BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertyRosa LuxemburgSocialismSovietStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

Tiv COMMUNA ers ויינית the upport of om Indon. nw, wm and re the bourgeoir Jetator. With the aim RO far like the dictatorship of other classes in Police and to in Its Place the nutom meus of enriching the German and English Froupa thint it, ni In very other dictator. fanid ning. orxanlyntion of the worker. roone of millonai multimillionaires, dozen with the costly of Filipesting with foren 176d 30 division brw. con legislative und in of millions of men have been murdered, and the registance of tho clasy which is losing ilk live power. Ald. mitic In the most fr. Robics the bourgeois political power. Thir fundamental different of public in our time aluding the criman, military dictatorship got. This military the dietntorship of the proletariat and the mic which are ne pas proletarinn by the truth. Dietnship still continues in the lontento count torship of other claprex, the dintorship of the falsifying traitors of Socialism. Atill maintain Tles cvca nfter the overthrow of Gesunny. The big landlorde in the Middle Ages the dietrtor.
this bourgeois Stricains, which continual.
war, more than anything else, has opened tho Rhip of the bourgeoisie in every civilized cap.
is demonstrates more clearly and plainly thnn y of the workers. The fulec mark has been Italist country. Is that tbe dictatorelip of the ever that the outcro defence of Dinocracy torn from the bour cols democracy, and the Wg landlords and bourgeois was a suppression In general nothing else but a dose of people can the whole picture of pecan by forco of he resistance of the overwhelming capitalism and the privileges of profitents. tion and profiteeking during the war and op.
majority of the people, namely, the worl:19 Freedom of samy ole takin portunities opened up by the war. Capitalism cinssce. While on the other hand the dictator.
as an examplo of the demande o ure has anried on this war in the name of freedom hip of the proletariat, 18 fuppression by mocracy, Every enlighteand word or Who Dins and quality. In the namo of freedom and cqual force of tho exploiter, le, the ininority of the not broken with his class understands that it Ity it hos enriched the supplies of war materials people, the big landlords and capitalita, were a ridiculous thing to pronto the frontera to an unheard of extent. Yot not a Mt dong Prom this 18 very evident that the dictator freedom of assembly for every period and situa. the Yellow International nt Being other itsell ship of the prol tariat inunt not only bring with tion where it prevented their ove throw and about this, but continues to whitewash before It incvitable changes in the forma and institu.
defended their privileges. The bourgeoise when the old character of bourgeois frendom. bour. tions of democracy, but also changes that will they were revolutionary, neither in England in pols equality, and bourgeois democracy permit an extrusion of democracy in the hands the rear 1649, nor in France in the year 1793. 11. In the inost capitalist dorloped count. of the wagoslaves of capitalisin, such as the granted to the monarchist and nobllits Freedom ry of Europe. Tam. cly. in Germany, the first world has never yet witnessed.
of Assembly while the latter roured foreign few months of full Republican freedom, which In reality the forin of the detatorship of troops into the country and bled in the overthrow of imperialistic Germany brought the proletariat which as a matter of fact has order to organize their efforts at restoration. about, have shown to the German workers and already been worked out, Se. the Soviets in It the bourgcolsic of today. which has ions to the whole world what is the true character Kuesia, the Council System (Ransysten) in since become reactionary. denance from the of the democratic bourgeois Republe. The mur. Germany, the Shop Stewards Committees and proletariat this unrestricted right of Pror Ar. ders of Karl Lieblinicht and Rosa Luxemburg other analogous Soviet institutions in other senbls. It will only he laughed at by the work. are events of world historical meaning: not only countries, all those render it possible for the an example of bourgeois hypocrisy. brenuke the best leaders of genuine proletarian working clansea, for the overwhelming mainternntional Communism were trasically done jority of the people, practically to utilize de Besides the workers know very well that Freedom of Assembly even in the democratic to death, but because it deinoustrated the class. mocratic rights and liberty to an extent that bourgeois Republit is only an empty phrase, character ok the rstropean State and one has never before been approached in the best for the rich have the best public and private can also say the first State of the whole world democratic bourgeois Republics.
buildings at their disposal, ond have also plenty without exaggeration. Il prisoners, e, people The essence of Soviet power lies in the tiken under State control, C: be murdered direct orkanization of the classs which capitalof spare time for meetins and Cooking after with impunity by officers and capitalists, under ists would suppress, ie, the worker and hall their own ends in protecting the capitalist Government of Sou inlista, It follows as a proletarian (the best, wo. o vot exploit Power Apparatus.
