BourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandExtremistImperialismLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

COMMUNIST BEVEN in WAS course 7000 to the police fried foibly to diarren the mort.
In one of us selled out Shakal. shugl Banzai!
Jofund the cry fontanely in one voice, throw. 01 Live Socialism. Then the whole audience tremendous sun the police stood hast for a in hunds and bats into the air. The noise WAS tinie dot know what to do. licuring Banzai within the crowd outside jolued in 1t and to Indeed a victorious moment and felt that my DOKY deinonstration lasted fully an hour. It wAS time to coine out into the opin bad cone!
on the tenth of December 1920 they met to celebrate the founding of the party. The meotsuppressed which seems to have driven the movement underground. Or the work will be slow but the members will come in in spite of all. Thus the illegal party will FTOW steadily as the oppression becomes soverer and stricter than ever. lt 18 Rlready ported that the Tokio Government has in.
police force from the gendarmes are enormously Jpercased in number Bo that erate with the police beyond their regular duty of policin soldiers and ferreting out BuspiciOuschlians. But our conrades are not idle been organizing secretly. As they are not accostumed to underground work 14 entirely conceal the Teos of their meetings and meeting places. The frst meeting was beld at a swell club in Tokio and the third meeting at the university society where only graduates or friends of graduates are permitted to enter Evidently many university graduates are parts cipants of the secret meetings. This sbows that our comrades now are developing many sides to the movement. It is reported that among those who met at the above named society there were seventeen Japanese comrades, four Koreans, three Chinese and one from Formosa, altogether eleven foreigners. Most of the Koreans are extremists. The police have given out a rumor that the fourth meeting will be held at an creased the city 9370. Besides they can CO OP unknown place and that be among those to movcincnt of all countries into the straight.
Promeut will be Indiana nowell ODO of the jacket of the Rusnin formula of the class lans. kinonded by the police, is the formen trux::lo round in principle and unwork.
Hon of an Asiatic Socinust Federation with able in practice. It tends to disrupt the more.
headquarters other in Chipn or Fiberin, where inent rather than unify it, to paralyze its actions freedom of beech and axembly are tolerated.
rather than to stimulate Wo (annot mention names in order not to Ondank the work of world wide propaganda. Unwound in pratice! Since when did Marz.
But ther are many coinrades entirely unsunpoc. m expressing the principle that he Slate tan fe nothing clse than the revolu. onary dic.
und who are carrying on the work of organizing intorship of tbo proletariat. since when did it the Japanesc proletarial and the Cons in uplet Party.
become unsound in principle. It is unsound in An editor of the Oriental Economiat wrote principle of your bourgeois servitudo!
me from Kamakura, nuar Tokio, on November Unworkablo in practice! Oh, Marx, to 16th, on present day conditions in Japan. The world situation is what depths your student has descended!
such that there must come a fundainental reconstruction. It is Not only does revolutionary Marxism tend the only way to make the world worthwhile to to disrupt your counter revolutionary movo.
work and live in. Japan tools at an impasse on mont but it has disrupted it already. Wbat is all alder, political, economic, social and religie left is a group of opportunists, renegades, countOUB etc. feeling of intense anxiety for the er revolutionists and conscious agent provocat.
future is evident in all circles high and low in every spbere of society. Only the lack of power Not only does revolutionary Marxism, prevents the new ideas from cutting through this impasse. But this is only temporary. The expressed by the Corom. Intern. tend to paral.
world wide revolutionary Waves dashed and are yze your probourgeois actions, but it has already done so.
daxhing upon Japan. There is a popular auffrage movement but the popular sentiment of the Instead of your distrupted, paralyzed movemasses goes beyond that movement and 18 de ment there is a bighly centralized, unifod, or.
