BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking ClassWorld War

SIX UN UNIBT Intha ne of the Indent Stillst to the retrat In this appeal the boarce character of the Seldmann Gien wie pented ont and reached with ishimg to wish to unells, which were called the LT and defenders of the Revelation and the proposal innde of caring the Counci giving then political rights and civing them thereht to Teto the decision of the Naturl Assembly and the right to submit derisions to a pular referendam Sac proposal in the complete montat ettiren hankruptcy of the thriller who defends democracies and de hot under stand their burgeois character The la chale effort to unite the Council System in the dictatorship of the bourgoinie, slow the lack o cunsaonth of the Yellus Socialists and Social Roats and the fractionary policy of the petty middle class (kleinburger. as well as the cowardly concession the increasing We of the roletaria democracy which rannot be held hark 29 The majority of ile Yellow Mternation.
al at Derne, which condemned Balshevien but intnih pratne linnamal ration Pas far of them, and for rets from the class at Th. Matorit nr full amarnt while the Russian Alinorits In So lalokuntionist Kud with the heart in many. The Nan Merty and Sorialist Revolutionaries who complain at the ration by the hai.
is tak is to the fact that this Theraton has betalt aout through the Minority in Salteltisaries taling part ta the civil ou te rid of the bourgroisienst the probitatiat. Just the de in German lave the Sitemanners and their partytent in the civil war on the rid of the call:t ngainst the water.
It is therefore quite anal that the major.
ity of thonion, part in the yellox luter natlonnlat Benchoald have condemned the Isolshevirsi herlei Viis not a defence pure demokracy. at the son of all defence My Doo foel that in the civil war they standing at side of the sour Bolsie arainst the paroletariat.
From this the class standpoint of the Major Hyol the Yellow Interntional nt Jerne cha do POTIN Fron: the proletariat, lowever, should not And of the thith, but should look it open.
ly in the face and draw from it all political de ductions On the basis o! this thesis and in apprecia.
tion of the sports of the delcgates from the VaR countries, the International Communist Contoro decines tunt the main task of the Communist Tarty. In countries where the Coun cil Tower (Race mucht) le not yet set up. consist in the following: 1) To explain to the great TORBA of the working cuss the historical meaning of the political and practical necessity for a new pro tarian do mortacy which THUAT be set up to take the place of the bourgeois democracy and Parliamentarism.
2) in the building up and extending the Councils in every departinent of Industry in the military. In the teet. 180 Amongst the land workers and small farmers and 3) In the conquest of (eroberung) solid and conscious communistic piajority within the Councils.
The Split in The French Socialist Party.
Toward the end oi December, 1920, a Paris Congress of the Second Interna le holding of sinecures and accustomed only congress of the French Socialist any was tional at that ime. The question o the sci 10 routine work. These leaders merely dat which a split occured. As we have of political power by the proletaria: was form a transition from the outlived epoch 110 exact and full information about this closely connected with another of great signif vi the working class movement from the cergress we are compelled to depend upon canccthe question of the necessity of over period of 1871 1914 an cpoch that contrithe information given in the capitalist press. Shrowing the capitalist state by force of buted much of value, especially in the art in the French socialist movement ms. The opportunists denied the correct of organization of the exploited masses on ave Leen of frequent occurrence. At the as of Marx famous statement, that force large scale, which was necessarily slow.
od of the last century, in the 80 and go the midwife of the old society; pregnant. listained, and systematic work an epoch there was in France a large number of So the new order. In the course of the rich formed the background before the cialist arties and factions, representing the Tiscussion, the renegade hautsky. then the orld War, which introduced the era of different current in the socialist nouvement; foremost Marxian theoretician, displayed his cial revolution. The centrist are revoluthe possilvilists or opportunists: the Guesd. al colors. Although theoretically a Marxian. lists in words, but in deeds support directists or Marxians, who adhered to the posi he was in reality an opportunist, even at that ly or indirectly the social traitors.
uion of the German Social Democrats; the time, which can be readily seen from the At the head of the centrists, stood Llanquists, who denied the necessity of the following e cerpt from a resolution intro Longuet. Pressman, Cachin, and Frossard, mass struggle, and the so called Socialist duced by him. In the present develop etc. At the end of the World War the centrRadicals, who defended the interests of the mont of the democratic state the conquest ists expelled the social chauvinists from the petit bourgeoisie.
li political power by the proletariat cannot executive offices of the party and had on In 1890 all these parties factions be achieved by means of armed forces, but their side the great majority of the memberwere forced to unite into one party under can only be the result of long and strenuous ship up to the last congress of the Party.
the increased pressure of the reaction in fforts in the sphere of political and ccono During the period of the world war the France. In 1900 the French Socialist Party ic organization of the proletariat, as well French working class, intoxicated with bourValit again into its component parts as a re its physical and moral regenration, and of geois patriotism, followed in the footsteps sult of the famous Dreyfus Case which he gradual penetration of its elected repre the social traitors. Later disapointed with aroused tremendous forces. Several promin entatives into the inunicipal councils and inc consequences of the war they repudiated ent socialist leaders of that time Jaures and legislative assemblies.
