BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

The Communist over.
The Socialist Party and Eugene to PAGE TWELVE THE SOCIALIST PARTY AND DEBS From the crown of my head to the The ONLY way to get IN the Communist soles of my feet am a Bolshevik, International is to join the Communist and proud of it. The day of the Party of America, which is the American section of the The Socialist Party people has arrived. Official Organ of the cannot be saved it must be exposed and destroyed as an insidious and danger There spoke the real Debs the Debs COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA cus enemy of the working class, the last of revolution. His revolutionary fire has Issued Every month by the resort and hope of the capitalist state, burned itself out, and he now associates CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE the blood brothers of the Eberts, Vander with those whose role will be that of the veldes, Dans, Martovs, MacDonalds, Re hangmen of the proletarian revolution in naudels, Troelstras, Turattis, the world America. Debs has elected to go with the yellow betrayers of revolutionary Vol. III No.
April, 1921 socialism; whereas his place was in the The Socialist Party has one asset and Communist International fighting side by only one. That is Eugene Debs. The side with the red soldiers of the revocynical and hypocritical leaders of the lution. The hand which Lenin extended have exploited this sincere and mistaken to Debs has not to our knowledge been old man the limit. Eugene Victor withdrawn but Debs has refused to ebs Debs once belonged to the revolutionary clasp it.
working class of the world, but now his Poor old Debs! It is upon his revoluThe Socialist Party of America, torn soft and yielding nature has been molded TH from its moorings in the Second Into suit the sordid purposes of the tionary past that the degenerate Socialternational, where it properly beleaders. Just before Debs went to jail he ist Party leans. But the Social revolution longs today, is a derelict adrift in the wrote in The Class Struggle. is ruthless and sweeps aside the rubbish of the past, crushing parties and men in stornry seas of the proletarian revolution. The reign of capitalism and mili its onward and irresistible march toward Rudderless and captained by philistines tarism has made of all the people the final goal. Younger and more vigorand sychophants Hillquit, Lee, Berger, inflammable material. They are ripe ous revolutionists will pick up the crimand Co. it is a menace to the working and ready for the change, the great son banner where Debs has let it fall, class movement in America. The old change, which means the rise and and bearing it onward past every obstacle, craft is splitting on the rocks of the triumph of the workers, the end of will plant it upon the topmost pinnacle Communist International. Every so often exploitation, of war and plunder, and of the bastile of capitalism. The social we read of new elements splitting away.
the emancipation of the race. Let it revolution is invincible. The Communist Just now there comes to hand a copy come! Let us all help its coming and Party is its highest expression. He who of a new publication, The Workers pave the way for it by organizing is not with us has fallen out of the line of Council. bearing the signature of Benindustrially and politically to conquer march.
jamin Glassberg and Walter Cook, capitalism and usher in the day of former State Secretary of the the people. In Russia and in Germany The vanguard of the proletariat The Socialist Party. This paper calls itself, our valiant comrades are leading the Communist Party of America is march An organ FOR the Third International proletarian revolution, which knows ing on gaining strength and power with and calls upon the conscious eleno race, no color, no sex, no each passing day, while Debs, straining indments of the workers to rally to its ary lines. They are setting the herioc his weak eyes in the direction of the red support. We cannot yet tell just whom example for world wide emulation. vanguard of the revolution sinks deeper this paper represents or what they intend Let us, like them, scorn and repuand deeper in the swamp of social demoto do, but it seems that it is engaged in the cowardly cratic reform. His once heroic figure compromisers the attempt to salvage the old hulk of within our own ranks, challenge and will the American Socialist Party, and save grow smaller and smaller as the defy the robber class power, and proletariat reaches ever higher heights.
some of the wreckage FOR the Third fight it out on that line to victory or International. They evidently intend to Debs has gained his liberty and lost his death!
sperate outside of the revolutionary soul.
Another group is working within the Socialist Farty and calls itself a Comnittee ON the Third International and he Communist newspaper has been comrade of District IV was received issued in Athens under the name of can only be arrested by the party adoptby the Party Editor for publication ng as guidance for its action the prin Kinonia (Society. Communists ran ciples enunciated by the Third Internain THE COMMUNIST. This comrade in the election which took place on tional. This committee is headed by has been reading, the official organ of November Louis Engdahl and Steven Bircher the and instead of calling our We are publishing our and expects to bring the leaking, filthy attention to misstatement of fact appear rade letter not only to relieve his justly Greek comold safe into the harbor of the ing in the Communist, hastens to outraged feelings, but also for the valuCommunist International, thinking that blame us and wants the statement correct able information which it contains and he which would not accept Serrati ed to rehabilitate the truth.
to protest, on our part, against being in company with Turatti, Modigliani, et al. will take a Hillquit or a Berger into ed up our files and found no reference When we received this protest we lookblamed for the mistakes of the its ranks.
to the Greek movement in No. 12 of (MOORE PARTY ED. Anyone may be FOR or impose him THE COMMUNIST. We did, however, self On the Third International. The find in No. 12 of the Communist To the Editor of The Communist.
Communist International has hundreds this statement under the heading The of thousants of sympathizers in America. Communist World. Dear Comrade: As a member of the beg to protest in the strongest diate Protest Protested.
integration that our party is going through The following letter from an irate