BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

PAGE TEN UNITY CONVENTION of OF AUSTRIA spoke about the fraudulent manouevers of tion. The vindication as well as the ex disintegration in the otherwise hard shelled the Austrian bourgeoisie and Social Demo tension of the German and of the Austrian Social Democratic Party. The interests of cracy in the question of union with Ger revolutions, the vindication of world revothe Communist lie in energetically working many In Germany there prevails such lution with its vanguard, Soviet Russia, with them and by stern reality to convince poverty, such unemployment, such food impose upon the German Austrian and them. In the next struggles, the workers councils will be the most important instruand financial distress that we face a cata German proletariat alike, a series of conA resolution strophe exactly as you do. We, the Ger crete tasks which demand the closest coment of the Communists.
man Communists will firmly and faithfully operation of both parties.
in this direction was passed. The matter of organization was next on the order of fight with you in your battles. The new If and but International of the Menshe Accordingly, the Communist Party of business, and after that, the press. The Austria proposes to its German brother conviction that we will succeed in breaking viks will not live long. It is incorrectly said that Austria will play no part in party, for the purpose of closest co opera and thorough report on the work in the tion in all common problems, to create trade unions and the tasks of the factory the emancipation struggle of the working a common commission whose competency, councils.
On the trade union question class. In the great struggle between revolution and counter revolution in Central position, etc. shall be determined in agree Comrade Glass, who presented the report. Europe, the great decisive battles will proment with the executive of the 3rd Inter represented the viewpoint of the Third national.
International, the capture of the trade bably be fought here in Austria. However the Communist Party of unions from the Communist movement Comrade Schlesinger spoke as the reAustria cannot overlook in considering He closed as follows: believe that topresentative of West Hungary and dethe common tasks of its own and the days unity convention has at its disposal scribed in a gripping manner, the sufferings of the Hungarian proletariat under German proletariat that in view of the just in this question a number of sound geographical position of its country which comrades within the trade union movethe Terror of the Horthy bandits, and faces toward the closed with the call, The Hungarian SoBalkans, Hungary, ment, comrades who have been closely viet Republic has fallen! Long live the Czecho Slovakia and Italy, their special bound up with hthe trade union for detasks in the further course of the world cades and who are conscious of their Soviet Republic of the World!
revolution point to the supporting of the duties as Communists. am of the firm Comrade Tomann spoke on point on revolutionary movements in these countconviction that we wil succeed in breaking the order of business: The immediate ries as their first duty.
up the autocracy within the trade union tasks of the party. It is the task of the movement, but that it will be necessary The resolution on West Hungary de that the single factory workers be active Communist Party of Austria to oppose mands that the Communist Party give its the opportunist leaders of the Social Denot only among the circle of forces in support to the union with Austria movemocracy, with all possible means, in all their shop or factory but they must extend ment in West Hungary whose proletariat their activity outside of their factory to the trade unions, workers councils and has at present no posibility of existence the locals. The first break has been made.
factories, everywhere where workers are.
in West Hungary.
The unity with the Left Wing lays the The warring activity of the trade union foundation for a Communist mass party. The proceedings of the second day committee has shown that we already conHe pointed to the necessity of correlating began with a report by Comrade Friedtrol a number of locals, that it is only the daily anxieties of the masses with the lander on the workers councils in German necessary that we set to work with restruggle for the dictatorship of the pro Austria. According to his opinion, the newed energy that we may succeed letariat; of arousing the country prole workers councils in Austria in contrast to in welding the proletarian organizations tariat; of fighting for the control of pro those of Germany are not transitory pher which will lead us to the victory of Socialinto proletarian organizations for battle, duction; accomplishing the support of Soviet Russia through the control of arms extorted with difficulty from the capitaland munitions transport; of strengthening ist state. They have firmly established The convention closed with the elections the agitation among the transport and rail themselves and are a factor making for to the Central Executive Committee.
road workers.
Speech of Paul Levi at the Unity Convention of the After the detailed resolution on the immediate tasks of the party was passed after a short debate, the creation of country secretariat decided upon (be it noted that the convention did not at all occupy itself particularly about the position of NOT take it amiss if greet this drove the movement under ground, brought the Communist Party of Austria on the convention with intense feeling, for agrarian question in Austria) the question us the severest trials. And not only did of union with Germany and the West this convention is the climax of a we have to fight against the buorgeoisie.
Hungarian question came up.
After a long and bitter struggle. The During our illegal existence we were obshort debate by Franz Koritschonen, the which led up to this convention are mark liged to carry on a struggle which resulted resolution of the of Germany ed with blood. It is an important episode in a split in the party.
We have taken on the question of union with Germany in the history of the proletariat of the this upon ourselves but we have worked and the resolution of Koritschonen on world. It is an occasion for profound with the consciousness of being of service West Hungary were passed. The former emotion that we again meet together with to the working class in that we have declined participation in the union with many comrades with whom for a long sought to formulate a tactical platform Germany movement led by the Socialtime we were bound to work but from upon which the revolutionary proletariat Democrats as illusionary and closed with whom we were separated because we and might stand.
the words: they believed that the same coud be reached by different paths.
The comrades of the Independent So With or without formal union, German We, the members of the Communist could remain in a mass party. They could cialist Party took another path. They Austria is already drawn into the sphere Party, have trodden a thorny path. Our step into the struggles with great masses of interest of the German counter revolu struggles with bourgeois illegality, which while we could only direct it.
In the ism.
Left Independent Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Germany. events