AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

COMMUNIBT SEVEN is day and gradually forced the centrist alın; 1848. to ceruh the resolutionary movement wage slaves of lerance. The first experience nistration out of power.
in that country: the Cranist poverment of the vial revolution on a political basis strong influence upon the growth of Russia was the world policeman whom all took place in 1X48. The first threat to the the communis: group was exercises also by ſcared what byurgeois dictatorship appeared in the syndicalist movement within the French Soviet Russia, the government of the 18, 1, in Paris. The first conquest of political trade union movement. The syndicalist move workers al pants came to the aid of power by the proletariat, and the proclama.
ment is a reaction against the opportunists the world proletariat, after first overthrow tion of the proletarian dictatorship, occured and parliamentarists who attempt to con ing the Carist and lyurgeois regimes and in the same year in Paris.
vert parliamentary action into a means for establishing the proletarian dictatorship. The this proves that the French proletthe achievement of our final aim the estab. proletariat of all countries wekomel the dc arint has a revolutionary tradition which will lishment of the Communist Society. The ex feat and overthrow of the world policonan be of the greatest valuc during the present perience of history proves the impossibility. the autocratic government of the Czars; period of social revolution. The formation of of the reconstruction of a seciety upon com but its place was taken by the present reach the Communist Party in France will benefit munist principles by means of parliamentar Bourgeois Republic, which now occupies the the whole European proletariat. The comism. But the syndicalist in contrast to the op position of the world gendarme.
munists will place every obstacle in the way portunists went to the other extreme the The French government is imperialist of the ruling class; they will throw all their negation of political action altogether. Tlicy and sceks to crush the revolutionary movetrength against a possible invasion by French refused to recognize the necessity of using ment in all countries. especially in Russia. imperialists of Soviet Russia.
the parliament for revolutionary purposes; The Soviet Government is a thorn in the The German proletariat had a dangerous they refuse to recognize the necessity of side of the French Dourgcoisie, which has neighbor the Russian Czarist Government, establishing the workers state the dictator violently opposed all the Russian proletarian with its vast army, and therefore the German ship of the proletariat. Opposition to the movement iron the first day of its existence.
opportunists and all opportunist tendencies of all the Entene, the French imperialists oppressors. After the establishing of the proletariat did not dare to challenge their is highly desirable, but the opposition to polic are the most bitter and brutal adversaries of tical action as a whole, e. the denial of the the Soviets and of every revolutionary proSoviet power in Russia the German workers are no longer thrcatoned from the East. The necessity for the scizure by force of arms letarian movement in all countries. They par. recent experience of the German workers of the political power and of the establish ticipated in the plundering adventures and has shown that the French Imperialists will ment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, counter revolutionary movements in European always come to the aid of their German Imanarchist superstition and prejudice Russia and Siberia, and instigated all the inimical to the interests of the working Baltic and bufier states to violence against capitalist system, notwithstanding their reperialist friends in order to save the German class movement.
Soviet Russia. They were instrumental in The French syndicalists are becoming causing the downíall of the Hungarian Soviet pcrialists thoroughly understand that the decont unpleasantness; because the French immore and more convinced of the fallacy of Government by compelling the Romanian struction of German capitalism would be their anti political views and are joining the Government to declare war upon it. followed by the downfall of the bourgeois ranks of the communists in large numbers. During the proletarian uprising in the order in France.
At the last congress of the French So Ruhr Basin. the French imperialists sont cialist Party held in Tours the Conynunists, their troops into that province,. ostensibly to The German proletariat will act and supported by the former syndicalist elements, prevent Germans from invading France, but fight more courageously against their ruling won a brilliant victory over the old major in reality for the suppression of the Gernian class. with the realization that on the western ity who were led by the centrists, as well proletarian Revolution. The last adventure border the Communist Party of France will as over the right wing. This congress adopt of the Polish landlords and capitalists against prevent the French capitalists from crushing ed all the conditions for admission to the Soviet Russia was carried out with the direct the movement in Germany.
Communist International by an overwhelmsupport of the rench imperialists, who inThe Communist Party of France, as it ing majority; the vote being. for unqualificd cited the Poles to undertake this unprovoked acquires power, will perform the same role as acceptance. 3500; for acceptance with reserattack.
the Communist Party of Russia, e. it will vation 1000: against recognition. 500 Thus This dispicable role of world gendarme, the rid the European proletariat of the threat the Communist Party of France has finally French were able to perform because of thic of the world policeman in the shape of come into being through the splitting of guarantees and suppy fi of the social patriots the French capitalist government. The Comthe old French Socialist Party.
in the French Socialist Party. Even the munist Party of France will prepare the centrists under the leadership of Longuet French proletariat to become the shock batWhat influence will the formation of did not prevent the criminal plots of the talions of the revolution in Western Europe the Communist Party of France exertion French imperiali ts, la cause while they refor which their revolutionary traditions has the development of the international com cognized Soviet Russia in words, they ob already equipped them.
