BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyInvasionRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismTrotskyWorking Class

THE COMUNIBT EIGHT, The Situation in Eastern Asia.
nor Semba nor Varenne. But wo have Karl in practice the policy of the various parties, tionary dictatorship, the other is subordinating Liebknecht He also was a member of parlia groups, cliques, and to collate their words and the working masses to a national bourgeois ment. The capitalist and social patriotic rabble actions, and thus come to the final conclusion democracy tried to drown his voice. But the few words that the only party which has remained true In what then does the policy of Monatte of denunciation and appeal which he succeeded to itsell at all moments of the revolution, dur differ from that of Loriot? Only in one thing, in throwng out over the heads of the German ing failure as well as success, was and re namely, that Monatte operating on a syndioppressors awakened the class consciousness of mains the Communist Party. It is only natural calist basis, Loriot chiefly in political organi.
hundreds of thousands of German workers. that at all elections, meetings of workers, labor zations. But it is only a simplo distribution From parliament Karl Liebknecht went out to conferences the masses elect Communists to of labor. bona fide revolutionary syndicalist the Potsdam square calling the proletarian the most responsible posts. This is how the like a bona fido revolutionary Socialist naust masses to an open fight. From the square he leading role of the Communist Party is to be They become united in a Communist Party.
was taken to prison, from there be went on to explained.
must cease to be in the opposition within other the barricades of the revolution. An ardent organizations They must, as an independent At the given moment the revolutionary syndipartisan of the Soviet power and the dictator organization, adbering to the banner of the calists, or more rightly, the Communists like ship of the proletariat, he considered it necos.
Third International stand face to face with Monatte, Rosmer and others constitute a minor clear and preciso the broader masses, givo sary to take part in the elections to the Ger ity. within the limits of syndicalist organiza.
man Constituent Assembly, and at the same answers to all their questions, be the leaders tions. They are in the opposition, criticising time he was organiziing Communist soldiers.
of their struggle, directing it on its way to a and denouncing the machinations of ruling Communist revolution. Syndicalist organizaHe perished at his revolutionary post. Who was Kari Liebknecht? syndicalist? Parliamentamajority, which is carrying through reformist, tions, cooperative stores, political organizations, that is to say, purely bourgeois tendencies.
rian? Journalist? No, he was a revolutionary the parliamentary tribune, municipalities, etc. The French Communists occupy the same posietc. all these are only organization forms, Communist who finds his way to the proletariat tion within the limits of the Socialist Party, through all obstacles. Ho appealed to the practical methods, different points of support.
which is supporting the ideas of petty bourgeois syndicates denouncing the German Jouaux and The struggle remains the same as to its sub.
Merheims. He conducted the work of the stance, whatever branch it may occupy. The party among the soldiers, preparing the up Have Monatte and Jouaux the same syndicalist bearer of this struggle is the working class.
He published revolutionary newspapers Its leading advance guard is policy? Nay, they are enemies. One of them rising the Communist and appeals, lawful and illegal. He went into serves the proletariat, the other carries through Party, in which the bona fide revolutionary parliament to serve the same cause whish at bourgeois tendencies in a masked form. Have syndicalists should occupy a place of honor.
Yours, Loriot and Renaudel Longuet the same policy?
other hours he served in secret.
No, ono is leading the proletariat to a revoluL. TROTSKY, So long as the prime of the French proletariat will not create for itself a centralized Communist Party it will not gain possession of the state power, it will not suppress the bourgeois police, the bourgeois army and private ownership of the means of production. And by Member of the Korean Socialist Party without all this. the workshop will never supplant the state. Whoever has not mastered CHINA.
