BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietViolenceWorking Class

Thesis On The Agrarian Question. FOUR TILE OMMUNIBT The landod Dornants or farmers (Gron.
bauern) are capitallets in agriculture, manarbirod ing their innds usually with several Sulon. They Aro connected with the peas.
standard of ADOPTED at the SECOND WORLD CONGRESS of the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL antry only by their rather low culture, their way of living, the personal met No one but the city Industrial proletariat by proni. hunting and hnbits of proprietorship.
url work of their land. This is the most numer led by the Communist Party, can bave tho Indor And yet, provided there a content prolot.
arian policy aud OUR clemout of the bourgeois Class, and the the Victorious proletariat ing magre in the country from the pressure of delded enemy of the revolutionary proletariat.
tapital and landlordim. from dissolution and deals roentlersly with the owners of the large The chief attention of the Communist Party from imperialistic wars, exo inevitable as long ENTRIEB And thi lunded peasupin the heyits.
in the rural districts must be given to the tons of the class question will not be con.
as the capitalist reglunr cudurer. There is DO struggle againrt tbis element to the liberation der ble, und cannot change the fart that on salvation for the peaments except to join the of the Inboring and exploited majority of the the whole this class will wide with the prolet Coinmunist proletariat, to support with heart rural populution from the moral and political Rod wal its revolutionary struggle to throw or urian revolution.
influence of these exploiters the yoke of the landlords and the bourgeoisie. All the three groups taken together After the victory of the proletariat in the On the other hand, the industrial workers constitute the majority of the nururian popula. towns, this class will inevitably oppose It by will be unable to carry out their universal histion in all capitalist countries. This puurantes all ineans, froni sabotage to open armed counter toric mission, and to dorate humanity from the in full the success of the proletarian revolution revolutionary resisuince. The revolutionary pro.
bondare of capital and war, they shut them.
not only in the towns but in the country AA letariat must, therefore, immediately begin to selves within their reparate guilds, their partOW Wol. The opposite view 18 very widely spread prepare the necessary force for the disarmtrade, interests, and restrict themselves bell. suf.
but it persists only because of a systematic ment of every single man of this class, and chently to a desire for the improvement of their deception on the part of bourgeois science and together with the overthrow of the capitalists wimetimes tolerable bourgeois conditions of life.
statistics. They hur) up by every mornis DY in industry, the proletariat inuet deal relent.
That is what happens in most advance countries mention of the deep chasm which divides the 1068, crushing blow to this class. To that end possessing a labor aristocracy, which forins rural cusses we have indicated, from the ex 1t munt art the rural proletariat and organise the basis of the would be parties of the Second plolters, the landowners and capitalists on the Soviets in the country, with no room for ex.
International, who are, in fact, the worst enemles one hand, from the landed peasants on the ploiters, and preponderant plate must be of Socialism, traitors to it, bourgeois Jingoes, othor It bolds further brcause of the incapacity reserved to the proletarians and the semi pro Agents of the bourgeoisie in the labor move and the failure of the herocs aliated to letarians ment. The proletariat beconies a truly revoluthe yellow Second International and the labor But the expropriation even of the landed tionary class, truly Socialist in its actions, only aristocracy. demoralized by imperialistic pr. peasants can by no means be an immediato by acting as the Vanguard of all tboso who vileges, to do genuine propaganda work among object of the victorious proletariat, considering work and are being exploited, As their leader the poor in the country. All the attention of the lack of material, particularly of technical in the struggle for the overtl. row of the oppressthe opportunists was given and is being given material, and further of the social conditions ors; and this cannot be achieved without carry.
now to the arrangement of theoretical and necessary for the socialization of such lands. In ing the class struggle into the agricultural dispractical agreements with the bourgeoisie, in. sono probably exceNional cases parts of thotr tricts, without making the laboring masses or cluding tbe landed and the middle peasantry cstates will be confiscated 11 they are lenged the country all father around the Communist (see Paragraph concerning these classes) and in small parcels, or if they are specially needed Party of the town proletariat, without the peasnot to the revolutionary overthrow of the by the sinall. peasant population. free 480 ants being educated by the town proletariat.
