BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceImperialismItalyLiberalismOpportunismSocialismSovietWorld War

TURN TH OOM KUNIST The Struggle Over The League of Nations. S principles, blind Communists to the uselves. liberal Socialist or chilly around that body of principles wbicb has gono by the Deme of the Monroe Doctrine Though it is truo resident Mourou mudouchd his famous policy 10 1823, long before the growtb of American Imperialem, It is in effect Dew doctrine applied to modern conditions, tho political circumstances in Europe and America wbic gave rlso to that doctrine baving disappeared. The Monroo Doctrine, revivined by the torch of modern imperialisti 16 en expression of the fact (1) that American Imperial Inn is too late to engage the world tho Oeld. 2) that by geograpbbal position, the Western hemisphere is choice Deld for Americau inperialist conquest. American 1mperialism has bought to retrieve Its loss in Eu.
rope, Africa and Asia by asserting all of the Western hemisphere is the sole and exclusivo monopoly of American capital. The rigbt of the Uni. States to arbitrate the European Aslatio fairs involves to recognition of the right of a League of Nations purporting to represent the whole world to interfere in matters pertaining to the Americans. In passing It is well to note that participation in a League of Nations 15 in itself an abundontent of the original Monroe Doctrine which has as its first condition, nonparticipation of the United States in European ware. American Imperialism at present would rather assert its exclusive dominion over the hole Western half of the world, than surrender one titule of its monopoly for the doubt (ul privilege of entering into the European perialist area No doubt, American capital can enter the League with reservations as to the Monroe Doctrine. To those who worship legal formulas and words, this affords consolation History, bowever, has brutally proven more than once the worthlessness of words, the sterility of pbrases Ainerican lawyers versed in the constitutional history of their country appreciate only too well the cheap value of reservations and interpretations, American imperialism guards its trasure too bighly to be deceived by prospectivo reservations or galistic interpretation.
Our analys. has shown that the League controversy bas for its base, despite the camouflage of ideologic phrases, social economy; this economy. the condicting interests of two groups of the exploiting class. Both sides care fully, though to a large extent, unconsciously conceal their economic interests, behind systems of political philosophy and Ideology. Some of the participants in the controversy interpret It as a conflict beween the ideas of nationalism and internationalism; others, between selfb.
Less and idealism; still others conflict between Americanism and Pro Britishism. To the Alarxist, this is an interesting example of how political systems and prevailing prejudices are Bhoped and boulded in support of eronomic class interests. We should derer cease insistIng on this truth. More than that, we should ever be busy, studying and interpreting history, current as well as past, in the Ught of the great Marian truths We can ray, without fear of successful wns refused to the Senate by WIHOD. and at contradiction, tbut there is very little interest the mine tine that the Governmout asked that taken in the Aght over the League of Nations the terms be not inade public.
in Coinmunist quarters. This is but natural. Our The struggle over the League of Nations is position on the League of Nations WUS adopted essentially a struggle boween two sets o! cap.
Jong ago. It was adopted even before we Leaguo Italists, between two categories of capital, Coveaunt was writtoo. We did not have to see, to wit, LARGE FINANCE CAPITAL and IN.
like the Socialists and the Liberals, whether DUSTRIAL CAPITAL. Large Onance cnpital bas the League of Nations was based upon liberal whetber 11 democratic Fponsored the leaguo from the vory beginning.
or It wanty the League Budis straining for its creation. Industrial capital, on the whole, detests be anything but a league of capitalist states. just. League of capitalist nations can never the League. It wants it destroyed or at least, Such a league may be based on the most liber.
and democratic principles that Its coercive power rendered nl.
cannot the real nature of the The antagonist of large narice. capital and Industrial cupltal lies in the nature of both League, anymore than Communists are blinded classes of capital and their special Auctions in by the sbam. democracy of that capltalist states the World War. The great banks baru by their financial deulinge been bound band and foot Sincere liberals may oppos: this particular to Purope. Their solvency depends upon the League of Nations. They may call for restrva.
solvency of European bourgeois goverumenta, Lion, clarification, amendments, etc. Or thuy Bankers have never been known to lend money may decide for the relection of the whole cover. out of xenerosity. The enorious Bums lounod ant as beins, undemocratic. But between such Communist to France, England, Italy. Checko Slovakia, Opposition Rumania, etc. must be returned and with in.
to the Lengue there is a wide and unbridgeable terest. Default in payment means loss, insolvency gull. They must never be confused. The danger and bankruptcy. The difference in attitude taken of confusion, of course, les far less from the towards Europe by financiers and industrial side of the Communists than of the liberals, tapite. lists is most curiously shown by Etatoespecially, the petty bourgeois Socialists.
