BujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninSocialismSyndicalismTrotskyZinoviev

that supplementary to them THIO COMMUNIST PAGE TITEON opportunity state my position clearly to party, in Moscow had to determine my ation of all fundamental questions and the the party membership for discussion My differences of opinion may be party, position on the various questions; the bottom to the top, cte.
position by what thought would be the principle of elections to all positions from At the same characterized as not in opposition to the and the report will show that throughout time the resolution asserts these trades union theses of the Congress but did not misrepresent the party on any points. without altering the functions of question, and could not, since am a the trade unions in the labor state, cannot feel this matter of the criticism very Communist and our is a Communist solve the fundamental questions of Sokeenly. was not in touch with the Party, cialist construction. Summary of the Discussions TRADE UNION MOVEMENT on Trade Unionism It is more than a month since the adTHE QUESTIN OF TRADE UNIONISM AT THE oth CONGRESS OF dress of comrade Trotsky on the role of THE RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY.
the Trade Unions in production, delivered Resolution of the Eightoon on the 24th of December, 1920, started a general discussion on this subject within The drait of a resolution on the ques Trade Unions on the one hand, and the the party. During that period the distion of the functions of the trade unions Supreme Council of National Economy, cussion passed beyond the mere analysis to be submitted to the forthcoming toth the Commissariat for Agriculture, the of the theses advanced by this or that Congress of the Russian Communist Party Commissariat for Ways and Communi group, and became a kind of a general has been published over the signature of cations, and others on the other, for estab expression of party opinion. The question eighteen comrades hence the name by lishing the organizational relations be was put on the agendas at the meetings which this resolution is known. These tween the unions and the economic organs of district committees and district and comrades are: Trotsky, Bucharin, Andre by a corresponding re grouping of both local meetings, where, following reports of ev, Djirjinsky, Krestinsky, Preobrazhen on the basis of industrial experience. representatives of the different platforms, sky, Rakovsky, Serebriakov, Larin, SokolConsidering necessary the calling of a preliminary vote was taken. This serves nikov, Akovleva, Holsmann, Ivanov, Kasimultaneous congresses of the economic to indicate the trend of thought of the sior Piatokov, Kohn, Averin, and Kin.
active workers of the Communist Party, This draft resolution is a combination of organizations and the corresponding trade unions, the resolution declares it neces showing which point of view on the role the platforms of what are known as the of the trade unions was the most popular sary that the compositions of the presibuffer group and that of comrade Trotsky. diums of the All Russian Council of and was becoming the crystalized party The general features fo this resolution Trade Unions and the Supreme Council opinion on the matter.
can be summed up as follows: Not only the one third or the half of the members marize and get a general view of this of National Economy should be such that It is therefore of importance to sumthe growth of labor democracy in the of the presidium of the one organization discussion and define its general trend.
unions is necessary, but also a growth of the influence of the unions in industry; positions in the other, and that the same be the same persons as shall hold thosc The Petrograd organization of the party the school of Communism lies mainly in was the first to express its decision on the the industrial training of the masses and principle be carried out in the other trade unions and economic organs.
question. Here a general meeting of all their representatives; it is necessary that the city locals took place on Jan. 3rd, 1921, there should be an organizational com All experience in the establishment of at which comrade Zinoviev presented his bination and merging of the unions with unity of management of industrial enter point of view and was followed by comthe economic organs and the subordination prises and the organization of national rade Bucharin defending the platform of of the economic organs and the subordin economy must be regarded in the light of Trotsky.
The meeting, with an ation of the economic apparatus to the the solution of the following tasks: To whelming majority, adopted the text of growing functions of the unions as mass train and bring forward economic admi an address to the party declaring that the organizations The draft resolution con nistrators from among trade unionists; to Petrograd organization was in favor to tains an explanation of the views of this bring about an approachment and organi the position of the All Russian Central group of comrades as to the origin of the zational combination of the work of the Council of Trade Unions and was in internal crisis in the trade union moveunions and the economic apparatus; to agreement with the point of view exment which caused this question of the indicate the general sections of their work pressed by Comrades Lenin and Zinovic functions of the trade unions to be raised and create conditions for their joint exe on the role and tasks of the Trade Unions This address was later approved by a at the forthcoming congress of the Party. cution; to strive towards broadening the and also their views on the fundamentai general section of their work until finally general meeting of all the members of tasks of the trade unions.
it embraces the whole. e. until a com the Petrograd organization at which out plete merging of the unions and the ecoof 4, 000 comrades only 20 voted against In point 21 of the resolution, for exnomic organs has been completed.
the address.
ample, it is proposed that in order to achieve an internal harmony in the work The draft resolution, which differs from In the Viborg district out of 354 memof the industrial unions and economic or comrade Trotsky original thesis, includes bers present 334 voted for the address of Kanizations to construct both on similar a number of points on the necessity for the Petrograd organization and 19 against.
economic territorial lines e. to include equality in the sphere of consumption and In the second city district 1, 000 members in both the oranizations the same number the preservation of the principle of con participated, out of which only 33 voted of enterprises in accordance with the centration (on special enterprises or against. In the Moscow district 262 memstructure and requirements of the given branches of industry, tr. in the sphere of bers were present out of which there was branch of industry. The resolution con production: the extention of the rights no vote against, abstentions and 259 for, tinues, with this aim in view the 10th of the disciplinary courts and the extention Congress considers necessary the imme of their jurisdiction over the administra The voting in the factories gave similar diate setting up of a central commission tive stafi, on the necessity for training results. At the Alexandrov mill out of composed of the All Russian Council of and drawing the masses into the consider 300 Communists present, 299 voted for the over