ginning to demand more radical solution ginic movement in the the Comm. Party than universal suffrage 11 the full classes of America, which has unfurled the banner of should realize the gravity of the situation and the 3rd International, the living banner of grunt universal suffrage the present unsatis. Marxism factory condition may be prolonged for a little time: but judging from the reactionary policies Again the Moscow International of the Japanese Government we think that the Yea, Mr. Renegade, again and again unti future of Japan will never be peaceful again.
the workers of America with their millstone The above is a private communication but inass action, will have converted you, your It was written in a country where sealed letters friends and bourgeois master into meaningless and communication between individuals are subdust, and by means of its iron broom the dic.
ject to the prying eyes of the authorities. We tatorship of the proletariat has swept your can read between the lines and understand that whole sang into the same dust hole, us did Japan of the present is tipe for the social reour Russlan comrades the Bolsherild volution, eurs, They have seems that could not a traduntes Again The Moscow International FOURTH STATEMENT ON UNITY PROCEED INGS.
Under the above title appeared two articles his counter revolutionary conception by quot.
in the Nov, 15 16 issues of the Call.(Continued trogo page 6)
ing Marx when he said in 1872: organ of the Socialist (read Mepshevik) Party of America. The article in question were written But we do not seert used, and that their proofs are elther talu that the way to by (Nepshevik) Hillquit reach the goal is the same everywhere or beside the point.
That our statement purports to show that That 1111quit is opposed to, among other We know that the institutions, the man.
only 3018 pald dues in July. is not true; our things is the imposition by the Comm. Inter nors and customs of the various countries must statement plainly shows that in fact this Agure pational upon the Socialist movement of the be considered, and we do not deny that there represents the number of dues recelved by our whole world the specific formula o! the Russian are countries like England and America, and, 11 National Office in July, 1835 dues reached the Revolution the struggle for the dictatorship of understood your arrangements better, might. o. in August, and not 3867 as stated by the the proletariat!
even add. Holland, where the worker may obtain 8240 old rate dues reached 0, in hls object by peaceful means. But not in all tober, and not 9373. The total number of Instead of coming out openly with the state countries 18 this the case.
dues reaching in October 16 9659, and nient that he is opposed to the dictatorship of 90 percent of them vere paid by the branches the prolitariat thus completely abjuring MarxAre conditions in America, Jr. Hiquit, in in September, that is before the decision of the sm ostead of it, he is opposed to the same this year 1920 the same as those spoken of by (om. Intern. on uity was received in this thing, which he calls the specifc formula of Marx in 1873? They are not. Rigbt you are! country.
the Russian Revolution, But it conditions now are not the same as they The July, Aug. Sept. and Oct, average for have been then, why do keep on chewing the the whole Lith. subdistrict not only one There lies. wrote Marx in 1875 in a pri cud of the 1872 materialistic concept of history? Branch) 1B 314. and, not 358 as stated by the vate letter. there lies between the capitalist You are doing it for the reason that it and for the subdistrict It is 306 2nd conimunist a society period of revolutionserves your bourgeois legalistic notions of 1920!
not 330. This shows how much credence cao ary transformation of one into the other. This Duriod has a corresponding political period of In doing it you have renounced Marxism, sever be given to the statement, which they ed your relations with the workers and gone consider proof without any further evidence, transition, during which the State can be DOthing else than the rerolutionary dictatorship over to the camp of the bourgeoisie. gossip mongers have been going of the proletariat.
around in saying that our statement 10 This renegade, Hillquit; this betrayer of the claiming there 250 Russian members, while our Observe the continuity of the same idea, workers; this uecator of revolution is brazen averace is only 75. The letter says expressed by Lenin: The White Guard of the enough to say that the Socialists in every that we are claiming 450 Ukr. members in bourgeois cannibals is indescribable. The viccountry are the best judges of the conditions While our average is only 387 for the whole ms of the working class are uncountable. Its and requirements of the class struggle in their district; the 128 Russ. in shows on our best Liebknecht and Luxemburg it has lost.
statement as only 305; the 149 Lith. in a only 75 for the whole subdistrict etc.