The town and village proletariat, 16 well logical conclusion that the democratic Republic the labor of others, and is at least conpelled as the small farmer, c. the sont inaiority whicroin this could bapp in is a dictatorship of to sell part of hie own. This is the liked and thie. bourgeoisie. People who showed their in. only foundation for the whole power or the of the population. bave none of thoro advant.
dignition of the murder of Karl Liebknecht State, the waliole State apparatus. The masses, ages. And so long as this is the case the word Equality, that is to say, Pure Doino racy and Rosa Luxemburg, and who do not underwhich plainly, even in the deinderntic bour.
is a fraud. To get real Equality, for Democracy stand the truth of this are proving either their geois Republics, where according to the law stupidity or their hypocrisy. In one of the freest they stand on an aqual footing, but by thouto definitely realize it for the workers, the fine and most clviized Republic o! the world, in sands of artful dodges of one sort and another public and private buildings must be taken away the German Republic, from the exploiters, and it is also of the hisheat freedom is shown to are prevented from taking part in the political importance that the workers ce to it that the be freedom to strike down the arrestod leaders Jifo and the exercise of demokratic rights and of the proletariat, And it can be nothing else freedom, are now called upon to participate freedom of their meetings is defended by Armed constantly, directly, and in decisive manner in workers, and not young 50 long 46 capitalism aseerts Itsell, and the Hons of nobles evolution of the democratic class struggle that the democratic management of the State. Soebchen des Adels) or officers from the to. day. As the result and consequences of the 15. The equality of the citizen (burger)
capitalist circles and their conscript soldiers.
war, has reached the boiling point is not weak without respect of sex, creed, race, nationality, Only after such an alteration can one withening but increasing.
which the bourgeois Republic always and above out humbugging the worker. th work At the present time throughout the whole all promises but because of the powers of caplation, the poor, speak abort Fredom o! Asof the civilized world expulsions, hunting down, italisin never carries out. the Soviet power or Reinbly and Equality. But this alteration no und Imprisonnent of Bolshevike it taking place, dictatorship of the proletariat has at one stroke body else can bring about except the vanguard as, for example, in one of the free democratic fully realized Tho workers alone are able to of the working people, the proletariat, which Republics, Switzerland: further, we have in attain this power, as they have no interest in overthrow the exploiter, the tourgeoisie AIDCHICA Bolslievik pogroms and 50 on. From the fight over the division of private property, The Freedom of the Press is another thic historical point of democracy in general means of production, and so forth.
of the main watchword of Pure Democracy.
or pro democracy, it is simply laughable that 16. The old (that is the capitallet) demo.
The worker knows, and it has been millions of advanced civilized deinocracies, countries armed cracy and Parliamentarism WCTo so organized times agreed by Socialists in every country to the tecth, should be afraid of a few dozen that the working classes were clearly the fun that this freedom is sheer iraul so long as the people from backward, starving. ruined Russia cst removed from the management machine.
best printing presses and big stores of paper depicted as savage and criminal in millions of The Soviet power (that 19. the dictatorship of are in the hands of the capitalists, and so long copies of capitalist newspapers. It is clear that the proletariat) is on lo contrary to organas the power which capital has over the Press the society in which such obilous contradic ized that the working classes are closely iden.
remains. wbtch is 60 plain and clear all over tions can find a hearing is in reallty a dictator. tified with the managem: machlae by the un the world, 60 cynically interwoven with demo ship of the bourgeoisie.
ing o! legislative and clectic power in the cratic and republican riigimes, as, for example, 19. In such a situation the dictatorship of Sort organization of the States, and in the in America. To obtain a genuine cality and the proletariat is not only fully justified as a substitution of territorial voting circles by in genuine deinocracy for the workins masses. menus for the overthrow of the explolter and ustrini intities, such as those of the works one must first of all take away from the cap the suppression of his resistance, but is also a:d the factory.
italift the possibility of employing writers in absolutely necessary for the whole mass of 17. The army was an apparatus for Bup their service and the buying up of newspapers the workers, as the one protection ngainst the pression not only in monarchy: It remained the and publishing offices. And to do this it is dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which led to same in all (er in in the most democratic) bour.
necessary to throw of the yoke of capitalism. the war and is preparing now wars.
Ecols Republics. Only the Soviet power, as the to overthrow the exploiter and their resistance. The main thing which conany Socialists one established State organization of the capital.
