AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCommunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

BLT, CMMONIST Japan in Relation to the World Revolution conmited unof courso the foremont. Clans to como under the influence of Bolshevik propaganda to tho working class. Until very recently the Japanese workers were unorganized and no altempt had By been made to orgnize thein The Japanese Janna and America are the only countring of the Russian Soviet Government as a neu workers had very little experience in the labor where the Communist movements are Megal movement since 1901 because of the exception tral nute. This situntion coinpelled the Japan.
laws, Even strikes were seldom undertaken by and driven underground. Both countries are withdraw In utter diagracound One Army to failure nud bns left a very deep Impression equally reactionary and under the dictatorship the workers. But our Japanese worken bayo of the capitalist class; with this difference co the Japanese people. The Japanese are los. been rapidly awakening in the last few year in their faith in militaris not much be In the grent rice rlots of 1918 the Japanese however: In Japan tbe capitalists Are weaker than the militarists while in America it just crary the army failed in Siberin but becaUSO MASSC began to feel their own power. Since the army undertook suth dishonorable UX then labor strikes have been increasod in num.
the reverse. It is not necessary to carry the pedition.
ber and more and more workers are being IDcomparison further. After all, both are in the There is another fact that will soon make volved in the strike movements. number of firm krasp of capitalism.
it self felt on the military classes of Japan, CARCA of sabotage have developed also with iD. resent day Japan has been undergolug changes both because of internal and external pressure namely, the activities of the Siberian Revolu.
variable succes. These are generul phenomena tionary Committee. The chairman of the com.
of the Japanese labor world to. day. At present The chance are very remarkable because lately inittee is Mr. Smirnort: ainong the others on We have many Inbor unlons inost of tbem or.
Japan has become notorious the Prussia of the Far East. But it is not the pre war sort of the cominittee are, Cadorowitch, Showan, Sokocanized within the past year or two. These are Pruksianism. It is rather of the decadent type, rom. Yourin, Irnikayatsky. Kosare, etc. Their Estimated to comprise over one hundred thous in the last stages, and is fast crumbling to resolution, published under the above cigdaand members. The labor unions aro at present piecis Ar is well known Japan Intervention ture in the Moscow Izvestia on Suptember organized into two separate federations, one 190. 1920 consists of nine articles. It reads AS with its headquarters at Tokio and the other in Siberia falled utterly, costing over threefollows: 1) This committee is the highest organ at Oxaka; but it is expected that very BOOn 21 quarters of a billion yen, killing and wounding that then labor in numgovernment in strikes have increased something over ten thousand Japanese soldiers represents the central Siberia. 2) It governs over the peoples of the one national fede on. This convention will be and besids gained for hersell an unenviable diferent races residing in Siberia and tontrols held at Tokio next January. Already commitreputation and hatred among the Russians and DOD Russian speaking populations. Japan Inter. the adminstrative, economic and all other govtees to take up the question have been appointernmental business 4) It is responsible for cd by the principal unions of Tokio and vicinity.
vention in Siberia, fortunately, gave the Chinese the of supreme opportunity to 88sert and Koreans ecution As to the dominating spirit of these labor all de cres issued by the AI Russian Central Committee unions we cannot draw any positive conclusions thearselves and to seek tho friendship of their National Defense and Workers Committee and at present. We can however, give some pints real friend and neighbor Soviet Russia For the first time in Its history the army each departinent of the central government.
to show the spirit and tendencies. We will 5) It is the duty of this cominittee to report tako one example, the Yu Al Kal is the largest discipline and moralo broke down in the Japan.
to the central government on its rules and reunion in Japan. It has the largest membership ese army. even among the higher officers. For instance, General Oi, the cominander in chief in solutions, while all the officials of Siberia are with forty branches. This union beld Its annual bavo under the obligation to submit to the rules and conference few months ago at which many Siberia, was reported in the press to tlatly refused to withdraw the army from Siberia, regulation of this committee.
progressive measures were voted upon and pas.
The above resolution shows that the sed. One that was not passed but had a strong Japanese licutenant at Harbin neutral zone government in Siberia 18 control.
minority vote was to do away with parliament suicide in the barracks with a ter house girl led by the Revolutionary Committee which is arism and to adopt direct and mass action inin his arms. For a lieutenant to live with prostitute in the barracks recals the utter lack responsible to the Russian Soviets at Moscow.
stead This step was advocated by the Toklo of discipline in the Japanese army. We know Another important factor 18 the Russo.
groups which are supposed to be very radical of only one similar instance that of the French Chinese negotiations for peace. In September of Two or more directors of the Yu Al Kai are thorough going Bolsheviki in ideas and General Macmahon during the war in 1870, who this year military and diplomatic committee officially aro advocating Bolshevism 28 headed by a Chinese General arrived in MOSCOW tho Is reported to have kept a woman in his head.
to negotiate for peace. On September 27th ultimate solution of the labor problem.
foreign Minister Chicherin of the Soviet Govern.