South China, desirous of establishing a Dethis after the Russian revolution, is altogether mocratic republican order in the country, is The war between North and South China is hopeless. But even after the victorious uprisstruggling against the invasion of all foreigners ing will have given the state power into the continuing endlessly. The conferences convened and particularly the Japanese. The head of the several times for the purpose of establishing hands of the proletariat, the latter will not be South Government is Tian Chun Sian. Without normal relations between both parts of China able to liquidate the state immediately, by any considerable military forces, not yet rehave not brought any positive results. Moreand transferring the legislative power into the hands torn by cognized by the other powers over, difficulties, in consequence of financial of the proletariat, the latter will not be able to develop intrigues in its own midst, the South Goverboth the warring governmets cannot the fruitless ment is becoming exhausted in liquidate the state immediately, by transferring the offensive and thus promptly put an end to latest inforthe legislative power to the syndicates.
struggle. However, according to The the miserable conditions under which the long eyndicates are have carried mation the troops of the South the organizers of the higher suffering Chinese people are living; at the stratifications of workers according to the trades a victory over those of Peekin.
same time Japan and the European powers which and industries. The ruling power must voice are interested in the Chinese civil war are the revolutionary interests and needs of the In Tibet the situation is growing acute owing assisting both sides and are the chief cause of working class as a whole. That is why not to the intrigues of the British government which syndicates, but Soviets must be an organ of the continuation of the war. The split between is instigating the local population to insubordthe North and South is rendered more acute by At the ination against the Pekin govermet.
proletarian dictatorship, because they are electthe circumstances that the military circles of ed by all the workers, including millions of present moment the Tibetan question is one of such of them who never belonged to any unions the government of Pekin, paying no atte the chief puzzles in the Far East.
and who have been awakened for the very first to public opinion, are realizing a military dictatoeht within the country and contiuing to And it is not enou Shanghai is now playing the role of centre time by the revolution.
Sto Cartete Barry on a coalition policy with Japan, whose It to nabo that.
in the political life of Eastern Asia, therefore Sortels should carry on a definite révolutionary mala abicat is to appress and weeken the it is leo the centre of the Chinese Social Chinese nation. In connection with the Shan.
Sun Yat Tsen is working thero, u polley movement.
They must clearly distinguish between tung question the popular indignation against friends and foes. They must be capable of is practically the leader of the Chinese Youth, the Pekin government is fast increasing and decisive, and if need be, relentless measures.
which is growing more and more Left Wing.
the hatred of Japan growing ever stronger, The bourgeoisie, as the experience of the RusHe personifies the intellectual forces of the including all the classes of the Chinese people, sian revolution and the Hungarian and Bavarian Chinese revolutionary movement, in particular except the official functionares and the military, Sun Yat Tsen is the anti Japanese movement as well, shows, does not lay down its arms who have united in after the first defeat a group called An Fu.
especially valuable to us in that he was the first On the contrary, when At the head of the anti governmental and antiit begins to see, how much it has lost, its to understand clearly the incapacity for state Japanese movement is the progressive youthdespair doubles and trebles its energy.
construction of the old Chinese aristocracy inThe Soviet regime is that of a harsh struggle against the Chinese studentry. The boycott of Japanese fected by Asiatic stagnation and feudal tradigoods by the Ohinese merchants is continuing tions, and he has desisted from all hopes in the counter revolution, both in its own and now for two years ad is especially felt in the possibility of evolving a revolutionary creforeign countries. Who will be able to give South China. Japan tried to stop this movement the old world.
ative power from the elements the Soviets elected by the workers of different by all the means in her power, demanding that But as an intellectual man he cannot break degrees of class consciousness a clear and dis the Pekin government should adopt decisive tinct programme of action? Who will help them abruptly and completely with the past, so long measures and enforcing her demands by threats. as the outlines of the new world are not quite to make distinctions among the confused and But becoming convinced that the Pekin governtangled international conditions and choose the clearly defined in the mists of the future. With ment was powerless to stop the anti Japanese right way? Evidently, only the more all his genuis of mind and talents as a statesclass movement Japan decided to use other methods conscious, more experienced advanced proletaman and reformer, he is not able to steer of struggle. She artfully made uso of the rians closely united by their single programme.
resolutely and firmly his political ship to meet power loving Cossack hetman Semenov for her This is the Communist Party.
