BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST PAGE ELEVEN history of the Independent Socialist Party mass of commodities was produced until America is economically separated from it can be seen how the German working the market was clogged. Now the crisis Europe and seeks other outlets for its class, from unpreparedness, filled with the begins with a buyers strike. And why products. From the report of the same illusions of November, 1918, struggled do the buyers stop buying? Have their New York bank it is shown further that through to the Communist position. There wants become fewer? No, what we see an enlarged supply of industrial products was probably not one of us who had the is no conscious strike of buyers; it is the goes from North America to Central and feeling that the masses who struggled poverty of the masses which today pre South America, to Asia, Africa and Austoward the same goal as we did, though vents them from buying commodities tralia. This supply is now four times differently, had eventually to find them which they imperatively need. From a greater than before the war. The gift of selves again with us. That time has come buyers strike the crisis rolls back. The America, the gift of Wilson, the gift of and here unity should be consummated. buyer cannot buy, the merchant in con Hilferding, which was to have saved the It is no accident that the path to this stocks, the manufacturer cannot produce in noise and smoke. Europe is thrown sequence cannot draw upon commodity. European economic situation, is dissolved unity led through Moscow. Many will once more say that it is but the dictator rians, who were unable to buy to the exany more. Factories close and the proleta back upon itself.
ship of Moscow that has created our tent of their needs before the crisis, are Politically this was clearly expressed in party. That is not true. That the revoluthrown into the streets.
the last American presidential election, tionary proletariat of Germany has achievthe result of which was an emphatic proed unity with the help of Moscow is but How does capitalism hope to extricate test against all interference on the part an expression of the fact that Soviet Rus itself from this crisis? In Germany, as of America in Eurpoean affairs. America sia today is the leader of the world pro in all Europe, the idea prevails that the First was the slogan with which both letariat. Every movement, every defeat, savior of the system in its dire distress grcat parties went into the election camevery victory of Soviet Russia reacts on is a rich uncle, and that uncle is America. paign. Even the League of Nations must the proletariat of the whole world. This idea masters the bourgeoisie and do without America help and conseadds to the followers of Breitscheid and quently be less influential.
Thus the example of the German work Hilferding. Certainly, America has being class movement is not without effect.
come a wealthy country. Hitherto the In Europe there are two powers which, Today we accomplish the unity of the debtor, today it is the creditor of Europe. Politics France and England. When one so to speak, seek to control European German Communists. In eight days Before the war America owed Europe compares the operations of practically Switzerland, in fourteen days France, and 6, 000, 000, 000; today Europe owes Amefive days later Italy will follow our ex rica in public loans alone, 10, 000, 000, 000.
victorious France in 1918 with the operaample. The uniting of the German ComIn addition to this, American demands tions of victorious France in 1800 and munists is a link in a chain which surafter a remarkable similarity is apparent.
upon Europe amount to 5, 700, 000, 000.
rounds the whole world; forged by the How can these colossal loans be redeemed The results of the victory of 1800 were German proletariat, it will play its past when one remembers that in the whole seen in a ring of buffer states around in the world revolution. So we need not world there only exists 6, 000, 000, 000, 000 France. Today, too, we see boundary limit ourselves to contemplation of events states arise, though not Rhine league in gold? Redemption of the debts can in Germany from the viewpoint of the only be possible by the exportation of states; they extend from the Baltic Sea German proletariat. We must seek to finished products to America.
over Poland, Hungary and Roumania to evaluate the German unity from the viewthe Black Sea, where Wrangel made his point of international affairs.
Here, however, a basic transformation last stand.
has taken place. America today is not When in November, the proletarian tide England now defends India, the central the great exporter of raw materials and point of her world empire, and for this ebbed, many were of the opinion that if consumer of industrial products it was purpose England, too, has created buffer only we were again settled then the wheel before the war. report of the New states which stretch over Mesopotamia of fortune would turn as in 1914. The York City bank shows that America to and India to the Himalayas. All these restoration of pre war conditions was per day is an importer of raw materials and buffer states turn toward Soviet Russia.
ceived as salvation. As in Germany, so that half of its export duties are collected The purpose of this great girdle of Engit was internationally. The proletariat on on finished manufactures. The war SO lish and French vassal states is to stific the other side of the trenches believed, as enlarged the productive machinery of Soviet Russia. Each great front, however, was told them, that they were victorious, America that today it is the image of has its weak point and as Ludendorff in and had defendeu democracy, had safewhat the industrial countries of Europe 1918 directed his March offensive against guarded the freedom of the world. They were before the war. From this follows the point where the English and French came home, after all the blood and dirt, the impossibility of redeeming Europe fronts met, of necessity the greatest activlonging to live as they had lived before.
debt in commodity supplies. From this ity of Soviet Russia is directed against the And it appeared that it was possible. But follows also, the impossibility of America point where the French the scarcity of commodities was great; relieving European bankruptcy with cred spheres conflict, against English and the countries almost the whole world was famished, its.
bordering on the Black Sea, the provinces denuded of all the necessaries of life.
of the former Turkish Empire.
The machine could produce only so much America, too, is in the throes of a and when the product was issued it was severe economic crisis. This is seen in With the fall of Wrangel the wall which swallowed by the commodity hunger of the fall of the price of cotton. In six the Entente built in the Balkans against the world.
weeks the price fell from 40 cents to 15 Soviet Russia collapsed. How such an cents on the English market, and even apparently trivial event could have a world One day there came an end to it. The economic crisis began. This crisis had a now no cotton is sold in the American political effect of the highest significance We see in America the same was shown by the last Greek parliamentary different character than the crises which market.
elections, which overthrew Venizelos, capitalism formerly went through peri industrial conditions as here, the so called agent of the Entente in Greece, and gave odically. Those crises were brought about buyers strike, unemployment, the complete image of the capitalist order as we an impetus to the collapse of the treaty by the setting in motion of ever An ever greater have come to see it after the war.
Continued on page 21.
means of production.