BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietWorking Class

volved Local majority Two THX SOMMUNIST As in our last convention the question of brate took place in which the International of the Chairman of the American Council appointments came up again for decision. Committee participated. From the tone who was present during the entire conven The Committee on Constitution brought in and character of this discussion which re tion. resolution was adopted, pledging a minority and majority report on the around the question of unity in all co operation and support to the work of the question of the election or appointment of its phases, the International Committee must Council.
No amount of discussion be convinced that the entire membership The various resolutions adopted by the or debate upon this question had the least of the Communist Party is determined to convention (with the exception of those effect. The minority, who stood for the see to it that the P. shall obey the which are not printed for conspiratorial mandate of the 1. and that no amount election of Local Organizers, upon the prinreasons) will be found on another page in convinced of the correctness of their posiof political trickery, treachery, and falsehood, will save them from the discipline this issue.
and minority Both the of the CI. Upon this The convention adjourned with the singthis question ing of the International, and with the munist Party is a unit ost on the Com tlon debate, After lengthy and the there is appointment of Local Organizers by the no divsion or difference of opinion mutual assurance that the Communist Party The Sub district Organizer was carried by a International Committee to evade and side the fullest sense of the word, building up roll call vote of 20 for and 10 against. The track this issue met with well merited reminority withdrew to caucus, and returned buke and derision by the convention. The ing its forces, until at last the Communist the next morning with a signed statement resolution on unity, which was unanimously Party of America will lead all the exploited requesting the transmission of their attitude adopted, is printed in this issue, and shows masses in America to the final onslaught on this question to the C. of the the position of the convention on this quesfor the destructoin of the bourgeois state, for decision tion better than volumes of argument.
the establishment of the proletarlat dicta torship, and the erection of the American report was made on international mat The question of the relations of the party Soviet Republic, as the first step toward ters by the International Committee. Around with the American Council of the the transformation of capitalist society into these reports a determined and lengthy decame up upon the discussion of the report the Communist Society.
Resolutions Adopted by Convention, Feb, 1921 Resolution on Acceptance of the 21 Points for 4) If Communist Party members are in con The Communist Party of America will conAffiliation with trol of such societty, they should utilize it tinue its agitation and propaganda under the an agitation and propaganda instrument, both The Communist Party of America, Section leadership of the Communist International with within and without, and for various technical of the Communist International assembled in tireless energy until the toiling and exploited purposes.
masses of the United States overthrow the bour.
its Special Convention held in February, 1921, 5) If the Communist Party members are not hereby reafirms its position as an integral part geois state and establish the dictatorship of the in control of a legal workers society, they should proletariat and the Soviet Republic of America, of the Communist International strive to win the other members of such society The Special Convention, in conformity with and join our brothers of Russia, Ukraine, Arover to Communist ideas, and to get the society the conditions for admission adopted by the menia and Azerbaijan, and all other Soviet Reunder their control.
Second World Congress of the Communist Inter 6) In either case, the Communist Party mempublics, in the glad confederation of free peoples national, and after discussion and due delibeunited by the bond of working class solidarity.
bers shall form nuclei for planning, concentratration, endorses and adopts unanimously, on Long Live the Soviet Republics!
ing and directing all their activities within the roll call vote, the 21 Points for Affiliation with Hail to the World Wide Proletarian Revolu.
respective societies. They should not reveal the Communist International, as binding upon tion!
their identity as Communist Party members.
all the delegates present, and for its entire Long Live the Communist International!
membership. without any reservations, Long Live Communism!
Greetings to Soviet Republics Resolution on Legal Workers Societies Greetings to Political Prisoners The Communist Party of America, in Con The Communist Party of America, the revolu.
1) The Communist Party reiterates its stand vention assembled, sends fraternal greetings to tionary vanguard of the working class of Ameagainst the formation of legal societies (edu all the Soviet Republics of the worl We rica, from its Third Convention, held in Feb.
cational or cultural) as substitutes for the extend our congratulations to the toiling masses 1921, sends a message of encouragement and organization of all Party units on an under of Azerbaijan and Armenia, who recontly throw support to the imprisoned revolutionistst hold off the yoke of Allied Imperialism and their stoun behind prison bars by the ruthless capitalist and fictitious societies, firms and own bourgeois governments and et ished the ame Aintatorehin and nladges to them, in the dictatorship 3ocation may be organized under eno lirect che proletariat in the form or of the exploited masses of America, that the and full control of underground units, only for the Soviet Government.
comrades organized in the Communist Party of purposes of carrying on certain specific Party The Communist Party of America pledges it America will never rest until they have aroused work on a legal basis.
self to arouse the working class of America to the proletariat Amercia to forcibly open the 3) As to workers societies already existing. active support of their fellow workers in these doors of the capitalist bastiles, and with arms such as educational, cultural, co operative, etc. countries, and to carry on a persistent propaCommunist Party members are not required to in their hands destroy the bourgeois state ganda to the toiling masses of the United States which screens the merciless capiatlist dictator leave any of them to which they may belong, in order that they will resist with all their since the working masses in these societies offer ship. thus, not only froeing our imprisoned power any attempt on the part of the American a fertile field for Communist agitation and probrothers, but freeing themselves as well from capitalist government to overthrow the power of all forms of exploitation and wage slavery.
paganda, for the education and training of our the workers and peasants government in Armenia comrades in the work of propaganda, campaign Down with the American Capitalist State!
and Azerbaipan, as well as of the Soviet Re.
and organization.
