BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyItalyLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietTrotskyWorking Class

PAR TWO 1911 19 (II813 IN NIU 1TALIAN ĐÓ0, IA IRTY, mained passive during the great move November insurrection in Germany. This We know that fearful obstacles will face ment of the metal workers, evidently also was consciously prepared. Its orga the revolution in Italy, especially in conwaiting for the revolution which would nizer was the revolutionary committee in come of itself without needing the party sequence of the lack of coal and grain; Berlin, chiefly composed of the revolu the backwardness of the workers in the lo provoke a decisive act of force and tienary leaders of the trades. That, how Southern Provinces; the powerful coalito lead the masses into the streets as ever, the preparation was altogether in tion of the international bourgeoisie, which the romanticists of Ancona dreamed in sufficient; that the leaders of the insur in all probability will counter with a their theoretical ignorance, many of whom rection the leaders of the Independent blockade, However, does then Serrati are now repenting in prison to the extent Socialist Party wavered very much about believe that those who today sabotage the that they have not paid with their lives. its execution, was fatal to the German revolution will work for it tomorrow?
Revolution Ledebour himself says, Hsa he then forgotten the executioner The revolution, the decisive act of would have done much better if we had work of Noske and the regretable betrayal force, ought to come of itself, fatalistio prepared the revolution, if we had rigidly of Soviet Hungary by the Hungarian ally, as a necessary consequence of the However, Serrati is like the examined everything at the beginning centrists. vào vì tiation Because we have committed this sin of phillistines of whom Lenin speaks, who Before we expose the inner meaning of ommission we have given Ebert and Scei do not believe in the creative force of this sentence, with its scientific coveriet of demann the opportunity of smuggling revolution and aree in deadly fear of it.
the materialistic conception of history, we themselves into the revolutionary fold.
Serrati believes that he cannot dispense will establish the fact that it bears no re Since then it was proved to have been a with the help of the reformists, and that lation to historic truth. When Trotsky serious mistake that we did not attack all organizational and technical conditions wrote, That which characterised the first correctly on November 5th.
must be prepared in advance so that the revolutionary period of our party was revolution will be painless.
the conviction that it had to succeed to The uprising of the Paris Commune, on the contrary, came as a matter of fact They could not understand that the power because of the emer logic of without such organization or preparation Commune was a barricade and not an cents, this did not mean that the Bol by its leaders, who were rather surprised administration, writes Lissagary about the sheviki on this account folded their arms by events; still we cannot consider this leaders of the Paris Commune. The same and waited until the power would fall to be especially praiseworthy or led back can be truthfully said of Serrati. He, too, to them, fatalistically of itself. On the to theoretical reflections on hte timid and cannot understand that the revolution is contrary, when Trotsky deals with the fearfu feeling of historical justification is decided on the barricades and not in description of the deciding events. he which as Lavroy writes, eas to be read the dim light of the trade union adminiwrites. was the time when we openly in its proclamation. In its aversion to strations. In that Serrati lays the main proceeded to get ready for the uprising civil war, which Paris was driven into the emphasis upon the question of armed inand actively prepared for its organisation.
Central Commune persisted in a defensive surrection, He shows us the goal and In Italy present situation Serrati ad position, writes Marx in his Civil War wants us to forget the path. He points out mits that events are leading to armed in France. These two elements of fear Communism to us, and juggles away the insurrection with compelling natural neces of historic vindication and the aversion revolution.
sity, yet he considers it superfluous to to civil war, which determined the decisive At the session of the Executive Comconsciously prepare for it through organimistakes at the beginning of the Paris mittee of the Italian Socialist Party, held xation.
Insurrection and which led to its frightful October, 20th in Florence, Serrati declardefeat, are those which characterize the ed when the first signs of the reaction in The Bolsheviki, however, gostill fur Italian Socialist Party The first error Italy became noticeable, The Italian bourther than merely preparing for the organi prevails more among the centrists under geoisie becomes less powerless, and they zation of the uprising. In defiance of all the leadership of Serrati; the second, are compelled to provoke a clash of forces the pseudo Marxian teachings of inter through tradition and the memory of De if this clash can give them the opportunity, national opportunism they SET DE due to a weakening of the proletarian Amicis, and represents the humanitarian FINITE DATE. The logic of things sentimentalism, the sacred right of reserpower, to catch its breath. The Italian demands that eve appoint October 25, as Socialist Party must, however, lead the the date of uprising. The day on which vation of the reformists.
proletariat according to Marxist principles, the All Russian Congress of Soviets was Accordingly, what is in Serrati eyes and not with impulsive actions evoked by to meet. any Tom, Dick or Harry. What this the spontaneous, unconscious, and unpreWe will review the generally known pared insurrection, can lead to nothing continual inactivity fo the Italian bourgeoisie really amounts to can be seen by else than a repetition of the results of the facts of the systematic organization of the recent events in Italy, the creation of the October Insurrection. The Military Paris Commune; to a repition of the a White Guard in the form of the Guarterrible blood letting of the West EuroRevolutionary Council became more and dia Regia (and more recently the Fascisti pean working class, resulting as in 1871 more the real executive organ of the revEd) hardly indicates that the bourin the bighting of all hopes of a successolution and from it issued the decisive ful revolution for a long time to come.
geoisie is becoming powerless. The Italian orders as the drama of events reached its climax. From the occupation of the telebourgeoisie seeks ever more to make up Serrati admits this, himself, in his let for this by a steady strengthening of their phone station at Petrograd to the attack on the Winter Palace, the events, which ter, where he says. The Italian Revolu material power precisely because of their in their complex we call the October Retion will be accomplished under infinitely daily growing economic impotency which volution came, not of themselves, but more difficult circunstances than the Rus is incapable of solving the most vital sian. This does not lead him to the con We will not problems of the country.
occured through the conscious, pre ar clusion, as it should, that the Italian pro rangement of the Military Revolutionary stress this point. What Serrati says of Council, which accordingly had taken upon letariat must be infinitely better prepared not artificially provoking an attack as long itself the role of destiny.
for the moment of decisive attack; no. as this has in view immediate consequences he concludes quite the contrary, that the is without doubt correct. What concluWhat can be established by the revlou reformists in the party and the trade son does Serrati draw from it? The philtion in Russia, is also partly true of the union bureaucracy must remain intact. listine and altogether self evident truth