Here 18 another instance that will go to Japan however, was compelled to withdraw ment delivered a memorandum to the Chinese show the wpirit of tbe Japanese worker. On Its Siberian expeditionary troops. General of Committee to be transmitted to the foreign July 17th, 1920, the Western workers (includ.
was compelled to do so by the Minister of the minister of the Pekin Government the contents ing Osaka and the territory West of Nagoya Treasury who informed Gencral oi that no of which are already known to the world. While and the entire western part of Japan) held a more money was forthcoming for the Siberian the Chinese General and the committee were in special meeting at which the problems of the expedition Moscow negotiuting for a democratic peace beuneinployed were discussed. The meeting was The inost discouraging to cin. author.
tween China and Suviet Russle, Mr Yourin, called by the Osaka Federated Unions, hero Ities, but equally encouraging to the people of one of the members of the Siberian Revolutionwere about 1, 600 present. manifesto and reJapan, lies in the fact that a disproportionately nry Comin! itce was negotiating for a commercial solution was passed unanimously at this meetlarge number of ofliciers were killed in Siberia.
treaty at Pekin with the head of the Chinese ing from which the following extract is taken This news has just been revealed. This meaus mninister of foreign affairs. The progress of and speaks for itself: eitber, that the officers were unsuccessful in Look at the unemployed workers standing these negotiations was bampered by the Amerimaking the soldiers their bodyguard or that can Ambassodor, Mr. Crane. The matter seerned on the street as cheerless 43 dog in the they were actually murdered by soldiers. The house of death! Civilization and modern machin.
10 be at an end in Pekin. However, we read a latter assumption is very likely. Petty mutinies Sha:gal despatch dated Bovenber 8th, wder ery cannot rescue them. Has Capital and the have been reported from time to time against the title Great Bolshevik Propaganda Begun State no power? Why inust tens of millions of the officers Details however are lacking. But to Make Entire China Red. which reveals that unemployed hunger in vain on the streets? Be.
the army authorities very carelessly. have made the mission of Mr. Yourin was not purely com.
of the crisis and bankruptcy brought public lhe true report of the actual casulties inercial negotiations representing the Far East.
about by the capitalist class innocent workers among officers which shows something was ern Republic, but also for Bolshevik propaganda.
are doomed to a violent death! When they radically wrong in the relations between oficers It seems that conference took place in Pekin at strike the power and might of the Government and soldiers. Many Japanese soldiers tame under which was discussed the question of how to arrests them. There is no protective legislation the innuence of the Bolsheviki. Bolshevik promake China a Bolshevik country. Mr Yourin, for them Even the right to organize is denied paganda and literature have been discovered was of course, the central figure in the conthem. They all weep and suffer like prisoner time and ugain right in the ariny barracks ference which lasted ten days. Further, the in jail.
through out Japan. Incidents such as these redespatch says that Mr. Yourin would supervibe The unemployed curse as they lie down veal the true condition of Japanese militarism. and coordinate all the propaganda cominittees on the streets: Unless we destroy capitalism Morcover there is one important factor scattered all over Cuida; bitherto these comwe cannot conquer the anarchistic condition of that has been exerting pressure upon Japan inittes were not properly organized. Thue they the industrial world. We are hungry for bread.
from the outside the awakening of the Chinese. will conduct a systematic and effective prorescue 11s! Give us the right to organize!
The Chinse have been undergoing development maganda in the future. At the conference were XO! We will rise up and demand it, nay, much more rapidly than the Japanese of fifty prosent five Bolsheviks from Shangal, wbo have take It ourselves. Then we shall find a way to years ago. Since the Japan Chinese War of since returned and begun campaign of in.
save ourselves from our present misfortunes.