The menis of returned travelers. Bankers on their Socialist opposition to the League is hoinc. cooning are, as rule, pessimestic. The variegated kind suited to their opportunism. The hole burden of Europe troubles seems pivoted Communist opposition is crystal clear. The Com.
on their shoulders. They talk of Bolshevism, de manist analysis mercilessly exposes the nature preciation, starvation, imminent bankruptcy In.
of the capitalist state. It explains to the workers dustrinlista, on the other hand, generally mainthat combination of capitalist states can never tain their optimism. They speak of reviving be anything better than its constituent paris trade, Increased business, renewed industrial Our position requires also a criticism of activity though of course with labor troubles.
the liberal and Socialist relations to the The kreat financial capitalists have league. Such criticism 18 at the same time, general interest in the condition of capitalist criticism of liberalism and moderate socialism society as a whole. The conditions in any one in its relation to imperialism.
particular industry or group of Industries are The election controversy has, however, fur. of niuch less Importance to them than the gen.
pished us a new angle of approaca. Superficially eral conditions prevailing in industrial society it seems paradoxical that if the League is what as a whole. The politics of a nation, its domestic we claim for it, an organization of International and foreign policy are of vital concern to them.
brigads, a league of capitalist imperialist states Large finance capital may be compared to the in furtherance of tbeir selfish schemes of world heart of a huge organism. It 18 the heart of domination and exploitatio. that a large section capitalism. Judustry, trade, commerce are the of the bourgeoisie in this country. and the veins and arteries, the channels that carry Caphargest and most class conscious at that should Italism life blood to its heart. Political and be opposed to the League of Nations. Nor 18 social conditions are the organic conditions this section of the bourgeois! o the anti imperial. which aid or retard metabolism going on in 1st clement. The bourgeoisie represented by the the economic organism Republican Party have always been in the fore It is because that American wounce capital front, leading and guiding the imperialist policy has to a great extent been functioning as the in the Phillipines, Cuba, South America, etc.
heart of European capitalist society that it is Even now. writer in the Times, October 60 profoundly and intensely interested in Eu28 warns the Mexicans that Lodge, Knox, ropean affairs. The rebuilding the reconstruction, Hughes aad Fall stand for interventionin Mexicə the solvency of Europe is its prime concern. It. that a Republican victory the polls means has no territorial interests in the Eastern hemiwar with Mexico and the conquest of that count.
sphere of that we shall epeak later. No wonder Ty. less indeed the Mexicans are ready to then that it wants peace in Europe. The longing for peace on the part of our bankers is real sulmit gracefully to the American capitalists and substantial Why theb ure our American imperinliste opposed and not cloudy The to the Imperialist league of Nations?
Times, the mouthpiece of Wall Street bankers urged the Poles to make peace with Soviet It is indubitably true that the bourgeois opRussia certainly not on account of its or position in this country to the League of Nations Bolsaevism. And whereas other newspapers is to some extent, sham, mere politics played boastingly proclaimed the Riga Peace as Polish by politicians out of employment. Yet whind Vi tory. the Times soberly commented that it this vell of sham there is sincere bourgeois was not Polish victory. but that it WAS AB opposition to the League of Nations convenant.
said, peace without victory; but The nature of this antagonism fe most clearly with a necessary peace for the Poles as well 18 sees when we analyse the defect! ons from the not more so tban for the Russians Peace regular party ranks. Especially noteworthy are becoming more and more recognized Icon.
the Republican defections They fall under two ditio sine quo non for any rehabilitation 10 beads, Iinanciers and publicists, educators, etc. Europe. The American financial capitalists de First as to the publicists, educators, etc. sire the business of supervising the peace of the pro league independents; they are the er. Europe. The mutual Jealogies, economic, national, ponents of middle class dennocracy. Their point racial and religious antipathies excited among of view is most aptly set forth in the words of the small nations must be quieted. This can be the banker. Thos. Lamont, in his letter to accomplished by, at least this task can be apEdwin Gay, publisher of the Evening Post, proached by, seemingly neutral organization Mr Laino Own paper. Lamont writes RS like the League, through the interineddling of follows: At first and last, the League re and extra European power like the United States.
cognizes that wars are due largely to inisunder Our League interventionists do not express this Blandings and misrepresentations. The cure for thought crudely and in naked language. They Lisunderstanding is candid interchange of. views. clothe it with beautiful. Idealistic phrases. La.
