AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismItalySocial DemocracySocialismSyndicalismWorking Class

T110 COMMUNIBT THIRM The Conmunist International is bem? allt of the conditions of the International on ca has complied with all of the six condi.
threatened with the danger of dilution with inity.
tions for unity and stands ready at any fluctuating and half and half groups which Althong. the leaders of the time to call it delegates to a JOINT UNITY have as yet not abandoned the ideology of find themselves in disagreement with the CONVINTION.
the Second International.
principle and tactics of the Communist In The insolence of the leaders of the These two quotations show very clearly tcrnational they do not want to be expelled knows no bounds. They are absolutely and definitely, why on the one hand the from that body, for they understand very desperate. Their last proposition to hold fights against unity with the Commun. well that expulsion from the will end unity convention on the basis of crual reist Party of America, and on the other hand, he carcers of the centrist leaders oi the presentation is in direct defiance of the Comwhy they do not want to leave the Commun. The rank and file vi the munist International and will not hold water.
ist International are for the most part si care and honest The leaders of thic have the The leaders of the CI on the ques. although misled, and would not follow their initigated insolence to demand that the tion of the necessity oi urned insurrection centrist leaders the moment they were thor Communist arty of Ainerica. recognized for the purpose of the overthrow of the oughly exposed.
Hy the Communist International as the most bourgeois state, take the position of typical The ſcaders of the are caught consistent party in its conception of compportunists and centrists for in their lip between two fires: they do not want 10 unist principles and tactics and having service acceptance of this method of struggle wite with us, but the rank and file of their Inost twice as many manbers as the Jou can notice a decided hesitation in pro party demand unity according to the terms should on some mysterious grounds pagating this tactic to the masses. In their the Communist International. Therefore ve up its position which it has maintained attitude towards mass action, and still more these leaders change their attitude o spite of the attempts of these same so in their attitude towards the trade union from day to day one day they sign a certain Icaders to split and destroy usand movement, the leaders of the suffer Jocument in which they declare incir willing. oluntarily weaken its position and influence from the infantile sickness of the leftism. oss to submit to all the decisions of the the communist movcincnt in America, It is therefore difficult for the leaders of the Executive Committee of the that is, mply because a few charlatans and politV. to unite with the Communist Party they agree to call a joint wity convention icians it the head of the demand it.
of America, which cleansed itself from both on the basis of proportional representation We are certain that when the true comand which defends without reser according to the actual dues paying member nuunists in the ranks of the come vation the principles and tactics of the Com. ship as appearing upon the official books of 10 understand the unity question in all its nrunist International. Tie seeming intricacy both parties for the months of July, August, hases, they will compel their leaders to of the unity question becomes very simple September, and October; the next day they Ley the mandate of th Communist Internd easy to understand when we take into break their pledged word on soinc flimsy ational and call their delegates to a joint onsideration that the membership of the pretext or other, such as the Communist convention and thereby put an end to the Conumunist Party is nearly twice as large Party has manipulated its figures or has lisgraceful situation in the Communist moveas that of the and that the leaders given a false account of the number of its inent in Imerica, so that we may take our of the who are consumate politic. ncmbers or that All of the members of glitful place in the world movement and ians, know full well that due to this circ the Communist Party are not really organ march on to victory side by side with our umstance their anarcho opportunist in ized in underground groups. etc. etc. comrades in the Conmunist International.
fuence will be wiped out in a unitel com We appeal to the rank and file of the munist party. This is the reason why these L1. to force their leaders to submit Commt:nist Long live the Party of centrist Icaders of the try to post to the decisions of the Executive Conimittee America.
pone unity indefinitely, and try to squirm of the The Communist Party of Ameri Long live the Communist International.
The International of the Communist Youth.
dependence of the organizntions of Youth crly review The International of Youth, Dub. The First International congress of against the opportunist Social Democracy upon lished by Munzenberg, Unions of Socialist Youth ook place in 1307 the roport of Dannenberg. secretary of the In In 1919 began the childbirth pangs of in Stuttgart It was alled in the epoch of ternational Youth, refolution was carried out the Berlin Congress. It was called or the Sumpeaceful development of capitalism. But even of combined work of the Sorialist Unions of mer by the Zurich secretariat of the Interna for this epoch It mana, ed to work out are Youth with Socialist Parties And Trade tional Youth, at Basel, and by the Central Comlutionary programme for the international ve Unions mittee of the Russian Communist Union of ment of the proletarian youth: The strugzle The next International conference of the Youth at Moscow. Then upon the agreement of Against militarism, and the participation of the Socialist Unions of Youth, took place in 1912, both organizatious with the Hungarian com.
youth in the political life of the working clnfe.
inui mediately after the Congres of the Second rades, the ongress was transferred to BudaSuch were the foundations of the young people International. The only question there debated jest, Rut the critical position of the Hungarian movement. In Its firs! period from 18SG (found.
was the question of the titude of the organSoviet Republle persuaded the bureau to select ution of the first Youne Guard organization in Izations of Youth in the event of the great Vienna 26 the place for the Congress, where Ghent) up to 1907. The Stuttgart congress Wag war. The conference went no further than to it was to convene August the 25th eumdioned when the organizations were still Join the declarations of the congress of grown Various circumstances, however, prevented ry weak (The strongest of thom counted: up Socialixts this plan from succeeding At the appointed ilelgium in 1909 about 000 members in 123 time only the representatives of Russia, Poland, Then the Great War broke out, and what organizations; and Sweden in April, 1907. about Austria, Italy, Germany and Hungary arrived tored the plans of convoking a congress of the 17. 00. The Anarchist and Syndicalist in nuence 10 in Vienna International of Youth in August 1914, simult.
