AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyImperialismLeninMarxParis CommuneSocialismSyndicalismWorking Class

12 COMMUNIST FOUR WAY to Socialisin leads through the dictator. of argune qualities which will be oviremely thn nght annat bourgoin ideoloxy. Bolt hip of the mothat, which to characterized Anary to them to the future champion neation combined with active participation in by the government of the revolutionary Soviel of the roletartint und bearers of the Revolution. the political miruggle three are the true methode The truth of the working class in the The working Youth in the mortive of forming youthful pratarian champions tresle to chan the town of the political, and munt resolutionary part of the proletariat Moreover the Communist Organizations economte and intellectual dominance of Imprint The most important task of the Communist of the youth act themselves the task of univer Ism, and to institute oturian dictatorship. Orrniration of Yath in. for the promont, an mal education of Youth in the MAXIME Apiril.
This rule can only como ta victorious unwearied agitation in the wide mares of thereby raising the culture lovel. The working and when the proletariat declntely braka workers, the organization and carrying out of Youth must extort from the bourgeolele the Ry from the second laternational, which han pohtien) Jomonstrations, the immediate struckle treasuror of human knowledge, which are ta.
mine fant in the mire or reformism and com. for communiam, inking part in the overthrow dispensable to the workers AS guide in the promises with the house, and endeavor. of capitallet tyranny, and the education of the liberating movement of the proletariat. They ink to save beurres society, betraying thereby Youth to make them fit for the building of the mnat conquer the path to clenco. literature all the working clars Only then the Communist community, And art. Besides honent workmon And brave ral.
work manis unit under the Mtandard of The Communist organization of the Yonth aters of the Red Army, the working Youth must the Communist International, the leader of the carries on an energette truggle against all the Hornly wcholars, technical specialiate, organitern, proletariat in its revolutionary trurgia 10 bontrola parties, and also againn wuch richt philosophers, poots and artists of the new Com revolutionary Mech one must employ prlmarily Socialist, lackeys of the bourgeoiste, na Sehel munist Society, it is the mision of the work.
the mean Tevolutionary struckle of the demann, Reuner. Binsolati. Renandel Hender. Tuk Youth And it organizations to be in the masses demonstration striker, konerul strikes, son, Gompern, Troelstra, Tirantie. Vandervelde, mint ranks of the constructors of the now armed uprisingr hut at the same time the pro ete. and against the Socialist centre (kaut culture, conceived by the Communist spirit, sky, clonald, Robert letariat Cannot moet in principle other politie Grimm. Hauor and 10. The Communist must organizations al resources such as the Sarliament The others. who by their hesitations only tend to turn the proletarian Youth into a healthy entry into Parlament depends on the political urhola capitallat society. Tho struggle likewise people, healthy bodily and spiritually. There situntion of the moment, and must be deelded akalust tho Syndicalist Ideology, which OPHORDS fore the communist organizations of the Youth in ench Cako neurately by the organisation of itself to the political struggle for the conquest are concerned also with the physical develop each country, of proletarian dictatorship rejects the right of ment of the young. This work, to which at It the position of mature workmen under the political party to conduct this struggle, and present we can only give part of our activity, the rule of capitalism is exceptionally hard, the rejects proletarian centralization. Thuy equally is of kreat importanco for the working Youth position of the working youth is quite Intoler. struggle against the Anarchist ideology, which 11. Although tho Communist organizations able low wasce a long working day, barbar does not admit the proletarian government as of the Youth strive to inquence with their ous treatment from the contractors and im. an intermediate phase between capitalinm and Ideas wide circles of proletarian Youth. never.
mediate superiors characterize the position of Communism, and which preaches in the phere theless this is not dono by encricing anything the young workers. Conditions are sull worso of politiel economy petty bourgeois Ideas Tho of tho clearners of the Communist programme in the trades were the apprentices are wholly same struggle is directed against those organ: is the agitation by the Communist organizations in the power of their trade masters. Such an iuntions of the Youth which are connected with of the Youth among tho village workmen and uutimited exploitation of young workers bind the above mentioned parties. In their political tho poorest ponents.