Hail to the Proletarian Revolution!
publics of Ukraine and Russia.
Long Live Communism!
Workers Soviets in German Austria.
By HILDA WERTHEIM The first session of the joint meetsuch endless discussions of all the consequences weight.
Immediately after the revolution the Workers ing did not have time to transact all the which might follow, that the first zeal gene.
Soviets in German Austria had unlimited scope business, a second one was appointed and this rally cooled down, or the best moment for the for action before them. Not only the factory would have gone on further if the Communists proposed action was allowed to pass.
workers took part in the elections which were had not made this plan fail by leaving the held soon after the revolution, but whole straThe Social Democrats endeavored by all tifications of the petty bourgeoisie, the civil Assembly altogether. But the Social Democrats means to condemn the Workers Soviet to infunctionaries, employees, men of the learned had attained their object; the most favorable action. Thus, for instance, they appointed ses.
professions, all strove to participate in the new moment for the demonstration passed and the sions of the Soviet only very rarely and at such institution which evidently had a future before district Workers Soviet di dnot meet during a time of the day when long debates were The joint meeting proa whole fortnight.
it However, notwithstanding the elevation of impossible in view of the prohibition to use public spirit which followed the collapse of the light. At the time set by law, P. nounced itself against a demonstration of the Austrian militarism, the greater majority of the every meeting had to be closed even if the most masses, and, before its collapse, It found time Workers Soviets still continued to remain under to threaten the district Workers Soviet with urgent needs of the influence of the Social Democratic Party, the suffering proletariat of a sabotage of all its resolutions on the part of Vienna were being discussed Another method which adopted peculiar tactics for deceiving the powerful organization of labor unions.
of sabotaging the activity of the Soviet conand restraining the revolutionary class. Thus sisted therein that a session of the Workers Thus from the beginning of March 1920, the the Workers Soviets, after preparing to send Soviet would be transformed into a meeting Workers Soviets of German Austria and in their representatives into all the institutions particular the Vienna Workers Soviet have for the reading of a report on some political and organs of the government partly for the subject, the person submitting the report being entered into a new phase. The declaration of purpose of control, and at the same time for generally a Social Democrat. There was no war against the Workers Soviets on the part the practical study of the vital functions in the of the right Social Democrats, and their sabotneed to apprehend any discussions on politics, economical life of the nation did not carry their intention into effect, obeying the authoriall those who were present being obliged to age by the bureaucrats of the labor unions tative command of the Social Democratic Cen.
hurry home because the house doors were which do not frequent the meetings of the tral organization of the Workers Soviets. In closed very early. Nevertheless, under the un.
Workers Soviets, threaten to render the con.
this way from the very beginning the sessions tiring pressure of the Communist members of flict still more acute, and to bring matters to of the Workers Soviets became meetings for the Soviet, and under the influence of the climax.
mere political discussions. Only several months growing ire of the working masses the Work. Meanwhile the proletariat of Vienna is waitlater, when the newly elected National Assembly ers Soviet at last decided to undertake revolu Ing, livin gin conditions of cold and hunger under manifested a marked change in the practical tionary action. For the beginning an imposing an impossible yoke. All the laws and regulations correlations in favor of the bourgeoisie, did the mass demonstration of the Vienna proléatriat tending in any way to limit the provoking Workers Soviets proceed to form Commissions was proposed as a sign of protest against the luxury of the bourgeoisie are violated in the and to intervene in the economical life of the reaction and in favor of the taxation of all most brazen manner and the authoritios which country. From that moment nothing else reproperty. But even in this case the official should put an end to such a bacchanalla remain mained to do even for the plenary meetings, leaders of the Social Democratic Party skilfully inactive. While the proletarian quarters of than, properly speaking, to hear the reports of extricated themselves from the dimcult situation. the town are sunk in darkness and silence, in The Executive Committee of the district Workthe Workers Soviet as a whole in relation to the brilliantly illumined saloons the speculators ers Soviet in which the right Social Demo.
concrete questions. But in these respects also and traders, which the decaying capitalist order crats still predominated convened the Workers Soviets remained fully under the Joint has brought out onto the surface in innumerable tutelage of the Social Democrate and, as before meeting. Instead of a meeting of the circuit quantities, are dancing and rioting madly.
Workers Soviet, that is, an organization which in questions of politics, now in the economic But. already amid the strains of muslo and struggle, their actions were remarkable for their Workers Soviet, includes, besides the members of the district laughter the Arst sullen growls of distant timidity and irresolution. The first attacks of great number of oflolal thunder may be heard in Vienna. The oppressed leaders of the Social Democratic Party, the the bourgeois press which did not take long and insulted working class of German Austria labor to appear filled the Workers Soviets with such cooperative societies and sick awe that at each new proposition they started bonefit societies.
18 beginning to protest and revolt against the The decisions of this enlarged meeting would certainly bear a greater political nocursod system which again and again givos tho workers stones Instond of broad.