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Page THE MILITANT November 15, 1928.
The Fortress of the World Revolution The The of Soviet Russiher example and the brotherly help it as our own.
manently systems on Slogans for Today corrobor The Russian Revolution revivified the revolu Soviet Russia a blow aimed at their own cause and workers took the hammer of revolution in tionary movement of the world and inspired the react against it as such. Te defense of the Soviet their hands and broke the chain of World Im proletarian masses with new confidence and hope. Union is our own fight. It is and will be a central perialism at its weakest link. The history of the whole intervening period represents on the one the mud of hand the efforts of the imperialists to forge that of the socialist socialicia patriotism by the traitor leaders woran e shpetent the labor militants of the entire it again syn leading the workers to follow the example of the chain together again and bind it tighter around onymous with Internationalism. Lenin, the leader Russian Revolution. So they must conceive it. So the enslaved masses and, on the other hand, the of the Russian Revolution, was also the leader of will the socialism in Russia and through struggle of the proletariat to tear it apart from the the Communist International which arose out of out the world be finally secured.
of humanity.
the ruins brought about by social treason in the The victory of the Russian proletariat grew out The Russian Revolution was not merely a na war. Eleven years of the dictatorship of the pro of the World War. The establishment of the tional event it was the beginning of and signal letariat has confirmed everything that Lenin taught dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia and the for the International Proletarian Revolution. Here about the international significance of the revolu organization of the Communist International two lies its true meaning, its great historic signific tion and the indissoluble bonds between it and the ance.
vast achievements historically linked togetherFrom this standpoint the revolutionary world proletariat are the plus signs against the slaughter of the milworkers of the world hail the cause of Soviet Rus Soviet Russia is the fortress of the World Rev. lions and the collapse of the Second International.
sia as their cause on the eleventh anniversary olution While it stands the imperialist system imperialist war makers and their socialist her October.
shakes on its foundations. Every attempt at stab lackeys unleashed forces which they could not The Russian Revolution broke forever the ilization brings greater insecurity and deeper con conrol. unity of the world and divided it into two hostile. The help imperialist masters of the world want to camps the camp of imperialist exploitation and inspires and strengthens the move take back these gains of the workers wrested out the camp of ment ment of the workers and of the bloody pit of war and revolution. Armaments are being multiplied on an unprecedented world power. At the other stands the Fatherland is the flag of our hope and on this scale. War clouds darken the skies. War plans the land of the workers rule. The antagonism be onth anniversary we again hair grow apace. They are aimed primarily at Soviet tween them and the systems they represent is and the international Between the Soviet Republics united in the Russia and through it at the entire international irreconcilable. They cannot live together per: labor movement.
ional revolutionary pro letariat there is an organic connection. They are The celebrations of the workers throughout the world scale means the liberation of en hound together spiritually and are united by ties of mutual politically. They world on this eleventh anniversary of the Russian slaved humanity and its ascent to heights of culture which no Revolution must therefore be dominated above all and achievement beyond our dreams to socialism power on earth can break. Just as the Soviet Re by the solemn realization of the war danger and and beyond that to communism. The victory of publics constitute an impregnable fortress of the the steel resolve to meet it by revolutionary means; imperialism would hurl civilization into the abyss. world revolution so is the international proletariat by the resolve to put all our weight and all our Such is the issue of the epoch of wars and revolu the protector of the Soviet Republics. The rev sacrifice in the scale for the cause of Soviet Russia tions in which we live and fight.
olutionary workers see in every blow aimed at which is the cause of the oppressed and exploited vance along the line of removing and restroying The Outlook Expose undertakings of the well to do peasants and KuMoscow wireless to the Daily Worker (11 laks, said Bucharin at the 14th Party Conference, The revelations contained in the current number 1928) reports that the leading article of the Pravda of October 31, has raised the following Enrich yourselves, develop your undertakings, have of The Outlook on the innocence of the martyred we must say to the peasants, to all the peasants: Vanzetti in the Bridgewater hold up and the slogans as most apt to the present for the elev no fear that you will be repressed. As late as one scoundrelly cynicism of the authorities to whom enth anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution: year ago, the five year plan of national economy the facts were vailable can only serve as Against the Kulak! Against the Nepman! Against the Bureaucrats!
proposed by Rykov and Kchichanovsky hailed the ative evidence. The certainty of the entire innodecline in the private capitalist elements in town cence of Sacco and Vanzetti of any of the crimes Less than a year ago, at the 15th Congress and country.
charged against them was long ago firmly estab.