er their intellectual and physical development. struggle the organizations of the Youth keep 13. The Communist Intornational of the The fourgeois gownment allows the working to the principles of that party or local faction Youth looks upon the existence of separato south only as inuch education as is necessary which is affiliated with the Third International, organizations. Honest revolutionists from the to be able to utilize it to the utinost degree, or to the principles proclaimed in the program rauha of the young atudents must become memin the capacity of realous and useful domestie of the Communist International. The organiza bers of the proletarian organization of Youth, cattle. The bourgeoiste strive to entice the tional relations towards the Party are deter. 08 equrls amongst obual, as comrades amongat youth into its own circle of Ideas Schools. mined by two fundamental principles: 1) The comradee The formation of groups of educa.
clerical and bourgeois untons of young people, Independence of the Youth; 2) Close contact ted Youth within the goneral organizations of as well as militarisation, have but one obiect and reciprok al help.
Youth must be regulated according to the conto allenate the proletarian Youth from the Although the Communist organizations ditions in ench separate country.
struggle for Socialism, and to train them into of the Youth continue an energetic struggle 13. In the present revolutionary epoch, tho devoted soldiers of Imperialism The worla against bourgeois militariem in all its abstract strugglo of the proletariat can only be victort war considerably aggravated the situation, mil.
and practical forms, yet they do not defend the ous. If it in world wide lions of youthful proletariaus were sent to ideas of Liberal pacinam They know that the This refors also to the struggle of the the front as cannoodder, and millions driven working class wii yet be forced to defend its proletarian Youth. Therefore the political on into munition works Own victorious dictatorship from unexpected ganizations of the Youth upite themselves under Rut althonch the State and the contractors attacks by the bourgeoisie, to have recourso to the standard of the Communist International of exhaust the strength of the youth to the arms and to nght against bourgeois militarism, the Youth The great aim of the International utmost, political and personal rights are only For the arming of the proletariat! For the Red of Youth 18 centralization in the guidance of permitted them in the very slightest der Ariny! That is the cry of the Cominunint Youth, all work and strugsle of the Communist organ.
Such a state of things has incited the working The struggle for tho amelioration of the Teations Youth in all the different countries, youth to meretless struggle against Imperial economic situation of proletarian Youth is ono Its regulations dictate the supreme law to all of the principal problems of the organizations the organizntions of the Youth. Its practical The formation of a separate organiza of the Youth. radical reformof the conditions work consists in international gitation and tion of proletarian youth is dictated: a. By the of labor is only possible in a Communist com international guidance of political manifestations, position of the youth in the process of pro munity. At the present period of capitalist do. 18 duty is to giro unity to all the activity of duction and in society: this position forces it mination it possible to attain a partia. Am tho organizations of tho Youth, to servo thom to neht in defence of its own interests, in the lioration of the situation of the Youth only na directing force, to support them morally organizing of labor, reforming of schools, etc. through the revolutionary class struggle, but in and materially, to form new unions and to conb. By the psychological reculiarities of youth no wiso by collaborating with the compromisers neet as closely together, as possible the pro(the prevalence of sentiment over reason, apt.
and with the bourgeois governments.
letarian itude for cooperation. Rreat reseptivity 28 re.
organizations of the Youth of all One of the elementary problems of Com. countries.
cards all new and revolut onary Idens, readi. munikt organizations or the Youth is the train. 14 The Communist International of tho ness for sneriflee and action. By the necesIng of well developed proletarian champions and sity of special methods for its Socialist and Youth stands on the principles of the First future builders of Communist society. Commun. Congress of the Communist International, The revolutionary education (Independent organiza: 1st Judgment and readiness for action aro at entral Committee of the Communist Interna.
work. active participation in political tained not only by taking part in the political tional of Youth is bound through its organisamanifestations. the application of all inethods atruggle, but also through theoretical Sovalist hich give youthful workers an opportunity tion to tho Third International, and works in instruction, which proves sharp Wenpon in close connection with it.
Lenin Thesis On Bourgeois Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship.
