AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyLeninMarxRadekStrikeSyndicalismWorking ClassZinoviev

THW DOMOMUNIST TWO מן unity; at.
The of the United Communist tions on twity between the two partics, and Party on the occasion of the Brooklyn Rapid Tarty sent its commissaries to Moscow in there is therefore no necessity to repeat all Transit Car strike, in which it was pointed out that the workers could not claircipate order to discredit cur party in the eyes of the arguments and documents. The CE.
che Executive Committee of the On has at all times Juring these negotiations themselves from wage slavery unless they questions of principle the leaders of the li kejt our overthrow the capitalist state and established could not attack us for we stond on encry move and shall continue to do so. the dictatorship of the proletariat and that solid ground on all So we must imtic the Gordian knot in order to attain this aiin the working class comunist tactics and principles. Already.
Communis Intematomar had moeten els nie alty not in the achiewed according to the man armed insurrection. In fact, alleine party, delivered from its few centrist eleWithin the hic Communista luernational and did not change their Anarcho opportunist ments, took the correct stand its attitude The Conmunist arty of America does and contrist viewpoint.
toward the trade and industrial unions, en not thward it has no reason what From all this we cannot escape the contirely giving up its old prejudices toward the AF. of As we pointed out above, pointed out that only. We have already clusion that the chasin which separated the soever to prevent questions of Commun Communist Party of America from the our former attitude toward pari ition in ist principles and tactics our party has taken nited Coinmunist Party still exists. Someone the reactionary unions, a correct stand, fully in keeping with the may ask why do the leaders of the titude toward mass action. The Communist decisions of the Com. Intern. Besides this, Pour in remain in the if the do not agree with Party of Aincrica, at its Second Convention, our party counts a nuch greater member thic principles and tactics of the Conmunist crased from its program, the syndicalistic ship than the But even if our International? Why do they not leave it?
points as contradictory to the tenets oi Marx embership was actually smaller than the The reply to this question is found in the and the experiences of the proletarian revo Li We would have no fear of uniting theses and statues of the Communist Internalutionary movement.
with the rank and file of the in jonal. In the These The Fundamental To our great corrow and regret, our de cluding their centrist leaders, for under the Tasks of the Communist International Comlegates, Fraina and Stocklitsky, did not and protection of the Communist International rade Lenin quotes. could not represent our position in the Se il e would always have the right of appeal 1) characteristic feature of the precond Congress of the as they defended against any non communist activities of the ent inoment in the development of the inin our name a policy which the Communist ajority and on inatters of principle and crnational communist Inovement, is the Party nf America had repudiated at its clics. According to the Statues of the Com fact that in all the capitalist countries the second convention, and upon which the Com munist International its Executive Commit best representatives of the revolutionary minist International declared war lhe policy te is empowered to demand of all parties proletariat have completely understood the of splitting the of and kindred or friliated with them, the expulsion of groups fundamental principles of the Communist ganizations. In this respect our delegates met individuals from its ranks. It must be Intemational, namely, the dictatorship of the with the well merited rebuke of Comrade vious that under this provision there is no proletariat and the power of the Soviets; Radek, who accused them of llypocricy. That Panger whatever to the communist movement and with a loyal enthusiasm have placed our party was to some extent discredited at America in uniting with the centrist lead themselves on the side of the Com. Inter.
the Second World Congress of the is. of the still more important and great step fornot altogether our fault, our delegates were On account of the internal dissensions ward is the unlimited sympathy with these out of touch with the latest developments in which would inevitable arise as a result of principles manifested by the wider masses our party and were clected by the September conflicting points of vicw between the centr not only of the proletariat of the towns but first convention: our program which was ist leaders of the and our party also by the advanced portions of the agraradopted at our second convention, before the makes co operation with these centrist lead. ian workers.
position taken by Fraina and Stocklitsky on ers undesirable and would obstruct and hanip On the other hand two mistakes or the question of participation in the reaction er the constructive work of the party. As a weakness of the extraordinarily. rapidly inary trade unions, was not the position of the ininority within a real unified communist creasing internationai communist movement of the of which was inisrepresented party the centrist leaders of the have shown themselves. One, very serious by our delegates The Communist Interna would have no standing, and they know it. and presenting a great direct danger for the tional, judging us by our delegates, who niis. hat is why they so desperately oppose the success of the cause of the liberation of the represented us, saw no difference between conditions made mandatory upon both per. proletariat, consists in the fact that part of the views of our delegates and the delegates les by the Communist International. They the old leaders and parties of the Second of the and doubtless influenced the would be repudiated by the entire member. International, partly half unconsciously yieldComminist International decision to force ship of a united party, including their own ing to the wishes and the pressure of the immediate unity.
