BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandImperialismImperialist WarNational LiberationSocialismSovietSpainWorking ClassWorld War

OOMMUNE Bu struggle after the overthrow of the bourgeois state can of the bourgeoise and are the open enemies etc.
the factory committees become the nuclel of The Carribean and Central American roof the revolutionary proletariat.
the revolutionized industrial unions which publics are practically dependencies of the together with the local soviets and the general None but the city proletariat, led by the United States and together with Mexico aro soviet adfinistration will form the apparatus Communist Party, can emancipate the working brought under the control of American finance for carrying on industry throughout the counmasses from the exploitation and oppression imperialism by the constant threat of military try.
of the capitalist and landowners, from prl.
intervention The duty of the Communst Party consists vation and the imperialist wars, which Rre in inspiring the labor nuions and the factory inevitable as long as the capitalist system The Communist Party of America will sup.
committees with the spirit of determined There is no salvation for the small port with all its power every movement for struggle. e. with the spirit of Communism.
farmers, tenant farmers, and farm workers, except to unite with the revolutionary prole.
In the execution of this duty the Communist llberation on the part of the oppressed peoples Party must practically subordinate the factory tariat, to support wholeheartedly their revolu. in the colonies of the United States. It will committees and the unions, and thus create a tionary struggle to throw of the yoke of the seek to cultivate among the American prolelandowners and the bourgeo! sie. On the other organization, mass basis for powerful tariat a truly fraternal feeling toward the opcentralized organ of the proletariat embracing hand, the proletariat becomes truly revolupressed workng populations in all the nations tionary class only by acting as the vanguard all the organs of proletarian struggle, leading them all to one aim, the victory of the work of all those who work and are exploited, and now under the iron heel of American capital ing class, through the dictatorship of the proby taking the lead in the struggle for the ists in their economic and military aggressions letariat, to Communism.
oppressors of the toiling masses, upon the populations of the weaker American The Communist Party The Communist Party, converting the facRopublics. The Communist Party of America of will Amorien tory commitees and the labor unions into will strive to organize communist nuclel in the establish its nuclei within the organization powerful weapons of the revolution, prepares army and navy of the United States in order of the exploited rural masses and win thom these organizations for the great task to be to carry on a systematic agitation against imposed upon them from the political and moral influence of the after the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat; agricultural bourgeoisie, carry every kind of oppression of the colonial people the the by American task of being the instrument of the reorgani into the agricultural districts, and gather the imperialism The Communist zation of the economic life on a communist Party will support every armed uprising on the toiling, country masses around the standard basis.
The labor unions, developed as in of Communism.
part of the oppressed colonial people to throw dustrial unions, and supported by their factory of the yoke of American imperialism, and will committees as their factory organizations, will assist the exploited and toiling masses in the make the working masses acquainted with their Imperialism and the Colonial Question subject countries to link up their struggle with tasks of production; they will educate the more experienced workmen to become the lead Since the imperialist world war the United that of the proletariat of the United States ers in the factories; control the technical States has become a creditor nation and is against their common enemy, the American specalists; and together with the representseeking new fields for the investment of capital, capitalists and against the native bourgeoisie atives of the proletarian state, formulato tho and new sources of raw material for its facin the subject countries, who are the tools of plan of the socialist economic policy, and the American capitalist class.
carry it out tories, which brings America into conflict with Japanese and English imperialism, and leads Communist Nuclel to new imperialist wars in the near future.
The Communist International The Communist Party of America will or This means the maintainance of huge military The Communist International issuing directly ganze communist nuclel in every field where and naval establishments.
out of the proletarian revolution in action is there are proletarians and semi proletarians. in every trade and industrial union, in The imperialist war of 1914 1918 has demonthe central organ of the revolutionary proletariat the factory committees, in every working class edustrated very clearly to all nations and to all in their struggle for the conquest of world cational or social organization, in government oppressed classes of the world, the deceit of power. The growth of the revolutionary move.
institutions, in the army and navy, among bourgeois democratic phraseology. War has been ment in all countries, the menace of suppression the agricultural laborers and village proletariat, in tho organizations of the tenant and poorer carried on by both sides under the false slogans of the proletarian revolution through the coallfarmers, etc. These communist nuclei enable of the rights of small nations, and national tion of the capitalist states, the attempts of the Communist Party to effectively carry on self determination. But the Brest Litovsk and the social patriotic parties to unite with each its propaganda and to lead the working masses Bucharest peace, on the one hand, and the other in order to render service to the Impe.
in the proletarian revolution Communist Versailles and St. Germain peace on the other, rialist League of Nations, and to betray the nuclei shall be subordinated one to another in a centralized order and system and under have shown how the bourgeoisie establishes revolution, and finally the absolute necessity the control, supervision, and discipline of the even national boundaries in conformity with of coordinating proletarian action all over the Communist Party of America.