The growth of the proletarian revolutionary The bourgeoisie, whose mastery Is now de ment has begun amongst the revolutionary promovement in every country has on the part tended by Socialista, who speak against dic. letariat with the Intention of smashing this of the bourgeoisle and their agents in the tatorship in general and with body and soul Machine of Oppression and fighting for tho Dio.
workers organizations called forth Atful efforts Advocate democracy in general. has won its tatorship of the Preletariat theso traitors to to find plausible political arguments in defence power by a series of revolts, civil wars, through Socialisin talk about the matter as though the of the domination of the exploiters. In these violent suppression of monarchies, feudalism resistance of the capitalists was finished, and arguments the condemnation of dictatorship and and slavery. Thousands and millions of times as though they wero wming to put themselros defence of Democracy ure favorite themes. The havo Socialists in every country in their books, under the workers majority in word as Dyink and hypocrisy of such arguments, which pamphlets, Congress resolutions and agitation though in the Democratic Republic thoro Dovar the capitalist ross and the Yellow Internation speeches, pointed out to the people the class. lind been and never would be a State Apparatu al Conferenco at Rerne. February, 1919. In character of thuso bourgeois revolutions. There for crushing Labor with Capital thousand ways repeated, In, however, clear to fore the present defence of bourgeois de Tho Paris Commune, which all praiso anyone who does not wish to be traitor to mocracy in speeches on democracy in ken. who wish to appear on Socialista, because they Socialism eral. and the present outcry against the dic. know that tho kreat mass of the workors look In the first place, these demonstrations tntorship of the proletariat, in talking about with sympathy upon it, has expecially shown deal with detnocracy in general and dletator dictatorship in general, IB direct betrayn! In a clear munder the storical conditional hip in koeral without stating what class one of Socialism and donnito golog over to the und lunited value of bourgeois Parliamentar Is talking about. To nate the position thur, ism and Democracy, which in comparison to tho camp of the bourgeoisto. It in a deninl of the outside and above the class question, as if it rights of the proletariat to a proletarian revolu state of society in the Middle ARCH constituwere the position of the nation in general, 18 tion; defence of middle class Knobs reforin. teda kroat stop forward, but which to day at direct contradiction to the fundamental lesson Iam just at the very historical moment when the time of the workers rovolution must be of Srialis, namely, the lesson of the cars cuch reformimin bna kono bankrupt throughout radically altered Already Marx, who placed the ut, taught in words, but forgotten in praction the whole world and tho war has created Rreatest value on the historical meaning of the by Rocialists who have gone over to the bour revolutionary situation Commune, hud in his aunlysis thoreon pointed keols camp. Fur in none of the civilized CAD All Socialista in oxplaining the class. out the exploiting charucter of the tourgeois Itallet countries don reneral democracy character of bourgeois civilization, democracy Democracy and Purlamentarium, in which the cilst. but only bourgeois democrucy, and it is not guration of dictatorship in garal, and parlamentariam, buvo apoken tho thoughts oppressed classes held it right to determine which have been put forth with the createst once in the course of many years what mem.
bnt of the dictatusblp of the oppressed clars, scientine exactitude by Marf und Engeln, that bers of tho possessing Classes should ro la o ie the proletariat, over the oppressors and the democratie bourgeois Republic is nothink como out of Parliament. Yet now, when unrest raplottera, ir, the bourgrolle, with the object but over maing the resistance of the exploiter machine for Fuppressing the working seethink throughout the world, and before class hy tho Lourgcolulu; the mass of the in his that to maintain his domination.
all oy os further the CAUSO of Communiom, workers by handful of capitalists. There. the truitors of boclum forget tho practice 11tory frares that ever had an op. not ono Renuine rovolutionary. and not one exporlence and correto lo son of the Paris pread clars attained power rar run attain to Kenuine Marxian among those who are now 11 without a period of dictatorship. 1o. the. ommune, Audshuply report the old rubbiah raising their cry against dictatorship, and wand about Democracy in general. The Commun.
conquitine of pral power ild the forciblo ing for democracy, who has not solomnly aworn WAM non parliamentary concora RUBUT the most desperate, furious and (hoch and helline) beforo the workers that he The signincance of the Communwont pillirse resistance which the exploiters have at Tocognized this fundamental truth of Hochallam; further in that it Attenipted to overthm and ways, at the cost of any critte, mantalood.
and yet DOW Wheu fermentation and move utterly doutroy the bourgools Bate Appartum,