CominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGerman RevolutionImperialismMarxRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Speech of Paul Levi at the Unity Convention of the Independent Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Cermany.
Left ized Blood flowed.
persons were killed and PAGE TWENTY ONE leadershhip and support these single acts were bound to be futile, but they seem consciousness of the proletarian masses to point to the fact that the revolutionary had attained a higher degree of development than the Left Socialist leaders realContinued from page 11.
In the conflict between the military and the workers in Brux five of Sevres, through which the Entente ruled the Near East.
English imperialism and the Communist Without Greek twenty five troops in Little Asia the front of the International and Soviet Russia fight for wounded. And still more proletarian her as they do for all the oppressed peoEntente broke in Turkey. With that the ples, whether they live in blood will be spilled unless the class conspolicy of Turkey collapsed and thereby Turkey, in cious workers form a unified Communist was partially attained the goal which our China or in India. The Communist InterParty, conscious of its goal, which alone Russian comrades set for themselves when national seeks to bind these peoples towill be in a position to establish the they entered into an armed alliance with oppressed of the whole world. There are gether in a league of the proletarians and Dictatorship of the Proletariat when the the Turkish Nationalists.
revolutionary situation demands it.
tasks of tremendous magnitude which on The religious faith in the power of The ring around Soviet Russia has been this account rest today on the shoulders broken at this point. The Entente has of the Russian workers and peasants. The legality has until now led to a lack of direction to most tactical problems. But been decisively defeated at a vital spot, German proletariat, as a part of the body the Left Socialists had finally to cngage but they cannot rest under this defeat.
of the oppressed of the whole world, They will seek to throw more armies must remind themselves of the first step in illegal actions in the effort to retain of the German revolution, when we were They will send legal possession of the People House, against Soviet Russia.
even as they were forcd in much more Poland, they will put remnants of Wran scoffed at even in the ranks of Hilferding sweeping measure to adopt armed force gel force again in the field, they will and Brettscheid, when we were laughed when they sought not to lose the confi permit new Balakhowitches to arise, they at as revolutionary romanticists. In those will send new troops and new munitions.
days the unshakable desire for attack, the dence of the masses.
Nothing is more Defeat only spurs them on to a fresh impatience of the masses who had never dangerous than to employ half measures.
struggle with Soviet Russia.
fought, their impetuousness, their will for This is perhaps the most instructive construggle and victory helped us.
clusion which can be drawn from the But Russia does not stand alone. When In the great frame of world history the asked how a world power arises we must events of the last three months in Czechosituation today resembles that of the deveSlovakia say that the decisive mark of its origin is loping world revolution. In all countries not the extension of its geographical bonud Until recently there was a great dis aries. Long before the English world the resoluteness of the toiling masses efproportion in the strength and support empire was geographically outlined Eng gle which the masses will conduct.
fects an awakening and a leading to strugThe of the two parties by the Czecho Slova land was a world power. These are in guiding head in this struggle is Soviet kian proletariat. When the course of the visible threads which form a net around strike is better known the dispute over Russia and without doubt the Entente will the world; supplies of capital; traveling ever anew seek to strike off her head.
the relative strength will be clarified. merchants; capitalistic interests which Soviet Russia is the central problem of However, from the lying official reports created the world empire of England.
the foreign policy of the proletariat of the some important facts can be gleaned.
When we turn our attention to Soviet world. This policy does not consist mereIn Mahrisch Ostrau, where the Right So Russia say its influence is not limited ly of sympathies, it consists in struggling cialist were heerto fore masters of the situto the confines within Russia geographi with all means against all enemies of cal boundaries.
Around the wide world Soviet Russia.
ation, 26 mine pits or by far the greater there is a network of invisible threads.
number of the whole went out on strike Our convention is no German event; There is no country in which every beat there are no German events in the Euroin support of the Lefts.
of the hammer, in every sigh of the unpean, in the world revolution.
What we In the great industrial centers of Rei employed, the thought of Soviet Russia now create is the first strong link of the doe not lie in the background. These are International beside Soviet Russia; it is chenberg and Brunn, the general strike the threads which today unite the prole the force which is destined to be the arm was successfully carried out. In Slovakia, tariat, the oppressed of the whole world, of the revolution as Russia is the head.
where the party leadership took a seemin the most portentous body in the world That is the world historic significance ingly hesitating attitude, great demonstra history the international of the oppressed, of our convention, of the founding of our the Communist International.
tions were held, with partial strike moveparty. It is a work of unheard of diffiNow we see an eveent the greatness culty in which we will not despair.
ments and sympathetic strikes of the agri of which is only too little known. In his We look back over a period of fierce inaugural address Marx said that with struggle and defeats; of many glorious The proletariat has carried out a general the founding of the First International deeds; of two years of the most trying strike movement, it has demonstrated its was laid the cornerstone of proletarian events. Yet the spirit of glory arises out foreign policy. Still, the First Internaof the bloodshed. It is the spirit of Karl strength and in spite of apparent defeat tional was but the goddess which sprang Liebknecht and of Rosa Luxemburg that it has emerged with greater solidarity from the head of Marx. Today the God now tarries in this hour, in this hall.
The education through dess of Liberty places her helmet on her These great spirits which led us in the first hour of our existence, now call us action will lead to the further awakening head. Today she is the great and most of revolutionary class consciousness, even feared power of the world proletariat. again to new deeds, and on this account Soviet Russia fights against the Euro into the Communist Party. Let us then as the fight for the possession of the pean imperialism which today oppresses throw ourselves into the struggle and carPeople House and for the control of so many named and unamed peoples. Ire ry on the work for Communism with an the party machinery led them to revolt. land suffers under the bloody rule of iron will to power.
cultural workers.
from its first test.