a conf. rence of these delegates against which revolutionary Socialist elements anconely with the congress of the Second In.
a temporary committee of five members WAS had to carry on a desperate struggle was still ternational. The International Secretary, Dan.
clected, and charged prepare and summon very strong in thein. But their organization This in the near future a congresy in Germany Vienna, did nothing to renenberk. then in revolutionary, they were editated and pre committee, cus:sting of representatives of difestablish international relations of the organ Dared not iniddle class oflicials of Party And forent countries, succeeded, after unthinkable irations of Youth. On the initiative of Swiss, professional bureaucracy, but revolutionary Soditliculties. In summoning representatives from Italian and Swedish comrades thou met (un.
clullat burning with enthusiasm 11 organizations of Youth of different countries known to Dannenberg) at the Berne conference Alas! The declarations of the Stuttgart Con to Berlin, where from the 20th to the 25th of of the unions o! Youth. Neutral countries were cres were not carried out. From 1907 on, Aret Xovembers the congress of the International chiefly represented there, and the leading part in Germany and then in the majority of Eu or Youth took place, ropean countries, Social Democratic parties and was played by Scandinavia and Switzerland, The Berlin congress of the International Trade Unions, who hnd no relations to the organ The Central Conmitteep of Fresh and Austria Youth was the largest of all the internation.
an organizations refused to send their delega ization of the Uniony of Youth, and in many il confree of Youth, by the number of organ.
CAM (Austria, Switzerland) und 108. Geringhy was represented solely by three persecuted Young proletarians, represented at it. No Southern towns who had separated theingolves them suddenly develo; ed a strong affection nent leaders of Socinlism took part in it.
towards unexperienced youth and reolved to from their central committees. The Berne con The delegato were mostly young worker, ference of the International of the Youth had.
direct it on the right roud At Arst Schultz, unknown in wide International circles. But be in and after him other posle of opportuniem.
undoubtedly. revolutionary importance and it unlike the Stuttgart congress stood surroundings of the betruyal of the working frightened by the revolutionary tirit of the LA organizations of proletarian Youth, who clars by the international Social Democracy, Independent organization proclaimed a liberal 11:d through a hard shool of revolution.
suddenly rung out in Europe the volce of the pedagogical principle: The Youth must not Ty struggle. Therefore the declarations of the mix in politics. Then, in the interests of Soproletarian youth goinut imperialistic slaughter Darlin and social patriotism.
CODUROSH will havontremendous effect cial Demorrary. Anarchism WIB discovered on the Youth moveinent of the wholo world, Among the Youth and a result of theoretical The conference called organization of all TIE PROGRAMME OF THE COMMUNIST transformation of the youthful proletarians in.
countries to the political warture 11 pro.
INTERNATIONAL OF YOUTH to helpless children prank the idea of discintmed the complete indepandance of the youth The unheard of developuent of capitalist Folvink the Independent inons of Youth aud movement. It establir hed an International Day Acumulation and production has brought cap.
of the Youth duy of struksie arninnt millsetting Committee of Yonth, composed of re italism to a new ntage in 18 development lo presentatives of parties and Trade Unions, tarian, Agrinst Socialist betrayal, for Commun the plinse of imperialism, which is charatoriiod The German Social Democracy akted in Jum and class war. It Olected as International by the formation of trusts and carton, and by touching Accord with clause 17 of the Imperial Sucretary comrade Mungenberg the rule of financial capital. The colonial policy.
Code, forbidding political organizntions of the But thu Berne conferenco coinched Cuscd by the neexity of finding new markola Youth, and with the German police that en.
with the period of Zimmerwald, when the dir for trade und of procuring rar materials, tho forced it by aid of bayonota, prisons and whip furning of opinion between the 21 marwnld competition of tho national capitullat cliques The new coin miltus undertook with greater Ript and Luft were 1101 yot checlarations Jeud with Iron necesity. to Imperialist wan Driency to throw political idens out of the were not meant for a Communist revolution Tie war of 1911 1914, whoro consoquences heads of the Young people, and transformed nud for a further delineation in the labor move. camiot be liquidated by the resource of cap.
the German Youth movement into an educn.
And it committed a Frent mistakecloty, hax disturbed and destroyod tional sportivo union with light Scallatie adopting the Kauteky motto of general in most of the capitalist countries. The terrifying color. Only a few organization of proletarian armament in the question of strugklo Against endanıtlun of war, famine, financial and com.
VAR revolutionary and rollable in cap.
youth surcorded in maintaining their indepen.
destruction real bankruptcy witho of dence and political activity. And for that rearon In society Uma linha broupit humanity to criais, the wrond Congre of the International of Jom then on mounts of the Burony of from which there is only one way out World Youth, HUTIDoned in 1910 in Copenhagen. Daar the International of the Youth took place au Serial Revolution. The material conditions de od nanotte It connued the 8tuttgart prine nully, and the war developed and the work. Cry for this repe: tho class contradie.
tions have become extremely Acute The victory Ipios of Liebknew concerning Antimistarim, orn of the whole world became more and more And the thesis of rolnnd. Holut on Bucintat revolutionized. It paced Its more and more of the Revolution depende entirely on tho will duration, Dut instead of trukeling for the in on a purely cominumin baalu, in did tho quurt. and entry of the International proletariat. The AN ווייתו