BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanySocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

nn CONXUN, to the control de large where to the normalization, as well as retaining their indi sciousness of the workers themselvesent the Unemployed.
Fourth Statement on Unity Proceedings.
and foto members of the Sovicus tanaglog there THE OXE BIG UNION OF SCHLESIN would be for the unemployed to declare funk GER AND HILLMAN.
rent moratoríunn that is refuse to pay rent.
The preservation of Inrse lendholdings serves (Continued from page 2)
The capitalist press may howl its head best the interests of the revolutionary elements of the propulation, samcig, tbe ladies agri. perpetrated upon the rank and file. Schlesin off, the landlords tray shriek their lungs cultural workers and shian semi proletarian her and lillman simply passed through the crit, and the sheriffs naay threaten to evict iudholdene, wbo get their liselihood mainly by working on the large utions of creating one big union, while the workers and their families, but they Culates Besides, the patiobalization of large anaboldings makes tbr in reality they have left everything intact cannot extract blood from stone. The rent as it was before. The organization they mratorium will nevertheless persist and be.
urban pupulation, at least in part, less dependent on the peasantry for their food.
created is as much a fraud and just as Come and lished ct In those places, bowever, wbere felics of mpotent as the Triple Alliance in England. Such revolutionary tactics will in some the feudal system still prevall, where rido.
Jach of the organizations retain their auto measure, solve the problem of shelter; it and the system of giving hall of the products and their of will also awaken the solidarity and classthe soil belongs to the large estaes the landlord privileges give rise to special fornis of Sidual treasuries and their individual powers. will give them new courage and new determexpioitation, The only thing that they have succeeded in ination and open up new vistas of struggle is countries wbere larce landholdings are creating is another link in the chain which which will inevitably lead them finally to the fasigui caut Dumber, while a great number of all tepents are fu search of land, the keeps the rank and file in the needle in proletarian dictatorship and the Soviet form distribution of the lar e holdings can prove dustry captive in the net of the present of Government.
sure trans of winning the pearautry for the trade union bureaucracy, and will make it But the problem of food is still open revolution, while the preservation of the large ever so much harder to oust hem. In other What should the unemployed do to procure estates can be of bo value for the provisioning fnod? Why simply seize the warehouses and of the towns. The brst end most important words. Schlesinger and lillman have creatLasko! the proletarian state to secure ed a Onc Big Union for Schlesinger and the stores of food, establish public kitchens, lasting victory. The proletariat must put up Hillman, a new instrument for enslaving and feed all the uneinployed three times a with a tenporary decline of production so long and holding down the masses in the needle day. This work could be organized through as it makes for the success of the revolution.
the trade unions and co operatives and other Only by persuading the middle peasantry to workers organizations.
support of a large part, not the whole of the Some Practical Measures for We have attempted to outline a few small peasantry, can the lasting maintenance simple measures which will immediately solve of the proletarian power be secured.
the problem of food and shelter for the unAt any rate, where the land of the large owners is being distributed, the interests of With amazing rapidity the wave of un employed. The instinct of self preservation is the agricultural proletariat must be of primary employment mounts higher and higher. Hun strong just as strong in human beings as in consideration other forms of animal life and the unemplodreds of factories are laying off their men The implements of large estates must be for the Christmas holidays and many of ed are human aiter all. If the capitalists or converted into state property absolutely intact.
but on the unfalling conditions of its disposal them for two or three weeks after the holi the governinent attempts to interfere with to the stall peasants gratis, subject to con.
days. At the same time many employers anthese legitimate efforts of the unemployed to ditions worked out by the proletarian state.
nounce Wage reductions from fifteen to find food and shelter. so much the worse for. Just at first, alter the proletarian. com twenty five percent to take effect immediatethe capitalists, and the government. etat, the immediate. confiscation of the big There is no desperation greater than that estates becoines alsolutely necessary, and, more. ly or the shops will close down.
orer, also the tanishment or interdinent of all Possibly between two and three millions of the starving man or woman. Besides Soviet landowners as leaders of the counter revolution, are already out of work through out the Russia stands before the workers of America and relentless opresors of the whole rural country. This is not the peak however. The as a shining example of what the lowly and population, the proletarian state, in proportion to its consolidation not only in the tous but peak of unemployment will be reached perhaps exploited workers can do once they make up their minds to it in the country as well, nust systematically by the middle of the winter when the total strive to take advantage of all the forces of this of unemployed will double the present figure.
class, of all those who possess valuabie exWhat will happen then is more or less perience, learning, organizing talent, and must problematical. That depends upon a number Use (under special control of the most rellable Communist workers) to organize large of factors which cannot be ascertained beagı iculture on Socialist principles.
forehand. But one thing will happen. The The victory of Socialism over capitalism, unemployed and their families will suffer January 5, 1921.
the consolidation of Socialism, wil! definitely from cold, hunger and lack of shelter.
established at the time that the proletarian Prices, whether they be low or high will TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF of statt poker, after baving fully subdued all re.