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the The repeated warnings of the Opposition not leaders of the Opposition raised precisely these only went unheeded, but were denounced as de The Outlook, a rabid supporter of the very sys stogans to be adopted by the Party. For this ser featism, pessimism, hopeful speculation on a crisis tem that murdered the two Italian rebels, is convice Trotsky, Radek, and dozens of the best and and in similar slanderous manner. The Opposi cerned only with the covering hideous, festering most loyal Bolshevik tighters were expelled from sores on the body tion proposes to deprive the peasants of their last to tie the of capitalist justice, the Party, and many of them sent into exile and The class to the chariot Opposition was endeavoring to in penny.
confidence in the worse.
duce us to bleed the peasantry to the utmost, to corrupt institutions of the masters. The duty of The adoption of these slogans now, after a squeeze everything possible out of him. The every class conscious worker, on the other hand, harmful delay of two or three years, is a is ceaselessly to point out that the legal assassinatypical Stalin Rykov Kuibyschev economy proclamation tion of Sacco and Vanzetti was entirely in harmoexample of the zig zag policy that has characterized said that they were proposing to plunder the peasthe course of the Central Committee in general, ny with the processes of justice as it is regularly and the Stalin group within it in particular. And for its super industrialization, its noise about Ku dispensed to workers by the courts of their class foe even their adoption at this point cannot, in the lak and NEP dangers.
There is no doubt that there will be more eviface of what has happened in the past, be taken at But events have their logic, and class forces and full face value: relations their irresistible pressure.
The grain forthcoming in the future that will strike further blows at the toppling edifice of lies under At the 14th Party Conference the decision on requisitions of this year demonstrated to the hilt the leasing of land and the employment of wage the correctness of the Opposition estimate of the which the martyrs were buried. Unfortunately, workers in the village was a concealed concession growing strength and aggressiveness of the Kulak. nothing can bring the two fighters back to the to the Kulaks. The consequence of this false The conspiracy in the Donetz Basin tore aside the ranks of the working class. Their memory must veil that concealed the bureaucratic corruption serve not only as a permanent indictment against measure the extension of the franchise to exploiting elements in the village was only a logical step that had seeped into the State, the economic and and an inspiring example of rebels duct, but as a mute appeal to every worker to take in the direction of the course which yielded to the the Party apparatus.
The slogans adopted on the 11th anniversary, up and continue the fight for the defense of all pressure of the private capitalist elements in town class war prisoners.
The case of Tom Mooney and village. Armed with Stalin slogan at the under the pressure of the Party masses and the the Party of Fire against the persistent fight of the Opposition, will acquire nia prisons for more than twelve years, is in and Warren Billings, buried alive in Cal Left which he later attempted to deny having content, point and driving power when the entire in point.
The over abundant proofs of their innocence, and issued the Opposition was made the object of line of the Opposition will be adopted along with the Party blows while the Kulak and the Nep them. They will receive their guarantee of realiza the frame up that almost sent them to the gallows have been made public Jong ago.
is the duty tion with the return to man strength waxed under the false policy of the von Central Committee.
protagonists and most site Party of their original of every worker to aid with all vigor in the fight and consistent sup. for their belated release.
The demands of the Opposition for a struggle porters with whose fight they have always been against the Kulak so as to weaken his power and The campaign of International Labor Defense Unless Stalin who has zig zagged for Mooney and Billings follows the right line in influence and prevent his growth at the expense Right. capitulates to the Rykov. Tomsky Kalinin proceeding from the standpoint of the class strug.
from Fire against the Left! to Fire against of the poor and middle peasantry were violently the gle. The cssence of the task is to make the case rejected. As late as 1926, Stalin denounced right wing in the Polburo he will be forced to of Mooney and Billings again. a burning issue of of panic. At the left, to the line of the Opposition. The latter the labor movement militant fight, led and 15th Party Conference (November 1926) Buch alternative is the logical outcome of the tendencies organized by the class conscious elements, is the arin asked triumphantly: Since the Kulak has be and situation in the Soviet Union and its Combest assurance for a a speedy victory in this fight.
come so formidable, why has he not played us munist Party. prerequisite for this is a is a recognition of the great some nasty trick? new, anti Leninist and importance and potentialities of this issue. The revisionist. conception of the Kulak began to apopinion that the mass interest in this historie case pear in the ranks of the Party. The Kulak is cannot be revived is profoundly false. It is a growing into socialism, announced Bucharin. The Kulak is a bogey from the old world. you To insure setting your copy of The Militant regularly question only of correct tactics and organization methods and energetic work. The hope of Mooney only represented by a few individuals already in are One Dollar per year. Bundle orders can be had and Billings, of the Centralia WW. and of every the process of extinction, wrote Boguschevsky.
at cents per copy in bundles of ten or more. Send all communications to Box 120, Madison Square Station, other labor prisoner in the country lies in the pro Qur policy with regard to the village must ad New York, test movement of the masses.
of working dence con el the It SUBSCRIBE!