Tho antidote for misrepresentation is common mont, in the above mentioned letter to Gay.
accessibility to the facts. The present League thus unburdeus himself, Shall America equip creates an organization for the interchange of ped in intellectual power and material re facts and or opinions. To prevent the growth sources to lead a world, now turn her back and of distrust in the vital need of the world to duy with clouded vision, reject that moral leader.
and to do that end, the League 16 clearly de ship WHICH THE LESSER NATIONS OF THE signed. This is the stock pacifist conception EARTH EXTREAT HER TO ASSUME. The of the cause of wars It 18 because of this con Kipling brand of linperialism dilated plaintively ception that pacifists are continually searching on tho White Man Burden. Our newer ca.
for honest diplomats who will candidly declare montiun finperialism tearfully echoes the burden of the larger nations.
Only the naive, puerlle brain of a pacifist, or The industrial capitalists. and the small the willfully perverted inind of a banker liko bankers on the other hand, do not see things Lainont can for a moment entertain the thought In the Bune light as their larger Anancial that a war which was responsible for the death brothers. Their interests in Europe are reinote, and starvation of nations, the crippling of not intense; particular, not general. Their eyes millions more, the most dreadful devastation are on their own country.
Doinestic issues, Ever wrought in the world history, could in any as they call it, occupy their attention almost naniner be due to mere misunderstanding. How. exclusively. Their most important foreign IRRUO ever, it is convenient for Thomas Lainont to in the tarirr. Indeed, it 18 significant that while apparas naive and simple as a child profes Hurdins hus more than nca mentioned the 15 a total innocence and ignoranco of material tarim in his cupaign fpeshes, Cox has been facts ven though such knowledge is absolutely uniformly xilent on tho ject. As rosult of Indisponki Jo In Che banking trade of which he thus lexullam of industrial pital, the industrial.
li one of the leading Algures.
INTH Are hardly interes In the peaco und them intorference in stability of Europe.
The great American financiera, the frm of Morgan Co. of which Mr. Lamont IS partnor European air mheung enter taxution (always have never made a secret of their sponsorship a nishtinuro. diversion of American business of the League of Nations. In fact, they have Interests, erolinent In questions in which they are not Concerned. or concerned but reRwdly whare in the fruning of the Vorsailles Peace Treaty and the languo Covenant Moromutely.
over, to go back year and ball in our Thuro another factor which Roes to history, it was Morgan. o, who had Copy mako American finperialinin hostilo lo Longue of Nations. Our Inpurialium be Evitated Statement of of Joffe (FROM DECEMBER 18, SOLIDARITY) BULLETIN.
On account of the articles appearing in the Monthly, attacking revolutionary organizations of this and other countries in manner which is contrary to the policy laid down by the General Executive Board at its previous sessions, and so many complaints coming into the Ceneral Office, the General Exo.
cutive Board has found it necessary to remove the Editor, John Sandgren, in order to maintain harmony and discipline in the organization (Signed) GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD.
their ideas and policies, VOTE ON THE REFERENDUM The vote on the Third International having been counted and tabulated, it was found that all propositions were defeated, and as many resolutions and protests Were recelved from industrial Unions and Branches well from Individual members, audas najority of the GE had sanctioned the withdrawal of the referenduin on the above proposition, the has declared the ballot void extepting the Constitutional amendment o! electing mumbers direct by the Industrial Luions that they represent, which was carried. Signed) Chairman, REPORT OF BALLOT COMMITTEE We, undersigned ballot committe on refer enduin of Third International and Constitutional Amendment. bave nado a tabulation of total vote omst, and und the following to be the result: 1xt Proposition YES: 602; NO: 1668 2nd Proportion YES: 913; NO: 1113 3rd roportion YES: 1111: NO 994 Tho Ballot Committee Ands 127 protest bal lots voting NO on all propositions of the Third Internationul, that, therefore, defeat the entire reforenduin on the Third International, We ulko And 319 defectivo ballots that had to be thrown out, Voto OL Consututional Amendment: 2264; NO: 246 (8180od)