Anti-imperialist LeagueBolshevismCominternCommunismImperialismLeninOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT December 15, 1928.
Page THE December 15, 1928.
MILITANT Page The Struggle in the The Right Danger in the American Party those who eyes the y simple ally published.
mour Party leaders.
wrote a in The new strengthening prestige min the masses and criticism Party ority Glotzer and Zalisko in Chicago, Cowl and others in Minneapolis, Gerry Allard in the mine fields, the League group in Akron these are names of honor. They are showing the hesitant leaders.
THE letter sent to the Young Workers (Com called Right errors were committed by all groups. One must CONDEMN THE REVIVAL OF fight for it as befits Communist. They are sethow to adopt a principle position and stand and Congress of the Young Communist International YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE. The ting an example for really want to to lead.
was not made available to the League ranks until will be an appreciable period after it was received. The have been guilty of a series of Right opportunist the Bolshevik nucleus of the League not agçnts of Lovestone who are in control of the en bat both contending groups are responsible only in words but in deeds will struggle for the League national execâtive committee, in whose Not even Lovestone himself although he may reorganization of its leadership on a proletarian found disfavor, re Communist basis and for the establishment of the and does make a few grimaces at some of the for League in its rightful place in the vanguard of the document of sorted to the Publication and suppressing its with Demulations could phrase it more satisfactorily. Is historic struggle now developing in the Party.
he not ready to say in the middle of the night spite the protests of the minority, the right wing that he has made some right errors also, that facPolcom of the Party supported its League adher tional struggle is evil, that the League be united ents, and it was not until the minority had apLovestone Smashes pealed to the Executive Committee of the on the line of the and and that the and the latter had responded, demanding the imLeague or any part of it shall endeavor not to be connected with either fractional group in the the Right Danger mediate publication the letter, that it was fin Party. The League Lovestone group is preparing to The minority in the League is as jubilant over The huge imposture which the Lovestone this letter and its victory as a condemned prison. The process of cutting the minority to pieces is right danger in the Party is on in full swing. The maintain control of the organization by all means. is carrying on in the name of a fight against the of bewildered observer who cannot understand how sops, as plain as a pikestaff, to be learned from the the minority have been either removed or wangled this faction can They seem to have forgotten entirely the les proceeding right merrily.
properly conduct a a fight against 21 France opportunism without relations of the to the struggle in the cor position throughout the courmoval of exterminating itself has apremoval of Mates in Pitsburgh; to fathom the reAmerican League and Party parently not yet even the past few years, feld as in New York; the squeezhanical For them even such a superhuman hod of discovof our It is necessary therefore to repeat them.
down sourcefulness and abili begun of the minority in Chicago and the effort is quite general political line of the on the Ameri usurpation of control by Plott and Lurye; the foist.
can question. unfortunately, on ing of the two eastern statesmen, Shohan and possible. and that by the simple ering a right wing danger in quarters other than ay from the and Rijak from berg group. Every decision of the etc. etc. The minority has further given shame John Sherman, one of the reporters, stabili In the Daily Worker of November 23, 1928, which be favorable towards the pres faced support to the expulsion for their views in ent minority (even at a time when it was the support of the Russian Opposition of the two story on the Hoover three billion the ended its zation fund proposal. It was neither brilliant Glotzer and Zalisko, nor correct, that of the to say it was neither better nor of the Lovestone (Zam) group in the League.
This occurred even though the present minority Lankin and Goodman in Philadelphia, of others in that appeared before and since, written by far for the bene tion of the issues raised by the Russian Opposi little improved by the corrections which usually of membership behind its policies and tion League ority with its full force and demands of them a follow them the very next day in a special col cally routed either by a thunderbolt decision of clear cut position which they have thus far not pose.
umn on the editorial page reserved for this pur the by its representatives to the League given. They are showing a vacillation which It was Sherman misfortune to concoct his artistone Central Committee of the Party: When They flutter about piteously between calling No sooner had it appeared than the eagle eye of school of Bolshevism. cle at a time when a blood sacdifice was necessary.
the latter method was used, the did not Trotskyism a left danger or a right danger find a word of to make.
They participate in the self debasing the sentinel on the beleaguered watch tower of of campaign recall, for instance, the scandalous action of heaping attacks upon 110 ly warmed over pap mobilized for action.
the Polcom We espied it. Immediately the agit prop.
and the Opposition, and organizational departments of the Party were at Chicago, in 1925, where an established majori down the already raw throats of the young mem Polcom was called toʻconsider the menace of ty delegation for the present minority group was bership which tries to digest it between gasps and Sherman.
squeezed into a minority against the will of the well organized and well timed cheers for the new membership and with the acquiescense of revelations.
