BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartySovietWorking Class

OOMMUNIBT SIX Constitution of Communist Party of America.
least once to ADOPTED BY THE THIRD CONVENTION, FEBRUARY, 1921 It shall work under the direction of the Party isolated localities shall connect directly with Art Name and Purpose district organizer.
their subdistrict.
Sec. The name of this organization shall Sec. Sub districts consist of all locals Sec. District organizers shall make com.
be the Communist Party of America, Section plete reports to the District Executivo Committee and isolated branches within a territory preof the Communist International, scribed by the District Executive Committee. as to the general Party work in his district.
Sec. It is the organization of the revoluHe shall transmit and carry out the instructions Sec. All sub districts within a prescribed tionary vanguard of the proletariat. Its purpose He shall mako and decisions of the territory shall form a district. The limits of is to educate, direct and lead the working class districts are determined by tho Dist remittances, financial statements and reports to of America for the conquest of political power; ricts and sub disricts shall be organized within the at least onco week. He shall to destroy the bourgeois state machinery; to submit financial statements to the membership industrial sections regardless of political bounestablish the dictatorship of the proletariat in in his district at least once a month daries.
the form of Soviet Power; to abolish the capi.
Sec. Sub district organizers shall make talist system and to introduce the Communist Art. Conventions remittances, financial statements and reports Society to the district organizers once a week, Sec. The Convention is the supreme body Sec. Federation district organizers shall Act. II. Emblem of the Party, and shall be called by the mske financial statements and reports to the at least once year.
district executive committee at Sec. The emblem of the Communist Party Sec. Emergency conventions, with all the month, shall be an outline figure of the earth, with powers of regular conventions, shall be called The sub district executive committee shall cona dag across the globe bearing the inscription by the upon its own initiative whenever sist of the sub district organizer and local or. All Power to the Workers. and around the conditions demand, or upon the demand of ganizers, or directly connected branch organizer figure of the earth, in the margin, the words three district conventions representing at least of the Party, and the Federation sub distict Communist Party of America, Section of the 25 per cent of the total membership of the organizers. Sub district organizers shall Call Communist International Party.
meetings of the sub district executive commitSec. Emergency District Conventions shall tees twice a month.
They shall make completo Art. Membership and Dues be held upon the demand ofnot less than 50 reports to their committees and transmit and per cent of the membership of the district as Every person who accepts the princarry out the decisions and the instructions of Sec.
expressed through the regular Party channels. the the district organizer and the ciples and tactics of the Communist Party of Sec. Elections the convention shall district executive committee America and the Communist International; who begin in the groups. Each group shall elect Sec. The local executive committee shall submits to the party discipline and agrees to one member to the branch electors meeting, consist of the branch organizers, and the local engage actively in the party work shall be which shall elect delegates to the local electors organizer, appointed by the sub district organizer eligible to membership.
meeting. Branches that are directly connected subject to the approval of the district executive Sec, No person whose livelihood is gained with the sub district shall send their electors Icommittee Branch organizers shall be elected by exploiting labor shall be eligible to memberto the nearest local, Representation in the by the group organizers They shall work ship in the Communist Party of America.
local, sub district and district electors meetings, a member or Sec. No person who is under the direction of the local organizer and and in the convention of the Party shall be organization other political shall meet at least once a wook, supporter of any fixed by the convention call issued by the Sec. The branch executive committee shall be admitted to membership.
Central Executive Committee consists of the branch organizer and the group Sec. Applicants for admission as members Sec. Branch, local, sub district and district organizers within the branch.
The branch exeshall be vouched for by two persons who have organizers of the Party shall attend the electors cutive committee shall meet at least once been members of the Party not less than six meetings of their respective units, and shall week, Group organizers (captains) shall be consecutive months, except in newly organized Acceptance of the have voice but no vote, unless elected as dele Party members at least six months. Branch groups in new territory.
gates themselves.
organizers shall have been Party members at applicant shall be determined by the Branch Sec. Sub district and district electors least one year.
Executive Committee.
meetings may elect as their delegates members Sec. Executive committees of the various Every applicant shall be on probation for of the Party from any unit outside of their Party units have the authority to act within three months, with a voice but no vote. Wherterritorial divisions.
their jurisdiction subject to decisions of higher ever practical applicants shall be assigned to Party units.
special probationary groups during the period Art. VI. Central Executive Committee Sec. 10. Each group shall meet at least onco of probation. Candidates admission shall be every week, under the direction of the group Sec. Between the meetings of the confinally decided by the Branch Executive Comvention, mittee.
the Central Executive organizer (captain. who shall make a complete Committee, Sec. Special group captains shall be elected by the convenion, shall act as the supreport to his group on all party wor on the They placed in charge of probationary groups.
activities of his branch and of all other Party reme body of the Party.
Sec. The shall consist of nire shall be appointed by the Branch Executive Commitee members, who shall have the right of co optSec. Applicants for membership shall pay ation.
Art. VIII. Federations me dollar initiation fee (to be remitted to the Sec. CR Hidates for the niust dues una sessments during have been members of the C, of or of Sec. Language federations are integral parts of the Communist Party of America and party Affliated with the Communist Interthe probationary period.
