BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismImperialist WarSocial DemocracySovietWorking Class

Theses on the National and Colonial Questions.
EIGHT THE COMMUNIST car 116 not to. Novci bor 1918 knoked all their reformist and contrist muslous and Ally of a break with the Richt leaders. Deped Irrt Llorsk over. At the moment when the to take a firn hand in the platform of Coin them to the path to the Third Internation ni jority on the revolutionary (derman munirm, for which they baie more or les ol. The hero ftrurrle of the Russion prolet.
werners herir democratic und painet 11 couscously been fighting for the last two yrars. ariat added point to the lisch of the German Turion. Oded the cause of their eman.
The German Indendent Party comprises about Revolution and to the criticism of the German calon 11:10 Die ander of the con promora, OLC million vot the Lift Independente. Commaniste indled the faith in the ovo who hre soon to amalgamate with the Con Jutton in the hearts of the millions of Germau Party and not lose faith in the Gurman workore.
munists. numbers a hundred thousand mem. Independent work. Thc Congress of the It stretched it and out to thein across the bers, constitute at last a half of the Ind Communist International only tanmed up the lines of the German white guards; it apoke pendent Social Democratic Party and veno work of decades of revolutionary thought in to ten acro to fos of Tes munufactured sure that they will actually be in the major Germany: 1l denionstrated to the Grman Judoby the German compromisers, and over the ity we shall bon have in Germany. power pendent workers that the removal of the deadheads of the criminally silent Independents. In ful Communist Party.
welcht blocking the way to revolution, the break the conflicts of the Cerman proletariat, the The split of the Independents and the pass. with the Rigit leaders, would incan union with independent worker have fount and shed their Ing Over of the majority into the camp of the International Revolutionary roletariat In blood side by side with our brother n, tho Ger Communism is the logical outcome of tho spite of all the barriers erected by the bureau.
man Connubis. The Communist Party of Rus whole troud of history in Germany from tho cratic machinery of the German Independent sto, and the Communist International Bulled very Arst days of the revolution, it is the re Soc. Dein. arty, the conference at alle gave by it in mercilessly criticising the German IDut of the ideological struggle which German expression to the feelings that are wide. awako dependent Party, and tearluk the mask from Communism has been carrying on for approx. in the hearts of the niillions of revolutionary its face, havo bought a way to the bearts and Gerinan Imately ten years not only nainst reformism workers It reflected their readiness to take the field for the realization of the mind of the Cerman Independent workingmen but also against Kautskianism, Against their and have found it. The majority of the German Rbainst those who are Texolute.
rerolution; it was a sign: to the whole world doing lip they workingmen are with us; Independent that Germany Way Inarching towards nomentservice to the revolution whilst supporting rePiave oponly gathered eround the standard of formism by actual deed. The struggle which Ou8 revolutionary bottice.
Communism; and we hail them, as comrades The Communist arty of Russia has stend.
the Left Radicals the heralds of the Commun.
that to 10 ans, with the profound conviction fastly believed in the revolutionary Corman ist Party in Germany had conducted in the struggle which they are waging will lead to workers even when the German revolutionaries ranks of the old Social Democracy against the the liberation of the German workers from spoke in tones of despair of the former inpolicy of compromiso with the liberal lour.
crtia the yoke of Capitalism, from the noose of the On that historical night at Brost Litovek, seoisie, against the Kautskian parliamentary it will unite revolutionary Versailles Pence: when newly born, defenceless Soviet Russia and pacifist illusions, opposed to the for cons with revolutionary Russia and will stood face to face with German Imperialism, mer advocacy of revolutionary mass action.
barten the chiancipation of the International armed to the teeth. It put its card on the had even then found an ccbo in the ranks of Proletariat revolutionary proletariat of Germany And this the proletariat. However Susceptible the proletariat may in fact have been to this revolu.
tionary propaganda, it did not as yet sto the vital importance of the Revolutionary Suuggle.
The choice between Revolutionary Mass Struggle aud the Imperialist War was accepted Adopted at the Second Congress of the Communist International.
by them as a purely theoretical alternative THESE The German proletariat did not belleve in the possibility of the impending conflict, and If it It is typical of bourgeois deinocracy by of capitaliin. without which national inequality did, it dropped its arins, in fodedsion shrink.
