BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismItalyLeninOpportunismRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THREE THE COMMUNIST that the actions of the party ought not Utopians and ridiculed as romanticists understand Renner and Seitz who declarto be called forth by any Tom, Dick or of the Barricades, represents a typical ed after the November revolution in AuHarry.
opportunist distortion of the materialistic stria that the conditions of the times and conception of history of which the Social the surroundings made possible only a We must not be misunderstood. We are Democrats of all countries made a fairy coalition with the Christian Socialists. Pernot here speaking of conspiracy tactics. wand with which they believed that they haps Serrati does not mean this in as It is clear that the taking by surprise of could fool the proletariat and conceal their complete a sense as Renner and Seitz in the ruling class by a small minority (Blan own inactivities. For the theory of fatal Austria, and as Turatti and Modigliani in quism) not only is impossible today but ism expresses the practice of inaction. Italy would interpret it. When, however, does not represent the form of the proWhen Pannekoek, in his well known his views of the position to be taken by one is asked by his comrades to explain letarian revolution, which can only be made by the masses. The task of the polemics against Kautsky, characterized the party during a crisis, one should not Communist Party is to become the general the position of the latter as the position express himself in the manner of the passive radicalism and a theory of staff of the proletariat and prepare them inactive expectancy the position of Seroracle of Delphi.
spiritually and materially so that at the rati could not be made clearer than this.
After these more or less veiled acknowtime of inevitable conflict with its enemies it shall have grown and become powerIt is this theory of inactive expectancy ledgments of opportunist centrism Serrati ful. The Communist Party must take the which builds the viaduct by which the still dares to refer to his intransigeance initiative itself, and as far as conditions purest waters of reformism are conducted as against Lenin opportunism because to the centrists.
on the question of the entrance of the make it possible to make the conflict reach Communist Party of England into the The distinction between Serrati and that a point which gives the proletariat the best British Labor Party, the agrarian question possible chances of success. This sentence of frank opportunism, consists merely in and the colonial and national question he must also be taken within certain limi this, that the opportunists still hope to be stood in opposition, an intransigeance tations, as the world war and the economic able to avert the revolution and consecrisis and therewith the present revolu quently come out openly against it, while which, nevertheless confined itself merely tionary period, were dependent factors to England, Asia, and Africa, but led him Serrati seeing that the revolution is inin Italy to create and lead a faction for altogether removed from our influence, evitable now wants to co operate with the the passage, too, of the general crisis to an the unity of the party with the opportun.
reformists in order to make the revolution acute condition of conflict between the ists.
a painless process, although he must realclasses depend upon factors the influencing ize that co operation with the reformists In this new position, Serrati is of which to a great extent, lies beyond must divest the revolution of its Communtoo little known in other countries, which our control. political party, however, ist character.
still see in him the unfrightened revoluwhich controls masses of workers can tionist of the war period. Only the right determine whether a situation can be inNevertheless, how far Serrati has ap wing of the Independent Socialist Party tensified and brought to head.
proached the opportunist stand can be of Germany properly and readily estima seen from the cautious clause appearing ated his worth. At the Congress at Halle Serrati view of the fatalistic coming in his letter that those Socialist followers Crispien, Hilferding and Dittman contiof the revolution according to which all are to be drawn from the revolution which nually appealed to Serrati for support and who want to make the technical prepa is possible only according to the times with unerring instinct they made Serrati, ration for the revolution are branded as and the surroundings. One can readily the Italian au for their Kautskyism.
Soviet Russia Concessions to Capitalism. was By KARL RADEK THEN the working class Russia only in the decrees announced by the foreign policy of the Soviet Government Council of People Commissaries. after their own November experiences took over power in November, they ought to keep to themselves At that time the underground organs the 1917, neither the bourgeois nor charge of disorganization of the Russian of Czarist absolutism were not completely the Socialist world believed that it would army by the Bolsheviki. then indeed, feudal possession these bankrupt destroyed, nor maintain the stațe power for three months, Wilsonians cannot be rooted out. The forms of Soviet governlet alone three years and more.
ment in country and city appeared still That German imperialism dealt with as experiments not as organized realities. That the policy of the Soviet GovernSoviet Russia in general was but the rement, which was based on the conviction The Bolshevik Government had the sult of its straightened condition because that the process of breaking up world of the war. It wanted to conclude peace revolutionary partisans carrying on, choice either of being a government of imperialism would not be retarded by the in the East, even with an entirely tranBrest peace but would be accelerated, was guerilla war with the aid of the Allies sitory government, in the well founded correct, showed not only its triumph but belief that when the Bolsheviki disappear against German imperialism and permit also that Soviet Russia, though in a positing Russian capital to accomplish its reed the peasants could not organize a party tion between the devil and the deep blue storation under the protection of German or a government at any time within sight.
sea, could so collect and organize itself bayonets, or else treating the Brest road that one year after the collapse of German Soviet Russia, however, had to have of Golgotha, at the price of national humipeace, not only because it had no army liation, to accomplish first of all the work imperialism it wrested the acknowledgbut because it could only become a reality of defeating the bourgeoisie and of organ ment from the representatives of the victorious Entente imperialism that Bolif it had a breathing space. At the time izing the proletariat.
of the Brest Litovsk negotiations Soviet When the fools among the German In shevism could not be crushed by the Russia was only a program; it existed dependents still speak of illusiory sword.
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