Who, it was asked, is John Sherman? All, The we know of him is that he came to the Party a League minority comrades continue to rely short while ago from City College of New York, of the representative was when the the fraudulent unity line which consisted in cious enemies could never accuse of consistency.
that alma mater from which so many of his inquidriving the weak and spineless elements of the Their entire record has demonstrated that for them sitors have leaped directly into leadership of the minority group into the Zam group and thus. dialectics is construed as a license for chang. morily of the class struggle. But whom does he liquidating the factional fight. Later on, it is ing their minds every forty eight hours. For them resent? Who follows him in the Party? who, considerable damage had been caused. We remust wake up every morning in a outside of a handful of comrades in the Daily call the fourth convention of the League. New reach trembling for the latest Vorker office, had even ever seen or heard the York, 1927. Despite a favorable previous deci paper to see whether the night has passed successfully without a name of this terrible ogre before he broke into unsion of to the then majority of the new reversal of position by these shifting NEC, the the unity group, both the repre elements.
These doubters and conciliators who asked these Neither the Lovestoncites in the League, nor and the turned the the bulk of the comrades themselves, take nike questions, these objective supporters of the right convention and hands of the Zam Present over to the the latter protestations of anti Trotskyism serious wing, were quickly and mercilessly suppressed, They group, on the basis of the fact is of cannot speak with conviction Trot All the 12 inch guns of the Lovestone that the Comintern had given its political supgroup on the questions of socialism in Lovestone, Bedacht, Minor, Pepper and Wolfe, port in the Party to the Lovestone were wheeled into action. The breech was loaded, in the sian Committee, and so manter on the item inede se products for the Anglo Rus. the range found, the muzzles trained, a barrage the present decision laid down, and when the smoke of the terrific de that would lead be errors. tonation had cleared, the target was riddled to bits.
that a new era has dawned? Some of they do not believe them to be political Doch Obiectively analyzed, the will themselves be confronted with their remaey On the battlefield, twittering and fluttering with Absolutely that tomorrov content of the letter of feeble huzzahs we discount the little bonbons it gives to the min porters of the Opposition, since they must soon blinking his amazed eyes in the white glare of the ainhenext day, the somewhat stupefied Sherman American question of the Sixth Congress of (Lovestone) and the viewpoint of the Russian Op unconditional capitulation. He repented his shame the Comintern, e. a denial of the main political position, and the choice of that tomorrow is alcontention of the minority that the Party leader agenda.
They cannot continue with being (or having been) a menacing right winger. the poppycock of educating the Communist welcomed the sock in the jaw given him by the ship is a right wing which must be removed.
Left Not one of the groups can claim the title read, youth against the Russian Opposition Platform Polcom, and in turn delivered a sock at this dan: stand for fear of the consequences which inevitager and Trotskyism which is its crassest form.
ble conviction would bring. They should remem Thus ended the first big engagement in the Qur First Pamphlet!
ber the admonition of Lenin, particularly to the Fiercer battles are feared, however, in the near war to make the Party safe for Opportunism.
THE DRAFT. PROGRAM OF THE Communist youth (in his speech at the 3rd Con future.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL gress of the Russian Criticism of Fundamentals Ву Communist who would dream of boasting of NOTICE TROTSKY his Communism on the basis of the ready made Comrade Maurice Spector, former editor of the conclusions taught to him, without performing the With an Introduction by James Gannon most serious, the most difficult and persistent work Canadian Worker and the Canadian Labor MonthREADY SOON without understanding the facts of which he should ly, who has been expelled from the Communist 25 cents per Copy be extremely critical, would be a miserable CommuIn lots of or more 18 cents per Copy nist indeed.
Opposition, has joined the staff of The Militant Order now from The genuine Oppositionists in the League who as Associate Editor and will contribute articles THE MILITANT have taken a principle stand on the basic questions regularly.
Box 120, Madison Square Station of the International movement and suffered ex Comrades wishing to communicate with comrade New York City.
pulsion for their views are showing the way. Mor Spector should address him at 231 Palmerston genstern, Lankin and Goodman in Philadelphia, Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Canada.
CONTINUED FROM LAST ISSUE The following is the third installment of the docu of the Furrier Union, members of the Lovestone ment submitted by the delegation of the Opposition in VI. Insufficient Appreciation of Leading Role of the American Party to the Sixth World Congress of group in the Party, with the so called middle group Party and Failure to Build It.
the Communist International, in July 1928 and signed in the Union, under conditions which surrender The political Secretariat of the ECCI found it Dunne, Alex Bittelman, Johnstone, Manuel Gomez of a written agreement containing the unheard of the leadership to the latter and on the basis necessary to state in its letter of April 13th to our and George Siskind.
