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THO COMMUNIST PAGE SIOVENTEEN Position of United Communist Party of Germany on the Split in the Italian Socialist Party STATEMENT OF LETT. ZETKIN.
We declare: DAUMIG. HOFFMAN, BRESS perfect duty and responsibility in the ON THEIR RESIGNATION AS MEM These methods of forming Communist Party, in the struggle of the German BERS of the CENTRAL COMMITTEE Parties can never lead to the building of Communism and within the Third Interproletariat for its emancipation through of the of GERMANY.
communist mass parties, but to the building solely of pure and thoroughly trained national.
To prevent an unwarranted and pos parties, to be sure, but because of their Otto Brass, Ernst Daumig, Adolf sibly malicious interpretation by their numerical weakness, uninfluential in the Hoffman, Paul Levi, Clara Zetkin.
opponents of their voluntary resignation larger workers organizations. That which from the Central Committee of the was in the mind of the Communist InterP. of Germany, the undersigned declare: national, the building of communist mass STATEMENT ADOPTED AGAINST parties cannot be attained in this way, VOTES BY THE CENTRAL COUN1. Hitherto the Central Committee has but only by organic growth and common CIL UPON THE RESIGNATION OF been in agreement and united on all the political experience and struggles of such THE most important fundamental questions of masses as have found their way in the the party attitude and policy. Until party on the basis of the conditions laid The Central Council declares as follows shortly before they were also united down by the 2nd World Congress of the on the resignation of the comrades united in the sense of the resolutions for Communist International.
from the Central Committee: decision by the Central Committee to the Central Council on their conception of We consider this course fatal. We con The fundamental conception of the the conditions in the Italian Socialist sider it our duty to unite into an ever Central Council on the formation of Party.
stronger and more clear fighting host the Communist Parties in West European communists that have come and are As hitherto, we are still of the view coming into the Party through the revocountries is in perfect agreement with that of the 2nd World Congress of the that the complete rupture with all refor lutionary struggles and schools of revo Communist International.
mism and opportunism is the prerequsite tion, a host, not condemned to impotency for membership in a Communist Party because of numerical weakness but which This conception is that of creating in and in the Communist International. on account of its numerical strength is all countries parties of the broad nasses Accordingly we approve of the stand in a position to win such influence on whose members are thoroughly permeated proletarian masses by reason taken by the of the which in of its insight and revolutionary determi readiness and who are under unified cleo with the communist spirit of revolutionary accordance with the decisions of the 2nd nation.
World Congress has insisted in Italy upon communist leadership.
immediate, open, rupture with the reform By the acceptance of the resolution of By the decision on the Italian quest ists and opportunists, and we recognize Thelheimer Stoecker, the Central Com ion, the Central Council had not agreed that the reformists and the communists mittee has approved of the steps taken by to a new principle on the creation of are not identical but that the reformists the of the in Italy However Communist Parties, but has only asserted were on the side of the fence of Serrati the vindication of these measures leads, as that these tactics of the 2nd World Congroup. As to the decisions of the 2nd far as it is conducted in principle, to such World Congress and the principles thereof propositions that contain serious danger in Italy as well as in Germany, and only gress of the are to be maintained which have hitherto been applied in Ger to the future unity of the German Com the necessary separation from the reformany at the split of the in munist Party.
mists and centrists accomplished. If that France, Switzerland, in Norway, there are however working masses in Italy that We are firmly convinced that another led to separation from Serrati group have been excluded from the Communist split in the German Communist Party as well it was because the opportunist International who on account of their apart from splits toward the Right and leaders of this group constantly wavered revolutionary past and revolutionary will Left will not lead to the formation of about executing the orders of the a Communist can remain good members of a Communist Party, full of fighting and rather broke with the communists Party.
energy, but will for a long time cause than with the reformists of Turatti. Tv great harm to Communism and the cause the acceptance of this decision the Central According to this viewpoint when of the revolution not alone in Germany. Council manifested. as is self evident a party already a member of the Com but on that account in Europe as well.
the duty of international solidarity, its munist International is we do not fraternal support especially for the young therein see the attempt as with the We cannot therefore, as is demanded Communist Party of Italy. persecuted by the Social Democratic Party of of a member of the Central Committee, all the counter revolutionists.
Switzerland, the French Socialist Party. defend this decision. Nor especially can. to separate workers from a reformis! we bear the responsibility for the conse The Central Council is far from the party so as to win them for communism, quences, whch in our opinion will ineviopinion that with the acceptance of its but to build purer and more solid Com tably follow Accordingly, on these decision, it has agreed to the theory of munist Parties through the mechanical grounds, we resign as members of the a new party split in Germany. We are as process of splits.
Central Committee.
firmly convinced as are the comrades who resigned that another split in the An attempt to form a Communist Party The return of the undersigned to German Communist Party apart from in this manner cannot be limited to Italy. the rank and file of the of split towards the Right and Left will The representative of the in Italy naturally, does not mean that they will not lead to the formation of a Conimunist has declared that a precedent has been withdraw into a quiet and retired spot. Party, full of fighting energy, but will laid down and has already pointed to the On the contrary: as plain soldiers, the for a long time cause great harm to Comfuture application in France and Germany. undersigned will endeavor to do their munism and the cause of revolution not