its own economic interests. The So called world all these considerations demanded the league of nations is nothing but an insurance formation of a really revolutionary Communist Agricultural Workers and Farmers policy in which the victors mutually guaranteo International The history of the exploited agrarian masses each other their prey. Natic al freedom and The Communist Internationel showinntas the in the United States, beginning with the unity can be achieved by the proletariat only 30 called national interests to the Interests or Greenback movement in the seventies, through the Populist movement in the ninties and by revolutionary struggle and tho overthrow the international proletarian revolution and em.
down to the Non Partisan movement of the of the bourgeoisie. The League of Nations and bodies the reciprocal aid of the proletariat of present day, is the history of the attempts the policy of the imperialist powers after the all countries; on the other hand, the Communist on the part of the small farmers and tenant war, demonstrate this even more clearly and International supports the exploited colonial farmers, to resist the oppression and exploit. definitely, making the revolutionary struggle ation of the financial and industrial oligarchy peoples in their struggle against imperialism of the United States.
in the advanced countries more acute, increasing in order to accelerate the final collapse of the the ferment of the working masses of the imperialist system of the world.
These small farmers, nominally the owners of small parcels of land, are mercilessly ex colonies and the subject countries, and disThe Communist International is the concenploited by the banks, commission merchants, pelling the middle class nationalistic Illusion of trated will of the world revolutionary proletariat.
transportation companies, farm machinery the possibility of peaceful collaboration and Its mission is to organize the working class of trusts, the large absentee landlords, etc. All equality of nations under capitalism, the whole world for the overthrow of the the reform movements, which periodically The political situation of the world at the capitalist system and the establishment of com.
swept over the country, failed to ameliorate present time has placed in the foreground the munism. The Communist International is a or change the conditions of the exploited question of the dictatorship of the proletariat fightng body which assumes the task of comrural masses, whose position, like that of the and all the events of world politics are inevit bining the revolutionary forces of all the councity proleatriat, ecomes steadily worse under ably concentrating around one point, namely, tries of the world.
the capitalist system, the struggle of the bourgeois world against the The Communist International makes it its These laboring and exploited masses in the Russian Soviet Republic, which is grouping aim to conduct an armed struggle for the overcountry, which the city proletariat must eduaround itself the soviet movement of he vanthrow of the international bourgeoisie and the cate and lead in the class struggle and win guard of the workers of all countries, and all creating of an International Soviet Republic as over to its side, are represented in America national liberation movements of the colonial a trasition stage to the Communist Society.
by the following groups: 1) The agricultural and subject countries, which have been taught proletariat; the hired laborers and farm hands, by bitter exerience that there can be no sal The Communist International forever breaks vation for them outside of a union with the with tradition of employed by the year, season, or day, as wage the Second International, workers on which recognized only the white race.
the large The ranches, revolutionary proletariat and the triumph of the plantations, and farms.
Communist International fraternally invites to These consist largely of migrasoviet power over imperialism.
its ranks men and women of all colors, the tory workers. 2) The semi proletarians; small The United States was in its origin itself a tollers of the entire world. The Communist farmers and tenant farmers, who make their colony of England, and retained the characterInternational declares that for the purpose of living partly by working for wages in capitalist istics of a colonial people, and acted as the agr cultural or industrial establishments, and hinterland for Europe until after the American the speedy achievement of victory, it must have a firm and cenralized organization.
partly by tolling on their own or rented parcel The Com.
Civil War of 1861 65. The American capitalists munist International represents a single unl.
of land which yields only part of the sustain had their own world to conquer and exploit versal Communist Party, and the parties opor ance for themselves and their families, and within the present territorial confines of the ating in various countries are its sections.
2) The small proprietors; small farmers who United States, which contain fabulous resources own small portions of land, usually heavily in natural wealth. To these shores were at The Communist International issues Its call mortgaged, whch is sufficient to satisfy the racted millions of European workingmen and to the world proletariat for the final struggle needs of their families and farming, without their families, lured by the false light of bour.
against capitalism. The revolutionary epoch Tequiring additional wage labor. All these geois democracy and the hope of economie may last for years. The Communist International three groups together, constitute the Vast security. These immigrant workers were merci.
offers a program both immediate and ultimate majority of the agrarian population of the lessly exploited in the building up of capitalist in scope. The old order is in decay. The United States, and their co operation guarantees America, which added large areas to its original workers must prepare for the proletarian revothe success of the proletarian revolution, not territory by fraud and conquest, forcibly an.
lution and the communist reconstruction of only in the cities, but throughout the entire nexing huge territories from its weaker neighsociety.
country bors, After the war with Spain in 1898, the The Communist International calls.
The large landed farmers are capitalists in United States definitely entered upon the conagriculture, Arms against arms!
managing their own farms and quest of world markets, developing an aggresranches with foremen and bired laborers ive polloy of Imporlaltam, conquering and subForce against force!
Theso constitute the most numerous element Jecting Hawall, Cuba, Porto Rico, Phillipines, Workers of the world unite!