Sec. Each member shall pay 60 cents per national, for two are subject to the dictatorship and control of consecutive years, or since the Party, the organization of the Party.
month as dues, and all assessments.
Sec. Dues shall be collected in return for Sec Members who are not delegates to, Sec. Shortly after Party conventions, language federations shall hold annual convenor not present at the convention, must be supstamps; a sufficient contingency supply being tions which shall elect their executive commitported by not less than four delegates, when once furnished to all subdivisions of the Party, tees, subject to the approval of the Central nominated for the down to the groups; and further stamps being Executive Committee of the Party.
Sec. The identity of the members furnished only to replace those actually sold, Sec. Federation shall not be made known, either by themselves executive committees and paid for.
Sec. Federations shall make returns to or by those present at the convention.
shall consist of not more than seven members, the Central Executive Committee of forty cents Sec. Upon presentation and investigation who shall have the right of co optation.
for each dues payment collected by the tenth of charges against a member of the Sec. The minutes of the Federation Exeof each month; retaining 20 cents for them he may be suspended from the by a cutive Committee shall be regularly submitted selves.
majority vote, pending Investigation. He may to the of the Party, Seo.
Sec. 10. Federation branches shall purchase be expelled by a vote of not less than seven Federation by laws and decisions of stamps and make returns through federation members. The accused member shall their conventions shall conform to the Comchannels not vote munist Party program and constitution and Sec. 11. Special emergency assessments may Sec. The shall elect the Execushall be submitted to the of the Party be levied by the Convention; by the Central tive Secretary of the Party, the Editor and two for approval Executive Committee of the Party, or by the other members of the Editorial Committee and Sec. Federation executive committees Federation Executive Committees (subject to the Technician of the Party; also Internaional shall appoint their district organizers for each the approval of the No member shall Delegates as required, who shall work under district of the Party.
be considered in good standing unless he pays the direct control of the Sec. Federation Executive Committees all such assessments.
Sec. The Technician of the Party shall shall translate and issue to their membership Sec. 12. Members unable to pay dues and work in conjunction with and under the superall statements, circulars and communications assessments on account of sickness, unemploy. vision of the Executive Secretary.
addressed to the membership by the ment, strikes or for similar reasons, shall be Sec. The Party Editor shall of the Party, within one week after their recarry on granted exemption upon application to the his work in conjunction with the Editorial ceipt Branch Executive Committee, Group organizers Committee Sec. The Editorial Committee shall have Federations shall make financial reshall include such requests in their reports, power between the meetings of the to turns to the Party by the tenth of each and branch organizers shall report all exemp decide questions of policy and expression in month.
They shall make a complete financial tions granted every time they make their re the Party press and literature, in conformity report to their membership and to the mittances for dues.
with the decision of the of the Party once a month.
Sec. 13. Members who are two months in Sect. 10. The shall call conferences Seo. Each federation shall issue an un.
arrears in payment of dues and a sessments with district organizers an dfederation secrederground official organ in its respective lanshall be dropped from membership, untess with aries, or representatives of the Federation Exeguage, under the control of the Fed. Exeo. Com.
in one month after notification by the group Tho to be published at least once a month.
cutive Committees as often as necessary.
organizer he places himself in good standing. Sec. 11. The shall make a monthly general policy of the federation official organ Bec, 14. Branch Executive Committees shall financial report to the membership.
shall be under the control of the of the have the right to issue to their members transParty Sec. 12. complete audit and accounting of Federations may publish And books fers to all Party units.
all Party funds shall be made once every six papers under the general supervision of the months. of the Party.
The Auditing Committee shall consist Art. IV. Form and Units of Organization of three members elected by the convention.
Sec. 10. All language branches shall join and become part of Sec. The Communist Party is an underThe convention shall also elect three alternatos.
their respective federation ground, illegal organization. There shall be only one federation of each No member of the and no paid Party It is highly cen.
rallzed, with the convention as its supreme official shall be a member of the Auditing language. No federation shall be formed with less than 250 members.
body and the Central Executive Committee Committee. Complete report of the Auditing acing as such between the conventions.
Committee shall be made to the mombership Sec The basic units of the Party organiwithin one month after thecompletion of its Art. IX. Disciplino zation shall be groups of approximately ten work.
Seo. All members and units of the Party members, and, wherever possible, not less than shall maintain and enforce strict Party disci.
five, Art. VII. District and subordinato Units pline All deoisions of the governing bodies of Sec. Groups of the same language, within the Party shall be binding upon the member Sec. The shall appoint district a city or locality shall form a Branch, Branches ship and subordinate units of the Party.
organizers for each district.
shall consist of not more than ten groups each.
Sec. The following Sec. District be offenses shall Sec. Branches within a organizers locality shall sub district organizers, subject to the approval shall appoint deemed breach of Party discipline: 1) Violation form a Local. Locals shall consist as nearly of the Central of the fundamental principles of the program as possible of ten branches each, and shall be District Executive Committee shall consist of Committee. The and constitution of the Party: 2) Refusal to formed wherever there are more than оде the Party district organizer and sub district accept and carry out the decisions of the Party: branch within a locality. Single branches in organizers, and Federation distriot organizors.
8) Wilfully to block and disrupt Party work and tho cooperation of the various Party units; 4)