the advancing wave in spite of all difficulties own interests, by putting him forward as a and submarine reefs which must inevitably turn Some simpletons (or perhaps they are the sly pretender to the title of Grand Duke of in up on the long revolutionary road leading to ones) point out with horror that in Russia the ient Mongolia. On the other hand she the bright ideal of liberated mankind. The Party is in command over the Soviets and tried to awaken the fears of the Pekin govern political horizon of China is not clear yet. Labor unions. The French syndicates say ment by predicting a Russian invasion of Mon bright torch is urgently necessary to disperse golia advising the government to adopt defensome syndicates demand independence and the darkness and become the guiding star for they will not suffer that any party should be in sive measures against the Russian Bolshevik the advanced thinkers of revolutionary China command over them. How then, dear friend, invasion and promising to help China finan Soviet Russia and the Communist International repeat do the French syndicates allow Jouaux cially in the struggle agaist Mongolia attempts must help the Chinese intellectual revolutionist to command them, Jouaux a direct agent of at independence supposed to be supported by by teaching him the simple, clear, proletarian French and American capital? The formal indeRussia, and for the reconstruction of a railway tactics in the internal doctrinary political strug.
pendence of the French syndicates does not between Kolgan and Urga. The Pekin governgle, SO that he could break all connections, preserve them from being under the command ment dispatched a detachment of troops to not only with the old past of his own country, of the boutgeoisie. The Russian syndicates Mongolia under the command of General Sui but with the entire bourgeois world and undedesisted from such independence.
Su Tsian, who occupied Urga and by an order They overviatingly adopt the point of view of the Comthrew the bourgeoisie. They achieved this by received from Pekin deprived Mongolia of the munist International. It is necessary to explain driving away from their midst such gentlemen right of self government. But after the Chinese to him the great truth of which we are deeply as Jouaux, Merheim, Dumoulin and replacing changed her tactics.
occupation of Mongolia Japan completely convinced that the liberation of China and of them by loyal experience and reliable fighters, She began to put off in whole enslaved Asia is possible only if the that is, Communists.
definitely the fulfilment of her promse of finanIn this way they guaideals of the proletariat will triumph. At the ranteed not only their independence of the cial assistance, as in reality she had only de same time, while consequtively carrying on our bourgeoisie, but their victory over the latter.
sired to divert the attention of Chinese society revolutionary policy in the East, we must take It is quite correct that our party is leading from Shantung, and to direct it towards Mon account of the peculiarities of Chinese culture.
the labor unions, the Soviets.
golia. In this skilful diplomatic strategy she Was it always At present there are four or five Socialist so? No the party acquired its leading posi.
attained quite satisfactory results. Such Seme papers published in China, the two principal novs tion during the constant struggle against the and the Chinese An Fuists in their ones are: Shi Bo in Pekin and Dui GuoDetty bourgeois parties the Mensheviks, Socialstriving after fictitious power are often simply Jiboo in Shanghai.
revolutionsts, and against the non party, e.
pawns in the game of Japanese diplomacy. In With the actual political situation, in China agreeeing to advance a loan to the Pekin govbackward or unprincipled elements. It is true, the South is naturally nearer to comrade Arinzo ernment for the construction of the Mensheviks whom we have defeated say a railway, Sun Yat Tsen than the reactionary North. HowJapa pfoffered the three following demands: that we obtain our majorities by force. But All measures how do the working masses, who have overof ever, in watching attentively the work of Suna political economical Yat Tsen during the last period it is easy to nature in Manchuria and Mongolia are to be thrown the rule of the Czar, and afterwards perceive that in introduced only subject to the approval of Japan.
directing the anti Japanese that of the bourgeoisie and the coalition govern.
movement by means of the Studentry (Japan All the finished and unfinished railways ment, although the latter all possessed the apbeing the of most openly barefaced enemy which are now under the temporary control of paratus of force, how do they now not only suffer the enforced power of the Communist Japan are to be placed under the jurisdiction China) he is hoping to win the sympathies and confidence of the wider circles of the popular of Japan.
Party, leading the Soviets, but they are even entering our ranks in ever greater numbers? The Chinese government must guarantee masses in order to carry out a third revolution for the overthrow of the power oft he feudal This is to be explained exclusively by the fact that it will never proceed to the construction nobility and the oficial functionaries. We must that during the course of the last years the Russian working class has passed through a of a railway lino botween tho towns Tkhiotake advantage fo this movement, we must render all moral and material assistance to the Nan and Jrle He in the north west direction to great experience and has had occasion to verify the rallway line Kolgan Urga.
advent to the joyful day of the victory of the Third Chinese Revolution.