Capitalists have always explained the word do not understand, and which causes their ist oppressed classes. 1s in the position to re freedom as freedom o pronts for the rich theoretical shortsightedness, their clinging to move the dependency of the military into the and freedom of starvatlou for the poor. Cap middle class prejudices, and their political be proletariat by the armning of the proletarians italists explain Freedom of the Press as free. trawl of the proletario that, in capitalist and disarining of the bourgeoisie, without which dom of bribery by the rich, the freedom for society, with increasing grounds for the clasa it is not possible to carry through the conquest enploying wealth to faliricatoni falsify 80 war, there can be no half way between the dic of Socilism.
called public opinion. The defender of Pure tatorship of the bourgeoisie and the dictator. 1S. The Soviet organization is therefore Democracy blows himself. in reality, as the ship of the proletnrlat. Every dream of any 50 contrived that the proletariat 18 class, defender of the dirty and mercenary system of kind of this thing is only the reactionary lam which for the most part is onlleuleued concernthe power of riches over the means of brusl. ontations or we petty bourgeois. This is shown ing capitalism, plays the leading part in the ing aside the well known historical task of frec in the experience of more than a hundred inner State. The experience of every revolution ing the Press from capital. The Communists years of evolution of the Bourgeois democracy and every movement of the onslaved classes, will establish real freedom and cquality. In and the workers movement in crery civiized the experience of the world wide Socialistic which there is no possibsty of curiching one country, and cancially in the experience of the movement teaches us that only the proletariat sell at the expense of others, which will fire. last five years. It is niso furnished by the whole is in the position to unite and lead forward the Vent the submission of the Press, directly or Ic son of national economia, the whole tenor misdirected backward, and exploited workers.
Indirectly, to money power, and were nothing of Marxism, which has demonstrated the fntal 19. Only the Soviet organization of tho will hinder the worker (or any particular group economic necessity of the dictatorship of the State is in the position to overthrow once and of workers) from cqual rights to the use of bourgeoisie for hery capitalist business, Adic. for all the old bourgeois officinldom and lawthe printing presses and paper that belong to tatorship that can only be overthrown by the apparatus, which is preserved, and must revit.
the coinmunity.
clare that is developed, augincnted aud rein. ably be preserved, even in the most democratic The history of the 19th and 20th century forced by the very development of capitallsm. Republics, and which was in fact the greatest showed us before the war wba: in reality the Ie. by the proletariat.
olstacle to the workers and working masses in 13. The Recond theoretical and political mucb talked of Pure Democracy meant under the frying out of democracy. Tho Paris Com.
capitalism The Marxists have always assert Hunter of Socialists consists in that they do that the more developed, the puror demonot understand that the forms of democracy mune took the first world historical step in this direction, the Soviet power has taken the second Commercins with the form in Ancient timos cracy 18, the more pittle and keel will the 30. The destroying of Statc power la tho class war be, and the more developed will be have, during thousands of years. invitably un object hold out by all Socinlists with Marx at the oppression of capital and the statorship derrone radical transpormation through the re.
their head. Without realizing this objert true of the bourgcolelo. The Dreyfus Chr. In le.
placement of onio Koverning class by another. democracy Dublican France, the bloody settlement of ne.
In the Republic of Ancient Greece, in the States equality and freedom cannot bo ronched. But It only the Soviets or procounts retween the paid hireling armies of the of the Middle Ages, in the advanced capitalist loturian dcinocracy which lends directly towards capitullst and the workers on the in the Statis, democracy in cherent forms and dir. his object, for it draws the workers and their free and deocratic Republic of America, and front cxtensions. It would be the greatest ma organizations towards a lasting and dethousands of the kamo lags of instance, show folly to think thnt the most profound revolution the fact, which the lourkoolklo try vain to in the history of mankind, the rst transference fulto purticipation in tho nanagement of the Stato, hide, thnt in deinocratie Hepublice terrorinin of power out of the hands of the exploiterAnd the dictatorship of the bours onto apsa minority into the hands of the exploited major.
21. The completo bankruptcy of the Social.
Its who met together at Remne, their completo the rons of power oponly linedo. ly it nd 11y, can fully develop within the connes of tho pears to the exploiters that the power of cup old bourgeois arliamentary deinoerncy, or con lack of understanding of inodern proletaria de Hal is tottering be nicomplielied without Tovolution without MOTROY, enn be keen, enpocinily in the followius 10. The Imperialist wir, On 10th February, 1919, at Horne, Brant.
1914. 14 1s. 118 the constration of new forms of democracy.
onco for ull show the last progresolve work 12 Institutions, conditions, stipulations, and is declared tho Internationnl confor inre of the of the Yellow International to be closed (grahos.
the truo caracter of the capitalint democracy no on.
son. On 11th February their members in Rorlin, bven in the freut Republic, which is nothing 14. Tho dictatorship of the proletariat to in thu paper Do Frolhell, published an appeal