroic proletariat, her high cul draft: false comparative The question of the construction of socialism is The imperialist front was broken through (by led by him, will be especially of the achieve lever of our econ achievements made.
the revolution of 1917) at its WEAKEST LINK, not at all settled merely by the industrial ma of international ser evaluation of the two levers the fight against which was which are to be overcome and to an exaggeration used to say. In reality, under the leadership of Communard Vaillant, and with them the thou.
interesting to American com anti revolutionary stateturity or immaturity of a country. This im omic achievements and the lever of the world wide munists. The entire docu. a more anti Socialist and ant impossible to ma revolutionaries, the workers really fought for econ sands and hundreds of thousands of workers did This is Lenin splendid formula. Its meaning maturity is in itself UNEVEN. In the Petarian revolution we will not be able to build up consecutively in this and the nine tenths of socialism has already been realized fate of the Soviet Republic and hence his own ene sinecrelaxbelievedett revolution. Without a victorious pro ment will be printed in full ment than that made by Stalin to the effect that omic gains and for parliamentary reforms, The worker who clearly understands that the sincerely believed that they defended the basis and not fight for the bankers or the rentiers. They is that Russia was the most backward and econ where some branches of industry are extremely in socialism. The European workers and the workers to coming house changes in the USSR o That statemente se empecto be suit tirely depends on the international revolution, They proceeded entirely from the theory of sociał. omically weakest of all imperialist states. That is sufficient to satisfy the most elementary home re the world over must clearly understand this. Its basic important for the this one can hopelessly discredit the idea much more energetically than the worker who is believing that temporarily this was internation precisely why her ruling classes were the first to quirements (particularly machine construction. The lever of economic construction is of tremend international of suffer shipwreck as they forced on had IN other branches on the contrary cannot develop SUFFICIENT productive forces of the country and present conditions without extensive and in ous significance. Without proper guidance, the movement and the nanswer. Socialist society in the eyes of the laboring masses. told that what we already possess is nine tenths of al solidarity.
unbearable burden. Uneven, sporadic develop creasing exports. Among the latter are such but its of the Communist Internament compelled, therefore, the proletariat of the brand man national revolution from which it would take many tionate maken in uns valeable under which they have been The comparison with the social patriots will of most backward imperialist country to be the first ganese, let alone portance as timber. oil but its downfall would be such a blow to the intention on the burning problems ous if we take into consideration the conditions socialism? The reformist orientation also here as agriculture. On the other hand nacion everywhere else works antene one to take power branches cannot seriously years to recover. But the main historical differ contribution to the Bolshevik herited low cultural level of the past. But these but also against refer not only against revolution course be answered by the argument that patriot Formerly we were told that even the ina super abundant ism in relation to the Soviet State is a revolutionary develop if the ence between tween the socialist world and the world of literature of our périod. achievements constitute an extremely small magit is precisely because of this that the working Editor. nitude on the scales of the socialist ideal. For the duty whereas patriotism in relation to a bourgeois In the article of 1915 dealing with the slogan of state is treachery. This is surely so. Can there be class of the weakest link will have the greatest will be unable to export. The inability to capitalism depends on the second lever, and that to is the world proletarian revolution. The gigantic worker, agricultural laborer, and poor peasant who the United States of Europe, which has already any dispute on this question among grown up revodifficulties in its progress towards socialism as comisolated socialist society not as up an Uto importance of the Soviet Union lies in the fact that sees that in the eleventh of the pared with the proletariat of the advanced coun pia, not on the Atlantide but in the concrete sted it is a pillar of the world revolution and not at all 3000 300gr poverty, misery, unemployment, revolution, been quoted we read: lutionaries? But this incontrovertible idea becomes lines, illiter tries for which it will be more difficult to take graphical and historical conditions of our earthly because it is able to build up socialism indepenas we progress more and more a scholastic cover acy, homelessness, drunkenness, prostitution, have To regard the prospects of a social revolution for a deliberate falsehood.
power but which, having taken power long before economy is determined for various countries in dent of the world revolution.
within national boundaries means to become the we have overcome our backwardness, will not only different ways. by the insufficient development hoods is necessary. Instead of telling victim to the same national narrowness which conThe economic and political problem enters the TO BE CONTINUED get ahead of us but will carry us along so as to of some branches and the excessive development nine tenths of of socialism has already been realized, stitutes the substance of social patriotism. Vaillant On the whole, this means that the world arena. Can the bourgeoisie secure for itself to the very end of his days considered France the bring us towards the point of real socialist con of others.
land of social revolution and it is precisely in this on the basis of the highest world tech modern, productive forces are incompatible with a new great epoch of capitalist growth and power?
we must say that by our economic level, by our social and cultural conditions, we are much closer sense that he stood to the end for the defense of CLEVELAND Merely to deny this, depending on the hopeless nique and international division of labor. This national boundaries.
and a backward and that country. Lensch and others some hypocritically was our idea when we ventured upon the October Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1928.
Endeavoring to prove the theory of socialism in position which capitalism is in would be simple and others sincerely consider that a defeat of Ger Comrade and friend: italism at that than to socialism. We must tell Revolution. The Party has formulated this idea one country the draft program makes a double, revolutionary nonsense. There is no absolute them many means first of all a destruction of the basis of that we will enter on the path of real socialist received a copy of your Militant and told the bu social revolution. In general it must not be for reaucracy of District Six cannot condemn policies ten, nay, hundreds of thousands of times in the treble and quadruple mistake it exaggerates the hopelessness (Lenin. The present unstable class construction only when the proletariat of the most gotten that in social patriotism there is apart from have never seen in print or otherwise.
press and at meetings. But since 1925 they are level of the productive forces in the it equilibrium in the European countries cannot con advanced countries will capture power; that it is vulgar reformism a certain tendency of national re trying to displace it by which is quite the closes its eyes to the law of uneven development tinue indefinitely precisely because of its instabilI am opposed to expulsion of Bolsheviks, as it takes necessary to work over that without folding our volutionary Messiahanism which believes its own na opposite to that. Now we learn that the fact of the various branches of industry; ignores the ity. When Stalin and Bucharin maintain that the tional state, whether it is by the plane of its industry ten to fifteen years to make revolutionists, providing arms, and with the two levers at that with the that Czarist Russia was the weakest link gives international division of labor; and, finally, it for: can get along without State aid of the or by its democratic form and revolutionary, con you have the material. received a letter today threatenshort lever of our internal economic efforts and quests, is called upon to lead humanity towards so ing expulsion. This is their third attempt. suppose the proletariat of the the inheritor of gets the most important contradiction inherent in proletariat of the other countries, that is, without the long lever of the international proletarian cialism or towards democracy. If the victorious re they will be successful this time. will fight for a gen Czarist Russia with all its weaknesses, an invaluable the imperialist epoch existing between the pro its victory over the bourgeoisie, because the present struggle volution would really be conceivable within the uine Workers Communist Party against the disruption.
advantage which is no more and no less than the ducive forces and the national barriers. active sympathy of the working masses protects us. framework of a more developed nation this Mes ist tactics that are carried on.
One hears from prominent leaders of the Comin siahanism connected with the program of national JOHN FOLEY.
ism the in resutionary on the IN attained and the in build a year bread not him that capitalism an idea