Dear Comrada: sistance of tbe exploiters and secured for itsell have no meaning for them. They will be complete and absolute submission, will Teorgan. unable to purchase anything at all, when The time limit set by the Com. Intern. for ize the whole industry on the base of wholesale their little savings are exhausted. What will the final accomplishment of unity is passed, but collective production and a new technical basis the unemployed do then?
unity is not accomplished. founded on the electrification of agriculture. The responsibility for this les entirely upon This alone afford possibility of such The example of their English comrades the C.
radical help in the techukal and the social seizing public buildings and making them They have refused and they still refuse to Eense, accorded by the town to the backward their living quarters will certainly be duplicaabide by the decisions of the Com. Intern providand disperse country, that this help will create ted by the homeless workers here. Sheiter ing for a joint unity convention on the basis of the material base for an enorinous increase in proportional representation.
the productivity of agricultural and general is the first instinct of all human beings and They have insisted and they still falsely farming work, and will induce the small farmers no laws or threats on the part of the govern insiet that our statement of dues paying memby force of example and for their own beneat ment will be able to hinder this inocinent.
bership for July, Aug. Sept, and Oct. showing to change to large, collective machine agriculture Another nesure or immediate relief an average of 7552. is fraudulent, and that their Most particularly in the rural districts real menbership, shown on their statement as 4611, DOB:bility of successful strug le for Socialism is greater than ours requires, in the first place, that all Coinmunist likes ise to be carried on among the small They have proposed a joint unity convention parties inculcate in the industrial proletariat the peasants.
on the basis of equal representation, saying that necessity of sacrifice on its part, and readiness The Congress of the Communist International for unitz sake they were willing to make the to sacrifice Itsell for the overthrow of the denounces as traitors those Socialists unfor. concession. and they have tried to disregard bourgeoisie, and that the consolidation of the tunately there are such not only in the yellow the of the Communist Party, to have prol tariat be based on the proletariat know.
Second International, but also among the three us call our convention together separately too, 10 box to organize and lead the working most important European parties, which have so the two conventions could negotiate. and to and exploited masses, and on the vanguard left the Second International who are not only have us send out to our delegates individually being ready for the greatest sacrifices and heroIndiferent toward the strike struggle in the a false and insolent statement of thein.
1son. In the second place, possibility of success rural districts, but oppose it (as does Kautsky) Our answer to all these maneuvres end requires that the laboring and most exploited on the ground that it might cause falling on stratagems was always the same: We insist makses in the country experience immediate of the production of foodstuffs, Xo programmes upon compliance with the mandates of the Comand great improvement in their position caused and no solemn declarations have any value 11 munist International providing for unity through by the victory of the proletariat and by the the fact is not in evidence, testified to by a joint unity convention on the basis of propor defeat of the exploiters. Unless this is done, actual deeds, that the Communists and labor tional representation determined by the dues the industrial proletariat cannot depend on the leaders KOON how to put the developinent of paving membership for July, August, September support or the rural districts, and cannot secure the proletarian revolution and its victory above and October, according to the offitial books of the provisioning of thein with foodstuffs.
everything else and are ready to make the both parties. We demand that the The enormous ditculty of organization litinost sacrifkcs for the sake of this victory. comply with these mandates.
tinless this is fact, there is no escape, DO and education for e revolutionary struugle of We submitted to the for examIDL the agrarian laboring mass placed by capital.
barrier against starvation, dissolution, and new tion all our books and statements; we wrote Jinperialistic wars Jem in a condition of particular oppression, dislong letters and verbally proved to their Unity Dersion, and often. mcdiaeval depence require The Communist parties must make all efforts Conmittce in detail that our figures were correct, from the. oinmunist parties special care for the possible to start as soon as possible setting up that their analysis of them was absurd, and strike movement in the rural districts. It reof Soviets in the country, and these Soviets that their investigation on the ground was a quires inforced support and wile developincnt must be cblefly composed of hired la buren and shain and a fraud Still, in the face of all this, of mass tries of the agrarian proletarians and xemi proletarians. Only in connection with the as a last resort, as the only excuse for evading semi proletarians. The experience of the Kusainn mass strike struggle of the most oppressed class compliance with the decisions of the Comm.
revolutions of 1905 will the Soviets be able to serve fully their ends, Intern. for refusing to let the rightful majority and 1917, con rinod and enlarged now by the experience Germany and and become sufficiently Orm to doininate (aud of the Communist Movement in America fully to other advanced countries, shows that only the further on to include in their ranks) the small determine and rontrol the future of the united development of mana etrike peasants. But if the 3trike struggle is not yet strusale party, the repeat again and again the (under ceria conditions the ball pearauts are also dereloped, and the ability to organize tho lle that the statement is fraudulent, to be drawn into thehe strikes) will shake the ugrarign proletariat 18 weak because of tho In their letter of the 18th of Dec. they pro Inactivity of the country population, arute in stronk oppresxion by the landowners and tho tend to list proofs of their assertions.
then u class consciousness of the nece olty of landid peaxants, and also because of the want Since it will rury apparent that the Agores class organization in the exploited maken in the of support from the industrial workers and their and alleged proofs of discrepancies in our mem.
country, and now them the obvious practical union, the organization of the Soviets in the bership statement were presented merely as Like of their joining the town workers rural districts will require Jonk preparation by formality and an excuse, our ad not thix tandpoint the promotion of nions Proin 1s of creating Þinall Communist centers deem it becoKATY to tuke them up in the answes of Agricultural Workers, the co operntion of Comof intensive propaganda, expounding in. most to the UC.
munity in the country, and forest workers organpopular for the deinands of the Communists, To our comrades, however, we want to ton Ilutions formed by the exploited ugricultural hid 11trating the TeaOlls of these demands Viry briefly that the figures in the population lonely connected with tlo rovolutionby Apecially convinCID cures of exploitation, letter ATO Jurgi! Again, inincalculated and me ary lubur Uvenient. and pressure by Wybleuatic oxcursions of IDVIKuroux akiuution is dustrial workers into the country, olo. Continuod On Duo 7)