Party that it deems necessary to call attention provision that there shall be no Party of clique to. the tasks of the Party in the sphere of leader 1928, thet immediately upon request of the opposition, control of the Union.
ship of the growing workers mass movement; the the Central Executive Committee instructed the Daily Building united front in Anti Imperialist work too much on top and with liberals and not secretaria that our Party has now Stalci the delegates returned from the Sixth World Congress from below. among of the Comintern, the Lovestone Polcom had defeated as its major task to mobilize and to organize the the workers. Concealing the workers under its banner against the capitalist of. mnotions made by the minority to publisho in the early work. Removal of Comrade Gomez as Secretary role and face of the Party in Anti Imperialist fensive. it is immediately necessary to intensify the ideological and organizational preparation of y to the Congress.
of the Anti Imperialist League in order to secure The document printed here had to be circulated sur.
the Party, especially the local Party organization, reptitiously by the minority, and when it was discovered Communist. Polcom Minutes, December 21, a non Communist or someone not know as a to enable it quickly to mobilize its forces and means and thus to make it ready for a leading role in the was officially denounced as anti Party, and its circula 1927 reconsidered at a subsequent meeting un tion strictly prohibited. This document was written in developing class July. Only after five months had clapsed, and after der pressure of minority. Failure to serious The insufficient appreciation of the leading role its publication had commenced in The Militant, did the anti imperialist work as shown by refusal to send of the Party and the failure to build the Party to Lovestone make the generous gesture or printworkers into the American forces in China and which this letter called attention is one of the main ing it in the Daily Worker. Ed: Nicaragua on the ground that it was necessary characteristics of the Lovestone group. This is to proceed slowly and concentrate on work at shown by the following facts: home. Overemphasis on labor party. Slowness and 16. Extravagant financial programs which place Failure to publicly criticize Brophy and other delay in deciding upori and announcing our own unduly heavy burdens upon the membership and make it difficult for the lower paid workers to join progressives in the Mine Workers Union united election campaign. Lovestone article April Com munist. Delay in acting on minority motion of and remain in the Party and fulfil the demands made front despite numerous record motions to that efFebruary 29th for mobilization of Party for our own upon them.
fect passed under pressure of the minority: election campaign. Allowing SP to enter field first.
APPLICATION VII. OPPORTUNIST Wrong form of united front with so called The Palken, Bearak and Milwaukee cases (sup OF Tolerance Group and Shelly group in the In.
port of Socialist Party candidates. UNITED FRONT POLICY ternational Ladies Garment Workers Union; fail. The tendency to make our Party into a mere in The line against the United Front from the ure to criticize them, failure in the united front strument for organizing a Labor Party, Minnesota. top with reactionary trade union, liberal and Sodescribing our election campaign as an organic part with them to build our own strength and forces in of the Labor Party campaign. Lovestone)
cialist Party leaders, and for united front with the the The tendency to look upon our own election workers against them applies with special 7: United front with Brennan in the Miners campaign as of less importance than the labor party sis in America.
for the discontent of the objective factors making Union under conditions which rehabilitated the The tendency to look upon our Party merely of this faker and brought discredit on the their impulse and will to struggle create increasing Party and weakened its forces in the Anthracite.
as the left wing in farmer labor organizations (running party candidates in primary elections without state ment that they are Communists. Minnesota. united front tactics directly with the workers and garly. American line in the Council for the Resistance to Party leadership in trade union leading them in the fight against the reactionary Protection of the Foreign Born.
work (needle trades. Absolute denial of Party leading role (Furriers leaders and the capitalists. The firm adherence Opposition to leading role of Negro prole Union, and Workers Delegation to the USSR. to this basic conception is a prerequisite for the tariat in united front Negro race movement by Failure to carry on genuine Communist edu. full utilization of the possibilities to broaden and Comrade Moore, Party leader of Negro work, cation and training opportunist confusing of mass workers education and the education of the Party intensify the fight of the workers and build the corrected by Polcom on the initiative of the min membership and training of Communist cadres Workers School)
The complete degeneration of the Socialist Par Failure to build Party in campaigns.
10. Persistence in organizing workers and far ty and its incorporation into the capitalist 10. Failure to create Party appartus for Women mers in one Party (Farmer Labor Party) contrary of police machine puts before the Party as work and permitting foreign language organizations, to decision.
one of its essential tasks the smashing frontal at 11. Wrong orientation in Women work, despite repeated demands of the International Wo tack against it and its entire leadership all along basing it on housewives instead of devoting main men Secretariat.
