CominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyItalySocialismSovietSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE EIGHT THE INTERNATIONAL AND UNIONISM (in addition to the general Party pro should come under the direction and connational and the Executive Committee of gram. trol of the Party, the Communist International should be d) Facilitating the choice and control united by means of reciprocal representVI.
of Communist candidates for positions in atives.
the labor organizations, and contributing munist Party in each country a Party of Just as it is necessary to make the Com The First International Congress of the to develop Communist Party leadership Revolutionary Labor Unions should inin the labor movement.
the struggling masses, closely in touch clude not only delegates from the central with the labor organizations to, recon labor federations of each country, but struct the forms of unionism, and break also delegates of the organizations comThis industrial activity, as all other the power of the trades union bureau posing such federations. Syndicalist and activity of the Communists, must be unicracy so must the Communist Interna independent industrial unions; bodies such fied and centralized in the Communist tional break the yellow Amsterdam Trades as the Camera del Lavoro in Italy and Union International, and draw the masses Party a party of rigorous discipline, the the Bourse du Travail in France; extrainto an International of Revolutionary union organizations such as the Shop conscious expression of all phases of the Labor Unions under the leadership of the proletarian struggle and of the RevoluStewards and Workers Committees in Communist International for waging the tion. The labor organizaitons, vitalized England (even should such extra union international class war.
and developed by the Communist Party, organizations exist in Labor organizations are means of revolutionary action but not For this purpose the Communist Inter represented in the International. The of proletarian dictatorship. The dictator national must convene a new International conditions for admission being the acship of the proletariat expresses itself in Congress of Labor Union organizations, ceptance of the class struggle and the the Soviet system, dominated by the Com which should establish the new revolu dictatorship of the proletariat munist Party. It is indispensable that all tionary International of the Unions. The phases of the working class struggle Bureau of the new Labor Union InterWorld Congress of the Revolutionary Working Class Youth By WILLY MUNZENBERG LL former international congresses Communist Young Peoples Organizations. a number of important organizational inof the Socialist and Communist The resolutions decided upon by that con novations.
proletarian youth were nothing else ference will directly exercise a definite The standing order of business to be influence on the organized form and on than more or less well attended conferconsidered (if only because of its importthe political effectiveness of the Communences. None of the previous international gatherings united a greater number of ist Young Peoples Organizations.
ance and significance) demands the conrepresentatives of all proletarian young vocation of a congress of all the organiLike the Communist Parties most of the zations united into the Communist Interpeoples organizations. Even at the congress that founded the International Union Communist Young Peoples Organizations national of Youth. To do this, the Exeof All Socialist Young Peoples Organizahave also passed through the first phase cutive Committee of the Communist Intertions in Stuttgart in 1907 only about 15 of the Communist movement (Conduct national of Youth have given such early delegates took part, who at the most reof Communist propaganda. and have notice of the calling of the Second Internow and organized themselves face national Congress of the Communist Interpresented only a fraction of the young the task of forging ahead. The Second national of Youth that all organizations peoples organizations existing at that time.
The participation in the latter international International Congress of the Communist have the opportunity of seasonably sending International of Youth in the setting up delegates to the congress. Despite the gatherings in Copenhagen, 1910, and Basel, difficult methods of travel, is should be of an economic program of action for the 1912, was even weaker. The International Conference of 1915 in Berne, too, which last phase of the proletarian class struggle, possible this time to get representatives of was of the greatest significance for the ing over of power and after the takingzations to participate in the congress. The e. for the phase shortly before the tak many Communist Young Peoples Organipolitical development of the Young Peoples International united no more than over of power, must create uniform align active Communist Young Peoples Organiments for the practical international strug zations as far East as Armenia, Persia, did the former meetings. Even the Inter gle of all young peoples organizations. Turkestan, Bokhara, etc. must be reprenational Conference held in Berlin in 1919 Not less important is the deliberation of sented as well as those as ar west as counted no more than 20 delegates who It is the standing question of the relation of Mexico, Canada, Argentina, etc.
represented 14 organizations.
the Communist Young Peoples Organi their duty, in order to obtain representaThis must be changed. The future in zations to the economic young peoples tion to send their delegates at once.
It ternational congresses of the Communist unions, to the existing syndicalist young is of more importance that each organiYouth must be real congresses, e. inter peoples organizations in Holland, France, zation send a greater number of delegates.
national gatherings which unite the greatItaly and other countries, and the young It is of no concern that great organizaest possible number of representatives and peoples section of the trade unions widely tions counting tens of thousands send delegates of all theub existing Communist spread chiefly in Germany. In recent one delegate. Even the most endowed and Young Peoples Organizations. The ac times the question of the relation of the erudite young comrades are not in a posicomplishment of this is above all neces Communist Young Peoples Organizations tion alone to bind their organizations in sary for the Second Congress of the Com to the Communist Parties has also become the consideration of standing question. In munist Youth called in the early part of of real importance. Then, too, comes the this respect the developments of last year have shown that it only leads to an in1921. The Second International Congress question of the Communist youth and supportable condition when the Young of the Communist Youth must solve a child education, the position of the Com Peoples International is directed by a few great number of extremely important ques munist Young Peoples Organizations to comrades of one country. In consequence tions of the utmost significance for all the school and student leagues, etc. and it is absolutely necessary that at last at