the chauvinists and went over to the side Millerand took a keen interest in the trial, This resolution introduced by Kautsky of the centrists.
considering it their duty to fight against the. the Paris Congress of 1900. played into The economic and political conditions French militarists and in defense of the upthe hands and supported the opportunists France forced the French proletariat to icr bourgeoisie, of which a numerous cleand anti Narxians, who argued against the ment, the large financial interests, were comhe French socialists. Their act in joining posed of Jews, who considered it their duty Evitability of armed revolution. This resolu halfway between the right and left wings of defend their co religionist, Dreyfus.
hic centre was only a transitional stage in siep in the direction of the social patriots The Marxian section of the French Soand renegades of our time. Plekhanoti, apily e revolutionary movement of the French cialist Party, the Guesdists, organized in the characterized it as being an india rubber, or oletariat. Already during the war, there Labor arty of France, fouglit against the caotchouc. resolution. The first part of appeared within the French Socialist Party pportunis: policies of Jaures and Millerand.
Cautsky resolution relegates into the back a small group of Communists under the The participants in the struggle against the sound the question of armed insurrection, leadership of Comrade Loriot. For a long militarists were carried away by the fight while the second part entirely justified the tin e Loriot fought almost alone against the and considered the activities of the militar ction of Millerand in accepting a ministerrigit and centre and was the subject of ists to be so dangerous that they believed it post in the same cabinet with the mur ridicule by the opportunist leaders. Loriot, necessary for Milletand who was a socialrer Galliſet. Kautsky resolution adopted undismayed, bravely kept up the fight in the ist at that time, to enter the Waldeck Rousthe Paris Congress precipitated a split iace of the greatest obstacles, against the scan ministry. The followers of Jaures and the French Socialist arty: the Guesdists social traitors to the French proletariat.
Millerand believed that the French Republic 90 Blanquits leaving the so called UnitThe growth and influence of this small was in danger, and Millerand therefore took French Party.
group of Communists, with Loriot at their himself the task of saving the irurgeois After a while the different factions again head was aided by the centrist Longuetists, rpsblic in close co operation with the intheinselves. After the manner of all centrists, famous General Galliſet, who bec. me nitoriited into one party organized upon a fedethe Longrietists endeavored to convince the us by his barikrous cruelties in supprees. vased fighting among themselves up to the itive basis, but the various factions never French workers that the economic chaos ing the Paris Commune, atbreak of the war in 1914. When the war caused by the war, was not the proper enMillerand entered the Cabinet, June 22. gan all the contending socialist factions vironment in which to advocate the amned 187, thereby arousing a determined opwisie mited and formed a block with the bourgeois seizure of political power by the workers.
in in the ranks of the French Socialist nment and thus betrayed the cause of The Longuctists, were attempting to delay Party. In 3200 there was convened. in the proletariat Guesde, who was one of the the realization of the dictatorship of the proParis, the World Congress of the Second iremost esponents of revolutionary socialletariat.
Lidernational 11 in France, accepted tlic just of minister, Meanwhile the economic chaos continued The question of the acceptance of a ithout portfolio, in order to save jost in a burgeois ministery, by the 50the despite all attempts of the capitalists and fatherland from destruction. The noisy the state to restore the ruined industries. The cialist Millerand in the sanie Cabinet with the murderer, Galliſet, was brought before rasemonger. Herve, who previously had French bourgeoisie were disappointed in their he congrese and made an issue by the ght awains militarism, was the first to hopes of wringing a huge indemnity from once his atiti nilitarist quisition and lic Germany, which was utterly ruined by the Gueule faction of the French Socialist Party, a traitor to the cause of the proletariat.
war. All these circumstances aroused a seri.
This question was brought up and discussed short the French Socialist party, under. discontent within the ranks of the French the Paris Congress, in connection with. leadership of Guesite, Renauld and Scin working class driving it further and further aut question the tactie of the seizure. went over, bag and baggage, 10 the side to the left.
jower by the proletariat which even at the bourgeoisie using the whole period Still another event influenced the French that time was a principle question, since the imperialist world war.
the German revisionists finder the leadership working class movement the visit of Cachin Betristein. advented the peaceful evolu111 the French party contained other and Frossard to Soviet Russia. These two tuum of Scialiean by means of parlianentary lements, who tante la minority: the convales are among the most prominent trist when Comrade Lenin character. leaders of the French socialists, Frossard artion.
It would be inconsistent to expect any inct as men contaminated with the decay of was secretary of the party. The Communist Kalisin who decisive action dry the elements conting ere Moiled by the ato krop within the French Socialist Party lure of parliament, ofhcials fened by krew more influencial and stronger day by