bourgeo! government and the bourgeois class tuust be also secured to this population. On The la boring and exploited masses in the by the proletariat. In the third place, this view definite terms, of a part of the agricultural country. wbich the town proletariat must lead persists because of the force of inveterate pre machinery of the landed peasants, etc. As on to the fight, or at least win over to its Judice possessing already a great stability general rule, however, the state power must side, are represented in all capitalist countries (and connected with all bourgeois democratic leave the peasants in possession of their land, by the following groups: and parliamentary prejudices. the incupacity confiscating it only in case of resistance to the in the first place, the agricultural prolet to grasp a simple truth fully proved by the government of the laboring and exploited peas ariat, the hired laborers (by the year, by the Marxian theory and confirmed by the practice unts. The experience of the Russian proletarian day, by the job. making their living by wage of the proletarian revolution in Russia. This revolution, whose strurgle against the landed labor in capitalist, agricultural, or industrial truth consists in the fact that the peasant pengants became very complicated and prolonged establishments; the independent organization of population of the threo classes we have inen owing to a number of particular circumstances, this class, separated froin the other groups of tioned above, being extremely oppressed, scat nevertheless shows that this clase bas been at the country population (in a political military, tered, and doomed to live in half civilized con. lust taught what it costs to make the slightest trade, co operative, educational sense. and an ditions in all tountries, even in the most attempt at resistance, and is now quite willing energetic propaganda among it, in order to win advanced, is econoinically, socially, and morally to serve loyally the aims of the proletarian state 11 over to the side of the Soviet power and of interested victory of Socialism; but that It begins even to be penetrated, although very the dictatorship of the proletariat, must be the it will finally support the revolutionary pro Blowly, by a respect for the government which fundamental task of the Communist parties in letariat only after the proletariat has taken protects every worker and deals relentlessly all countries the political power, after it has done away with the idie rich.
In the second place, the semi proletariat with the owners of the large estates and the The specific conditions which complicated or small peasants, those who make their living capitalists, alter the oppressed masses are able partly by workiag for wages in agricultural and and prolonged the struggle of the Russian proto see in practice that they have an organized letariat against thelanded peasantry after the indust lal capitalist (stablishments, partly by leuder and helper suficiently powerful and firm overthrow of the bourgeoisie, consist mainly in toiling on their own or rented parcel of land to support and to guide, to show the right way the fact that after the coup etat of October ylelding but a part of the necessary food pro The middle peasantry, in the economic 25 and November 7, 1917, the Russian revolution duce for their familles; this class of the rural sense, consists of small landowners who pos. traversed population is rather numerous in all capitalist 6C6606, according to the right ownership or stage of general democratic, act.
vally bourgeois democratic, struggle of the peas countries, but 18 existence and its peculiar rent. portions of land. whicb, although small, position are hushed up by the reprezentatives nevertheless Inay: 1) usually yield under capiantry as a whole against the landowners, and of the bourgeois. and the yellow oclalists there were further the low standard of living talist rule not only scanty provision for the and scarcity of affiliated to the Second International. Some of family and the needs of the farining, but also the urban proletariat, and, these people intentionally cheat the workers. finally, the enor nois distances and exceedingly the possibility of accumulating a certain sur.
but others follow bladly the average views of plus, which, at least in the best years, could bad transport conditions. Insofar as these ad.
the public and mir up this special class with verse conditions do not exist in the advanced be trausforined into capital; and 2) Decerbitate the whole mass of the peasantry. Such a the eusplus inent of (for instance, in a counties, the revolutionary proletariat in Europo farnily method of bourgeois deception of the workers and America must prepare with much more of two or three members) wage labor. As a 16 used more particularly in Germany and concrete example of the middle peasantry in energy and karry out a much more rapid and France, and then in America and other countries, complete victory over the resistance of the an advanced capitalist country, we may take Provided that the work of the Communist the situation in Germany, where, according to lauded peasantry, depriving It of all possibility Party is well organized, this group is sure to of resistance This is of the utmost importance, the registration of 1917, there was a group side with the Communiets, the conditions of considering that until a complete, absolute vic tilling farms from five to ten acres, and in are of these ball proletarians being very hard, these farms the number of hired agricultural tory is won, the proletarian state power cannot the advantage the Soviet power and the dicbe regarded as secure and capable of rusletins laborers made up about a third of the wholo tatorship of the proletariat would bring them Its enemies.
nurnber of farms in this group. Jn France, being porious and immediate. In some count. the country of a greater developent of special The revolutionary proletariat must pro ries there 18 DO clear cut distinction between cultures, for instance, the vineyards, requiring ceed to in immediate and unconditional con.