1894. 1895 the Chinese have made marked tensive propaganda. They now publish three We must emancipate ourselves from the trap advance and they have overthrown the Imperial Governinent in Pekin in 1910, and deposed the magazines Light. Sun and Labor. All three cf capitalisin! We know way ourselves. Thereare issued in Chinese and Korean languages.
fore, we the producers, are alming at the do Eruperor establishing the Chinese Republic in They preach Communism The editors are Sun struction of capitalism, the root cause of on.
its place. At present China is in a very un. Yet Sen, Sun Kol and Co Hal Hu. Mr. Bopof employment and the crisis which results from settled condition for she has had a second is now in Shangai ay the director of the movesurplus production. We shall make Teal 10.
and a third revolution. The latter is still in pro ment. Magaryof is also there helping to conduct ciety. We await eagerly the dawn of the Labor cers of struggle between the North and South the propaganda; the latter is the same one who Movement of the World!
of China; although the Power support the conducted Bolshevik propaganda at Yokoban: Such bold utterances would never bo tolerk Pekin Government, China of the North, yet the last year and was ordered. to leave the city ted by the rigid police rule of the authorities Pekin Government cannot as yet unify the within five days.
were the Ruthorities not aware that they were country. The division of China into North and Another despatch given out by the Japanese unable to restrain the audience from mobbing South is purely political and no new divisions Government give some further details us to thein 11 they dared censor the meeting. The are taking place; the division is between car. Bolshevik propaganda in China. This despatch authorities even feared to suppress the public Italism and Socialism: the former is supported claims that sometime in October Moscow sent ation of the manifesto printed in the Nippon by the allied Powers politically by giving her out the Eighth Propaganda Train with 260 Bol.
Kodo Shimbun, a radical labor paper edited by a frat in the Council in the league of Nations shevik propagandists to the Far East. Among Comrade Srahatta and financially by the formation of the Chinese this party art Consorium; the latter 18 primarily supported two prominent members of the It was planned to organize Socialist Party Soviet Governinent. The centre of this pro.
And the well known comrades of Tokio and by the Moscow Government.
paganda 18 aimed at Shangal. Propaganda will Owaka held public meetings to discuss the matter The unification of Siberia under the rule ainn be sent in Japan through underground chan.
openly. This was done to see what the attitudo of the Far Eastern Republic was complete with nels, utilizing three Bolshevik propagandists of the authorities was as well to discover the the fall of Chita and the defeat of the last revixed at Holland for Japan Bentiment of the public. As soon as It WLS action Russlan General Semenoff in the lat. There are two secret organizations in ShanAnnounced in the press many applied for mem1er part of Otober. Tho manifesto of the New Ral; one consists of peasants and workers while hership in the new party; the applications came Far Eastern Republic was sent to the Vladivo. the other is made up of those returned from from all over the country and the majority nok Government in the early part of Noveinber Europe and America. Both of these organizations of them from the working clays. The printed and the ministry was formed, as quoted in the stre under the influence of the Bolshevikl through prospectus signed by some Arty prominent Vladivostok dikpatch to Ovako dalmich on the able leadership of Mr. Ching. The despatch comrndes WAR suppressed. Therefore it had to Novemier 23rd, 1920, Krasnokchokov 15 the also claims thnt several Korcuns are be distributed secretly: but the work of pro.
minister of foreixn affairs. This man is the lend.
inovement who are staunch Conimunists. This membership applications numbered nearly three in this liminary organization went on una ated and the ft of the newly furined governinent. Out of despatch kate also that of the four hundred thirteen ministers of the Governinent keyin aro thousand workers in Shangal about 80 percent thousand and the organization meeting wor Comunistk; one is Mepshevik, one froin tho are already members of the two fore montioned well attendedThe Chairman of the Kobe moet: Dpamant group, one representative from the work parties. Il reports that in one province whero ing wrote me as follows: Since donounced trs and three non partisans, This government Monunimedan Concral is leading the Bolsheviki the authorities at the Kobe moetink am no Constituted really means Comunikt kov.
th. onkitution of Soviet Rurala has been transJonger sale. Meetings foment. It is not yet Bolshevik kovernment were great SUCCO. At luted into Chinese and widely distributed Onaka about 4000 tickets were mold; at Tokio Although the inajurity of the ministers are Bol.
when und the present government is necesThese despatches and news items are printed about 1h00 and Kobe 2000. At Kobo prouided.
Harily dominated by Communikt principles. We In the Japanese daily papers and are having. Ball was too small for the most inint not forget howrver, the fact that this tremendous effect on the man, while it mums Ink. About 1000 who could not ruin admission kovernment was created by the repress wisbos to the throwing the kuthorities Into panic and surrounded the building all night and dispersed consternation, only after the wholo police force was mobilised, One thing ospecially imprewed me was when cause