deluded followers. On the question of princ masses, partly consciously decieving them in The outrageous and shain: less lies. iples and tactics the position of the order to preserve their former role of agents spread by the delegates in Moscow leaders is in contradiction to that adopted and supporters of the bourgeoisie inside the that the membership of our party was only y the Second Congress of the At this lal movement, are declaring their condiabout 1500, composed entirely of foreign ogress war vu declared on the policy tional and even unconditional affiliation to language groups. while the nicmbership of attempting to split the old unions; the he Third International; while remaining in of the was over 10, 000 and includ syndicalist policy of the CP. was con reality in the whole practice of their party ed all the real American communists in Jemner and rejected. But perhaps the lead and political work, on the level of the Second fluenced by Exccutive Com, or the Com. Int. ets of the have admitted their international. Such a state of things is absoland caused them to make their hasty de crror and changed their anarcho syndicalist utely inadmissible, because it demoralizes the cision, demanding the immediate and uncon opportunist policies, after the Congress of masses, hinders the development of a strong ditional unity with the for the the In vain we look for some man communist party, and lowers their respect Executive Committee of the Com. Intern. ifestation of this change in the official organs for the Third International by threatening believing the lies of the delegates, of the We have burned the mid repetition of such betrayals as that of the considered us a small and unimpomat sect, right oil, looking with a spy glass through Hungarian Social Democrats, who had rapidwho had no good reason for separate ex. lic journals of the to find some ly assumed the disguise of Communists. The istence, and was standing in the way of the idence of change in the opportunist syn second niuch less important mistake, which unity of all communist forces in America. Jicalist poin tof view of the but is for the most part a inalady inherent to With the arrival of our accredited de e crowing of the cock reminded us that the party growth of the movenient, is the legate, Comrade Andrew, the whole situation the search was in vain. On the contrary, the tendency to be extremely left. which leads rapidly changed. The Executive Commitee more we read the literature of the to an erroncous evaluation of the role and of the Com. Intern has recognized the fact after the Congress of the the more duties of the party in respect to the class at the Communist Party of America is convincing it becomes that the not a small, intransigicnt, sect, but that on and to the mass, and the obligation of the aders have not changed; that they are still revolutionary communists to work in the the contrary, is a strong virile, organization, the same old anarcho opportunists and centr. bourgeois parliaments and the reactionary maintaining itself without assistance from as below ins.
the carrying on a consistent and power The leaders of the had a good In the Theses on The Conditions for tul communist propaganda in seven langu portunity to show their real comniunist ages besides English the only consistent diniccion to incommunist International nderstanding when the question of the affi. Comrade Zinoviev writes: ummunist Party in America.
liation of the with the Communist Thc Com. Inter. more and more freBefore the arrival of Comrade Andrew arnational was before the membership of quently receives applications from parties the Communist Party was not represented the in their recent referendum. The and groups but a short time ago belonging on the Ex. Com of the After his ar leaders of the openly, in their to the Second Inter. but not yet really comrival they considered it necessary to appoint official organ, The Communist, came Comrade Andrew as our representative on against such afiliation, arguing that in case pletely broken. Seeing the complete helpless.
out muoists. The Second International is comthe of the Thus our position be the decided to join the it came strong, due to the fact that we took would force the underground, and mcdiary groups and factions of the centre ness of the Second International, thc intershe correct position on all questions of com according to the opinion of the are trying to Icar on the ever strengthening munist principles and tactics and because we it is not advisable for an economic organiza. Communist International, hoping at the same were able to relute the miscrable lies and tion to broonie an illegal organization. In this time, however, to preserve a certain autoexpose the cheap clap trap of the case the leaders of the defied the nomy which would enable them to carry delegates decisions of the and against the will ımın receiving the information that the of the communists in the rank and file of policy. The Communist International has beon their former opportunist or centrista Communist International sent us a mandate tie playing into the hands of the come the fashion.
for the unity of loth parties, we immediately reactionary syndicalist leaders of the complied with this decision and were ready and therehy supporting the counter re. The desire of certain leading groups 10 unite with the e a before we solutionary editor Sandgren, since repudia. now, is an indirect confirmation of the major: of the centre to join the Third International had received an official coianumication from td by his own menibership.
Moscow to this effect. Our members are ity of the conscious workers of the whole The centrist leaders of the world, and that it is growing stronger every well posted on all the details of the negotia criticised a leaflet issued by the Communist day.