BourgeoisieCominternCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalyParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

ference in Vienna.
Communism, THE COMMUNIST PAGE THIRTEEN They No. 12 of our paper, regarding the firm, comrades. now that all the forces way against a misstatement published in responding conclusions from this fact. Be Paris, which is the seat of international Socialist movement in Greece, which is of the bourgeoisie with its many and vari red banner was raised, for which tens of the country came from.
ous agents are mobilized against your thousands of the glorious Parisian proThe Kinonia (Society) is a yellow party. The Communist workers all letarians perished.
paper belonging to the yellow socialist, the world are with you. The future bePanios, whose party the Socialist Party longs to you and not to those who want, The Executive Committee of the Communist International appeals to all conof Greece is advocating a two and ain some form or another, through the re scious workers of the world to celebrate half. International, and has sent its formists, to come to terms with the bour solemnly the 50th anniversary of the Paris delegates to the yellow socialists con geoisie.
Commune. The Executive Committee of Long live the Communist Party of the Communist International decided to The above Kinonia and of Italy!
dedicate to this anniversary a special numGreece are constantly disclaiming and ber of the Communist International.
Long live the Italian proletariat!
insulting the Third International and The Executive Committee of the Comadvocating at the same The Executive Committee of the munist International has further adopted time bourgeois patriotism and burgeois Communist International the following resolution: The Communist democracy. ZINOVIEV, Chairman.
workers of the world, united and repreThe only red organization in Greece sented in the Executive Committee of the in the Socialist Labor Communist Party, Communist International, decide to erect 14 Euripides St. Athens, which is a a monument to the French Communards branch of the Balkan Communist Federa 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PARIS in Paris in the name of the Communist tion, and is the Greek section of the COMMUNE International. The Executive Committee International of Moscow of the Communist International takes the Its special delegation to the Second ConTo All Parties and Organisations Affiliated initiative in this matter and appeals to the with the III. International gress at Moscow, headed by the Communist Parties of all countries to Lygdopoulos, on its way from Moscow start a subscription for this purpose, and to Greece, has been murdered two weeks OMRADES: the French comrades are asked to assist ago on board a ship in the Black Sea, This spring will be the soth anin the accomplishment of this task.
undoubtedly by secret niversary of the Paris Commune. The Executive Committee of the ComFrench and English Governments for Half a century has passed since the Paris munist International waits to see whether reasons we do not know yet.
workers, for the first time in history, rose the present bourgeois government of The above party in the last elections against the bourgeoisie and seized power. France will dare to hinder the internationpolled nearly 120, 000 votes, or a third The Paris Communards have written a al wrking class from erecting a monument of the votes cast in the industrial centres page of undying glory in the golden book to the heroes of the Paris Commune.
in Greece. Its official organ is the week of the international proletarian movement.
ly Ergaticos Agon (Workers Strug; They have been the predecssors and foreThe Executive Committee of the the daily Rizospastis runners of the present proltarian revolutuCommunist International (Radical) controlled also by the same tion in Russia and all over the world. In ZINOVIEV, Chairman party.
Communist agents of the gle. besides beg you to kindly give the necessary. The Congress, the and Unionism he publicity to the above for the rehabilitation of truth.
By Louis FRAINA Yours very truly, FOREWORD did not represent the party posltlon(on the trade union statement in the Communist for question) at the Second Congress is in part justified by the following February 1st, to which comrade Fralna statement by Fralna: objects, at misstating hle poultion on TO THE COMMUNIST PARTY The implication is that opposed the trade union question at the second OF ITALY Congress of the Communist International, participation in the reactionary trade was written by the former Party Editor, in unions. When left the United States Comrades Bombacci, Bordiga, Taracini, an article dealing with the Unity Question this was partly true, relic of my and others.
and criticizing the 11 Comrado training. But my observations in Fraina was misrepresented, as he clalma, England and particularly in Germany, the fault lies wholly in the reports which Dear Comrades: we received from Moscow, a published in prepared me to accept the views of the The Executive Committee of the Com the Pravda. These reports did not distinguish Russian Comrades in favor of partici munist International expresses itself in between the position taken by Comrades pation, which did within week C. Fraina and Murphy, but severely my arrival in Moscow.
fullest solidarity with you and sends you criticized the wholo Anglo American doleits fraternal greetings Your party is the We are pleased to publish Comrade Fre.
gation without exception. Had Comrado Fraonly section of the Communist Internaina been more diligent in forwarding reports ina reply, first, because it givos Comrado tional in Italy. We are confident that the of his activities in Russia, and of the pos Fraina an opportunity to correct an arroneous impression as to his position on a class conscious workers of your country ition which he took, together with important documents necessary to keep his party, the vital question, and second, because Fraina will join your ranks. The union of SerC. of thoroughly informed, as was reply exposes the non communist and syndlratti and his group with the reformists our delegate, the his unquestioned duty as section will show to all that the Italian misunderstanding could not have calist opportunist position of the proving, if further proof were needed, the arisen.
section of the Unitarian Centrists is nearer Editor assumption, The former Party contention of the of that the to the bourgeois reformist elements than in the absence of any evidenco to the con is unfit to lead the communist forces to the proletarian Communists. The Comin America. MOORE PARTY EDITOR)
munist International will draw the cor trary, that Comrade Fralna, could not and present