munist movement?
structed the formation of a real Communist In Germany the left Independents and The French bourgeois Republic up to Party in France. The Communist Party in the German communists have already united the time of the imperialist world war was France will give rise to a new epoch in the into one German Coinmunist Party. The the ally of the reactionary and bloody govern French proletarian Inovement. The French Communist Party of Germany and the Comment of the Czar in Russia. In the past the imperialists will be forced 10 recognize the munist Party of France, under the leaderFrench bourgeois was ruthless and brutal in power of the communists; they will not have slip of the Communist International, will its struggle against the working class. In such a free hand as before, when they faced form the force which will overthrow the France every big strike or denuonstration was the Socialist Party alone.
capitalist governments of Western Europe.
usually attended by much bloodshed. The The French proletariat is seasoned in and will crect upon their ruins the proletarFrench bourgeois government is one of the the revolutionary struggle. In 1780. ONC inn dictatorship, during the transitional permost reactionary in the world. In 1831, in hundred and four years ago, Babeoff pro il from the capitalist to the communist soJune 1848, and in May 1871. the French mulgated the theory of the common owner. ciety.
bourgeoisie drowned in blood the revolution slip of all wealth. and cmpliasized the class The Conmunist Party of France will ary uprisings of the proletariat.
war, denounced the Republic of the Rich. ccntually put an end to all the desperate During the monarchist regime in Russia and advocated the al lition of all political adventures of the French imperialists and the government of the Czars was the tcr rights for those who do 90 useful work. In will give a powerful impetus to the communror of all nations. Nicholas the first sent an 1831, the strike of the silk weavers of Lyons ist movement of the workers throughout the army across the boundaries of Hungary, in was the first insurgent inovement of the world.
The Split of the German Independent Party.
The cause or Commur. sm has made a great stride in Germany The Ina, ority of the conferince of the Independent Social Democratic Party accepted the conditions of admis.
non into the communist International; minority left the conference declaring it into a tion of constituting itself a separate Inde.
pendent Party. We way openly that this split 18 en event of Daratiount Importance uring the development of communikin in Germany There can be do doubt of the fact that the artua! majority within the Independent art Ja larger than that which adopted the platform of Communist at the conference. The whole party inachinery and the party press bad bren with few exceptions, in the hands of the Right wing, which consists of most adapt bufonu rota of German Social Democracy. It is because of this that the Right Independents Wetu uble to muster over a third of the number of delegates present at the conference, The spirit of revolution lyon in the working niam of the Independent Party. Were it not for the ronditions set up by the Communist Interna tional making the rulexion of the lixlit. dependents into its rank uponible, th Hixht Independents would have joined in order to Ayold henk folated from the mai of their members 111 in order to be lile By KARL RADEK.
pain Aldarain to hold these maskes back froinvolutionary action The transference of Ir party ndership and of the party pries to the nucly revolutionary fonts com pellid li kiht Indopts to throw on their Th1 Ditmann las Fanchinpaign talust Sort Russia and has wrton articles which were Fouch to the inste of interna tion counter revolution that the latt. Das hand in printed in the capital tt press all Over the world of drug und Crispien have Talred the cry that umiliation with ibe Third International would mean wir with French fr.
la. and they hay come out openly in the definer of the Verrillo Poe, They live hi posed to very working man the correct.
HOKM. the policy of the Communist Interna tirol 1r reful to have much ontlenen ordine, tumn and Crisple in Il rank The Crible and the Interdings tried to conudy of ofending the independ.
one of the can working ainst th dictatorship of Morow They have deverd to turn to Account the. oinulat In. nutional de la tramunt of wrotem rt11 tha brit of the Gurrant work. le, the He of defending the Independ of his or winton, But all their efforts buvo folle II) wit of the fact that the Left Jude.
pendents lacked such powerful means of acitation the press the great majority of the workers geclared them pulves for the com.
munist International They readily kranped the fact that when the communist International Interfere in their affairs It Is not the in terference of an outsido force trying to impose Its will us on the German workers, but that it Is Case of a mure xperienced detachment of the Army of the World Revolution point.
Ing o it to the Corman workers the conditions of their own victory. They have understood thnt they and MOCOW are one and the samo; that the content Agninkt Moscow is the contrnt against their own revolutionary aspirt tions, their own revolutionnry view. Our tory at the Independent Party Conference to of the utmost importanre, considering the fact that it was bought at the price of split, 10 the coure of which the German workers will hne anmuired a clear and comprehensive idea of the programe and tactics of the Commisfut International The Aruffle, of course, ha not ended with the split at the conference: the plat will ha barried into all the organixons of the Independent Social Democratic rty: It will land to division Rinong the Gor Han workers on the lines of clearcut princplex. en blue the Cerinan workers to outlive