BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyItalyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeViolenceWorkers PartyZinoviev

The Executive Committee of the Com Communist International. Appeal of the The Executive declares its agreement munist International has decided to con Italian Socialist Party against the resowith the resolution of the Central Comvene the 3rd Congress of the Third Com lution of the Executive Committee. mittee of the United Communist Party of munist International on the ist of June February 1st and begs the Central ComII. The Communist Labor Party of 1021.
mittee not to recognize any explanations Germany and the Communist Internaof this resolution which could mean supThe Executive Committee of the Com tional. Appeal of the United Communist munist Intenational adopted the following Party of Germany against the resolution port to the Centrist Serrati fraction and create difficulties to the Italian Communprovisional agenda: of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. Draft of Agends for the Third Congress This resolution was unanimously adoptof the Communist International. 12. The Women Movement.
ed by the Executive Committee of the Communist International after an exact 13. The Young Communist Movement. Report of the Executive Committee examination of the situation. The repreof the Communist International.
14. Election of the Executive Committee zentatives of the United Communist Party of the Communist International. Head of Germany voted for the points and 2. The economic world crisis and the and against point new tasks of the Communist International. quarters of the Tactics of the Communist Interna15. Other business.
Executive Committee of the tionad during the Revolution.
Communist International. Zinoviev. Transition period (special requirements, special actions and final struggle of the Revolution. I) The Executive affirms its resolution The Executive Committee declares once more that it considers the Italian Socialist Fight against the Amsterdam yellow in the Italian question and continues to Trade Union Federation.
support the Communist Party of Italy.
Party to be its Italian section and supports Red Trade Union International and the same in its revolutionary struggle the Communist International.
2) The Executive protests most deter by all the means and authority at its minedly against the support given by one disposal. The leaders of the Serrati frac7. Construction of the Communist Part of the presidents of the United Communist tion for the sake of 14, 000 pure opportuies, the methods of their work.
Party; Com. Levi, to the centrist fraction nists have rejected from the party 60, 000 Serrati in Livorno and after Livorno. Construction of the Communist Intercommunists. The Executive Committee The Executive is firmly convinced that places the appeal of the Italian Socialist national and its relation to the affiliated the overhelming majority of the German Party on the agenda of the Third Conparties.
sister party on the Italian question is on gress. Till the decision of the Congress The Eastern question.
the side of the Italian Communists and the Executive Committee instructs the of the Executive and not on the side of small bureau with publishing, an open IO. The Italian Socialist Party and the Com. Levi.
letter to the Italian Socialist Party.
Serious Minded Revolutionists. RNOLD PETERSON, Secretary well as quoting Mark Twain for the pur upon the possibility of a peaceful soluof the is one of the seripose of justifying his opportunistic prin tion of the special problem in this country ciples and tactics.
has repeatedly been misconstrued by its ous minded revolutionists. He enemies as bowing and kow towing to stated so himself in an article appearing Renegades, like crooks, do not like to Nothing can be more in the Weekly People of January 1, 1921, admit their social standing. If they would bourgeois legality.
ridiculous nor further than tht truth under the title of the Lying Burlesque like to admit it the Arnold Petersons of Bolsheviki.
The plants itself upon civilisation, His calling himself a serithe would openly endorse their ous minded revolutionist is rather amus comrade renegades, the Hillquits of the not upon legality. It says the civilized ing. But more amusing is his statement whose kinsmen in principles and method of settling disputes is by arguthat. in conjunction with its kith and tactics they at present are.
ment, not by fist fights. Hence the addresses itself to the workers and kin, the and the it the Since Peterson did not even attempt urges that they meet the capitalist class Communist Party of America, Section of 10 compare the to the and at the ballot box and settle the question the Third International acts as a sort we shall draw a comparison as civilization has provided. Weekly of poultice on the labor movements absorbbetween the and and the People, November 27, 1920. ing a good bit of the impurities that are P. and The Socialist Party is opposed to the created in that movement.
Proof. The workers must be trained general strike for political purposes. How kin or alien the Communist Party is to the and the could to use the ballot box to vote out the capiMorris Hillquit.
talist and middle classes and to vote in Mr. serious minded revolutionist, best be shown by quoting and comparing representatives of the workers. The what after all is the difference between the underlying principles and tactics of the and W: But that Socialist Party seeks to attain its end by the attaining its aim by constitutional orderly and constitutional methods.
and orderly means, and the atwould be asking too much from a seriousminded revolutionist, who is somewhat ist Party. 1920.
Violence is not the weapon of the Social taining its aim by meeting the capitalist class at the ballot box and settling the sleek in the art of mud slinging, distorquestion as civilization has provided? Any tion and emasculation of Marxism, as The Socialist Labor Party insistence kinship between the two?