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U. P, of GERMANY SPLIT in ITALIAN PAGE EIGHTEEN alone in Germany, but on that account in such parties as desire to affiliate to the many considers that unity is possible Europe, as well from reformist elements, is the between the Communist Party of Italy prerequisite of all communist activity.
and the split off Group of Serrati, who Indeed, the Central Council sees in the Communist Parties can niether prepare are sincerely determined to form an active mere play with the idea of a new the revolution nor lead the mass struggle frigting group of the providing party split in the of Germany, of the proletariat if they retain in their they definitely withdraw themselves from an inconsiderate and dangerous thought, midst, at responsible posts, opponents of all centrist elements and tendencies withwhich only excites confusion in our ranks in their own ranks.
the proletarian revolution.
and furnishes comfort to our opponents.
The Central Council considers that the 2) That the Executive Committee of The Central (General) Committee of assertion that the tactics applied by the the acted, not only in accordance the of Germany therefore exE. in Italy must of necessity lead to with the decisions of the Second Congress, pects the communist proletarians of all new splits in Germany, France and the but in complete harmony with its affil groups in Italy to take the initiative in other coutries of West Europe as well, iated sections, when it categorically de creating unity, and calls upon the is completely groundles and without manded the expulsion of the reformists of the to work toward bringing basis.
The uncompromising insistence on this about an understanding and unity between all communist elements in Italy, the first The Party Central Council instucts the demand by the of the is in Central Committee to immediately request perfect accord with the interests of the and most important condition of which shall be the execution of the decisions Italian and the International labor movea declaration from the and is conreformists, ment. The attitude of the of the Second Congress of the vinced that this declaration will justify the and consequently the separation from all after the Congress of the I, had been position of the majority of the Party Central Council and will prove the minorheld, upon the question of occupying the vaccilating, uncertain and equivocal leaders who would compomise with opportuItalian factories, clearly exposed the social ity in error.
patriotic and traitorous character of the nism under the cloak of the Communist Harmonious cooperation with the reformist group in Italy.
International. is indespensable to the execution of the difficult tasks of the International 3) The majority of thee Italian Socia6) The Central (General) Committee in Western Europe.
list Party under the leadership of Serrati, of the of Germany castigates accepted the 21 conditions for affiliation the slanders of the Independent Socialist The Central Council declares that to the but demanded for themselves Party press against the of the it can perceive no sort of fundamental that the methods of carrying them out accusing them of having caused the differences of opinion in this conflict.
be negotiated with the of the split in the Italian Socialist Party. We Accordingly, the Central Council regrets In the first half of the year which had maintain that this was not a split by the the resignation of the five comrades from passed since the holding of the Congress ukase of Moscow, but occured as a result the Central Committee.
of the Serrati group did not so of the execution of an international deciThe Central Committee is of the firm much as lift a finger to make any sort sion, in the making of which the Italian conviction that in a very short time these of concrete proposals to the of the comrades took part.
When the Indeunpleasant differences will be overcome. as to carrying out the decisions of pendents seek to represent the carrying out of this international decision as a the Second Congress. On the contrary, The Comrades who have resigned and who have assured their further cooperaSerrati publicly denied the presence of manifestation of the dictatorship of the tion will also be convinced that their reformers the. Italian Socialist Party. of the they show that they position was a mistaken one when the It therefore became necessary to put bestand for an International which will official statement of the of the fore the Serrati group the definite choice one only in appearance and which will free hand of unity with the reformers, or unity permit each affiliated party a 3rd International and the march of events for with the Communists.
in Germany and the other countries will the carrying out of opportunist have established our view.
policies. When the Independents represent 4) That the Serrati group preferred to the demand for the expulsion of open We implore the party comrades not split the Italian Socialist Party and sepa reformists as an injury to the labor moveto be disconcented about nothing, to con rate from the Communist International ment, they prove that they consider unity tinue along the path of Communism as than to split away from the reformists, with Ebert and Scheidemann, as not only members of a united and powerful Com thereby showing that, in reality, they are possible but necessary.
munist International.
not yet a unified, stable Communist fighting group, but contain centrists eleBoth resolutions (translated from the ments who vaccilate between Communism German) are printed below.
and Reformism.
On a motion presented by Comrades Nevertheless, he following resolution submitted the Central (General)
Stoecker and Thalheimer, the following by the Central Executive Committee Committee of the United Communist resolution was adopted by a vote of 38 of the United Communist Party of Party of Germany recognizes that a to 23: Germany to its Central (General) Comsection of communist proletarians, who (Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, of the mittee was rejected by a vote of 28 to follow Serrati, are possessed of a sincere rejected resolution presented by the and honest desire to place themselves of the of Germany, and)
23: upon the basis of the principles and the On the basis of the report of their conditions of organization of the 4) The Serrati Group preferred to delegates to the Leghorn Congress of the The Communist Party of Italy (group of split away from the rather than Italian Socialist Party and its pronun Bordiga and Bombacci) having placed to separate from the Reformists. Despite ciamentos thereafter, the Central (Gene themselves on this basis, is therefore the Serrati Group formal declaration ral) Committee of the United Communist the only party in Italy to be recognized of acceptance of the 21 points it is in Party of Germany declares: by all sections of th and to be fact not prepared to execute and include 1) That the decisions of the Second powerfully supported.
them in its tactics and program.
Congress of the on the necessity 5) The Central (General) Committee 5) sincere and honest desire to reof purifying all Communist Parties or of the United Communist Party of Ger move from the Italian Party the outT