11. Sectarian approach to Party building (Bedacht attention to women in industry despite repeated workers. separation of Party building work from mass letters from the International Women Secretariat work. The Lovestone majority has not understood the 12. Refusal to print Swabeck pamphlet on in policy on the united front and has applied it on this point, Failure to draw women industrial workers into leading activities; the entire leading ternal Party organization and Party building, in an opportunistic manner. This is demonstrated committee for women work in New York is 13. Non recognition of Party role in Women work. The working women will march to power of which composed of school teachers, with the exception through trade unions, through clubs, housewives remain unacknowledged and uncorrected.
of Comrade Wortis, a leading right winger in the organizations, through cooperative leagues, and Examples which illustrate the opportunist line needle trades.
through a labor party. First issue New York Working Women, 1928. CONTINUED IN NEXT ISSUE False estimation of the Socialist Party and 14. The official organ of the Party, the Daily it Worker, affords a devastating example of the un which would derestimation of the role of the Communist press as work with us for a labor party. This is indicated It Can and Will Be Done the collective organizer of the Party and the masses by the motion of Lovestone to send a number of as described by Lenin. As an organ de ficcom muise comrades into the Socialist Party for the pur.
Our opponents circulate two contradictory stories about They say one day that we are financed by the has been a systematic liquidation of Communist po litical writing in the Daily Worker to the point where its Communist character has been weakened. Com by the minority declaring such tactics to be false Socialist Party. and the rejection of the motion wealthy enemies of the Party and the working class. The next day they say we will never be able to puslish an.
other issue of THE MILITANT. Both these stories ical Committee on April 19th, 1928, to permit the and calling for a policy of frontal attack against the Socialist Party all along the line. Polcom. are like all their stories.
ment in the paper April 1st. Instructed to publish Minutes, December 14, 1927. Complacent officials who stand aloo from the revole articles against Shipstead, Comrade Minor was obliged tionary workers and know nothing of their spirit and The same policy was executed in the support in to make a motion to turn the work over to the Agit the elections of the Socialist Judge Panken, an capacity for sacrifice cannot believe that a small group Prop. On the ground of the almost total deprivation of the Daily Worker of all political writers the agent of of them could dare to take such a burden as the pubii black gang in the needle trades who at the present time. One of the chief political was likewise supported by the Republican writers of the Daily Worker for the last five months and the New York World and New York partycation of a paper on their shoulde: But we have been identified with many such proletarian enterprises in the Times.
has been Comrade Nearing, whose articles almost The majority stubbornly defended this decision in past and know that we are only doing over again what without exception, contain gross reformist and petty spite of the most energetic protest of the minority; has often been done before by convinced revolutionaries.
The generous contributions of a small group of Com dation of tried Communist journalists on the staff and of the Socialist Bearak in Boston, and munist workers who have stood with us from the first, their replacement by elements whose training has plus loans made on personal responsibility, plus vol been acquired on the capitalist press. The line has untary work, has made possible the first two issues of Party in Milwaukee. critibeen to try to make Communists out of journalists rather than to train Communists as journalists THE MILITANT. The same resources, plus the help cized in the letter of of the of a wider circle of supporters, will make posible the The Daily Worker today gives neither a picture of The policy the Panken case was not an inci. continued publication of THE MILITANT and its de the class struggle in the USA nor any Communist dental error; it proceeded from a false conception of velopment into a weekly, the publication of the pamph analysis of even the main features of imperialist deve It was proposed as elopments. The Daily Worker has been treated lets and other necessary expenses of our principle ruggle a nation We say this because we are convinced that the Com in ial and management departments (the appointment Comrade Lovestone, which contained the provi munist workers will increasingly support us as the issues are made clear to them. The comparative few who are of three separate business managers in less than two years all of them incompetent and all appointed for own ticket only in those cases where it can be done beinake hensyn sacrifices in this respect and are doing factional reasons, and rejection of proposal to ap.
point Comrade Wagenknecht, the most competetent without endangering the election of candidates so. It is now absolutely necessary to organize the ti comrade for the position. running locally on the tickets of other working needed in this revolutionary work. The most depende Building the prestige of the Daily Workers is a major class parties. Point 22 of Lovestone proposals able financial foundation for our grcat enterprise is the task which now confronts the Party. Its editorial on the Labor Party Campaign, Polcom Minules, regular weekly or monthly contributions of sy ripathetic staff must be organized from among the best polit ically equipped comrades.
Oct. 7, 1927. this fund has already taken place. If you agree with the 15. Failure to utilize the mass campaigns to The Open Letter to the Socialist Party, an strengthen the nuclei and build the Party, allowing error of the Polcom as a whole, which was pointed Join the Pledge Fund and send your contribution to object it is your duty to help a gradual and growing disintegration of the nucloi in many centers, New York, etc. to take place, are out in the letter of the THE MILITANT, Box, 120, Madison Square Station, characteristics of the present leadership The united front made by the Party leaders New York City.
the turin a cold sweat weat and Worker or not sentatives of the minority us errors one Political line fouleverd to them realize already of the once of today for expulsion of the suppain, lay the support man the proposal to of the Socialisert Berger, the National Chair the Lovestone group subntitted to the Polcom by