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THE COMMUNIST PAGE NINE the International Congress the advance ternational of Youth supports this demand. interchange mutual experiences, to work reports on the conditions of the individual organizations be extended and supplement is now building with its, in round numbers, The Communist International of Youth along uniform lines, and to create an international information and adjustment ed by co delegates. And as difficult as it 900, 000 members comprising almost 40 bureau. This question, too, the question may be for single organizations not to organizations such a firm, revolutionary of Socialist children groups and Sunday speak of the material difficulties to spare bloc that any danger of its revolutionary schools, is up for consideration at the next their best and most active workers for principles being sandbagged or watered International Congress of Youth.
some weeks, yet they must place the Inter by the admission to the International Connational before all other work.
gress of representatives of Centrist Young cular groups of Communist pupils and Added to that there are still the partiBut the preparation for the congress Peoples Organizations with voice but no should not be limited merely to the organivote, is nullified. Nothing else can result students, few in numbers but in spite of from its than that the same will be said that advancing in some countries. In order zations already members of the Communist International of Youth. It is of more to the Centrist delegates by the repreto finally determine the relation between these groups and the Communist Young value to invite all those organizations whole world, that the Executive Commite Peoples Organizations and, as we hope whose members only on occasion grope and seek to be in line with the Communist tee has hitherto told them in its message nizations of Communist students, the ExeInternational of Youth.
This applies olution will again be clearly disclosed and and that their activity in retarding the revcutive Committee has extended an inviabove all to a number of Economic Young scourged before the proletarian youth of tation to the Congress to these groups.
Peoples Leagues and Young Peoples the whole world. It is only to be hoped tical articles we have left no doubt that In our fundamental declaration and poliOrganisations. It is certainly, valuable that the leadership of these organizations for clarification in these circles that deleconform to their desire and accept as a every pause between the revolutionary gates of these organizations get together matter of fact to explain their position be utilized by the young peoples organiwaves in the proletarian revolution should in conjunction with the representatives of before the forum of the proletarian youth. zations to internally consolidate their orthe Communist Young Peoples Organizations of the whole world. For this reason Last year most intense revolutionary ganizations, to deepen the movement and the Executive Committee of the Commun propaganda and activity of necessity led for comprehensive education of their ist International of Youth has decided to to a neglect in some countries of less im members. Because of this, however, we invite to the Second International Con portant and less vital problems of the must not forget that it is not enough to gress of the Communist International of proletarian youth and the Communist train a small group of highly developed Fouth the economic unions of young Young Peoples Organizations. Of this fighters, but that it must be the business workers in Holland, the individual circles kind are the building and founding of of the Communist Young Peoples Organicf trade unions, young peoples groups in children groups and Sunday schools. The zations to fuse together in their organizaGermany, etc.
rather long breathing space in the prole tions the great mass of young workers, tarian revolution of West Europe at pre the many millions of young students, the The same must apply to the present sent permits, nay, demands, that the Com youthful proletarians of the whole world; centrist young peoples organizations, munist Young Peoples Organizations, to raise the spirit of the proletarian youth whose leadership has hitherto placed as again to pay closer attention to these prob to as high a level as possible; to fill the the central point of their discussion with lems. And already Communist largest possible numbers of the proletarian the Communist International of Youth, Young Peoples Organizations have taken youth with revolutionary fire and elan.
the non invitation and non admission to up the task of founding Socialist children The Communist Young Peoples Organithe Berlin Congress, and so sought to groups as in Germany, Bulgaria, Jugo zations must become mass organizations, cloud and efface the fundamental political Slavia. In other countries such as Switz without in the least losing their clarity of opposition. Above all this concerns the erland, England, Sweden, to some extent principles, their revolutionary tactics, their Union of Social Democratic Workers also in Norway and Denmark, there are revolutionary readiness for struggle and Youth of German Austria. We are of special organizations for forming Socialist activity. The Second Congress of the the opinion that this union should be ad children groups, the leadership of which Communist International of Youth which mitted if only so as finally to put an end stands politically whole heartedly on the must become a world congress of all revoto the ridiculous argument of its centrist program of the Communist International leadership that its non admission to the of Youth. To attain successful and fruit lutionary young proletarian is a step in Berlin Congress is the sole reason why ful results in this field it is necessary to that direction.
it cannot be in accord with the Communist International of Youth. The leaders of this Social Democratic Union must be given the opportunity of showing their colors and declaring their political and basic conception on the international revolutionary peoples movement before the Vienna, February Parties of Bulgaria, Jugo Slavia, and forum of the Second Congress of InterHungary. After an address of greeting the hall of the Baumgartner Casino, by Wertheim, a manifesto to the international Youth i. e. before the eyes of the working class youth of the whole in Vienna, georgeously decorated with national proletariat, a resolution of soliworld. The same thing applies to the red flags and banners, the Unity Con darity against the White Terror of Horthy rest of the Socialist Proletarian Youth of vention of the Communist Party of Aust in Hungary, and a resolution the victims of Austrian Germany. Its leaders Braner and Schra ria, the expelled Left Wing of the Socialclass justice ter have repeatedly announced that they Democracy and the Tschech Communists, passed.
would not merely apply to the Executive met. There were present 118 delegates of Greeted by thunderous applause, ComCommittee of the Communist International the Communist Party, 50 delegates of the of Youth for admission, but to the InterLeft Wing and Tschechs. The foreign rade Stocker in the name of the half million Communists organized in the national Congress of Youth. The Exe parties represented were as follows: The cutive Committee of the Communist In of Germany, and the Communist of Germany, greeted the convention. He more The Unity Convention of The Communist Party of Austria.
on were