The proletariat must supress this all Imagine, if you can, Hillquit who bald corts! The Communist International calls the during the Albany trial: The mass action we If the committee does not stog whole world proletariat to this ight of weapons have in view is the local organized action of chort of falsifying the figures taken from our large onddes of the community The Socialist apalnet weapons! Might against might!
siatements, which we can check up plafoly and Indieputably, truthu Party of the bas always consistently you can imagine how ther stateinents of our actual membership Don with the imperialist course of cap rejected the idea of a general strike for politic.
must be El purposes. It the Moskow Intern. means the foundation of modern intern. organization Further proof, conclusive and indisputable. Success to the International Repnblic of of Socialism, but with no greater powers than that our statement was correct, is now furnished Prol tarlan Councils.
the old International porressed imagine if you by the actual present membership ngures re can this scoundrel as being one of the best vrsented in the recent district conventions of Hlllquit the Martiet no doubt will object fudges of conditions and requirements of the our Party. Taking into consideration the fact to thrin Marxian statemente, for he objerts to class struggle in the at within the last two months or HO Dumber ke tatmint expressed by the Exe. Comm.
of our conrndes have left for Russia, thoso of the Comm, Intern. which he quotes and Picture to yourself, 11 you Berger, figures absolutely substantiate the figures of which reads na follows: who openly repudiated Marxis n, as being an.
or statement for July, August, September and other one of the best judges of conditions and October. Armed insurrection, the conquent ct power.
the establishment of requirements of the class struggle in the US.
milltary dictatorship.
With this fact firmly established, the comthe organization o: Sortet kofernment these munications that passed between the two parties Think of it, If you will, a third one of tho art the only iueans through which the prolet.
Porth And back sime our last statement of arlat can change the present fltuation in ubest judges of conditions and requirements of December 16, will plainly show that the rope and in the whole world!
the class struggle in the to be the bour. WAX under false pretext defying the do.
los darling Stedman, who said in open court cisions of the Com, Intern, and that the communiste. they Instead of the above revolutionary Merxlan with reference to some was invirting upon compliance with them, noi atement. will quit writer: IL 1x quite concely.
advocate the use of direct or mass Btion, as mere on formal grounds. but because they (to the house on hunky winouit that the the primary or principal means of securing a were of the utmost importance for the future Recialist THvolution mny R8 Um dillerent politic. change of deatroying the Capitalist rystein and interest of the Communist Movement toms in the aiment countries, not exclud. the present form of government of the Americe Inz wymn that of simple majority rule of the they still advocate the use of sald dirert or axs action. they are known AB members of For the present the has frustrated work Ink Can Punctioning in a political demo zary through the medium of kome modified the Comm. Party, which bas committed 1tboll All stops to unity: but they will not be able forms of parliamentary regime.
to the following program: Cummunism does not to defy the Coin Intern. Indefinitely. havo deinite Informntion that further Instructions propose to capturo the bourgcole parlimentary from the Com. Intern, will be received in the What arrant nonaenke! What.
state, but to conquer and destroy it. As long tour grols Xorvitude to Rubattuta tho Marzion completo Dy tho bourgeois state preval)the capitallat nour future, and we are sure that the Then that during the transitional period the cinas con baffle the will of the proletariat, Plate can be nothing else than the revolutionary will have to change its falso position, and will hayo to agree to a joint unity convention on the 1! this is Marxism, what is bourgeois funky.
birls of proportional representation, for a few Knutkinn frn in about Infority dictatorship of the proletariat to mub tituto It 1xm! this is allem, what are the actions complete statement in doing prepared male functioning in some form of a political of a conscious bourgeois provocateur!
containins all the letters and documento OR to. of rencando 11uity, which will be hont out to the mombon hir, in circular form. Editor)
The Armoricar bag My atteinpt to prove Julgust: Out the attempt to furco the sociales Itallam!
democracy. etc.