Its very nature, to take an abstract of fornal and oppression cannot be abolished.
ing before the vast and terrible power of State attitude towards the question of the colonies The political situntion of the world at wielded by Junkers and the bourgeoise and in goral, and to that of national equality in present time has placed the question of the stood listening to the talk of Kautsky about dictatorship of the proletariat in the foreground, particular. Under the appearance of the equal.
the waiting policy that would secure them vicity of human beings in general, bourgeois de. and all the events of world politics are 10tory. The German proletariat has paid for its mocracy proclaims the formal or Juridical cqual verital! concentrating around one point, Dame.
revolutionary impotence in millions of victims ity of the proprietor and the proletarian, of ly, the struggle of the bourgeois world against on all the imperialist battlefic. ds. Taught by the exploiter and the the exploiter, thereby the Russian Soviet Republic, whihc is grouping the experience of the Imperialist War, it alound Itxell tbe Soviet movements of tho greatly decching the oppressed classes. On the withdrew its advanced guard from the camp pretext of absolute cquality of human beings, Vanguard of the workers of all countries, and o! reformism and split the powerful German the bourgeoisie converts the idea of quality all pational liberation movements of the colonial Social Democracy, thereupon rallying around which is in itself but a reflection of the rela and subject countries, which have been taught the banner of the revolution. It was, however, tions caused by conmodity roduction, into an By bitter experience that there can be no still unable to see the thing through to the end, salvation for them qatside of a union with the instrument in the struggle ainst the abolition and in spite of the fact that it welcomed revolutionary proletariat, and the triumph of the of classes. But the real esence of the demand Lichknecht, Rosa Luxenburg, Johann and for equality is based on the demand for the Surirt power over imperialism others, it nevertheless believed that the Dita bolition of classes (to be continued in the next Issue. mand, the Hilferdings the laases and the In conformity with its chief task the Ledebours, who were doing lip service to the struggle against bourgcols democracy and the revolution. would prove the defenders of the denunciation of its lies and decolons, the latter. The Spartacus group and the Bremen Communist Party. being the class conscious ex. et Radicals, who were combating the lies of pression of the struggle of the prolciarixt to the Independent Contrists, were still in the cast of the yoke of the bourgecisie, must not minority amongst the German revolutionary CASH STATEMENT FOR DECEMBER, advance any abstract and formal principles on workers had only to stretch out their arm for 1920.
the national question. but must first analyse time heavy price for its irresolution.
the historical, and before all, the wonomic Cash Received.
Ducs: From Fed. Nov. 1621. 00 conditions second, it must clearly distinguish At the fall of German Imperialism, when From Dist. Dec. the German bourgeoisie was the interests of the oppreted classes, of the diearmed, the 140. 60 workers had only to strech out their arin for tollers, of the exploited, from the general con.
the power of State to be theirs. The llaases, ception of national interests which in reality 1661. 60 Initiation Fees the Ditmands and the Hillerdings abused the means the interests of the ruling class: tbird.
111. 00 Day Pay confidence o! the revolutionary workers and it inust equally separate the oppressed and 1744. 37 Organization Fund subject nations from the dominating nations, in helped the traitors, Scheidemann, Ebert, and 616. 03 Chic. Deepse Liste Irrien to cheat the workers, by handing over contradistiuction to the bourgeois democratic 1321. 81 Delense Fund the government to the bourgcoisir; and the lics concealing the enslavement of a vast major.
468. 26 Con punist Returns latter. Laving created its white army. suppressity of the population of the earth by an in.
639. 74 Paper No. td all the rising of the German workers and significant ninority of the advanced capitalist 83. 49 nations, which 15 peculiar to the fettered them hand and foot. In December 1918 Leaflets cpoch ot 109. 99 Literature the vanguard of the German works, in face financial capital and Imperialism.
4776. 27 Convention Exp. Returned The imperialist war of 1914 has demonof is open treason of the Independent Party.
85. 00 Convention Asbese.
grouping around its banner the most intelligent strated very clearly to all nations and to all 176. 50 and energetic part of the German working oppressed classes of the world the deceitful.