these two KTOUDs; it is, therefore, permissible special treatment and care, the corresponding fiscation of the estates of the landowners and under certain conditions to form them into group en plush wage labor probably in a bomo bis lundlords, that is, of all those who system.
separate organizations what larger proportion.
utically eniploy wage labor, directly or through In the third place, the little proprietors. The revolutionary proletariat can not make their tenants, who exploit all the small (and the all farmers who DOBSss by right of it Its aim, ut least for the Dearest future and their neighborhood, and who do not do any not infrequently also the middle) peasantry in Ownership or on rent small portions of land for the beginning of the period of the prolet.
wbkb satisfy the needs of their family and of arian dictatorship. to win this blasy over to actual manual work. To this element belong the their farruing without requiring any additional majority of the descendants of the feudal lorda Its hide. The proletariat will have to content itwage labor; this part of the population a. sell with neutralizing this clase, e. with (the nobility of Russia, Germany, and Hungary, class gains everytbing by the victory of the making it take a neutral position in the struggle thu restored seigneure of France, the Lords in proletariat, which brings with It: a) liberation England, the foriner blave owners in America. between tho prolcturint and thụ ourgeolgº.
from the payinent of rent or of a part of the The vacillation of this class is unavoidable, and or financial magnates who have become par.
crops (for instance, the matayers in France, in the beginning of the new epoch Its Dit doticularly rich, or a mixture of those two classes the sue arrangements to Italy, etc. to the mating tendency in the advanced capitalist of exploiters and Idlers.
owners of large states; b) abolitios of all countries will be in favor of the bourgeoisie, Yo propaganda can be admitted in the mortgager; c) abolition of many forms of pres. for the ideas and sentiments of private property Communist parties in favor of an indemnity to sure and of dependence on the owners of large are characterixtic of the possCnsors. The victori.
be paid to the owners of large estates for their estates (forests and their use, etc. d) Im ous proletariat will immediately improvo the expropriation. In the present conditions promediate belp from the proletrian state for lot of this class by abolishing the system of valling in Europe and America this would man farm work (Deriotting use by peasants of the rent treason to socialism and the Imposition of and mortgage, by the Introduktion of kgricultural Implements and in part of the build machinery and lectricnl oppluncey into nr.
now tux on the laboring and exploited masses, ings OD the bik capitalist estates expropriated culture. The proletarian stato power cannot at who have already suffered from the war, which by the proletariat, the immediate transforma once abolish private property In most of the han increased tho nuinber of millionaires and tion by the proletarian state power of 211 capitalist countries, but must do away with all las multiplied their wealth.
rural optatives and agriculorul companies In the advanced capitalist duties and levien linposed upon this cines of es under the capitalist rule countries the were chiefly people ly the landlords; It will also socure to Communit International cousidors that 10 spporting the wealthy aud the middle pros. the mall und mide. prasantry the ownership whould be provadliny practice to preserve the antry. futo Institutions prisarily for the sudof their land holding and enlarge them, putting JATRA Kricultural establishments and man sort of the vo prakaatry, that is to say, the tbe pesantu in po swion of the land they them on the lines of the Povlet farmo 10 Drortarias, lub proletariana, small farroers, used to rent (abolit, Russia. In rogurd to the manageinent of the of rento. ste. extatos confecuted by the victorious prolotariat The combination At le rame time the Communist Party Fuch ranures with would thoroughly eware that during the rolentless strukRIA from tho owners of larke landed property the wint the bourgeoislo provallink practice in Nuwalatho Kuruntee the full wu, as of the neutraliza.
dietatore the proletariat, at least womo CAUSO of conomic tion polky. The trans Datutuh are brevitable in this class, to collection Art. the landat property for the benent of the pres.
wekwardnena was the partition of in favor of unrestricted free trade and free culture inunt be mKG with much circum.
pelou sud use of the rhyty of private property. Yor this intry, and in counprotively raro Mtep by stop, und the prolot.
exceptions Wut there a propriation of the wokallod Soviet utan with power inint rowed by the force farm, tunned by the proletarian stato at its cars, rller of communities (withough of wzmople without any violence toward the OD al calo, Deceworlly decorulined iniddi Deumuntry, poinne, und tran forming the former WAKO laborors into workurs vinployed by the state,