Loans Payable 100. 00 Distr class But soon after its inaugeration, it lost ness of bourgois democratic phraseology. That djust. Red Bal.
79. 72 its best leaders during the arst rising of the war has been carried on on both sides under Berlin workers. Driven underground and robled the false motto of the frecdom of nations and Total Recelved in December 7523. 77 of its legat prese, it nevertheless succeeded, by national selfdetermination Bit the Brest.
Balance from November 5901. 12 sustained relentless criticism, to unmask the Litovsk and Bikcharest peace on the one hand, attempts of comproruisers to hold the workers and the Versailles and Saint German peace on Debit Total 13424, 89 back from revolutionary action; it managed to the other, have shown how the bourgeoisie Cash Pald.
inspire the honest and resolute Independents establishes even national boundaries in conScc. Techn. Dept: of the left to a more determined struggle formity with its own economic interests. Xa.
650. 00 against the Hilferdings arii the Dittranns. tional boundarice are for the Postage and Supplies bourgeoisle 18 19 Struggling in the front ranks of the workers, Printing Circulars nothing but market commodities. The so called 86 00 even when the latter erred in their estima. League of Nations in Rents nothing but an in.
tion of the situation, it served as a model of 62. 50 surance policy in which the victors mutually revolutionary determination 28. 25 744. 87 Combating the guarantee each otber their prey. The string Editorial Dept. romanticism and the aberration of the Left for the reconstruction of national unity and 450. 00 Comunista, for whom the proclaiming of re of the reunion of alientated territories on the volutionary Watchwords served as substitute part of the bourgeoisie, is nothing 20:20 470. 20 Meeting Expenso but an 139, 39 for tcrolutionary propaganda within the mass attempt of the vanquished to Kather forces for National Organizers Expense 85, 07 organizations of the workers, it pointed out new wars. The reuniting of the nationallties Dietrict Expenses the roud to the Germun proletariat in its hard artificially torn An under. corresponds also to sruerle for twower. Bengau 113 cal orgunicu.
the Interests of the proletarint, but real neTrav. Expense toin 1t could not raily round itself the vast tional freedom and unity can be achieved by Miscl.
mases of the workers whom Noske, by bis the proletariat only through revolutionary Communist co inter revolutionary objart lorton, had taught rugile and by the overthrow of the bou geolule aper No. that there was no escaping the Dictatorship of The League of Nations and the policy of the Leaflets the prodotariat Tune Mars flocked to the imperialist powers after the war demonstrate Literature lekul Independent arty, whhh at least pro this ven more clearly and dennitely. making vided than with a mock Brugxlo Against the the revolutionnry struggle in the advanced Add Contingency Fund Cectn. Dept bour coislu and the social traitors. Gradually countriou moru scule, Increasing the forment Trunk for Edit, Dept with knowink determination, they forced their of the working insis of the colonies and the Defensound to Chic, Comittee revelatory Ideas upon the Independent Party sublect count. 10s, and dixpelling the middle Loan to Jewish Fed.
They torted from their Right Jenders the re.
class nationalistic illusion of the pour illity of Loans aid cokulttou of the Dktatorship of the Proletariat peaceful colle Sorution and equality of nations and of Suviet licht lenders, with whoin wuch under capitalism.
recognition is mere Barce, were furup4. It follows from the fundamentul princ.
Total aid in December able if carryine it into et. Then the Con.
Iples Inld down above, that the policy of te 10214, 99 Bulunco Lo January inuut ulty of Grunty rought a rapproach omunist International on the National, and nient with the hit Independents, whu though Colonial questious must be chiefly to brink Credit Tutal theoreticully tranvatt, thee endeavored ubout union of the proletarin Aud workiuk 18424. 10 Lo curry on the resuduttuary ruggle and INAFAs of ull nations and countries for. folut Fraternely submitted bed to funilari thelu with thu Duct revolutionary strugkle louding to the overthrow Dobin, Exec.
a of Financial Report Salaries Miscelanious Salaries Literature Salaries Convention Expense.
1685. 00 449. 48 200. 67 324, 37 711. 01 1237 36 2478. 80 18, 18 65. 00 80 239. 65 500. 00 20. 00 807, 71 Distr. pcr. Bal.
8209, 90